EMP - Is what I'm reading a Joke or something?

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You just posted a what if scenario a couple of minutes ago?

Most of us are not paranoid about CMEs or EMP either but we are aware of the threat And dont choose to ignore it, you do so each to their own, THIS IS NOT A PISSING CONTEST, we respect each others beliefs and concerns.

Never said it was a pissing contest( loudly in Caps )....maybe you think so because my thoughts are different than what you keep telling people ? If you don't raise questions then some people won't look deeper into what they are doing.....and sometimes that is when you find out you were not prepared like you thought you were....
And now the name calling starts......always a Senior member or someone who thinks they are very important on a forum who attacks someone because they are trying to make people really think about something other than just listen to the all knowing senior members....

No, what you are doing is not offering an alternative opinion just criticising other people concerns and preps, Your beliefs and opinions are as equally valid as anyone else but not superior. Some people prioritise long term power outages especially those from the far north, others from the far south prioritise disease, others like me put economic collapse in the top risk spot, many of our Eiropean members put the EU and Angela Merkel as the greatest threat. others put the US democrats in top spot a few put ethnic minorities top spot and some consider global nuclear war the greatest threat. Each to their own respect their views and they will respect yours, Seniority has nothing to do with it.
Never said it was a pissing contest( loudly in Caps )....maybe you think so because my thoughts are different than what you keep telling people ? If you don't raise questions then some people won't look deeper into what they are doing.....and sometimes that is when you find out you were not prepared like you thought you were....

Dammit I mean to use italics to emphasise my point not CAPs to shout, my apologies. I LIKE your thoughts they are very thought provoking but they are your thoughts and on here ALL our thoughts, logic and reasoning hold equal value, as do all our own individual priorities. I know one Canadian prepper who lived through that small CME overload that screwed up Vancouver island, his neighbour killed himself by accident cooking using a disposable BBQ in an unheated and unlit house during that dreaful ice storm that also brought down many power lines. He is putting it bluntly ******* terrified of CMEs and EMPs regardless of how remote the risk.
Nope not calling anyone names......Your making a lot of baseless claims with nothing to back it up...Such as I ask you to present evidence Ebola was not real and so far I have seen nothing. Contrary to what you think, you are not really making people here think. Everything you have posted has been discussed here many times so your presenting nothing new your just rehashing it in a different form. They don't call this Doomsday Prepper Forum for nothing you know.We can present all the scenarios we like and say we will do this or that but not one of us knows what we will do until it happens. There is absolutely no way anyone can be prepared for everything its impossible.....

And as far as me being important here I am afraid I am just another member and no more important than anyone else here. I just contribute my two cents and move on...I do not accept some ones theories without researching them and I take no one at their word. Everyone here is easy to get along with and we all express ourselves in various ways without stepping on each others toes. Sure we all do not agree on everything but we get along here well.

( There is absolutely no way anyone can be prepared for everything its impossible ) your quote......I have been saying the same thing.....only difference is I said too many people worry about stuff ( EMP ) and they waste time, money and effort one a trillion to one chance....spend your time, effort and money on the things that do happen...
No, what you are doing is not offering an alternative opinion just criticising other people concerns and preps, Your beliefs and opinions are as equally valid as anyone else but not superior. Some people prioritise long term power outages especially those from the far north, others from the far south prioritise disease, others like me put economic collapse in the top risk spot, many of our Eiropean members put the EU and Angela Merkel as the greatest threat. others put the US democrats in top spot a few put ethnic minorities top spot and some consider global nuclear war the greatest threat. Each to their own respect their views and they will respect yours, Seniority has nothing to do with it.

Exactly what I have been saying......prep for the things that happen....why would I build an electronics cage when that money and effort would be better spent on food, propane or medical gear.....I know the food, propane and medical gear will be used.....not so much for some metal cage......
( There is absolutely no way anyone can be prepared for everything its impossible ) your quote......I have been saying the same thing.....only difference is I said too many people worry about stuff ( EMP ) and they waste time, money and effort one a trillion to one chance....spend your time, effort and money on the things that do happen...

Where is the evidence Ebola was faked? Still waiting. Have not seen a conspiracy theory ring true yet.
( There is absolutely no way anyone can be prepared for everything its impossible ) your quote......I have been saying the same thing.....only difference is I said too many people worry about stuff ( EMP ) and they waste time, money and effort one a trillion to one chance....spend your time, effort and money on the things that do happen...

Seem to remember only a few short weeks ago watching the great, good and enlightened rolling around in hysterics at the mere suggest that a certain Donland Trump would be the next President of the United states of Haliburton, Even FOX as well as CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, RT, France 24 saying it was a trillion to one chance :) :) Never say never my new friend Anything is possible Yanks may learn to brew beer or play soccer, California will go Republican We can never ever be prepped for everything but we can try and be as aware of as many threats as possible.

A few weeks ago I posted about a Californian pepper who had spent silly money on upgrading his home to survive ( if I remember right) the BIG ONE and Tsunami. thats where he focused ALL of his efforts. Then during the last El Nino his neighbourhood had a forest fire that stripped away the foliage then a few months later heavy rain caused a mudslide that wiped out his house.
Where is the evidence Ebola was faked? Still waiting. Have not seen a conspiracy theory ring true yet.

Is Ebola wiping out mankind ? Is there a ticker running on any news program about all the deaths ? Planned Parenthood kills more people everyday than ebola has in 10 years.....you prove to me ebola is some sort of worldwide threat ? You can't.....a big propaganda lie......
Seem to remember only a few short weeks ago watching the great, good and enlightened rolling around in hysterics at the mere suggest that a certain Donland Trump would be the next President of the United states of Haliburton, Even FOX as well as CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, RT, France 24 saying it was a trillion to one chance :) :) Never say never my new friend Anything is possible Yanks may learn to brew beer or play soccer, California will go Republican We can never ever be prepped for everything but we can try and be as aware of as many threats as possible.

A few weeks ago I posted about a Californian pepper who had spent silly money on upgrading his home to survive ( if I remember right) the BIG ONE and Tsunami. thats where he focused ALL of his efforts. Then during the last El Nino his neighbourhood had a forest fire that stripped away the foliage then a few months later heavy rain caused a mudslide that wiped out his house.

his first mistake was living in California....a very well known place for fires and mudslides......I will guess he escaped via his vehicle and survived ? material things can be replaced, I never said you could not lose what you have even if prepared.....
Is Ebola wiping out mankind ? Is there a ticker running on any news program about all the deaths ? Planned Parenthood kills more people everyday than ebola has in 10 years.....you prove to me ebola is some sort of worldwide threat ? You can't.....a big propaganda lie......

What I suspected...Only conspiracy theory....no proof.....Don't turn the claim back on me...You made it you prove it......A running ticker is irrelevant.
What I suspected...Only conspiracy theory....no proof.....Don't turn the claim back on me...You made it you prove it......A running ticker is irrelevant.

There is nothing for me to prove......ebola scare is and was just that....a scare tactic.......the proof is the FACT that it was a big hit on the News for a couple days and then disappeared.....FACT......IF it was something BIG ? Why is it not all over the News ? For every person who dies in those countries from ebola a 1000 die from war and starvation......you tell me what the threat is ? sure is not ebola......
Who knows what waits around the corner guys no matter how unlikley A Virgin in West Virginia, A Californian with fashion sense, A New Yorker with good manners, A Marine with an IQ, Skynet coming real, hell even a modest Texan ??? Lets share what we have in common and not fight over what we disagree over.
undertaker and drt4lfe:
You are talking past each other. drt4life, I don't think you ever said Ebola wasn't real, DID YOU? I thought you meant that the threat was overblown. Please clarify that point so undertaker will stop accusing you of claiming Ebola isn't real.
undertaker and drt4lfe:
You are talking past each other. drt4life, I don't think you ever said Ebola wasn't real, DID YOU? I thought you meant that the threat was overblown. Please clarify that point so undertaker will stop accusing you of claiming Ebola isn't real.

Relax Doc I just jerking his chain I won't bother him anymore......His only evidence to the claim is conspiracy theory.
Ebola wasnt just a scare story for those that were living in the 3 African countries that acquired it, many lost close family and friends.
Relax Doc I just jerking his chain I won't bother him anymore......His only evidence to the claim is conspiracy theory.

LMAO......so now it's I was jerking his chain because he has no evidence ? your right, there is no evidence ebola was anything but a scare tactic...ebola is not even a CNN news worthy story anymore and that is saying something.....like I said war and starvation kills thousands while ebola kills how many ? more people in those countries die by machete, vehicle accident, malaria, cancer and AIDS than they ever will from ebola.....so where's your evidence to the contrary ? you have none.....so who's jerking who's chain ?
Ebola wasnt just a scare story for those that were living in the 3 African countries that acquired it, many lost close family and friends.

and 1000 times that lost family to many other things, but no one made a big news story about it ? wonder why ?
what are you talking about?
if you don't want to prepare for something-DONT! just don't come on a prepper site and tell everyone else their idiots for prepping for something just because you don't believe in prepping for it.
Methinks we need a permanent Time Out on this one...
part of my reply was not posted......what I said was, 1000 times more people in those countries die from war, starvation, AIDS, machetes and a variety of other ways compared to ebola.......and for some reason no one can show how ebola is a threat that should even cross your mind....and I'm a conspiracy theorist for simply stating there is no threat to any of us from ebola.....
what are you talking about?
if you don't want to prepare for something-DONT! just don't come on a prepper site and tell everyone else their idiots for prepping for something just because you don't believe in prepping for it.



Never called anyone an idiot.....don't start putting words in my mouth......
For Freddies sake! Give it a rest mate. You've taken this EMP topic off the reservation.
My final comment on the Ebola issue was over a year or more ago either the Israelis or Beruit secret Service warned that Boko Harem was looking to get hold of a live Ebola victim, and get its suicide extremists to deliberately infect themselves then immediately fly to NYC, London, Paris and Berlin and spend as much time as they on on public transport and in diners etc to try and spread ebola in a large city. So I personally do consider viral haemorragic fevers like Ebola Niger, Ebola Zaire, Hanta etc as a major risk IF its deliberately brought to the west. Of course other folks see thinks differently and I equally respect their appraisals. and those risk assessments of Ebola threat to the US focus only on ACCIDENTAL transmission by a carrier returning to the US, and NOT a deliberate effort to spread and outbreak.
with our modern transport systems it would be quite easy for Ebola or some other disease to spread across the world, the only reason it didn't is because these were poor nations and the people couldn't afford a bus ticket never mind a plane ticket, but it could happen and probably will one day.....remember the Plague/ Black death, ok that wasn't people it was fleas on rats but same difference.
To bring this back on topic, I'm not overly worried about EMP occurances. We may get unlucky and receive a direct hit, but then again we might not. It's not something I lose sleep over as I can do little about the event, but my day to day preps would help keep life going while things got back to normal.
geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez,,,,,look like I missed all the bickering,,,,it does not matter what hits us,,lay in stocks food water fuel,,,damn few of us have a underground bunker,a good basement for most is about it,,,,your biggest problem is getting your family all in the same place,even with a emp I don't think we lose our cars,,,just do not panic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
And now the name calling starts......always a Senior member or someone who thinks they are very important on a forum who attacks someone because they are trying to make people really think about something other than just listen to the all knowing senior members....

you have done some pot stirring but we each have our own opinions,,,hell we all could be wrong,,,,who knows,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for me I will continue down my chosen path and do what I can to ensure if the world goes to hell in a hand cart I can at least survive

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