Creating A Bug-Out-Bag

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no, tbh, i saw it on Duel Survival, I've seen it done before, but i didn't remember it until i saw the show yesterday.
ill see if i can find a link or something though.
it does make sense, though, Brillo pads are a type of conduit metal, being placed onna 9volt battery would arch it.
Thank you so much for the link! I will definitely check it out today.
NP, that link shows how to start fires with a AAA battery and a staple, how to use a car battery jumper cables and a pencil, the brillow pad trick etc.
you know what, i might just start a thread on it. lol.
NP, that link shows how to start fires with a AAA battery and a staple, how to use a car battery jumper cables and a pencil, the brillow pad trick etc.
you know what, i might just start a thread on it. lol.
Please do! I am all for a thread devoted to this subject! Especially since I don't think my lighters will last forever.....
49. Super Glue:
this can be useful on anything from a cut (sealing the wound) to repairing your tent, clothes, or even your rain gear and drinking containers.
50. A Gold Pan:
After a few weeks of you setting up camp, or bunkering down, your gonna get bored, might as well pan for some gold, it will be a great commotity.
50. A Gold Pan:
After a few weeks of you setting up camp, or bunkering down, your gonna get bored, might as well pan for some gold, it will be a great commotity.
I guess that would be good entertainment.
LOL, one could say, it would be a "golden" opprtunity.
LOL, one could say, it would be a "golden" opprtunity.
LOL, Nice!
As a kid we learned how to pan for gold while we were studying California history. I doubt I have improved much since then.
LOL, Nice!
As a kid we learned how to pan for gold while we were studying California history. I doubt I have improved much since then.
my ex-step-father was real big on gold panning, dredging, and making sluth boxes, so i have a little experiance in it, although we never made much lol
my ex-step-father was real big on gold panning, dredging, and making sluth boxes, so i have a little experiance in it, although we never made much lol
my last experience was in the late 70's.... yes i am old
51. Wood Carving Tools:
this one would be mostly for the wilderness bound folks.
with wood carving tools, it will be much easier to build a cabin, make wood spoons etc.
51. Wood Carving Tools:
this one would be mostly for the wilderness bound folks.
with wood carving tools, it will be much easier to build a cabin, make wood spoons etc.
Good call! I'm not all that good with woodworking, but I would have plenty of time to learn while residing in the sticks
ya me neither but I'm sure ill figure it out eventually lol.
ya me neither but I'm sure ill figure it out eventually lol.
Maybe I should start looking it up on You Tube now, before it's too late.
Maybe I should start looking it up on You Tube now, before it's too late.
oh i know how, but ive never really done it before.
I may just go get some soon, sounds kinda fun anyway.
oh i know how, but ive never really done it before.
I may just go get some soon, sounds kinda fun anyway.
It does doesn't it.
i kinda wonder a little, what would happen legally, if i went up into the forest and pre-built a cabin?
i kinda wonder a little, what would happen legally, if i went up into the forest and pre-built a cabin?
I am willing to bet some idiot would either torch it or destroy it in some manner.
ya i bet.
btw, its illegal to build a cabin in the open forest without owning the land or permits.
ya i bet.
btw, its illegal to build a cabin in the open forest without owning the land or permits.
Yeah there is that whole property ownership issue, and then comes the building permits. But as we saw in that video you posted, ownership in L.A. County does mean a thing.
I would also suggest getting a good quality bag. One that you could walk miles in. I know this seems like its a given but until recently I thought my bag would be great for anything. Just walking through walmart recently i tried on a backpack with an internal frame, my god it was so comfortable... I wanted to wear it just because it felt great lol. Anyways, it opened my eyes to what comfort in a backpack really is and soon I will be dropping the extra bit of cash for a good bag.
I would also suggest getting a good quality bag. One that you could walk miles in. I know this seems like its a given but until recently I thought my bag would be great for anything. Just walking through walmart recently i tried on a backpack with an internal frame, my god it was so comfortable... I wanted to wear it just because it felt great lol. Anyways, it opened my eyes to what comfort in a backpack really is and soon I will be dropping the extra bit of cash for a good bag.
ya i have a army national guard pack, its got a bunch of cool pockets and comfort, however, i would love a pack i could tie a pup tent n bed roll to, that would save space, and be useful. for me personally, comfortability is only a minor option, as my destination isnt too far. durability, however, is my main consern.
ya i have a army national guard pack, its got a bunch of cool pockets and comfort, however, i would love a pack i could tie a pup tent n bed roll to, that would save space, and be useful. for me personally, comfortability is only a minor option, as my destination isnt too far. durability, however, is my main consern.
I too am big on quality.

I still have and use my original issue ruck sack from when I was in the army. It is sturdy as hell. I can fit a lot of stuff in it.
i was reading up, on the list for ideas on what to buy next, when i came accross your post here.
well as you might have guessed, im becoming quite the ebay junky, lol.
they have p-38s on ebay, just to let you know.
alot of people wonder what they should put in a bug out bag. there are many different idems you can put in these bags. you might want to think of a few things while creating your own bug bag, like what climate your living, or plan to be living in, what kind of animals (if any) may be where you are, or going... etc...
i also suggest while picking idems, that you pick idems with duel purposes, this not only gives you a range of different idems from 1 idem, but cuts down on weight too!
here is a list of what i want in my bug bag (more of a wish list atm lol) and a brief reason why:
1. water, i suggest as many small bottles as i can fit, small bottles cuz they dont take up as much space in your pack.
2. tylenol-asprin-ibuprofin: you never know when you need them, take only 1 at a time due to limited resources.
3. a first aid emergency kit- build you own or buy a good one.
4. flint striker: some can use nothing to build a fire, but wouldnt you rather make it easy?
5. a survival knife: i will recomend a large fixed blade knife, me, im going with a crocodile dundee type bowie, sooo many uses!
6. flashlight: i prefer a self wind/solar with a radio and possably a charger outlet.
7. small keychain light: for personal, oops forgot the good one light.
8. a palm size container: to put stuff like caught bugs for fishing, used candle wax, tree sap glue, etc.
9. swiss army knife: buy a good one, dollar store knifes bend easy.
10. safty pins: these can be used for arm slings, a quick fix clothing etc.
11. water proof matches: easier than a flint n steel.
12. lighters: easy fire starter, and their cheap, and become other useful idems when taken apart.
13. iodine pads: they can not only be used for medical, but if you drop 1 in a quart of water it will clean microbs in half hour.
14. hand sewing needles: for stitching wounds, cloths, bend for extra fish hooks...etc.
15. 3 yards/meters dental floss: used for snare traps, stitching wounds, hygene, or even killing by throat.
16. anti-diarreah pills: when your low on water, dehydration from diarreah would not be good, besides the fact its the last thing you want when shtf! (rofl)
17. baking soda- its cheap toothpaste, and if you have chronic heartburn like myself its wonderful, put it in a ziplock to save space.
18. ziplock bags: store water, food, rain catchers etc.
19. mylar blankets: warmth, and can catch rain, be used as shelter etc.
20. trash bags: for carrying stuff, water catch, rain poncho, hobo sleeping bag etc.
21. ribbon-twine-shoestrings-rope: i prefer paracord to most, and there are many, many uses.
22. fishing kit: i prefer one with pre made hook lines, split shots, bobbers etc.
23. tube socks: ya i hate them but water filters, feet, storage for idems etc
24. shirts: regular t-shirts are good for arm slings, bandages, shirts etc.
25. small knife: for skinning, cooking, simple stuff that a bowies over kill but swiss just doesnt cut it, no pun intended.
26. magnifying glasses: start fires by sunlight, read maps, or amuse yourself n kill ants lol.
27. hygene products: tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, feminine products etc.
28. scissors: i prefer the heavy duty kitchen scissors, ive used them in mechanics and pruning my vegetation as well as all scissors are ment for.
29. strait razor: how many gillet fusion razors do you think you'll find when shtf, strait razors can be resharpened, and used as a weapon.
30. toilet paper: for... you know, and good fire starter.
31. canteens/water bag: i think this explains itself.
32. stainless steel cup/small pot: for cooking or boiling snow etc.
33. medical face masks n95 rated: there will be alot of death, death=disese, or pandemic, good water/coffiee filters.
34. small bottles of bleach: 3 drops per quart of water kills microbs in half hour.
35. plastic/rubber dish gloves: more durable than medical gloves, and good rain catchers too.
36. food: some will go with MREs, but you can put spam, 3 packs of ramen in a ziplock to save space, and peanut butter anything high calories and less weight, most say 3 days at least, but i say as much as you can!
37. guns n ammo: your choice!
also if you have a baby: pack extra formula, if that young, or/and something to smash your food to be baby edible and baby stuff: dipers, bottles, some toys etc.
small kids bring crayons and coloring books a few toys, something to keep them feeling somewhat normal!
oh ya....
38. bardering idems: im taking tobacco and papers mostly because i smoke, but theres other things like silver coins before 1964 that are 90% silver...etc
39. duct tape: probably one of the most usefull idems made!
i hope this helps, please add to it if you find other useful stuff!
Wow what a great list thank you. I will be adding a few items May I suggest a Bullet Proof Panel from Magnum Anti Ballistic Systems it is a 12x16x1/2 panel that weighs 20 ounces and is flexible that I put in my pack the panel has a rating of NIJ 3A I hope this was useful