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I have EMP Shields on my house circuit. my whole house Generac generator both ac side and DC side. On my solar system and battery backup tower. I even have it installed 2 of my vehicles. They all protect anything plugged into the protected system.
Those EMP Shield products are a scam.

The electronics in the box are just a surge/lightning protector......that won't provide protection from an intense EMP........and it cannot protect device downstream of it.

An EMP Shield installed in a car has even less chance of working..........when many of the coils, sensors and chips that are vulnerable to EMP are not even in the same circuit as the power/battery?

The EMP Shield company had their product tested to the military EMP protection test spec.....but they did that to an EMP Shield box that was not connected to any devices or even powered up.....so all they proved was that the EMP Shield unit will survive an EMP if it is on the shelf, not being used, when the EMP hits.

The only proven protection from EMP is a properly constructed Faraday Cage.....containing items that are not connected to anything outside the cage.
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Those EMP Shield products are a scam.

The electronics in the box are just a surge/lightning protector......that won't provide protection from an intense EMP........and it cannot protect device downstream of it.

An EMP Shield installed in a car has even less chance of working..........when many of the coils, sensors and chips that are vulnerable to EMP are not even in the same circuit as the power/battery?

The EMP Shield company had their product tested to the military EMP protection test spec.....but they did that to an EMP Shield box that was not connected to any devices or even powered up.....so all they proved was that the EMP Shield unit will survive an EMP if it is on the shelf, not being used, when the EMP hits.

The only proven protection from EMP is a properly constructed Faraday Cage.....containing items that are not connected to anything outside the cage.

And you know this how? Do you know the technology used in these? Do you know how it is able to send to ground the excessive current in half a millionth of a second? You do not know. Everything you have said is false.
The book “One Second After” was the very thing that prompted me to do research and then start prepping. It also led me to the first EMP Commission Report. Below is a link to the most recent report. They all have come to the same conclusion…that our grid is most definitely in peril if we have a strong CME or hit by a well placed EMP from enemies such as China, Russia, N Korea, etc.


Our recent Solar Flares were nothing in comparison to the Carrington Event. Keep in mind too that the Carrington Event had 2 very strong flares back to back that only took 17 1/2 hours to reach earth! The first flare collided with our Magnetosphere and weakened it. Making way for the second flare to do great damage. Kinda like boxing and the one to two knock out punch. These recent flares took 72 hours to reach us.


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And you know this how? Do you know the technology used in these? Do you know how it is able to send to ground the excessive current in half a millionth of a second? You do not know. Everything you have said is false.
Electronic components can be destroyed in nanoseconds.

An EMP pulse can produce an electrical field of 10 KV/ meter. That is the same as 100V/cm. A component that is less than a half inch would have to withstand 100V across it.

There are both electric and magnetic concerns for an EMP. The magnetic fields will induce large currents in long wires of the grid. The large electrical field is will destroy electronic components that are not in a Faraday cage.

Electronic components can be destroyed in nanoseconds.

An EMP pulse can produce an electrical field of 10 KV/ meter. That is the same as 100V/cm. A component that is less than a half inch would have to withstand 100V across it.

There are both electric and magnetic concerns for an EMP. The magnetic fields will induce large currents in long wires of the grid. The large electrical field is will destroy electronic components that are not in a Faraday cage.


I disagree with your last sentence.
In case you didn't see the link or hadn't followed it, GeorgiaPeachie supplied us with this EMP report which was a collaborative effort by many members of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, with assistance from equally committed members of the Center for Security Policy’s Secure the Grid Coalition as well as additional, allied organizations.
The report includes a very detailed scenario of what life day after day might evolve to in the case of an EMP.
No fewer than eleven studies conducted by or for federal agencies over the past decade have all agreed: the Nation’s bulk power distribution system can be disrupted or destroyed over large areas due to various manmade and naturally occurring events.
So, imagine the following:
Day 1, Noon EST (9am PST):

  • The power goes out across the entire continental United States.
  • High voltage transformers have blown out everywhere.
  • Within minutes, all 54 commercially operating nuclear power plants across the Nation have “scrammed” (i.e. shut down) their reactors, which is standard operating procedure during the loss of external electric power.
  • Millions of TVs, laptops, and computers have shorted out.
  • Cell phones and landline phones aren’t working.
  • The Internet is down.
  • Smoke is visible from a number of small fires across every community, but very few sirens from fire engines can be heard.
  • Traffic lights are out, and a significant number of cars and trucks that were running are now inoperable and scattered about the roadways.
  • Trains and subways are shutdown.
  • ATMs don’t work, banks close, and Wall Street closes.
  • The Emergency Broadcasting Service and 911 are not operating.
  • First responders are unable to communicate, coordinate or respond, not that they could get anywhere on the clogged roadways. Many of the planes that were in the air have crashed, and those that didn’t must now attempt to land without help from air traffic control or ground radar.
  • No one seems to know what’s going on. By nightfall, most homes, hospitals, and elderly care facilities are without running water. The nighttime sky is pitch black across America, and the stars seem eerily bright overhead.
    Days 2-3:
  • There’s a run on everything at the stores; those that are open will only accept cash or barter since debit card readers are non-functioning.
  • There will be no trucks coming to resupply the stores, since canning facilities, distribution centers, and interstate trucking all rely on the electric grid to function.
  • There are long lines at the very few gas stations that have emergency diesel generators powering their pumps.
  • In homes without emergency backup power, anything remaining in refrigerators and freezers spoils and becomes unsafe to eat.
    Days 4-6:
  • Law and order begin to break down.
  • Without communications and functioning electronic equipment, many emergency responders stay home to protect their own families.
  • Stores are looted for anything and everything.
  • Many in the cities evacuate to the suburbs, often on foot, overwhelming the already limited resources there.
  • Emergency backup diesel generators in most homes run out of fuel.
    Days 7-10:
  • Emergency backup diesel generators run out of fuel at most water and wastewater facilities, radio and TV stations, hospitals, food processing plants and emergency services locations, if they weren’t damaged or destroyed on Day 1.
  • There will be no tanker trucks coming to refuel.
  • Hospitals are required to evacuate their patients if they are without external electric power for more than 72 hours, except there aren’t any hospitals with electric power to evacuate their patients to.
  • By now, there are few doctors, nurses and hospital staff members remaining, because the majority have gone home to protect themselves and their families.
  • Many patients requiring constant care either have died or will die soon.
  • Without firefighters and water pressure, a number of fires that started from a variety of causes, from blown High voltage transformers and electrical equipment on Day 1, from nature, from human error or from arson, burn out of control until there is nothing left to burn. As a result, entire city blocks and many homes are now in ashes. In the same manner, hundreds of wildfires burn out of control throughout the U.S., until they eventually burn themselves out.
  • Without water pressure, there is no clean, safe drinking water available.
  • Without wastewater processing, the situation quickly becomes disgusting and dangerous as pressurized, raw sewage pours from toilets and sinks in the lowest elevations of the system. This makes millions of homes and apartments uninhabitable due to both the health risks and the high levels of methane gas.
    Days 11-15:
  • Without law enforcement, the hungry and desperate masses break into their neighbors’ homes for food and supplies.
  • Armed groups and gangs roam the streets, preying on the weak and defenseless.
  • Even “good people”, if unprepared and forced to survive, do “whatever it takes” to feed their children and keep their loved ones alive. Like first responders, many in the stateside military and National Guard abandon their posts and go home to protect their own families from the looters.
  • Stateside military bases are 99% reliant on the civilian power grid and are just as “dark” as everywhere else.
  • National Guard Armories around the Nation have been or will soon be looted by well-armed gangs intent on stealing loosely protected military vehicles (if they’ll run), weapons, supplies, and hardware.
  • The thin layer of civilized society is slipping away in the fight for survival.
    Days 16-30:
  • By the end of Day 7, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) mandated diesel fuel supply for backup emergency diesel generators at most nuclear power plants runs dry.
  • For backup generators and reactor cooling pumps damaged or destroyed on Day 1, there are two primary, central locations in the U.S. with spares that would need to be transported many miles on clogged highways to their destinations.
  • If reactor plant operators are unable to operate and resupply fuel to backup diesel generators, and if they are unable to power and operate reactor cooling pumps, reactor cores will eventually overheat and pools for spent fuel rods will eventually boil.
  • If this is the case, over the next few days to weeks, many of the 54 commercially operating nuclear power plants with 93 nuclear reactors in 28 states (as of 2/28/2023) will experience disasters, similar (or possibly worse) than the Fukushima nuclear power plant did in Japan following the tsunami of 2011.
  • Based on 2010 Census data, more than 120 million Americans live within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant.
  • Their already bad situation will become far worse as grainy, radioactive debris blows downwind from failed reactor plants.
  • There is nowhere to evacuate to, no one to oversee or coordinate any evacuations, and few methods available to communicate the problem.
  • Adding to the social breakdown, many of the 2 million adults in federal and state prisons and county jails across the U.S. are either let free or escape due to lack of power, resources, and personnel to contain them.
  • The first outbreaks of dysentery, cholera, and typhoid, all brought on by drinking unpurified water and living in unsanitary conditions, begin to spread throughout the country.
  • These, and other treatable third world diseases, along with dehydration, starvation, and murder, claim the lives of tens of millions of Americans.
  • There are no hospitals to go to.
  • There are no medications available.
  • Even minor injuries and infections become life- threatening.
In most parts of the country, there is no one coming to help… and this is just the first 30 days following the grid being down nationwide. It’ll get much worse in the days and weeks to follow…
So what are your thoughts:
The US would bounce back quickly?
Welcome to the stone age?
Total BS?
Probably pretty accurate?
It would be a lot worse/or not as bad?

How do you think you'd fare if the above scenario played out?
Short term/Long term?
For those that are interested, here is a detailed technical paper on the EMP threats.


So the paper covers the how, who and why of EMP threats......

This is one of the few papers that discusses Super EMP weapons (producing >200kV/meter).

While many on these forums state that "EMP won't effect cars", there is no testing that has ever subjected cars to those very high E1 magnitudes.....

According to Russian open sources, a Super-EMP weapon can generate a peak E1 EMP field of 200,000 volts per meter, which would be 100,000 volts/meter at the margins. Even EMP hardened U.S. strategic forces and command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) systems are potentially vulnerable to such a threat.

See page 16 of the paper.
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So what are your thoughts:
The US would bounce back quickly?
Welcome to the stone age?
Total BS?
Probably pretty accurate?
It would be a lot worse/or not as bad?

How do you think you'd fare if the above scenario played out?
Short term/Long term?
Mostly BS.
I already stated my thoughts in the beginning of this thread and will not bore people.
For reference: On May 10th of this year, the sun blasted us with a G5 EMP ...

The horrific effect on the country: nothing, except some folks in Louisiana got to see the northern lights for the only time in their life :rolleyes:.

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