CPI never ending pain!

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Consumer Price Index was up 4.2% April 2021 , 8.3% April 2022 and only up 4.9%. Does that mean it is up 17.4% in the three years of Bidens president?

I usually do the grocery shopping. Sent the husband to the store to pick up a couple of things since he was already going to be in town.

He was stunned.

Has anyone else noticed that it costs about the same for ingredients to cook at home as it does to eat the same dish at a restaurant? What's up with that?

Back in the 70's when we had this sort of thing happening, eating at home was a big money saver. This time it seems like either huge discounts are being given to restaurants buying bulk vs the consumers, or consumers are being fleeced.

The inflation is more like nearing 50% since Biden got in.

Sometime in the late 80's they changed the way they calculate the "official" inflation rate. The new way they do it makes it look like much less than it actually is. Look up "shadow stats" and go to the website to see what the real inflation rate today is, calculated like it was in the Carter era.
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Correction; Early rather than late 80's.

Here is the chart from Shadowstats


See that plunge around '83? That is after they changed the calculations. Then, note the hockey stick spike in 2021-ish.

Keep in mind, the prices are not coming back down, just the rate of the increase is slowing.

There is also a calculator there where you can enter a dollar amount and two dates and find the government stated CPI vs actual, but you need to be a subscriber to get the actual shadow stat. You can however see that the official CPI between April of 2019 and April of 2024 is 18.71%.

The shadow stat measurement is more than double that. But shhhh! Sheeple don't want to know.
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Correction; Early rather than late 80's.

Here is the chart from Shadowstats

View attachment 19774

See that plunge around '83? That is after they changed the calculations. Then, note the hockey stick spike in 2021-ish.

Keep in mind, the prices are not coming back down, just the rate of the increase is slowing.

There is also a calculator there where you can enter a dollar amount and two dates and find the government stated CPI vs actual, but you need to be a subscriber to get the actual shadow stat. You can however see that the official CPI between April of 2019 and April of 2024 is 18.71%.

The shadow stat measurement is more than double that. But shhhh! Sheeple don't want to know.
I think they took the price of fuel out of these calculations too. The cost of fuel affects the price of everything. And once the price of goods goes up, it rarely drops back to pre inflation levels. The price of crude is $71 per barrel today, and our gasoline is $3.95 per gallon, and diesel is over $4 a gallon.
Recently I was looking at an inflation chart from the mid 1700's to present. It was interesting to see that we had virtually no inflation, until fairly recently. This graph can be found at kitco.com.

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