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Super Friend
Apr 20, 2021
It was suggested I introduce myself. LOL, how in the heck does one do that????

OK. basics, I'm an aging former hippie who has lived in homesteading heaven and hell for much of my life. Now at nearing 77, I manage a tiny homestead (one acre) in the wilds of Oregon. It feeds me, body and soul. I'm a mix of interests outside of homesteading and growing thing, and have written several books about this life and making it successful (Making Money With Goats is probably the best known) but most recently have a new book (unpublished so far) about wellness and aging well and what that takes. That title (so far) is "Better Body, Better Brain, More Zing: What to do about Inflammation and other treachery to wellness". Because how can you homestead if it all goes south!!! So I'll probably be sharing some of what I learned in that investigation, too.

In the near future, my homestead loving son will be taking over (or sharing) this adventure. I am pretty comfortable with a minor social life but I suspect he will need more. So one of the things I'm looking for here is ideas for meeting his social needs. (The wilds of Oregon has little to offer.) Then too, I am hoping there is much I can learn from all the participants here. I am insatiably curious, a reader, and figured this forum will feed those interests! I look forward to 'meeting" you!

Welcome ellie!
Doing what you need to do to stay happy and healthy are the best goals one can have.
Glad to see another hippie here (no such thing as a former hippie}. I'm not one; former hayseed or hick maybe, now just another hillbilly geezer. Anyway, pull up a chair or a chunk, set down and palaver when the notion appeals to you.

[I know there are at least two other hippie members, because @meercat claimed that honor for herself and her man (@mr meer).]
Hello and welcome from S.W. Oregon. Long gone neighbors used to think we were hippies because we were living in a 17' travel trailer, minus 3' for the tongue, but later added a shed so our son had his own bedroom. We spent 14 years in that trailer while building our home, looking back, I wonder how we did it all considering that in 2019 I built a solar array using twelve 90 pound sacks of Redi-mix making the cassones for 12, 4"X4" posts to stand on, couldn't believe how heavy those sacks were in consideration of building a 1,100 gallon cistern back in the 80's by carrying 94 pound sacks of cement on my shoulder to build the cistern at the top of our property, yeah getting old puts a whole new prospective of what we can do as years go by, at 78 years I'm seeing that getting older is no place for the weak willed, I take a certain pride in knowing that I am a true red neck.
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It was suggested I introduce myself. LOL, how in the heck does one do that????

OK. basics, I'm an aging former hippie who has lived in homesteading heaven and hell for much of my life. Now at nearing 77, I manage a tiny homestead (one acre) in the wilds of Oregon. It feeds me, body and soul. I'm a mix of interests outside of homesteading and growing thing, and have written several books about this life and making it successful (Making Money With Goats is probably the best known) but most recently have a new book (unpublished so far) about wellness and aging well and what that takes. That title (so far) is "Better Body, Better Brain, More Zing: What to do about Inflammation and other treachery to wellness". Because how can you homestead if it all goes south!!! So I'll probably be sharing some of what I learned in that investigation, too.

In the near future, my homestead loving son will be taking over (or sharing) this adventure. I am pretty comfortable with a minor social life but I suspect he will need more. So one of the things I'm looking for here is ideas for meeting his social needs. (The wilds of Oregon has little to offer.) Then too, I am hoping there is much I can learn from all the participants here. I am insatiably curious, a reader, and figured this forum will feed those interests! I look forward to 'meeting" you!

A little late but welcome from Texas. I just joined recently too👍👍!

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