Executive order that outlaws hoarding

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Bugged out
HCL Supporter
Oct 2, 2020
Executive Order 6102 is an executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States." The executive order was made under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933.

During the onset of COVID on the national news there were numerous stories of the government confiscating an accusing individuals of hoarding supplies. So there is recent examples of the government making it illegal to have or to stockpile certain items.

Does anyone really think that their emergency supplies or preps are secure when the government can declare them illegal?


EDIT: President Ford repealed this EO in the 1970s. But the point is this has been done before and it can happen again.
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I have always said you should have a portion set aside that you can readily sacrifice should the Government start going door to door to confiscate. I have heard all the little boy brag stories about "Oh Yeah" just let them try it". Don't even go there. If they want it they will take it.

Sourdough has the right idea with all of his caches. I have to hide in plain site.
So guess its already on the books ready for thm to use?
That's what our government did under Bush, The Patriot Act is just an updated Wars Power Act from FDR, the deep state doesn't want to give up anything that may be used many years down the line to fit their needs.
Because of that there was a black market in exporting gold during his admin. Several people and Federal Agents disappeared because of this black market in gold. Many secret mines were dug and swish pan mining in rivers brought a lot of people to illegally acquire gold.

The price of gold was set at an artificial $35 per ounce and the black market exporters were getting as much as $50 per ounce from foreign buyers.
They can't keep a lid on gold prices forever and it's the reason why a sluice and gold pans are my Christmas present to myself.

As for hording - the self storage facility I'm going to be using for my cache accepts cash and payment in advance and has access 24/7.
I know because I asked.
Gold was outlawed back then except for jewellery and collectible coins. Some people today still collect old gold coins to protect their assets from government seizure.

Far more disconcerting is barry's EO saying that the government can come in and seize all your physical assets that they want to use. It is designed to take over heavy equipment operations and factories but is written so that they could take all your food except what they say you need for one week, so they can distribute it "equitably."
Gold was outlawed back then except for jewellery and collectible coins. Some people today still collect old gold coins to protect their assets from government seizure.

Far more disconcerting is barry's EO saying that the government can come in and seize all your physical assets that they want to use. It is designed to take over heavy equipment operations and factories but is written so that they could take all your food except what they say you need for one week, so they can distribute it "equitably."
Didn't Trump repeal that EO? Typically, presidents repeal most EOs when they assume office and then issue new ones, which in many cases are identical to the ones they repealed...
Regarding the EO 6102:
"The government held the $35 per ounce price until August 15, 1971, when President Richard Nixon announced that the United States would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value, thus completely abandoning the gold standard. In 1974, President Gerald Ford signed legislation that permitted Americans again to own gold bullion."
Perhaps getting America off the gold standard was the point of that executive order all along.........
A couple of years back, when negative interest rates were a topic, I read of laws passed that as far as banking goes, if you have an account at a bank you are ‘connected’ to the bank and your money can be taken to pay their liabilities. Also, there was another section that provided that the government had the ability to seize any amount if needed. This has nothing to do with possible crimes you may have committed. This was an across the board, government needs funding thing. These changes were slipped in under other legislation. Sorry, I don’t have the references. Anyway, having an account may not be as safe as you would think.
A couple of years back, when negative interest rates were a topic, I read of laws passed that as far as banking goes, if you have an account at a bank you are ‘connected’ to the bank and your money can be taken to pay their liabilities. Also, there was another section that provided that the government had the ability to seize any amount if needed. This has nothing to do with possible crimes you may have committed. This was an across the board, government needs funding thing. These changes were slipped in under other legislation. Sorry, I don’t have the references. Anyway, having an account may not be as safe as you would think.
When you put a dollar into a bank you become an unsecured creditor. That means that your deposit is a loan to the bank and should the bank go under you are in the group of people paid last. You have FDIC insurance for as long as the government chooses to pay it out and in the amount it currently chooses to pay.
When you put a dollar into a bank you become an unsecured creditor. That means that your deposit is a loan to the bank and should the bank go under you are in the group of people paid last. You have FDIC insurance for as long as the government chooses to pay it out and in the amount it currently chooses to pay.

This is one of the reasons most limit the money they keep in banks. I try to keep only enough in it to manage my operational needs.
When you put a dollar into a bank you become an unsecured creditor. That means that your deposit is a loan to the bank and should the bank go under you are in the group of people paid last. You have FDIC insurance for as long as the government chooses to pay it out and in the amount it currently chooses to pay.

Thats right Car, its basically an IOU until they say it ain't. The oligarches robbed Fort Knox years go so there is nothing to back it with.
Cashed out all of our stocks when Biden was going to be President and put it into the cabin with more food for the pantry. Only metal I am interested in is lead.
Short of it all to a hungry person a metal can of beans is worth how much gold?
As much gold as it takes to relieve the hunger...
The next question is how much gold is a loaded cartridge worth?
... and... if you don't want "uncle" to know about it, ya don't wanna go postin' about it on forums! Just sayin'... :/

Sometimes, people are their own worst enemies. I'm told people who commit crimes often give themselves away by way of a loose tongue.

That said, I don't have much to hide if I wanted to. I guess the more a person owns, the more of a problem that becomes.
ive always had a weakness for history, especially the turbulent war-economic-collapse times. first to learn how it got that way and then how did the average person survive. i also enjoy talking with people who survived the fascists-nazis-socialists-communists. always something to learn.

PMs are handy to have but there alwasy the chance a corrupt govt will confiscate. it seems that generally having gold or silver jewelry mightbe safer to won. i read a widows diary from germany between the wars trying to survive on a small farm raising kids. didnt have money or gold or silver coin and the paper money was no good. but she had some jewelry . particularly a gold bead roasry and some other gold bead and link necklaces, gold watch and chain, etc that she would cut off segments to sell to buy food and stuff they needed. small gold jewelry, rings, earrings, pins things like that and she survived doing that and growing a small garden and having a few chickens to trade some eggs. her diary was very interesting.
she would cut off segments to sell to buy food and stuff they needed. small gold jewelry, rings, earrings, pins things like that and she survived doing that and growing a small garden and having a few chickens to trade some eggs. her diary was very interesting.

Quite interesting!

Sometimes I wonder, though, would there be people who would actually want the gold sufficiently that a person with gold could trade with it like they did back then? As crazy as it might sound, would toilet paper be just as valuable? (Now that's a mental picture... TP as a common currency... maybe my cheese is slippin' off my cracker. LOL!)
Cashed out all of our stocks when Biden was going to be President and put it into the cabin with more food for the pantry. Only metal I am interested in is lead.
Short of it all to a hungry person a metal can of beans is worth how much gold?
I agree,don't think gold will do much good for the majority of us once tshtf. Lead and beans will be the gold. I also dont think toilet paper will be that improtant either as time goes by.
Husband had some saving bonds, we cashed them in this year and bought a UTV.
The government currently does not have enough people to go door to door and search for stuff they want to confiscate. I think you will have plenty of warning to hide your stuff if it comes to that. They will start with the cities first.
I wasn't going to past any survival or covid related stuff on this forum...but it's really hard to avoid either right now :(
ive always had a weakness for history, especially the turbulent war-economic-collapse times. first to learn how it got that way and then how did the average person survive. i also enjoy talking with people who survived the fascists-nazis-socialists-communists. always something to learn.

PMs are handy to have but there alwasy the chance a corrupt govt will confiscate. it seems that generally having gold or silver jewelry mightbe safer to won. i read a widows diary from germany between the wars trying to survive on a small farm raising kids. didnt have money or gold or silver coin and the paper money was no good. but she had some jewelry . particularly a gold bead roasry and some other gold bead and link necklaces, gold watch and chain, etc that she would cut off segments to sell to buy food and stuff they needed. small gold jewelry, rings, earrings, pins things like that and she survived doing that and growing a small garden and having a few chickens to trade some eggs. her diary was very interesting.

We need to go back a little further than the nazi sycho Hitler to see why he hated the Jews so much. He had just witnessed one of the most if not the most bloody massacres in the 19th centruy of 66 million Chrisitans by the Jewish Bolshevics of Russia. Only part of the party was jewish but all the jews in russia bvoted for them unknoeing they were atheies and not really jews. Or this is what history tells us anyway.
So violence breeds violence and hate breeds hate and it will not change until the King Of Kings returns.IMO. I also didn't write history so if any arguement its not with me.
A jew explains it on the link site, but Hitler was wrong and no better than the ones he hated.These Jews were not religious or part of Israle Jew from what I know.



1 QUOTE: ”We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags…And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.

Click or Source Article in YNetNews

#2 QUOTE: SOLZHENITSYN: 66 Million Murdered By Jewish

Then we had Polpot,

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I hear "special" people say that they are entitled to take what ever they want from who ever. When those special people have control of the government they will take those things by force or legal manipulation. No, I do not trust the government and the only way to ensure that they don't come to your door is to not have anything that they want.
Quite interesting!

Sometimes I wonder, though, would there be people who would actually want the gold sufficiently that a person with gold could trade with it like they did back then? As crazy as it might sound, would toilet paper be just as valuable? (Now that's a mental picture... TP as a common currency... maybe my cheese is slippin' off my cracker. LOL!)

that is alwasy a good point, id say it depends on ones locale. this lady lived on a small farm a couple miles from a town and sold her gold jewelry to a local jeweler. today in the closest towns to me are coin dealers and several jewelers. ive known a few and they 100% would be interested in buying. if its ever outlawed thered still be a black market. there always is, it is one of the ways how people survive.

but i certainly agrte with you on the idea of having goods and skills to trade and i think in most circumstances would be smarter.. in a collapse from what ive read there is always shortages of goods and regular supplies but medical stuff particularly it seems. i bet everyone here can think of good things to stock up on off the top of their heads. weve all seen the lists and they have great ideas that maker sense. what will people miss or need most?
cloth diapers, antibiotics, coffee, booze, seasonings, canning jars and lids, chocolate etc etc. im thinking that ones location and community will show what most people will miss or need the most

i like the idea of trying to stock up a little extra of this and that that can be traded to neighbors. doesnt hurt to have a bit of jewelry to sell if coin is ever confiscated. even small things like wedding bands. or broken chains.ya just never know.

By any chance do you remember the title or the author? That sounds really interesting, I'd like to track it down. (love history! especially first-hand accounts)

let me see if i saved it, i read it years ago. i was looking for real life stories of how people survived the great depression, ww1 and ww2 and general historic economic collapses in differetn countries. i just was struck by her stroy as she was a widow--her husband died in ww1, she had 3-4 kids and borderline destitute. the years in between ww1-ww2 were economically pretty brutal with their currency devalue and hyperinflation. it was her diary her kids saved after she passed.

-she snapped out of her grief and fear of being on her own, every few months sold a bit of something, kept planting basic foods for her family even selling some extra potatoes, eggs and stuff, was able to pay the taxes on her little place every year and kept her family together even surviving the nazi years and not getting sucked up in to it.
i admired her.

if i can find it im glad to share.
that is alwasy a good point, id say it depends on ones locale. this lady lived on a small farm a couple miles from a town and sold her gold jewelry to a local jeweler. today in the closest towns to me are coin dealers and several jewelers. ive known a few and they 100% would be interested in buying. if its ever outlawed thered still be a black market. there always is, it is one of the ways how people survive.

but i certainly agrte with you on the idea of having goods and skills to trade and i think in most circumstances would be smarter.. in a collapse from what ive read there is always shortages of goods and regular supplies but medical stuff particularly it seems. i bet everyone here can think of good things to stock up on off the top of their heads. weve all seen the lists and they have great ideas that maker sense. what will people miss or need most?
cloth diapers, antibiotics, coffee, booze, seasonings, canning jars and lids, chocolate etc etc. im thinking that ones location and community will show what most people will miss or need the most

i like the idea of trying to stock up a little extra of this and that that can be traded to neighbors. doesnt hurt to have a bit of jewelry to sell if coin is ever confiscated. even small things like wedding bands. or broken chains.ya just never know.

A lot of people don't like PM's, and that is fine. If you look at history PM's have always held value. PM's are money. The paper in your pocket is currency and someday may just be worth the paper it is printed on. The value of money is convenience. If you have a field of lettuce and you want a car, how many people will be willing to take 10 truckloads of lettuce and give you a car. If nobody takes money (PM's) then commerce almost stops. If you have to find someone who needs something you have, of similar value, and has something you want then you aren't going to have much commerce.

No, I'm not going to trade my last loaf of bread for silver. I'm not doing that today, tomorrow, or ever. If I have a field of tomatoes I'll take your silver because my tomatoes, beyond those that I can eat or process, will rot and I'll have nothing. If you want to trade me a roast for a bushel of tomatoes I might go for that but what are the chances of the two of us finding each other. For one they are traditionally harvested at different times of the year.

Don't buy PM's until you have plenty of food, other supplies, and all your debts paid.
You think that EO is scary you should look through the others. Someone posted a full list on our old site. I downloaded but have no idea what I did with it. Basically the gov can do whatever it wants if it feels justified. Including taking all your food and forcing you to work on farms to feed others if I remember correctly. Don't think it says that exactly but if you read between the lines that's exactly what it says.

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