Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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living where I do, with the climate we have, I understand the need for farmers and farming, the need of your own food production, to secure it in times of crises,
the sad part is many,many think here that so what, if our crops fail, we just import it...but if crops fail all over who's gonna sell that stuff to you,when there's nothing to sell???

ps.still,no beans in tomato sauce in my lidl 😧
this sound just like last year,,, and look at all the panic buying and the huge price increases ammo went thru the roof that was caused by that,,,,,, it's the buying all you can get that causes food shortages and increase in prices,,,,, I have seen no indication of any of this I will not be buying into the panic mode,,, I did so last year but not again
last year,,, I bought a hog spent a shitload on it getting it ready to process ,, it was so tough I turned it all to sausage,,,,,,,,,,,,, I could have bought better meat at the store for less money than I had in it,,, all said and done I paid almost $5 a pound for Sausage,,,,,,
last year,,, I bought a hog spent a shitload on it getting it ready to process ,, it was so tough I turned it all to sausage,,,,,,,,,,,,, I could have bought better meat at the store for less money than I had in it,,, all said and done I paid almost $5 a pound for Sausage,,,,,,
I learned that the meat I produced here cost more than just buying it from the store. But more importantly is I learned how to produce my own meat in case the store runs out. For now I’m good with buying most groceries but it is a good feeling to know I can grown and raise most of my own.
The dollar store is changing it's name to the Two Dollar Store.

I learned that the meat I produced here cost more than just buying it from the store. But more importantly is I learned how to produce my own meat in case the store runs out. For now I’m good with buying most groceries but it is a good feeling to know I can grown and raise most of my own.
I know that things cost different around the country, but we always came out way ahead on raising our own beef, pork and chicken. Mainly it depends on your feed costs. In a normal year we have plenty of spring and summer pasture to raise all the cattle we want. This year was different. We decided to sell all of our cattle before we lost too much money by buying feed at an inflated price. We're still making a good profit on our butcher beef.
the sad part is many,many think here that so what, if our crops fail, we just import it...but if crops fail all over who's gonna sell that stuff to you,when there's nothing to sell???
well thats the problem with the majority being sheeple, they just dont get it, they cant think that far ahead.
I am only able to garden at this point living in a small town of 3000 people i have a garden looking at trying to get a piece of land with a stream or river on it what and where do people suggest to get reliable vegetable seeds that will last awhile to prepare for later crisis
Food is still moving across the planet at a furious rate so any shortages people are seeing in their particular country is in part due to the bidding auction nature or things. If ten million cashed up inhabitants of China are prepared to pay more for grains or meat than you are then they get it. Here our lamb is more expensive than prime cuts of beef often and that because the Arabs, and now the Chinese, are bidding more and the farmers sell it to them.

Same with our dairy, butter went up overnight to $4.50 a Lb and the stupid parrots in the supermarkets said it was because of the drought. That was 5 years ago and the price hasn't come down. About that time they had built a huge new airpost, Brisbane West, and cargo jumbos arrive and leave all the time bringing in chinese eBay purchases etc and departing full of local butter, cheese, etc. I still eat butter but the poorer people in the sh*tty suburbs are probably eating Margarine made from imported Chinese Canola oil.
Food is still moving across the planet at a furious rate so any shortages people are seeing in their particular country is in part due to the bidding auction nature or things. If ten million cashed up inhabitants of China are prepared to pay more for grains or meat than you are then they get it. Here our lamb is more expensive than prime cuts of beef often and that because the Arabs, and now the Chinese, are bidding more and the farmers sell it to them.

Same with our dairy, butter went up overnight to $4.50 a Lb and the stupid parrots in the supermarkets said it was because of the drought. That was 5 years ago and the price hasn't come down. About that time they had built a huge new airpost, Brisbane West, and cargo jumbos arrive and leave all the time bringing in chinese eBay purchases etc and departing full of local butter, cheese, etc. I still eat butter but the poorer people in the sh*tty suburbs are probably eating Margarine made from imported Chinese Canola oil.

We had potato shortages here in the uk twice in the 70s and 80s, prices went up, but never came down again.
With your population and land area you'll be in deep shite in a decade or two Bill. Ten years ago I read a report on excess deaths in the UK over the winter period. That's a euphemism for old singles on pensions freezing in their flats because they choose to eat instead of turning on the heater. They can't afford both it seems. So they eat, and get illnesses from the cold and die.
there are always excess deaths in the winter in the UK, thats when most oldies die.
as for "heat or eat" thats rubbish, if people are on low pensions they can get "pension credit" which is a benefit paid over here, housing benefit covers rent or a large proportion of it and council tax rebate is available too.
there are always excess deaths in the winter in the UK, thats when most oldies die.
as for "heat or eat" thats rubbish, if people are on low pensions they can get "pension credit" which is a benefit paid over here, housing benefit covers rent or a large proportion of it and council tax rebate is available too.
Theres always old people dying supposedly from the heat or the cold. Even if its not entirely true it makes good press.
there are always excess deaths in the winter in the UK, thats when most oldies die.
as for "heat or eat" thats rubbish,

You need to come out of your bunker from time to time. You might learn something about the world.

Excess winter deaths as a proportion of all deaths (%) 4.61 3.76 High winter death rates are often linked with fuel poverty. Compared to Sweden, the UK has a 23% higher rate of excess deaths in the winter despite the fact the UK has much milder winters than Sweden. Proportion unable to afford to heat their home adequately
if someones state pension is not enough to live on in the UK they can apply for pension credit as I have already stated, with the modern welfare state there is no need for someone to heat or eat.
it makes good newspaper copy but it only affects a fraction of the population and there are usually other factors involved.
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if someones state pension is not enough to live on in the UK they can apply for pension credit as I have already stated, with the modern welfare state there is no need for someone to heat or eat.
it makes good newspaper copy but it only affects a fraction of the population and there are usually other factors involved.

Have you updated your knowledge since the EU started taking in millions of muzzy refugees who seem to be taking all of the pension money, while contributing nothing but crime, and refusing to learn the language? Are you familiar with France's "Yellow Vest" movement? The Swedes are pretty angry too.
Just filled another 10 x 5g buckets with rice, pinto/black beans. Stocked up on instants like ramen and other comfort foods.

FYI. Costco's Kirckland enriched rice is $18 for a 50lb bag. With buckets/lids/mylar/absorbers my cost is around $20 per 30lb bucket of rice and $40 for beans. Literally 250 lbs of rice and 60 lbs of beans, sealed and packed for 30 year shelf life for $240 total cost (10 buckets of food). To me thats an insane deal. My 15 year old is down with the cause, and helps out. I was explaining to him that if it was a true SHTF, that $240 in food might eclipse the value of our home (in a nice neighborhood)...

I didn't think I needed the food, but dang if we're talking years of drought and famine, our country's economy can't withstand that. Gone are the days of me believing that our country will stay true to itself and persevere in a crisis. The American spirit used to be strong, but the left has so ingrained the idea of government control and socialism, that in a major crisis, I have no doubt the left will push for full on socialism (never let a good crisis go to waste). If that's the case, I fear it will lead to civil unrest and possible civil war.

Also, I have several good buddies in the gun industry (from manufacturers to LGS owners). They all are telling me that we're in a lull period... that right now demand is not quite as high, and that the industry ramped up incredibly high to meet the demand. So that is why we're starting to see ammo on the shelves... They explain that that all the existing back stock got absorbed during the panic buys of 2020 (we have all heard this)... BUT that a crap ton (if not all) the readily available raw materials for manufacturing of ALL goods (not just guns/ammo) was depleted or strained, and that it might take several years for things to get back to normal. But the consensus was that this means that once the existing stock in the system is depleted, we will see another wave of shortages, which will lead to panic buying, and higher prices, and it gonna get ugly... And that's nothing to do with food... unless you consider the impact to trucks/shipping/manufacturing and food processing equipment issues... It could all tie in. (I hope my buddies are wrong).

Get ready folks.
Have you updated your knowledge since the EU started taking in millions of muzzy refugees who seem to be taking all of the pension money, while contributing nothing but crime, and refusing to learn the language? Are you familiar with France's "Yellow Vest" movement? The Swedes are pretty angry too.
I dont live in the EU, not anymore I dont, we are no longer part of the fourth Reich.
havent seen any shortages where I live, going to do a big shop in a couple of weeks so will see then.
its not so much food shortages over here, there are no problems with the supply chain, its more to do with a lack of drivers because many are isolating at home because they have been near a person who has been infected with Covid.
its not so much food shortages over here, there are no problems with the supply chain, its more to do with a lack of drivers because many are isolating at home because they have been near a person who has been infected with Covid.
Have you heard the news today about how many ships off east and west coast sitting out in ocean and NOT being allowed to come in and unload???

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