Do you think "Preppers" tell the TRUTH.....???

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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
I think they say what they "WANT" to believe is accurate.

I don't even think they truly even tell themselves what deeply in their heart & mind they fear is true about prepping.
Most people (some references suggest >75% but I think it is closer to >90%) have strong normalcy bias.

Of the rest of the population, people have normalcy bias or abnormalcy bias on a spectrum more so than having one or the other.

Those in the 10-25% gray area between the two, sometimes have enough abnormalcy bias to believe that preparedness is prudent, but not enough to really commit themselves to getting prepared for severe crises.

Living with that contradiction requires some self delusion.
I think it depends on who I am talking to... Here where no one knows me or would be a local threat in a SHTF event I can be honest. Here, in person where the unprepared will be looking for a free handout, I don't lie, but I don't tell them what I have either. I try to remain the silent fly on the wall...

Loose lips, sink ships......
I tell the truth to those that need it and lie to those that don't need the truth.

Let me clarify. Sometimes I withhold the truth if it will only harm someone.
Sometimes I will lie if it's someone that intends to harm me or others I wish to protect.
OK......My point of this thread was/is that preppers are in denial (and likely frightened) of what they believe is true. So, you hear them say things like, "I don't live in a city of ten million, there are only eight hundred thousand in this city I live in, so I will be safe here".
OK......My point of this thread was/is that preppers are in denial (and likely frightened) of what they believe is true. So, you hear them say things like, "I don't live in a city of ten million, there are only eight hundred thousand in this city I live in, so I will be safe here".
only "hobby" preppers would say that.
REAL preppers know the risks.
I totally agree with Lonewolf on this thread. I don't lie about my preps. Close family, and not all of them, are the only ones I confide in. It is nobody else's business, so I don't say anything.

What are you going to lie about? How much you have? That will only make you a target. Who do you think you are going to impress?

If you are lying you are only lying to yourself. Are you really as prepared as you think you are? Are you really as safe as you think you are? Be honest about it
I think they say what they "WANT" to believe is accurate.

I don't even think they truly even tell themselves what deeply in their heart & mind they fear is true about prepping.
Preppers tell 😂😂😂 the truth 🤣🤣
That's a good one.
I almost peed my pants.

😠 Okay, serious face, 🤣😂🤣 wait, I can't. . . . uh hem, let me try again 😠
I think "many" (not all, but probably most) think there will be an event that signals SHTF when in actuality, that event has been in the works for many years going undetected by the masses. We (any of us) can only see things from our own perspective and thus define truth "to the best of our ability." In some cases ability might be greatly hindered. All that said, I think the fact that one wants to prep on any level is at least looking in the right direction regardless in his/her ability to arrive at the destination.
Your missing my point. Your thinking "ONE" person communicating with "ONE" other human. I am referencing preppers seducing "Themselves" with lies.

Do you think "Preppers" tell the TRUTH.....???​

NO - everybody lies.

That said, I don't really care. I don't use what others do (or don't do) as my benchmark, although it is entertaining to read about. It doesn't change what I will do and/or won't do, unless I read about an idea I hadn't considered before. My circumstances on what I can or can't do secondary to available funds or physical abilities are my own. What I choose to put my funds and efforts toward are likely going to be different than someone else.

If someone says that they are ready for anything, they might truly believe that. It doesn't make them a liar. I will never say that b/c like Mike Tyson said "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". If SHTF happens, we will all get punched in the face. We will all wish we had bought more XXXXX or learned to XXXXX or had done XXXXX or whatever it may be. To say that 'it' could happen and you'd hardly notice it, isn't very honest. If you routinely get online, then you'll notice it b/c the net will be gone. Yes, pun intended.
Your missing my point. Your thinking "ONE" person communicating with "ONE" other human. I am referencing preppers seducing "Themselves" with lies.
Now I understand what you are asking. I hope that most preppers try to keep a balance while watching what is going on in our world on a daily basis. Lean one way while the banking stuff is going on and another way if there is an earthquake nearby. Constant vigilance while understanding that I am not in control of the powers that be. Kind of like walking a tightrope and keeping my eye on the end of the line. I don't believe that I am deluding myself. I just adjust as needed to what is happening, keeping my overall plan in place.
Lots of people lie and are in denial to themselves about all aspects of their lives.
Many times it is the inability to not wanting to face hard truths about issues and problems. It could be a coping skill or whatever the issue is, it just hasent become uncomfortable enough to address. Perhaps the denial could be breed from ignorance, greed, pride , mental illness, or not able to deal with stress or just good ol fashion stupidity.
Sometimes you can see from a mile away that so n so are headed for a break up or the Jones cant really afford a 50 grand truck with 2 kids a mortgage n both adults barely gross 80 grand a year, or living even on the outskirts of a city is not a good stand no matter how many zombie killer toys ones has..
But others live their lives n lie to themselves or live in denial isnt in my interest to control or point out or whatever.
The only shoes I need to fill are my own.
I face my stuff n deal with it if what I do works for me n doesn't hurt anyone than I'll call it a win. As far as preparing goes, I do what I can for my chances as I can and try to encourage close friends n family to be informed n make good choices for their needs.
Your missing my point. Your thinking "ONE" person communicating with "ONE" other human. I am referencing preppers seducing "Themselves" with lies.
People engaging in self delusion in web discussions about prepping are common. In reality, there are more delusional fake preppers than there are real ones. You can see that in every forum where those discussions take place.

Places like the survivalists boards show that when you get enough people in that subgroup together in one place, they become a mutual support group of self deluders that back each other up and reinforce delusional concepts. They actively attack anyone that suggests more serious prepping. After a while of being like that, even some of those appointed as moderators will be in that group.

There are many prepping concepts that are illogical and can only be explained by self delusion.

In most cases the delusional concepts reduce the need for independence and really expensive/difficult preparations (like relocation before and/or after a crisis) - that is what makes those alternative (and much easier/more comfortable) concepts so attractive.

Delusion is for many, a more attractive/seductive option than acceptance that:
  1. they are not what they think/say they are
  2. they are not ready for mild to moderate crises, let alone severe crises
  3. they lack a survivalist mindset
  4. they lack a strong enough will to survive
  5. they are too attached and dependent upon the "normal" world
  6. if a severe crisis comes along, they are a goner like almost everyone else
  7. they just like selected parts of prepping (ie the parts that are fun to them)
  8. they are really engaging in some related lifestyle - but not comprehensive preparation - and are just calling it "prepping" to justify or put a cool/convenient label on that life choice
People engaging in self delusion in web discussions about prepping are common. In reality, there are more delusional fake preppers than there are real ones. You can see that in every forum where those discussions take place.

Places like the survivalists boards show that when you get enough people in that subgroup together in one place, they become a mutual support group of self deluders that back each other up and reinforce delusional concepts. They actively attack anyone that suggests more serious prepping. After a while of being like that, even some of those appointed as moderators will be in that group.

There are many prepping concepts that are illogical and can only be explained by self delusion.

In most cases the delusional concepts reduce the need for independence and really expensive/difficult preparations (like relocation before and/or after a crisis) - that is what makes those alternative (and much easier/more comfortable) concepts so attractive.

Delusion is for many, a more attractive/seductive option than acceptance that:
  1. they are not what they think/say they are
  2. they are not ready for mild to moderate crises, let alone severe crises
  3. they lack a survivalist mindset
  4. they lack a strong enough will to survive
  5. they are too attached and dependent upon the "normal" world
  6. if a severe crisis comes along, they are a goner like almost everyone else
  7. they just like selected parts of prepping (ie the parts that are fun to them)
  8. they are really engaging in some related lifestyle - but not comprehensive preparation - and are just calling it "prepping" to justify or put a cool/convenient label on that life choice
THANK YOU.......
One of the most Paramount - and yet, side-splittingly hilarious - examples of the 'Truth of this Prepper-Liar Phenomenon', of all time: 'gecko45' 🤣

That is so awesome that somebody saved that! :thumbs:
I actually remember Gecko45 from back in the day.
If you read his posts, he was "Rambo" in the flesh!
On topic: if you're not going to tell the truth, make your lies really good:).
He would have been great if he just hadn't said the word "mall" so much.:(
Edit: Oh, here is a picture of me defending our household and driving off dangerous attackers that scream: "Publishers Clearing House!" or "Free Roof Inspection!".

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People engaging in self delusion in web discussions about prepping are common. In reality, there are more delusional fake preppers than there are real ones. You can see that in every forum where those discussions take place.

Places like the survivalists boards show that when you get enough people in that subgroup together in one place, they become a mutual support group of self deluders that back each other up and reinforce delusional concepts. They actively attack anyone that suggests more serious prepping. After a while of being like that, even some of those appointed as moderators will be in that group.

There are many prepping concepts that are illogical and can only be explained by self delusion.

In most cases the delusional concepts reduce the need for independence and really expensive/difficult preparations (like relocation before and/or after a crisis) - that is what makes those alternative (and much easier/more comfortable) concepts so attractive.

Delusion is for many, a more attractive/seductive option than acceptance that:
  1. they are not what they think/say they are
  2. they are not ready for mild to moderate crises, let alone severe crises
  3. they lack a survivalist mindset
  4. they lack a strong enough will to survive
  5. they are too attached and dependent upon the "normal" world
  6. if a severe crisis comes along, they are a goner like almost everyone else
  7. they just like selected parts of prepping (ie the parts that are fun to them)
  8. they are really engaging in some related lifestyle - but not comprehensive preparation - and are just calling it "prepping" to justify or put a cool/convenient label on that life choice
This one post deserves some serious considerationl. it is going in my file of BS detection thoughts to have when interacting with other "preppers".

Anybody remember the "tactical wheelbarrow" guy. This is way back in current history.

Long ago I had a face to face with someone I had followed and corresponded with. In real life he was overweight, diabetic (not dissing that condition, we have it in our family) and met most of the eight criteria listed.
I know less about guns & capital letters that Gecko45 used & I still could tell he was full of donkey Dodo.
After Gecko45 talking about the twins, I was tired, life to short for that mess.
Well, in 'the end' - the Good thing about those who are 'self-aggrandizing' is that SHTF Life will have Very little 'sense of humor' about such, nor much mercy for such fools, so.. Things should 'self-sort' pretty quickly. 🤨

IMO, one litmus of 'prepper veracity' could be IF an individual / Family either has-prepared (or, at least Is Preparing..) for All the Death that'll be the 'new normal for awhile' / at some point.. And by that - sure, emotionally hardening ones-self, but - primarily I mean, 'PPE'... If someone 'scoffs' at stocking such for that (and thus, hasn't prepared serious PPE / protocols for it, or even at All..) well.. That belies heavy normalcy-bias about that highly-likely Reality (Imo) - which is Usually hallmarked by deep self-deception / delusion. 🤔

Of course we can't / shouldn't make any "hard/fast judgements" in that regard, but.. 'Real preparation' is often revealed / clarified by quiet, 'seemingly odd' - but Prescient - preps like that, that most 'LARPers' would never think of... Kind of like how that Gecko45 character 'outed himself' almost more by what he Didn't say - than what he Did. ('course, He did a fine job of 'pooping in Both punch-bowls'.. ;)

OK......My point of this thread was/is that preppers are in denial (and likely frightened) of what they believe is true. So, you hear them say things like, "I don't live in a city of ten million, there are only eight hundred thousand in this city I live in, so I will be safe here".

Thats just run of the mill normalcy bias. I'm not sure I would call it a lie even.

As for deliberate depends. You all know more about me, that anyone within a hundred miles does....because none of you know where I live.

The closer someone is to me, the less I tell them.

  1. they are not what they think/say they are
  2. they are not ready for mild to moderate crises, let alone severe crises
  3. they lack a survivalist mindset
  4. they lack a strong enough will to survive
  5. they are too attached and dependent upon the "normal" world
  6. if a severe crisis comes along, they are a goner like almost everyone else
  7. they just like selected parts of prepping (ie the parts that are fun to them)
  8. they are really engaging in some related lifestyle - but not comprehensive preparation - and are just calling it "prepping" to justify or put a cool/convenient label on that life choice
The biggest issue I see almost everyday, is just profound lack of education. People don't know what they don't know......and most people don't know very much at all about things they don't deal with all the time. The sheer amount of scientific knowledge you REALLY need to manage your own water, electrical, fuel ,health, daunting. Most people who are even capable of educating themselves that well.....have become specialized ants in the 'real' world and work in a building somewhere, and are not capable of living a prepping lifestyle. Its a really hard balance to be an actual high functioning educated person...and look around you at everything 'your' people built, and realize how fragile it is.

The second thing,

There are a LOT, maybe a majority who confuse being a political conservative, for being prepared.

I remember on the old forum a fairly common saying was "Well, all my neighbors are voted for Trump so I think the community will take care of me in SHTF"

The thing is, republicans starve to death just as easily as liberals if they don't have any food. Politics won't save anybody.

Or religion for that matter, unless your counting on literal super natural magical intervention.

Take Mormons, pretty much the religion of prepping....but not one in a hundred REALLY has a years worth of supplies stocked.
Hello, 'somnia my old friennnn.... ;) Gah, well.. this nice tall glass of Tequila should remedy that soon, but.. Meantime..

The biggest issue I see almost everyday,... ...Most people who are even capable of educating themselves that well........are not capable of living a prepping lifestyle....

Aye, I'll never forget the "EE" who I was training on operation of a ride-automated Laser Sys I designed / built, for a Theme-Park install in NY, way-back in the day - who was like 'wedding-night giddy' about a position he'd recently landed at Disneyworld in FL - making something like $95K to start.. And I had to, literally, show this kid how to Use his DMM.. o_O I was gobsmacked...

...Or, more recently, the Brilliant Chinese Engineer I worked under in CA, who 'invented' / designed an otherwise-unparallelled Laser system for 'Raman Spectroscopy' - that the Co sold for $250K a pop :oops: - and this guy used to go on and on about this 'great Asian Fresh-market' he'd stop at - literally, like Every night, on the way home from work - to Get 'Dinner' for that night.. And how they didn't like to 'store much, because "Fresh" was So much better', etc, so I interjected once 'So.. you don't ever worry about supply-chain issues / don't have like, a week at least, put-back, just in case'? 🤔

..He laughed, and said 'nah, "doomsday preppers" is just a tv show, hahahahaha!' (and solicited chuckles from the Other "Engineers" in the room.. :rolleyes: ) I just gave him my best 'Beluga-cat face' / blinked eyes a few times and returned to my lab, quietly shaking my head... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Astonishingly, there's Often little correlation between "education".. and "intelligence" (which, personally, I define as 'The degree to which / how well a person Uses the Knowledge they've gained from whatever "Education" they've gotten in life'.. ie: I'd rank that African kid who built the 'windmill generator from junk', Far higher on an "intelligence scale" than even my old Boss / the "EE", discussed above.. And I'd hire the kid sooner, still. 👍

Or religion for that matter, unless your counting on literal super natural magical intervention.

Aye, again. There was a recent discussion over yonder about 'Normalcy-stockholmed Older ones' deriding their younger kin about "prepping", and My quip was centered on accounts in the Bible (which, I personally, take as a literal History Book, first and foremost.. :cool: ) and I said (in support of others who dropped the Usual mention of 'Joseph / the 7 years of plenty vs famine', etc, etc:

..Let's not forget Moses (leading the Israelites out from under the tyranny of Pharoah, et al) - and Think about all that is 'written in-between the lines' of those Historical accounts: ie:

..What did it 'take' for those Million+ Israelites - of All ages - to even Get to the Red Sea, to witness the "miracle-parting / salvation" from Pharoah? I'll tell ya what it took: Lots and Lots of: FOOD (Animals for food, Wheat / Flour, Salt, Lard, smoked/dried meats, etc), WATER (as much as they could Possibly carry, no doubt) Shelter (Tents) Clothing / Blankets, etc, Pack-mules (good transpo), Carts / Wagons, and spare parts for mending wheels, etc / TOOLS of all sorts: Cart / Tents / Clothing, etc Repairs, Cooking, chopping cooking-Wood, Hunting / self-defense weapons (No Doubt that wilderness was Quite nasty, and snakes / hyenas (?) or other predatory animals would Likely abound) Water jugs / pitchers, Food-storage vessels, Medicines / tools for care, etc, etc, etc - YHWH did NOT make all that stuff just 'rain from heaven', and even the "Manna" didn't start 'raining down from Day 1' - not for a Good-while later..

No, those Israellites were Well Prepared, and maintained Survival Skills / Knowledge to make that journey of salvation happen - They did Not just stand outside with their palms raised to heaven, waiting for 'Stuff and Deliverance', nope - they Worked for it. :cool: And, "faith that the Lord will Provide" - comes into play when the Preps Run Out / health fails / injury, whatever, and one Cannot work. 'Faith in FEMA' will Not Save You.


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