EU speed limiters

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Awesome Friend
Mar 18, 2018
The EU just passed a new law. Starting 2022 all new cars within the EU will have to be fitted with automatic braking device run from GPS tracking devices. It looks like I won't be getting a new car when my current one dies.
it will stop all those speeders that pass me doing 80 or 90mph, the maximum speed limit anywhere in the UK is 70mph.
for some time trucks have had limiters that stop them going more than 56mph.
Just one more government overreach. Punish all because you are too lazy or too cheap to catch and punish the guilty.
We have a govener on one of the work vans. Won’t go over 70. In theory I think all vehicles should have them, and if all did it would make driving safer. In the real world, driving around Atlanta at 70 is dangerous. Cars are jostling around you trying to speed past. Seriously, driving much slower than the flow of traffic is as dangerous as driving much faster than it.
Yep I quickly learned that when I moved to Atlanta in the 70s. Going the speed limit is a good way to cause an accident. Unless you are in one of the perpetual traffic jams, like downtown on 75/85, or heading north towards Marietta on 75.:rolleyes:

What about the Autobahn, Karloshi?
I have no issue with truck, cars... having limiters built in. My problem is with them using GPS to track what road you are on so they know what speed to limit you to. The government use the excuse of safety but the real reason is to track and monitor civilians. All public transport is going cashless so they can track you there. At least when google have a tracker on my phone i can leave it behind and move about but now it seems the only options will be to use a bike or walk.
seeing as how I will never have a new car its not going to affect me, i'm happy with my 2004 1200cc MPV, but even if I did i'm not sure i'd be that bothered pre SHTF(they'll have a lot of motorists to check not just me) and post SHTF there wont be any petrol.
I'm still surprised at just how many people here think that government is the answer to everything. So many are willing to let the government track their every move in the guise of "safety". BS. I think people should be more concerned about their own self and quit fretting about what other people are doing. I drive to the condition of the road and not necessarily to the posted speed, which in my opinion is just a suggestion.
Everyone complains about too much government, but yet most here are asking for more government. Go figure.
We have a govener on one of the work vans. Won’t go over 70. In theory I think all vehicles should have them, and if all did it would make driving safer. In the real world, driving around Atlanta at 70 is dangerous. Cars are jostling around you trying to speed past. Seriously, driving much slower than the flow of traffic is as dangerous as driving much faster than it.

Brent here is a simple answer, move to the far right lane. We don't need the government to install more devices for our own protection. I don't need or want a Nanny State. By the way, I am one of those that drives 100 MPH. Of course not many folks on my stretch of the highways. Last ticket, 1984. So I am incredibly lucky or there are times when speeding does not risk others.
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Yep I quickly learned that when I moved to Atlanta in the 70s. Going the speed limit is a good way to cause an accident. Unless you are in one of the perpetual traffic jams, like downtown on 75/85, or heading north towards Marietta on 75.:rolleyes:

What about the Autobahn, Karloshi?
Driving through Atlanta can cause ptsd . Bumper to bumper at 80 or bumper to bumper at 15 mph .
Around here next to the weather, the only things that slow me down are cows and wild turkeys in the road. I'll take both over city driving any day.
AD, don't forget the farm tractors. Come harvest season, they're everywhere!
Unfortunately it’s usually the 15mph. Slow and go....

If that is the problem, what good is the proposed speed limiting governor? A government solution in search of a problem.
I was driving a long distance to do a job today. I was doing 60 in a 55zone. A car came up fast and wizzed around me. He saw the cop parked on the side just as he was clearing my front end. It didn’t take the cop more than two seconds to pull out from his spot. I was pretty pleased I was using cruise control and had set it at 5 above the limit. I’m not sure what a ticket even costs now days, but I’m sure the guy that passed me is regretting his impatience.
True, but if it's connected in to the government monitoring systems it will show a "tamper" fault. Then you'd be visited by an armed speed limit cop. Or the VDR could be programmed to disable the vehicle if the device was tampered with.
No it's made to be turned on or off by the d4iver.
No it's made to be turned on or off by the d4iver.
Sure, for now they are. Just until they become mandatory by the government. Mandatory tracking devices have been discussed for years in the name of "safety" and security. The data would also be collected and a person would be taxed according the the miles they drive. And for the zones they travel in. There's already pilot programs in several places around the country. Over the years when I was still working I had probably 20,000 of these units installed in company vehicles. I even attended meetings in DC about the future use of VDR's in all vehicles. I ended up walking out when they started floating the idea of RFID tags (chips) for tracking people. Eventually it will become reality, because people have become conditioned to accept anything the government says will make them "safer".
It can be disabled by the driver.

If it can be disabled by the driver, then what purpose does it serve? If I worry about my speeding, I can always install a cruise control on my own. I don't need or want the nanny state controlling my vehicle any more than they already do. this devise will not be included free of charge, so once again you get to pay for something you do not want and will have to disable.
I was driving a long distance to do a job today. I was doing 60 in a 55zone. A car came up fast and wizzed around me. He saw the cop parked on the side just as he was clearing my front end. It didn’t take the cop more than two seconds to pull out from his spot. I was pretty pleased I was using cruise control and had set it at 5 above the limit. I’m not sure what a ticket even costs now days, but I’m sure the guy that passed me is regretting his impatience.

And how does that tie into the OP? So somebody wanted to go faster and passed you and got tagged. That is the chance any speeder takes. Noting to do with the government installing speed limiters.
Unless someone causes me a problem I don't care how fast they drive. It's none of my business. The other day on my way to the feed store down south I was driving 75+ in a 65 zone and a guy passed me probably doing 85. So what? There wasn't any other cars on the road and he didn't interfer with me. When I take the wife to the airport the speed zone on the freeway is 80. I usually drive 85 or so and still get passed. Again, so what? It's none of my concern. And I sure don't wish them to get punished monetarily over it.
there are a lot of idiots over here doing 80 or 90mph on motorways in the middle lane sometimes in the 3rd lane, whilst it may not interfere with others driving it will probably take them a mile and a half to stop, in an emergency situation that is going to bring casualties.
that's why I only drive on motorways in the early mornings long before the commuters get going, and avoid them the rest of the day by using back roads.
There is the difference, One person does not like the way some drive, so he take responsibility to alter HIS driving habits to mitigate the situations. Nanny State folks want everybody to drive the way they think is best, so they can feel warm and fuzzy. Grow a pair. Don't feel safe, get off the highway and quit trying to enforce your fears on the rest of the world.

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