Collecting DVDs

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Dirty White Boy
Nov 30, 2017
I like to collect DVD movies and I've been collecting for years so I have amassed quite a collection. Movies and TV shows especially TV seasons. Now when you have this many the cases were taking up a lot of room so I tossed em. A lot of them were flimsy anyway. The movies are on spindles (cake boxes).

I have lots of good old movies that you don't see anymore but worth watching again. Lots of them are not seen in NetFlix or Prime Video (I don't know about the others like HULU). Most of them I found in pawn shops and bargain bins.

The TV seasons was a lucky find. The thrift store had three tables full of DVDs and VCR tapes and I bought all I can with the money in my wallet. I came back with more money and cheery picked them for time to time til it petered out. They priced them to 50 cents a DVD in a set so yeah, it's a steal.

Ok, why am I collecting all this stuff? I'll have to tell you a little history. I have a hearing impairment and I wear hearing aids. When I was younger my hearing loss was so severe that hearing aids doesn't do much for me. I miss a lot so TV and Movies are hard for me to understand that I only can enjoy the video. I didn't go to movies or watch TV much but I read a lot and I mean a lot.

Also back then there was no closed captioning at all so all hearing impaired folks are left out. Like me.

This is where I'm catching up. All my DVDs have cc/SDH included.

My hearing impairment was caused by Scarlet Fever I had as a child. I lost 65% of my hearing but my hearing was improving slowly over the years. Now I have 85% of my hearing which is helping a lot but I have to wear hearing aids to get it.

Ok, here's some pics of my collections. I have a brand new DVD player up there for redundancy. I've built a shelf across my window for the movies and a bookcase on the wall for the TV season sets. Those I keep them in their cases.

So what about you guys? Y'all collect anything? :cool:


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