Covid again

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Yeah.. not bragging, that's asking for it, but NO jab, No covid here.
I'm thinking the vax actually makes it easier to catch! My aunt and uncle broke down and took theirs,
Now they have both caught it and they both are weak as kittens where before they were healthy and active!
I gotta say no to the vax jack.
I really think those that got the jabs are more at risk to developing Covid for more than one time. The Vaxx breaks down the natural immune system. Hunny and I have both caught Covid this year. He did far worse than I did, but have to take in consideration that he is 22 years older than me and he was not taking CDS like I was. I basically lost my taste and was tired. He had high fever, cough, congestion along with loss of taste.

Edit to say we are both unvaccinated.
I had a major side effect from the vaccine. I am not producing red blood cells. It started a month after I got the shots. Since last August I have had my blood drawn 14 times and 5 IVs of iron rich blood. Will need more in a month or two. My doctor and 3 specialists all say the vaccine caused it.
The VAERS site lists 200,000 personal anecdotes.
That is no longer a "personal anecdote". That is compiled data - which is meaningful (assuming it was compiled honestly, and scientifically).

That was my point. Individual anecdotes - "I wore a mask, and I got sick", or "I didn't wear a mask, and I didn't get sick", or "I took this herb, and I didn't get sick" - are what I was talking about as meaningless personal anecdotes.

Sorry to hear that you were one of the ones who ended up getting sick.
My wife has had it twice too after the shots.
No jabs and no covid. My wife makes her own decisions and won't listen to me on most subjects, covid and the jabs in particular. She also trusts the government and MSM. Get better Rusty.
That is no longer a "personal anecdote". That is compiled data - which is meaningful (assuming it was compiled honestly, and scientifically).

That was my point. Individual anecdotes - "I wore a mask, and I got sick", or "I didn't wear a mask, and I didn't get sick", or "I took this herb, and I didn't get sick" - are what I was talking about as meaningless personal anecdotes.

Sorry to hear that you were one of the ones who ended up getting sick.
Actually VAERS is self reported, so technically, also anecdotal until verified by researchers. Just gives them a good place to start.
Sorry to hear you're sick. I've gotten 3 vaccines. Got COVID before the vaccines were available, then I'm pretty sure I got delta, but it was more like a runny nose and I was just tired. Since I got my booster, have been exposed numerous times, no COVID.
I've had the Pfizer #1 and #2, no confirmed 'Vid here. I may or may not have had Omicron around the time my kid had it, although I had no contact with her during the time she was supposed to have been contagious. I had a pretty good head and chest cold at that time, but nothing worse than I've had any other year.

When it comes to the Vax, I always like to remember this - The Pharm companies never said it would keep you from getting the 'Vid. They said it would cut down the chances some, and keep the symptoms down if you did get it. That seems to have been the case with those I've personally talked to who've been fully vaxxed and then gotten the 'Vid. However some of those were getting it for the second or even 3rd time so it's likely there was some retained natural immunity in effect, too.

This whole Covid Pro vaxx/Anti vaxx thing is getting very tired and I'm sick of the BS from both sides. I think from here on out I'll avoid the topic here. Some people actually take Fauci and his ilk at their word, and others actually take Zerohedge and Natural News at their word. All of them are as full of feces as a Porta potty...
Actually VAERS is self reported, so technically, also anecdotal until verified by researchers. Just gives them a good place to start.
Sorry to hear you're sick. I've gotten 3 vaccines. Got COVID before the vaccines were available, then I'm pretty sure I got delta, but it was more like a runny nose and I was just tired. Since I got my booster, have been exposed numerous times, no COVID.
If you got a chance to dance with Delta, you got some pretty dang-good antibodies from it. :thumbs:
They are probably what they made the monoclonal infusions from.
I know mine have fought off puny Omicron at least once that I am certain of, (probably more than that). Four other people at the party all got it. :confused:
..."The Force is Strong in This One"
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@Supervisor42 I like to think I could lick the hospital floor and not get sick. Haha - I rarely ever get sick.
@Spikedriver I'm with you, the rhetoric on both extreme sides is really tiresome. I will say, have not taken care of any vaccine injured in the ICU. I haven't taken care of any healthy people who were vaccinated. I have taken care of immunocompromised who got 2 shots, not a booster, and it remains to be seen how things play out further. Currently no one in my ICU with COVID as a primary diagnosis (knock on wood).
@Supervisor42 I like to think I could lick the hospital floor and not get sick. Haha - I rarely ever get sick.
@Spikedriver I'm with you, the rhetoric on both extreme sides is really tiresome. I will say, have not taken care of any vaccine injured in the ICU. I haven't taken care of any healthy people who were vaccinated. I have taken care of immunocompromised who got 2 shots, not a booster, and it remains to be seen how things play out further. Currently no one in my ICU with COVID as a primary diagnosis (knock on wood).
I personally knew one woman who most likely got blood clots from the Vax and died from it, although indirectly. She was a recovering meth addict, grossly obese, and generally just in rough shape anyway. She got the clots and ended up being sent in for emergency amputation of one of her feet, and ended up dying on the table.

Other than that I don't know anyone who had any complications from the Vax other than feeling ill for a couple days.
I personally knew one woman who most likely got blood clots from the Vax and died from it, although indirectly. She was a recovering meth addict, grossly obese, and generally just in rough shape anyway. She got the clots and ended up being sent in for emergency amputation of one of her feet, and ended up dying on the table.

Other than that I don't know anyone who had any complications from the Vax other than feeling ill for a couple days.
That's terrible. Clotting disorders are definitely on the uptick, vaxxed or not, it's a horrible complication of COVID. Early on during the pandemic, the first couple of months I took care of a sick (at baseline) woman, my age (mid 40's), with end stage renal disease on dialysis, diabetes, hypertension and she was Hispanic too...basically all the bad things. She went into DIC which is where you clot and bleed at the same time, and essentially bled out in front of us. Rare, but horrifying as we didn't know if this would be the norm. Thankfully it wasn't.
That's terrible. Clotting disorders are definitely on the uptick, vaxxed or not, it's a horrible complication of COVID. Early on during the pandemic, the first couple of months I took care of a sick (at baseline) woman, my age (mid 40's), with end stage renal disease on dialysis, diabetes, hypertension and she was Hispanic too...basically all the bad things. She went into DIC which is where you clot and bleed at the same time, and essentially bled out in front of us. Rare, but horrifying as we didn't know if this would be the norm. Thankfully it wasn't.
Autoimmune disorders are up, too. Type 1 diabetes diagnoses have jumped among those who've recovered from Covid. Since the public at large is ignorant about Type 1 and doesn't understand that it's an autoimmune disease, there's been a bit of a freak out. My T1 forum is full of people crying about, how did Covid give me T1? The explanation is so simple, but people can't wrap their heads around it and they think it has to be because they ate too many donuts...
Autoimmune disorders are up, too. Type 1 diabetes diagnoses have jumped among those who've recovered from Covid. Since the public at large is ignorant about Type 1 and doesn't understand that it's an autoimmune disease, there's been a bit of a freak out. My T1 forum is full of people crying about, how did Covid give me T1? The explanation is so simple, but people can't wrap their heads around it and they think it has to be because they ate too many donuts...
Yes there is a huge difference between type 1 and type 2, and unfortunately the huge stigma surrounding diabetes, it must be because you don't take care of yourself :rolleyes:
I currently have it, as well as my dad. I work in a chain pharmacy that administers the Pfizer shot. I'm the only one of our team that is not vaxxed. I was actually 3 days away from being "voluntarily resigned" for not getting it--then they quietly rescinded the decree. One of my coworkers--who is triple vaxxed--was exposed at her daughter's graduation. For nearly two and 1/2 years I've managed to dodge it in NJ's ground zero area. Not this time. Dad's been J&J'd--when it first came out--and has the equivalent of a head cold. Tickly cough and congestion. I've got mild sore throat, headache, low grade fever that comes and goes and fits of exhaustion. The gal I work with has the exact same as I.

I've seen people get every shot/booster they can and still get covid. Have taken the paxlovid and two weeks later rebound covid. I know plenty of people who haven't gotten vaxed and haven't gotten it.

It truly doesn't matter if you got vaxed, didn't get vaxed. If you get covid, you are still going to treat your symptoms. Same as you do when you get a flu shot and then get flu. Or don't get a flu shot and get flu.

@rusty I am sorry for what you are going through. I know a few people who's medical status has changed rapidly after receiving the vaccine. I also lost a friend to it. Knew her since we were 3 years old.
Funny thing, I've mentioned this before, maybe someone has proof one way or another:
Smokers of tobacco and Type 0 negative people are extremely resistant to ALL strains of the vid so far.
I heard BOTH stories approximately ONCE each, and they went away. Caveat, UNLESS they were vaccinated!
Funny thing, I've mentioned this before, maybe someone has proof one way or another:
Smokers of tobacco and Type 0 negative people are extremely resistant to ALL strains of the vid so far.
I heard BOTH stories approximately ONCE each, and they went away. Caveat, UNLESS they were vaccinated!
I can only offer anecdotal info.
When we had our "Delta" party when hurricane refugees/relatives moved into the house bringing Delta with them, there were 7 people living in close quarters for 3 days here.
We were all together constantly.
MIL is O-negative and had one jab.
EVERYBODY ELSE got sick...... she got nothing!!!
Paint that picture however you like. :rolleyes:
(I, myself, believe she is an android.gaah :confused:)
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