What's everybody doing today?

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The weather here today was 96 & sunny. The good news is that we have more predictions of rain, but not today or tomorrow. So.....I had some outside painting to do, with the wife's help. I put the first coat up while she did the trim. I chased her off & because of the heat I was able to put another coat on. Oh & I was going up & down a ladder both coats. I could barely stand when I came in & stumbled twice. Just like the man said on Lethal Weapon, I'm getting too old for this S***.
Recovering (quite nicely) from my recent trip to Baltimore. I wasn't sure I would ever fly again after my health issues last year, but I did it and I survived. I walked a lot and did many stairs.... also something I thought I might never do again.

I am energized.
glad your trip went well! Hope mine goes well too ( 5 hour drive, then 7 hour flight, then 1.5 hour flight)
All day I thought it was Friday but its in fact Thursday
In few hours we will jump into Friday
I went all day..almost 5 hours all together with my *grocery list*
then back home by the highway
I always do it write it on a paper sheet and I bring a pen to scratch
:) Yeah happy day ..I did notice people was in good mood too

Critters: Cats and Dog were all happy when I was back home :p

I think it will be a good night !
Sleep well to you all

Here is *one of my mother favorite piece of classical music* 💐💕

Just finished a wet, muddy day at work and drove the 115 miles home. We installed 380 feet of good used rail to replace an awful stretch of battered rail with several crushed head defects in it. We had to wait all morning to get the track, but once we did it went well. Now I'm home and getting ready for Mother's Day weekend. Hopefully the weather stays nice. The rivers are bank full and it won't take much to send them above flood stage...
Worked, came home and fiddled around outside while wife cooked supper. Now parked on the front porch with a nice stogie. Going by the dam on my way home, they had 7 flood gates running. We've had 3 to 4 inches of rain last couple of days and they just got the lake to full pool 2 weeks ago. That lake is the head of the Tennessee River. Bet there will be some flooding in Chattanooga. Down south around the had 5 to 6 inches.
Funny, just had lunch with a cousin I haven't seen in a few years, lives just down the road but has had several serious health issues of late. We actually played little league baseball together as kids. It was good to catch up. Said his grand daughter is in the state finals for hs girls softball, play this weekend somewhere.

Anyway, the funny part… He’s my third cousin. He married a woman who is also my 3rd cousin through a different branch of my family. They aren’t related but I’m related to both of them independently of each other. Which one gets me in a divorce? 🤣

I have a second cousin that’s also my my aunt. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Just finished a wet, muddy day at work and drove the 115 miles home. We installed 380 feet of good used rail to replace an awful stretch of battered rail with several crushed head defects in it. We had to wait all morning to get the track, but once we did it went well. Now I'm home and getting ready for Mother's Day weekend. Hopefully the weather stays nice. The rivers are bank full and it won't take much to send them above flood stage...
Thanks! I had to ask. I thought Mother’s Day was next weekend.

Today was my Friday- hallelujah! It’s been a long week. I could probably fall asleep now but then I’d wake up way too early. Have a long list of things to get done tomorrow. Will see how well that super cape works 😂
Finally went in and had a funky lump taken off my neck shoulder area next to my spine. Kind of a fatty cyst or something that wasnt painful just worrisome. Had a great surgeon who did it in a surgery center since it was so close to the spine.

i wanted to get it taken care of now in case things fall apart this summer. Being lazy at home eating pizza and ice cream...

Big sigh of relief now that its done..
Finally went in and had a funky lump taken off my neck shoulder area next to my spine. Kind of a fatty cyst or something that wasnt painful just worrisome. Had a great surgeon who did it in a surgery center since it was so close to the spine.

i wanted to get it taken care of now in case things fall apart this summer. Being lazy at home eating pizza and ice cream...

Big sigh of relief now that its done..
Good thinking and glad you are doing well and have ice cream to help you mend.
It must of been an ice cream night! We had some, too, with a brownie. I made a bunch of brownies today with some to take to husband's doc appt tomorrow morning. The nurse that we see all the time will be taking out husband's midline tomorrow, and it's her birthday. Hooray for sleep this weekend!
Got some stuff done around the house, moved and filled a bookcase in the guest room, repaired the top of the large turkey run, broke up a catfight with the unknown mean male that keeps coming by. Worked a bit in the greenhouse. And POOF the day was gone.
Little granddaughter was over the moon when she came home from school today....first place trophy for the entire school in the Spelling Bee. Cute trophy with a bumble bee on it.
It was a very long day. Drive 2 hours to Oklahoma City to see Hubby’s daughter graduate with her PhD in nursing. Then a 2 hour wait to meet at a restaurant to have dinner. Then the drive home. I’m pooped.
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I sympathize with your grandma...I'm that grandma. I have a flip phone.
Went to the grade school graduation. Little granddaughter's 7th grade classmates were recognized (6 of them), and then there were 2 8th grade graduates. A couple of prayers said, a song sung, recognition of students, then cookies and punch. They've got a few more days of school next week, then summer break. Too bad the school is closing.
Spoken like a true grandma.
I will be joining that group of grandma's next week.
Estelle will be in 2 grade next year.
Her big sister graduates High school this Sunday.
Then she has 1 year old brother at Dad's house.
And 5 month old brother at Mom's house.
Reign will be starting preschool in August.
Nyx will be at daycare.
After next week I will have Estelle at least one day a week.
Maybe 2 days until school starts back up in August.
So far her agenda is cooking, particularly baking pies.
Going to the library at least once a week.
Having coffee with the guys at the Veterans building.
Impromptu Granny's sleepovers with both her brothers at least once with both of them.
School gets out next Wednesday at 1245.
Looks like I can cut the grass here today, and maybe up north tomorrow.

I hate being awake at 2:30 am, it's what happens when you fall asleep in the recliner at 8 pm :p
Pretty much caught up on the animal care I needed to do before trip , debating if I should give the lambs their second CDT shot or wait till after. It's a little less than 2 weeks for a few, but it will be over a month for some if I wait.
Might pull some weeds in the garden and start packing
Taking little granddaughter to school in a bit. Water day at her school today. She's excited. Then taking husband in to get his line out. I'll have to do animal chores after we get home. Probably getting set up for rooster butchering tomorrow morning, too.
No finger butchering, careful this time!!😉
Hard to get on here right now.
Had to go 70 miles away yesterday for audiologist to do temp fix on DH's hearing aid, since Bo ate the ear piece. Went to Walmart while over there. Found a clearanced microwave/ air fryer combo for $70. That is less than the microwave we have now- but I'm keeping it for now. Wanted one appliance/ dual use! Also hit a salvage store on the way back. Orkin came to inspect and refill bait trays.

Today, already walked.
Walked dogs.
Going to clean up jewelry in a few minutes.
Not sure what else.

The nurse that we see all the time will be taking out husband's midline tomorrow,
Glad he is getting his out. DH has two weeks to go!
Just booked the flights and rental car for my daughter and me to go to Florida in June. My 2 uncles both live in the same town on the Gulf side, and daughter doesn't really know them. One has some severe health problems and travel is difficult for him so he doesn't get back to the Midwest. This might be our last chance to ever see him.

We'll have 4 days there. On the gulf side we'll go hunting for shark teeth and shells at Sanibel Island. Neither of us has ever dipped our toes in the Atlantic so we'll go over near Port St Lucie to the beach. We'll see the Glades in the middle. Maybe get an air boat ride and see some Gators. I'm looking forward to it.
It must of been an ice cream night! We had some, too, with a brownie. I made a bunch of brownies today with some to take to husband's doc appt tomorrow morning. The nurse that we see all the time will be taking out husband's midline tomorrow, and it's her birthday. Hooray for sleep this weekend!
Got some stuff done around the house, moved and filled a bookcase in the guest room, repaired the top of the large turkey run, broke up a catfight with the unknown mean male that keeps coming by. Worked a bit in the greenhouse. And POOF the day was gone.
Little granddaughter was over the moon when she came home from school today....first place trophy for the entire school in the Spelling Bee. Cute trophy with a bumble bee on it.
we have several cats around and every once in a while a mean cat comes around. Sometimes they are just hungry and try going thru our garbage.
But our cats come first so I keep a live trap handy and bait it with some canned cat food and trap the bad cat... Usualy a time out for most of the night cures them of coming around...In the summer they get a free bath before I let them out of the non harming trap.
Now I'm relaxing after work. It's been a good week with plenty of work after a tornado hit a few miles from home. Me along with a few dump trucks, lots of chainsaws and about 10 employees are on cleanup detail. I have an easy and fun job running a tractor with forks to lift, move, load logs and feed a wood chipper. I'd work tomorrow (Saturday) too, there's plenty of work.
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