Do People Really Understand the Earthquake Problem?

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Awesome Friend
Jul 6, 2019
Raccoon City
Here is the problem as I see it on the West Coast.

After the big quake, millions of people are going to try to move out the the cities along the coast. Freeways will be clogged, no gasoline, no food, no water but they are moving anyway because they have no options other than famine and epidemic. In the end they will be walking along the freeway and dying in droves.

They are moving with an ill-defined goal and misconceptions. The goal is somewhere in the country, maybe where they camped once or where there is a small town they visited or maybe even people they kinda know. The misconception is that they will be taken care of at this goal.

Nobody, no community, no campground, no riverbed can support millions of refugees. You refugees are unwanted at this point. Remember the bridge incident leading out of New Orleans during Katrina? That is the situation.

What I am saying is the problem for most people in California outside the zone of destruction will be a tidal wave of people gobbling up the few existing resources as well as the resources YOU have set aside for you and your family and perhaps close friends.

So the reason I am writing this is I am not sure people in the cities, aware of prepping and survival as they might be, understand they need to have and existing bug out location belonging to them and to them alone in order to survive.
The majority of the people in the cities are not thinking, period. The real urban preppers will know what they will need to do. Being on the road during a mass lawless migrations is not a good idea.
Having a bug out location is a good idea providing one can get to it and providing the bug out location hasn't been damaged or destroyed, one may be leaving a better location on the assumption the bug out location if fully intact. Mobilizing and evacuating isn't always feasible especially after an EQ. Information and situational awareness is going to be key, moving out blind is foolish. Unfortunately people and the government are no where prepared for such an event but certainly better today than 20 years ago, the government is starting to bring back HF and VHF in the emergency planning especially for First Responders.
We all know that the vast majority of the population will never lift a finger to prepare for even a short term diaster. They're too wrapped up in their own trivial lifestyles to even think about prepping. They'll never have more than a day or two worth of meals saved up, little to no money on hand and no plan. As long as their TV, cell phones, and internet work, and they have plenty of beer and cigarettes on hand, they really don't think any further ahead.
My question is, why anyone cares what happens to those who won't even take the most basic steps to help themselves?
Having a bug out location is a good idea providing one can get to it and providing the bug out location hasn't been damaged or destroyed, one may be leaving a better location on the assumption the bug out location if fully intact. Mobilizing and evacuating isn't always feasible especially after an EQ. Information and situational awareness is going to be key, moving out blind is foolish. Unfortunately people and the government are no where prepared for such an event but certainly better today than 20 years ago, the government is starting to bring back HF and VHF in the emergency planning especially for First Responders.

While the government is better prepared than 20 years ago I would speculate that the general population isn't.
While the government is better prepared than 20 years ago I would speculate that the general population isn't.

The general population is more aware of the dangers today regarding earthquakes, in California, Oregon and Washington they hold the great shakeout every year where millions of people in the general population get involved, this is when all three states test all its emergency planning and try to improve up on its failures from the year before. States and Feds are starting to recommend 2 week emergency supplies instead of the 3 day supply. The government has spent and still is spending millions replacing the old tsunami sirens with the new AHAB sirens along the population of coastal cities, the government is not recommending the evac of whole cities given its impossibility. In a EQ, most people would be better off hunkering down in their home than to venture out on an assumption. In Washington, it’s widely known that rail, highways, roadways, airports, docs, electricity communications, water, sewer etc... may take 6 months to a year with most estimates to get half of these services back on line, it’s talked about all the time in media and print. We were trying to local and federal governments to recommend a month supply of emergency supplies to the citizens but at least they are recommending 2 weeks even though the government has publicly stated it may take a month to reach smaller communities.

As with most emergencies, problem isn’t with the government, it is with the people, the majority of the people don’t realize they ARE the first responders! The lack of preparation from the general population puts a heavy strain on our emergency services.

I hate typing on a phone :-/

I have this open at all times and check it every morning. an night when I get home, just to keep an eye on potential issues, and patterns.
Zoom in a time or two so you can see the world at once. Really interesting. Also, EVERY time I mention the subduction fault or Juan de Fuca, everyone laughs at me. That's how prepared we are on the West Coast, really. My greatest fear is that if it happens, it will empty my well's aquifer. I have nowhere else I want to go, so I have about 30 55g drums for water catchment from my roof. Will have to make it work. Even then, still better off than 99% of the city folk.
the best thing to do is relocate to an area that has less natural problems,,,,, I lived in Florida for a long time and finally wised up and left,,,, now no place is perfect but Arkansas is far safer than most,,,,,,,,,, I will stay right here for the foreseeable future
Ironically that warning was correct as far as the dates. Just not the locale. quakes were up by the Oregon boarder.
Every place has its things you got to prepare for.
Places I have lived
WNY-snow and ice storms
Central IL- tornadoes
California- storms with mudslides, earthquakes.
People seem to fear earthquakes the most. I rank them #4 and I live 3 miles from a major fault.
the best thing to do is relocate to an area that has less natural problems,,,,, I lived in Florida for a long time and finally wised up and left,,,, now no place is perfect but Arkansas is far safer than most,,,,,,,,,, I will stay right here for the foreseeable future
You do know that part of the New Madrid Seismic Zone is inside of Arkansas, right?
the best thing to do is relocate to an area that has less natural problems,,,,, I lived in Florida for a long time and finally wised up and left,,,, now no place is perfect but Arkansas is far safer than most,,,,,,,,,, I will stay right here for the foreseeable future

I was thinking about you last night grayghost… while watching yet another storm coming through Arkansas. How has it been for your area? Any problems?

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