Does anyone else see an economic crash coming?

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I am getting low on jars. Never thought that would happen. I dumped some old squash and zucchini that I will never use to give me some in case the guy brings me the 4 boxes of tomatoes next week. I'll need 40+ jars for that many.

You and me both. I’m kicking myself for not having more.
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We have lost over 80% of our income. If sports don't come back better than they are, it will all disappear.
Yes many industries are being hit hard . And its more than a politicized virus hitting the sports world . Lot of People having it hard due to this .
I was speaking of overall economic events .
The only way I see the Sports World returning to what it was is a new marketing image and alot of forgiving Fans .
We have lost over 80% of our income. If sports don't come back better than they are, it will all disappear.
Ouch! 80% is pretty major and I’m sure tough to adjust to. I’m so sorry. What do you do that’s so dependent on sports? And what could be done to redirect that into another area?
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Everything seems so unreal right now, disconnected. However, if I retire now I lose less than 200 a month, and I can get surviving spouse benefits from social security until I get to be 66 1/4... I think. It has been so hot here that cooler climates sound more and more tempting. Hope you are well.
I don’t know why the government has to make the details so complex concerning SS benefits.... I wish I knew more about it to give advice.
I have always wanted to tour the west. I’m not ready to check out just yet but know I’m not getting any younger as well. Travel is more risky and difficult right now with the virus but I’m seriously considering it in the near future. My own mortality is making me realize that putting off the things you have always dreamed of isn’t always the best idea. No matter what your interests are, life is short so if you’re able to follow them then all the better.
Ouch! 80% is pretty major and I’m sure tough to adjust to. I’m so sorry. What do you do that’s so dependent on sports? And what could be done to redirect that into another area?

Husband does daily sports radio, play by play for college football and basketball, weekly coaches shows. He also does a jazz show but it is closed also because it's live from a restaurant in Nashville.

I'm glad n I was prepped for such emergency.
Husband does daily sports radio, play by play for college football and basketball, weekly coaches shows. He also does a jazz show but it is closed also because it's live from a restaurant in Nashville.

I'm glad n I was prepped for such emergency.
I don’t see sports coming back on a large scale for a while yet. I hope he can come up with a plan B as well.
Yes many industries are being hit hard . And its more than a politicized virus hitting the sports world . Lot of People having it hard due to this .
I was speaking of overall economic events .
The only way I see the Sports World returning to what it was is a new marketing image and alot of forgiving Fans .

Those kneeling are killing the sport and the owners are too ignorant to see that most fans are middle class, middle Americans who are patriots.
Those kneeling are killing the sport and the owners are too ignorant to see that most fans are middle class, middle Americans who are patriots.
Those kneeling are supported by a large population including veterans...I am not sure that even white middle class Americans would nor should be offended that some people are taking a non violent way to bring focus on an American tragedy. If you think that the kneeling at games is in anyway about disrespecting the country, or it’s flag, or veterans than you are mistaken. It was an American veteran that came up with the idea and suggested it to Colin Kaepernick.
Those kneeling are supported by a large population including veterans...I am not sure that even white middle class Americans would nor should be offended that some people are taking a non violent way to bring focus on an American tragedy. If you think that the kneeling at games is in anyway about disrespecting the country, or it’s flag, or veterans than you are mistaken. It was an American veteran that came up with the idea and suggested it to Colin Kaepernick.
I completely agree with it being a non violent expression. I believe in our guaranteed rights to protest As long as it’s not destructive. It dosent matter if you agree with what they are protesting for, and you have the right to protest against it if you like. The point is we are allowed to. As far as the rioters breaking windows, burning building and cars, defacing property, they are nothing but criminals and should be treated as such.
Those kneeling are supported by a large population including veterans...I am not sure that even white middle class Americans would nor should be offended that some people are taking a non violent way to bring focus on an American tragedy. If you think that the kneeling at games is in anyway about disrespecting the country, or it’s flag, or veterans than you are mistaken. It was an American veteran that came up with the idea and suggested it to Colin Kaepernick.

Have to disagree. Kneeling DURING the National Anthem is like spitting on thousands of dead soldiers who fought and died for the Flag and Country. If these protesters want to “bring focus” to their cause they should do it prior to or after the National Anthem.

Those watching sports of all kinds have been dropping steeply because of the politics brought into the games. It will continue to drop with this crap going on. I know of 3 restaurants that are not going to allow sports on their screens this year because of the disrespect to our flag and country.
Those kneeling are supported by a large population including veterans...I am not sure that even white middle class Americans would nor should be offended that some people are taking a non violent way to bring focus on an American tragedy. If you think that the kneeling at games is in anyway about disrespecting the country, or it’s flag, or veterans than you are mistaken. It was an American veteran that came up with the idea and suggested it to Colin Kaepernick.
That's all B.S., it's a very small minority of veteran activist that are political that support the kneeling. All Democrats that support ANTIFA and BLM communists
I completely agree with it being a non violent expression. I believe in our guaranteed rights to protest As long as it’s not destructive. It dosent matter if you agree with what they are protesting for, and you have the right to protest against it if you like. The point is we are allowed to. As far as the rioters breaking windows, burning building and cars, defacing property, they are nothing but criminals and should be treated as such.
And people have the right to not watch these pampered spoiled baby's and their silly BS. I think all sports have lost a lot of fans. Maybe instead of sitting on their ass for 4 hours watching sports the fans will go out and get a life.
And people have the right to not watch these pampered spoiled baby's and their silly BS. I think all sports have lost a lot of fans. Maybe instead of sitting on their ass for 4 hours watching sports the fans will go out and get a life.
I agree with anyone’s right to not watch them just as much as as I do with their right to protest in the way they see fit. Again though, as long as it’s not destructive to anyone else’s property or rights.
If anyone thinks that it isn’t disrespectful of those who have died for our FREEDOM, then perhaps they need to Ask every mother who lost their son or daughter...every wife who lost their husband and every child who lost their daddy. All of them came home with their broken bodies wrapped in the FLAG.

i bet if someone showed up at the burial plot of someone you loved and pissed all over it, you would take offense. This is the same thing...except doing it to ALL who died FOR US!
If you think that the kneeling at games is in anyway about disrespecting the country, or it’s flag, or veterans than you are mistaken.

Well there's an easy answer to that. If you think that refusing to support professional sports is disrespectful, and publicly working to get others to stop supporting those sports where 'athletes' kneel for for the flag or anthem, then you are VERY mistaken.

Athletes can do as they choose. Sports team owners can do as they choose. And... individuals can do with their money as they choose. Hold their beer, and watch what happens. Sports are going around and down the toilet almost as fast as the brown thing I watched go down this morning. Let freedom ring.
We are all free in this country to protest anything we feel strongly about. Most think the loud angry ones get things done. When it comes down to it though when the money stops flowing things change quickly.
One of the most efficient animals is chickens, They take what you don't want and turn it into eggs and meat and compost, I hate to see industrial factories put these beings into tiny cages and call them selves farms. I have raised chickens for over 50 years, Who remembers what a Jeep is ?

One of the most efficient animals is chickens, They take what you don't want and turn it into eggs and meat and compost, I hate to see industrial factories put these beings into tiny cages and call them selves farms. I have raised chickens for over 50 years, Who remembers what a Jeep is ?


Did you mean to post that here or was you meaning to put it in another thread, we do have several chicken and eggs threads
Is this in our future??

”North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has ordered citizens to hand over their pet dogs so they can be killed and eaten as a new famine threatens the country.

Heavy rain, widespread flooding and crop damages have left the country short of food supplies, leading the Stalinist regime to demand more wealthy North Koreans give up their dogs, which are considered “decadent” luxury and “a ‘tainted’ trend by bourgeois ideology,” according to South Korean news outlet Chosun Ilbo.

“Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down,” a source told the newspaper.

The pets are rounded up, with some of them being sent to zoos and others being sold directly to the restaurant trade.

What’s next, cannibalism?

Back in 2017, North Korean defector Gim Gyu Min claimed that the famine became so chronic in the late 90’s that he witnessed people being forced to eat each other, including a mother who was arrested for cooking her own son in a cauldron.

“It was a common thing at the time. It was not surprising,” said Min.

Yet another reminder that Communism, wherever it is tried, always leads to starvation and brutality.”
I was disturbed by the dog confiscation too. They haven’t admitted they are being rounded up for food but I agree that’s the likely reason. The excuse about being them being decadent western indulgence is BS. All I know is if anyone tries to take or hurt my dogs they are going to get a fight with everything I have....
Dogs more than ern their upkeep. Some more directly than others. Every dog is a therapy dog to someone. As for eating them there are hot dogs, corn dogs and chili dogs.
The Democrats try to blame everything on the Republicans. The Republicans try to blame everything on the Democrats. Both parties are guilty. My advice is when you are thirty trillion dollars in debt stop borrowing. The argument is that if our government doesn't borrow more money then we will have to cut back on handouts ant the people will riot and vote against them. I say if you are speeding towards a cliff it is better to stop than to go over it.
WE need TRUMP so very bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump was less worse than Killary would have been, but that does not imply he is "good". Trump does not have the financial nouse, nor the skills, to effectively bring US govt largess under control.
(I reckon Ron Paul knows what needs to be done, but few others.)
I wonder whether anyone CAN. If they did (start), they probably would be assassinated.

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