Czech Republic new gun amendment

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Dies Irae

Awesome Friend
Nov 29, 2019
Czech Republic

Finaly my gov made something worth sharing. From now on EU cant regulate weapon owners here.
Just like in US it is now my right and freedom to own and use a gun.I was afraid that we could end up like UK where you can be charged for owning anything that even looks like a weapon ( seen a UK police post about confiscating plastic forks,pointy sticks or even a bicykle wheel).

And for that picture.... I know that the kid is gonna have a bad day if it pulls the trigger.

Nice going! Can you get full auto? I still want an AK 47.
Checked for a bit and it seems it is possible to get the AK47 or other fully auto. Its a lot of tests,paperworks and in the end i need to get "exception" from local police station.

Basicaly i have to tell everyone that i dont want to arm myself with it... I just love how it looks and want to add guns like this one to my collection.

But that means the state will send police once a year to visit your house and check if you have the gun stored and maintenanced like the law tells you to.
What kind of castle laws do you mean? As far as i know i can buy or build a castle if i want to.
Castle Law: Your home is your castle and you may defend it with deadly force.
A good example of a strong castle law is Mississippi.
You can read the law here (quite enlightening): allows deadly force when defending one's self from murder or a felony. This also applies to the person's home, occupied vehicle, or business. Force maybe used to stop the unlawful entry of an aggressor, the kidnapping of an individual, or any forcible act.
You cannot be sued if you acted in accordance to the law. If someone tries to sue you, not only will he automatically lose, he will be liable for all legal fees, court costs, other expenses and loss of income incurred due to your having to go to court.
Finaly my gov made something worth sharing. From now on EU cant regulate weapon owners here.

I readed this in our news too, my congratulations to this!
But how long it will take until the EU starts to discriminate the Czech Republik like they do with Hungary?
Myself, i would have party-time and an empty bar at the day the EU dies....
I readed this in our news too, my congratulations to this!
But how long it will take until the EU starts to discriminate the Czech Republik like they do with Hungary?
Myself, i would have party-time and an empty bar at the day the EU dies....
Discriminating us is pretty much all they can do once the president signs it. At this point we are used to be seen as the untrained cattle that needs to learn its place. So far EU is treating all V4 countries like garbage. Year or two back they wanted to force us to disband the V4 agreement and got laughed for thinking we will leave. I really hope that V4 will survive the fall of EU. Same as you ....once the whole thing crashes and burns i will be smilling in a bar with a beer in hand and smile on my face.
I will be toasting a big drink to all of us here if the EU would just finally crash!!!Germany burned all their old D-mark monies, Spain burned all their Pesetas, Italy burned all their WORTHLESS Lira, Austria burned all their Shillings....what did France do? JUST TO SHOW HOW MUCH THEY TRUSTED THE REST OF EU TO SURVIVE....THEY put all their Franks into underground bunkers with a controlled temperature and humidity to make sure if the EU collapses...they do not have to spend BILLIONS to PRINT NEW PAPER MONEY!! So much in trusting the EU to do well and prosper in France...
Completely off topic, but isn't the name of the country now Czechia?
They changed it on April 2016 and invested aroud 1 000 000 000czk ( 45 987 583.352 usd ) into it. They wanted to name our country Czechia in 1993 right after the split of Czechoslovakia but that was rejected because people thought the name was ugly,stupid and other countries will mistake us with Chechnya.

now after using the name Czech Republic for more than 20 years someone ( foreign minister Lubomír Zaorálek ) wanted to get more points for doing at least something. So he tryed it again and it changed. There was a huge campaing back then. They were saying stuff like the original name is long overdue and we need to change it to make ourselfes known to the world or that name Czech Republic ties us to Russia and we need to change it so everyone will know that we like the west more now.

I refuse to use the name czechia simply because the whole change was just buerocrasy,projecting and spitting on the east.Never seen anything wrong with the original name since it was the name we chose as a free country after separation from Slovakia. And screaming from pissed off left that we are czechia now and deal with it is just icing on the cake.
Sorry for the long rant ... No idea why i cant keep my posts short and simple : )
I'm sure the politics plays a part in this. There are always people in politics who are there for their own benefit, not to serve the people.
Half of my ancestors were Czech. None of my grandparents were native English speakers, half were German and half were Czech. Grandparents were all born in the U.S., but their parents were mostly not. All learned English when they went to school. I grew up in a community where there were many Bohemians. I heard the Czech language but never learned to speak it. I have done lots of genealogy research in the Czech records online, so there are some basic things about the language that I know.
I readed this in our news too, my congratulations to this!
But how long it will take until the EU starts to discriminate the Czech Republik like they do with Hungary?
Myself, i would have party-time and an empty bar at the day the EU dies....

Freedom loving countries within the EU are going to have to ban together and just say "no" to all the crazy things the EU globalists want to do to you.

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