Depopulation Agenda

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 29, 2012
There are A LOT of ways happening right now to depopulate the earth. The WEF has many thing they want accomplished. And this is NOT their ultimate goal, believe it or not. It is one of their tops though.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced during pregnancy. It can support pregnancy by allowing for the production of progesterone, which can help to prepare the lining of the uterus for implantation.

They just give them "vaccines" which it turns out bind hCG, the human pregnancy hormone, to tetanus, causing the body to develop an autoimmune reaction against hCG, sabotaging pregnancy
"Former Vice President Al Gore suggested during an interview over the weekend that a billion people will become “climate refugees” if the world does not adopt the political Left’s climate agenda. . . . "

There's a threat for ya. It will happen. like it or not. They don't give a danm about the American people! They have the ability to shut this crap down and yet they won't unless we are good little boys and girls. Hmm, Go Pound Sand! Really want to type something else off but it would not have been allowed.
I remember hearing something several years ago that many businessmen and politicians wanted to see the US population increase to over 1 billion (1,000,000,000+) people.
I'm all for reducing the US population. Start by deporting ALL of the millions of illegal aliens, the American hating foreign college punks, America hating muzlims, America hating afro 'merikins etc. That's probably 10% of our current population. Then for an added bonus, I'd deport all Californians out of the NW.
It’s certainly been in the pipeline for many decades with groups such as the club of Rome, the Rockerfella foundation and the Builder burgers. Some do claim that many of the virus’s are orchestrated by them as far back as the 1st WW. WW1 killed around 16 million people. The influenza epidemic of 1918 killed around 50 million people. There certainly be many ways to cull the population of humanity from those with the money the power and the know how.
Somehow the depopulation agenda dosn't work with the actual acting. At least in Europe.
If they really wanna reduce the population, why they import or let in everyone they find somewhere at the streetside or on sea?

I see the problems we have in Switzerland already. In the 1980's we was 6 millions. A few years there was already 8 million people. Now we're over 9 millions and the already talk about 12 millions. And we have already serious problems. A lot of those new citizens don't work, they are living from social wellfare. Health insurances, tax, rents and houseprices explode. Traffic is going to f@@k off.
The life is going very limited because the space we have is limited. And for every single "i dunno what i am" - idiot we have more limits for the rest of the citizens.

May notice: 6, 8, or 9 million people don't sound a lot. But Switzerland is an small country and we have maybe only 60% of our area where it's possible to life. Too many mountains even.
The invasion from the 3rd worlders is about REPLACEMENT OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE!!! Why? The mother WEFers know they must crash White Countries in order to rule the world!

Think about how they are pushing for Whites NOT to be given jobs now. And how they are “teaching” the invaders how they must hate Whites, while they are in camps coming to White Countries. It is very clear what the goal is.
Somehow the depopulation agenda dosn't work with the actual acting. At least in Europe.
If they really wanna reduce the population, why they import or let in everyone they find somewhere at the streetside or on sea?

I see the problems we have in Switzerland already. In the 1980's we was 6 millions. A few years there was already 8 million people. Now we're over 9 millions and the already talk about 12 millions. And we have already serious problems. A lot of those new citizens don't work, they are living from social wellfare. Health insurances, tax, rents and houseprices explode. Traffic is going to f@@k off.
The life is going very limited because the space we have is limited. And for every single "i dunno what i am" - idiot we have more limits for the rest of the citizens.

May notice: 6, 8, or 9 million people don't sound a lot. But Switzerland is an small country and we have maybe only 60% of our area where it's possible to life. Too many mountains even.
Mountain dragon we have yet to see the depopulation of the world in its full brutality. What Georgia speaks of is also correct. Population replacement or cultural replacement more so to extinguish the strong holds of Christian culture and dominance. We see that clearly in what Mr Biden has allowed to happen on the American boarder. As also in your Europe so also in America and Australia. Seems that some ancient tribe is hell bent on destroying every culture but it’s own and perhaps to reek its revenge on Christianity
You covered the situation much better than I did Ling! At the end of the day, this is a SATANIC goal that has been planned out and worked on for much longer than most of us can fathom. The in our face killing of newborns and the sexual abuse of young children is a huge factor to not ignore.
Georgia I cover enough in what I am willing to say. And yes Satan is alive and well. He has been around a long time and does plan accordingly. When thinking upon population explosion it be another hoax. We could fit comfortably the entire world’s population of some 9 billion people into the state of Queensland that shows you just shows you how vast and big our world really is even with all the inhospitable places that we can’t live. As to abortion we be made in the image of God unless there be mitigating circumstances such as rape or a ladies life being in danger during the pregnancy than it be outright murder to abort .As to sexual abuse there be many categories. But with the old religion the youthfulness of our beauty is never far from its eyes in what it desires and does.
If you want mass die offs from inflammation of the circulatory system you don't need a vaccine . Just have more people smoke pot . That doesn't include vehicles and other fatal accidents . Suicide and crime . Well there is the die off drug . Not waiting for years for some conspiracy shot .

'Stop this now!' China warned over tests on mutant Covid strain with '100% fatality rate'​
Chinese scientists have been warned by experts to stop experimenting with a new Covid-19 strain that has a 100 percent kill rate in "humanised mice" over fears it could lead to another pandemic.

In a Wuhan-like study, the deadly virus - known as GX_P2V - attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect similar genetic makeup as humans, according to a new Beijing study.

Researchers noted a "surprisingly" rapid death rate after all the mice infected died within just eight days.

In the days before their deaths, the mice had quickly lost weight, exhibited a hunched posture and moved extremely sluggishly.

Most eerie of all, their eyes turned completely white the day before they died.
We are definitely in the midst of a population reduction program " not planning but underway " . Do any of our members know what the population reduction goal is ? Isolation is my plan plus not trusting the medical Facilites enough to take a vaccine for anything as I have no way of knowing what might be in a vaccine . --- I ain't had a shot for anything in years and ain't been sick in many years . I just remain on my homestead eating high nutrient foods from my garden . On an annual check up with the V.A. as it is free , the doctor has already told me " prepare to live to be very old " .--- It is interesting but also sad to be sitting back watching the die off take place , especially the folks that should be near their physical prime succumbing to the clot shot .
Well, Agenda 21 (created in 1994 I believe), says 500 million. So, they want to kill 15 out of every 16 people.

They will fail. We will get THEM first! They are going to go full panic mode and make it obvious to the masses. That is when all hell will break lose.

EDIT: 500 million. It was on the Georgia Guide stones someone brought down…and then somehow it was all cleaned away in ONE DAY!
I read the responses on the globalist depopulation goal this morning , Then got a couple cups of coffee and pondered this thing . It seems to me the first to succumb to the plan will be the big cites with their wimpy and fantasy brained populations . Food will be stopped being delivered to these fantasy lands . That means for the rural prepper /survivalist their chances of survival will be much higher . This would be especially true if the globalist decide to release another " more deadly " virus upon the peasants .
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I read the responses on the globalist depopulation goal this morning , Then got a couple cups of coffee and pondered this thing . It seems to me the first to succumb to the plan will be the big cites with their wimpy and fantasy brained populations . Food will be stopped being delivered to these fantasy lands . That means for the rural prepper /survivalist their chances of survival will be much higher . This would be especially true if the globalist decide to release another " more deadly " virus upon the peasants .

Couldn’t agree more!! The cities are toast. I don’t care how prepared you are. There will be no getting out of them if a true deadly pandemic starts…because the government/FEMA/Military will surround them to try and stop the spread. There will be none of this silly “wear a mask and stay 6’ apart” laughable rules. It was nothing but FEARPORN. And it worked. All government documentation shows it worked and that they plan to use fear as ”the best motivator” going forward. Fact is, a true pandemic will be treated much differently!

Food and medicine will stop going into cities early on. Then utilities will fail because of folks not going out to work.

Stay safe in the countryside and away from everyone IF they launch a deadly one.

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