Food stamps

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The Shaman of suburbia's son and apprentice.
Mar 1, 2022
My friend has more food stamps then he can spend. I know they don't roll over, so I want to give him a list of things to buy that he might need, you know, nutrients, storable food, cans of the best kind of soup, etc. His fridge is full and he was considering giving some out, but I want to present to him a nice list of things he could save for a hard time.
I have been lucky, never had to have snap.
I would say dry beans & rice, honey, sugar, salt, spices, powder milk.
Creamer for coffee, coffee, tea, corn mill, wheat flour, nuts of all kinds.
Peanut butter, cows butter. A small freeze to store all of it in.
Name, date & number each package for future use.
If you have five jars of peanut butter the same day list the
Peanut butter 8/5/2023 #1, Peanut butter 8/5/2023 #2, Peanut butter 8/5/2023 #3, Peanut butter 8/5/2023 #4, Peanut butter 8/5/2023 #5
Also log all items in a log book & draw a line through the item when you take it out of freezer. this will help you rotate stock & make up a new list for shopping.
Cans of evaporated milk, sugar, flour, honey, Jellies and Jams. Canned meats (beef, chicken, tuna), Ramen noodles, bottles of juice, pasta, rice, Cream of Soups (Chicken, Mushroom, Celery, ...) Canned beans including pork-n-beans, canned ravoli, and like @Neb I would double up on the Chunky Soups. Heck, even a couple boxes of cake or brownie mix if they are covered.

Your friend can buy themselves a bunch of time with the right mix of stuff.
What state wont let your roll over your snap balance? You might loose snap if you dont use the card for months. Never heard they remove unused balance each month. Hard to believe since snap amount went back to pre covid amounts.
I'm sorry @AMC . There are so many families out there that do not get any type of government assistants and stuggling, but than I see your post saying that your friend has more than enough in a month. . . I hope he does use it wisely and put up long term food items. A couple members have made some good suggestions. I would also recommend some dried herbs and seasoning to help make those rice and beans taste better.
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A few months ago at our local grocery store some guy offered to buy me some groceries with his food stamps in exchange for cash. He was probably in his late 20's. My first question to him was, "why the hell are you on welfare, you're plenty capable of working!" There are jobs everywhere. I don't condone any form of welfare for any reason. It's never ok to take money from one person and give to another person, ever. An empty belly is THE best incentive to find a job.
How many know the origin of the FOOD STAMP PROGRAM...??? Who or whom was it created to assist their survival...???
Food stamps should be BANNED!! There would be no more help wanted signs!!
I'd probably starve. So would my aunt and uncle.
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My friend has more food stamps then he can spend. I know they don't roll over, so I want to give him a list of things to buy that he might need, you know, nutrients, storable food, cans of the best kind of soup, etc. His fridge is full and he was considering giving some out, but I want to present to him a nice list of things he could save for a hard time.
Tell him to get a metal garbage can with a lid and buy:
instant rice.
Instant potatoes.
powdered gravy base.
Dry noodles and macaroni.
various dry spices.
Knorr dry meals.
dry beans of various types.

Storage method #2
In a stackable milk crate (available at Walmart or sometimes free at stores.)
5 large cans of fruit cocktail.
5 cans of other canned fruits.
10 cans of tuna.
5 cans of Mackerel.
5 cans of beef.
5 cans of corned beef hash.
5 cans of corned beef.
5 cans of mac and cheese.
5 cans of Beefaroni.
This is a month's worth of food for one. mix well for variety, stack, and repeat.
Rotate every three years.
Food stamps should be BANNED!! There would be no more help wanted signs!!

The biggest issue with food stamps, as with all welfare, is differentiating between the truly needy and the truly lazy. Some people need help; the mentally ill and the handicapped. IMHO most are just lazy, and politicians pander to them to buy votes with our tax money.
They base things on income level. We could technically get food stamps too. We were even asked if we wanted to apply when we went to the county office to turn in some paperwork for getting medicaid. We told them no , we grow a lot of our food and what we buy at the store is not that expensive ( like bags of rice).
It would be very sad for a farmer to have to get food stamps
There was a woman in line in front of me at Walmart the other day. She had her groceries on the conveyor, the plastic divider, the two cases of Keystone Light. She paid for the groceries with her food stamps, paid cash for the beer and two packs of cigarettes, 9.20$ a piece, beer and smokes = $65+! ☹️
Let's not forget the foreigners complaining about how several grand a month isn't enough to support their families... all on the taxpayer as well, of course. Blame the politicians, not the people. Some true citizens with disabilities actually need that assistance, and should get it too... as long as their disabilities are vetted by doctors. The stinking Biden Crime Family skims BILLIONS off the top, and you're worried about folks on public assistance... makes sense to me! 🤔
I'm all for helping people who are down and out, and need assistance. What gets my goat is there is never any checks or balances with food stamp recipients, so once they no longer need assistance, they continue receiving the government handouts.

In my area, as you walk into any grocery store, there are folks lined up outside offering to sell their food stamps (WIC cards, etc.) for $.50 on the dollar. Why? Because they can't buy their Hennessy alcohol using government assistance.

I get real tired of a new Mercedes Benz pulling up, they park in the handicap parking space with no Handicap Card affixed to their rear view mirror, then go to the meat counter and get $29 fillet mignons, while I stand behind them looking for discounted old hamburger meat, so I can save $.25 cents a pound.

That is just not right!
I still wish I could get my hands on some 'guvment-cheese'.:thumbs:
Wonderful stuff and you can't buy that anywhere.:(
(notice it says: "Not to be sold or exchanged")
I get a large block of it "FREE" every month, I keep about 10 to 12 in the freezers. They come with a large (heavy) box of "FREE" long-term storable food from the government (delivered to the bottom of my mountain).

It is the "Senior Food Box Program" and there is an existing thread on this forum covering that program.

I also get free electric, free vehicle registration, Pay ZERO property tax, free hunting-fishing-trapping license, "Special" Federal Subsistence Rights, The "WONDERFUL" State of Alaska sends $250.00 a month "Senior Benefit", Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend. and some other stuff.

I still wish I could get my hands on some 'guvment-cheese'.:thumbs:
Wonderful stuff and you can't buy that anywhere.:(
(notice it says: "Not to be sold or exchanged")
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There was a woman in line in front of me at Walmart the other day. She had her groceries on the conveyor, the plastic divider, the two cases of Keystone Light. She paid for the groceries with her food stamps, paid cash for the beer and two packs of cigarettes, 9.20$ a piece, beer and smokes = $65+! ☹️
I get 180$ in food+bill money to go along with my lousy 20$ a month food stamps, fun fact. it only works for fresh foods and approved canned goods, and does NOT work on soda, candy, chips, or snacks. the stamps will work on junk food IF it's EBT registered, fun fact too, it will work for Gatorade but not Powerade. NEITHER works for ANY deli item but cold stuff like yesterday's chicken or sandwiches. Big plus, however, I CAN pay utility bills with it!
Big thanks to uncle Dondon! :heart:
Created during the depression, late 1930s.
Nope that was soup lines during the depression.
I'm all for helping people who are down and out, and need assistance. What gets my goat is there is never any checks or balances with food stamp recipients, so once they no longer need assistance, they continue receiving the government handouts.

In my area, as you walk into any grocery store, there are folks lined up outside offering to sell their food stamps (WIC cards, etc.) for $.50 on the dollar. Why? Because they can't buy their Hennessy alcohol using government assistance.

I get real tired of a new Mercedes Benz pulling up, they park in the handicap parking space with no Handicap Card affixed to their rear view mirror, then go to the meat counter and get $29 fillet mignons, while I stand behind them looking for discounted old hamburger meat, so I can save $.25 cents a pound.

That is just not right!
All welfare is income based. You get reevaluated . you need to report income changes. Like if your on social security or disability and you get the 3% increase this year it well change your amount of benefits. The best help if you can get it is low income energy assistance. Gives you %20 off your bill and a yearly amount paid to your electric gas or wood purchase. I wonder all the folks on here against welfare are you happy your tax dollars go to Ukraine , illegal immigrants, or to pay large corporate taxes ?
Anyway applying for welfare is very intrusive..your giving your state access to your bank account.. And the new foodstamp rule limits the months you can receive them for working age people.
Anyone remember the paper book of foodstamps ? You could get real change back. You would figure out how much you could buy maybe even 2 trips to the check out line to have enough change to buy tolet paper.
I think when the "SHTF" and there is a true shortage of food, and most likely no income, many will wish they had taken advantage of programs they legitimately qualified for to build their food reserves. I am drop dead serious about being as prepared as possible for any future event, and food & water are the core of that. I get $783.00 Social Security per month. Until one year ago that was the only money I had, till I sold half of my homestead.
Nope that was soup lines during the depression.

All welfare is income based. You get reevaluated . you need to report income changes. Like if your on social security or disability and you get the 3% increase this year it well change your amount of benefits. The best help if you can get it is low income energy assistance. Gives you %20 off your bill and a yearly amount paid to your electric gas or wood purchase. I wonder all the folks on here against welfare are you happy your tax dollars go to Ukraine , illegal immigrants, or to pay large corporate taxes ?
Anyway applying for welfare is very intrusive..your giving your state access to your bank account.. And the new foodstamp rule limits the months you can receive them for working age people.
Anyone remember the paper book of foodstamps ? You could get real change back. You would figure out how much you could buy maybe even 2 trips to the check out line to have enough change to buy tolet paper.
I get free electricity. but I'm pretty much f**ked. I'm a couple of years away to getting fitted for a wheelchair. LOL
I deleted my comment because I felt the thread was going off topic and I was also. Now that we are officially off topic from what @AMC ’s topic is….my sister married young, had a baby within a year, the dirt ball husband spent their last $40 in a pool hall gamble so she and baby left with nothing.
She had been working full time and continued to do so, but needed a little extra help with food stamps. She worked hard and never got additional support from dirt ball. She had a great career eventually.
Walmart and amazon both take EBT cards . not bad to stock some pantry items . just buy what your family will eat and rotate. No different then being prepared for a big snow storm . church of Seventh day Adventist has printouts and suggestions on storage.
I dont stock much frozen, to big a risk when power is out.

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