Do you think TEOTWAWKI is not likely to ever happen in your lifetime?

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Hermit on the mountain
Feb 1, 2018
For those who are not familiar with the term TEOTWAWKI, it an acronym that stands for the phrase, “The End Of The World As We Know It.” Notice it does not mean the end of the world, but rather, it denotes a drastic, often horrific, change for the worse. It may not be something as drastic as a collapsed civilization but it can certainly mean the end of the kind of world people are accustomed to.

Many people think such a thing will never happen in their lifetimes. Chances are it won’t, but if it does they may not be mentally prepared for the kind of horrific curveballs that have been thrown at people around the world throughout history. Sadly they may also discover the tragic consequences of being wrong.

We don’t need to look too far back into history to see the kind of TEOTWAWKI events that can take the world by surprise.

Who in once-prosperous Venezuela ever dreamed their country would turn to absolute crap? It certainly turned into “the end of their world as they knew it.”

Going a bit further in history, let’s not forget the infamous Siege of Leningrad which was one of the longest and most devastating military sieges in modern history. Between September of 1941 and January 1944, the Russian people suffered horribly under the hands of the Germans for 872 days of absolute hell. It was a kind of TEOTWAWKI that the inhabitants of the land never dreamed could ever happen in their lifetime.

According to Wikipedia (

“The two-and-a-half-year siege caused the greatest destruction and the largest loss of life ever known in a modern city.

...The 872 days of the siege caused extreme famine in the Leningrad region through disruption of utilities, water, energy, and food supplies. This resulted in the deaths of up to 1,500,000 soldiers and civilians and the evacuation of 1,400,000 more (mainly women and children), many of whom died during evacuation due to starvation and bombardment....Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery alone in Leningrad holds half a million civilian victims of the siege...Deaths peaked in January–February 1942 at 100,000 per month, mostly from starvation. People often died on the streets…”

Then there’s the Holocaust which was certainly a TEOTWAWKI event in recent history that almost no one saw coming.

How about TEOTWAWKI events caused by famines?

Most people think of famines as something that happens only to third world countries. Notice that most of the following events happened not that long ago...and consider that these are just a few examples of many.

(The following are excerpts from the book, When All Hell Breaks Loose by Cody Lundin.)

Ireland, 1845-1849, The Great Potato Famine

Potatoes, the mainstay of the Irish diet, were inflicted with a potato blight that killed the crops. Local grain and livestock were owned by the English, and laws prevented the Irish from importing grain. The combination of crop disease and politics caused the death of 1.5 million people by starvation, cannibalism and disease.

USA, The Great Plains, 1930s

The United States experienced the worst drought of the twentieth century. The resulting lack of precipitation caused massive dust storms, which dominated the landscape, causing severe health problems while destroying crops and killing livestock. Death toll is unknown....

(Note: according to, “The extended drought became the worst in U.S. history. Over 75 percent of the nation was affected, including 27 states that were severely impacted…”)

The Soviet Famine, 1932-1943

The Soviet Famine was initiated by Josef Stalin in an attempt to boost industrialization financed by forced collective farms in which grain production fell by 40 percent. His draconian measures included forbidding peasants to leave the country without permission; expelling, killing, or sending rich peasants to labor camps and forcibly seizing what little food remained to double grain exports to raise cash for his failed plan. The predicted chaos included a report issued by an Italian consul member in the Ukraine reporting "a growing commerce in human meat" and that people were killing and eating their own children. Astute authorities immediately responded, not with food, but by distributing posters that read: "Eating Dead Children Is Barbarism". Due to a national cover-up forbidding doctors to disclose on death certificates that the deceased had starved to death, numbers for the total dead are sketchy but estimates are at 5 to 8 million people, 10 to 25 percent of the population of the Ukraine.

The Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1942

Three hundred eighty thousand Jews were confined to a 3.5. mile area that normally housed 160,000. The population eventually reached 445,000 before the Nazis sealed off the area with a ten-food wall, with the intention of starving all of the inhabitants within nine months. Official food rationing provided 2,613 kilocalories per day for Germans, 699 kilocalories per day for Poles, and 184 kilocalories for Jews in the Ghetto. Tens of thousands died from starvation and disease.

Northern China, 1958-1962

Chairman Mao's failed bid to "industrialize" his nation, along with several natural disasters and drought, killed an unbelievable 30 million people by starvation, disease, infanticide, and cannibalism. Desperate families swapped each other's children to eat, thus avoiding having to eat their kin....

Biafra (now Nigeria), Africa, 1967-1969

Civil war-caused famine kills one million people, leaving another 3.5 million to suffer from extreme malnutrition.

North Korea, 1994-1998

A combination of reduced Chinese and Russian food subsidies, along with the effects of collective farming, flooding, drought, and government corruption, caused an estimated 2 to 3 million people to die of starvation, disease, and cannibalism…

There are many more, but you get the idea.

Because of politics, weather, or agricultural diseases, countless famines have occurred (or are happening now) and will continue to happen in one place after another.

It does not take much for TEOTWAWKI to happen anywhere in the world, at any time. Unfortunately our society today is MUCH more fragile than it was a few decades ago. One bump in the beltway can cause chaos of unimaginable proportions. A series of bumps has the potential to throw society off the tracks for a long time.

This post was not aimed at increasing our worry levels, but to kick up awareness/preparedness a notch or two… Worry is destructive, and accomplishes nothing good; on the other hand, being fully aware with eyes wide open can be a good thing, and may lead to workable solutions, whether they are spiritual, mental, or physical in nature.

Because physical preps are rather fragile and have a finite shelf life, I make it a personal priority to prepare myself mentally and spiritually because I know that this will sustain me far longer and stronger than physical preps alone. The worst thing I can do is ignore the fact that devastating events can occur suddenly without warning.

bill for ignorance will be presented after TSHTF.
Dad lost the majority of his savings during the depression.
His Fiancée canceled their engagement.
World War II.
Korean War.
Tornado destroyed his factory.
Cold War.
Cuban missle crisis.
Viet Nam war.
Jimmy Carter.
Desert war.
Afghanistan war.
Desert War II.
Dad died of natural causes and left mom with no debts, a quality house and sufficent finances.

I'd suspect at times Dad felt TEOTWAWKI had hit.
While there is no way to "predict" it, the fact is it could happen TOMORROW......or fifty years from now....who knows. There are so many bubbles floating around it's not even funny, and it wouldn't take much to set it off. The key is simply to be prepared for it, WHENEVER it comes. You're either prepared, or you are not. If not, good luck, as your survival probabilities just took a big nose dive!!

The word that resonated the most with me in your post was FRAGILE. Life is fragile and a cancer diagnosis tomorrow in my family could mean a TEOTWAWKI event. I try to be as prepared as possible for any event that would rock my world. I have given thought to the tragic passing of family members, especially hubs who is my world. It would be devastating! I am financially prepared for such an event, but don't know how to mentally prepare for that.:(

As far as outside events that most folks consider a TEOTWAWKI such as natural disasters, power outages, etc., I feel I am more prepared for those events than most. There's always holes to fill which I am constantly trying to plug. Usually those holes present themselves during everyday situations, so I try and pay attention to those areas. When I find something that works great....I stock up! As far as rice, bullets, silver, etc........yeah, I have that, but I don't think I'll need it in my lifetime. I consider it insurance b/c you never know. Even if I don't use it, it'll be there for my kids and they can use it as their insurance. As with most on this forum, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
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The tricky part to answering your question is in defining TEOTWAWKI. That can be highly individual or a very large scale. For me it happened in the early 1990s, when my wife and I both suffered traumatic brain injuries in separate motor vehicle accidents. Skipping all the details, we went two years with no income, lost all of savings and vestments, ran up a ton of debt, were on the verge of losing the health all while dealing with the individual, marital and family trauma that resulted. I am still fully disabled, she is mostly us that wasTEOFWAWKI for the person next door it was a blip.

In terms of a larger scale event, there is no reason to think we might escape it in our lifetimes. Maybe ... maybe not. Yet, it’s a fool who sees danger coming and doesn’t prepare. I’d be quite happy if it never happened but history shows it happening in various ways throughout the world. The list of possible causes is astronomical ... as the old sage once said ... “ it ain’t IF it’s WHEN”.

So I guess the short answer is Yes .... Edit ...the OP asked if we thought it would not happen in our lifetime .... so I think that makes my answer no. To be clear... I believ3 it can happen in m6 lifetime ...or yours
I believe it can happen in my lifetime. I hope it doesn't. We are always on the brink of a disaster that will change the world. Earthquake, power grid failure, either deliberately or just a failure. The list of causes is long and varied. The question is will it be a man made or a natural disaster that get us?
i create a TEOFWAWKI every time i get around others.. :p.

as for as a real long term one happening in my life time.i don't kniw.but yet it looks like it could happen.with things happening .like the earth quakes in cali.the flooding from the mid west down to the gulf.right along with outages like new york we're having a very large heat which that not only includes the lower 48.but alaska as well.
I don't worry about TEOTWAWKI but I prep. I don't worry about vehicle accidents but I wear a seat belt and have insurance. I walked away from a midair collision. I have no illusions about my being immune from bad things.
I've been through all the normal SHTF events, unemployment, illness, divorce, power cuts, trade disputes, travel disruptions, and so forth, some of them several times over (Divorce!) and come out the other side, now i'm just prepping for the big one, TEOTWAWKI, and don't think it cant happen, could be natural but its more likely to be manmade, if anyone can mess things up its human beings!!
remember the old saying: " those that fail to learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them!".
The end of the world as we know it happened a while back but it didn't happen all at once from a nuclear bomb, it was brought about by the rot from within. Our country is under siege with violent attacks against agencies whose job is to uphold our laws. Police officers are targets. Invaders are attacking and crossing over our border with the intent of undermining our way of life and stealing our resources. Prices have risen so drastically that many of us can barely afford the necessities. Our universities have been turned into training grounds for anti-American anarchists whose sole intent is to destroy freedom of speech and dismantle the Constitution. Many of our elected officials openly despise patriotism and national pride. They want a one world society of worker bees who will do as they're told without question. In the last year I've heard predictions that we are on the verge of an actual civil war. This is not the world that we knew.

You're not preparing for TEOTWAWKI, you're just trying to survive for the next week. This is the world as our children know it and their TEOTWAWKI is unimaginable.
We are always just a millisecond away from an "end of the world" event. They can happen and they can happen to us.
A military infantry landfall is not likely, we in America have more guns in the civilian sector than any two armies. What can happen is a local or nationwide movement by any of the militant socialist groups, an HEMP from any of several rogue nations or any of the many radical terrorist groups or a collapse of the dollar. There are comets and asteroids, super-volcanoes and massive earthquakes that could be national or international events. Some of the natural events will happen, we just don't know when.
Be assured that any of these events can and likely will put you/us in a world that is far from what we are used to.