forgot to introduce my self

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I don't think it's too much to ask but it sure seems like it is for some of the dumb asses in Washington.

Uncle Albert, my service dog will be with me at the get together and she is an American Pit Bull Terrier. I promise she won't eat you or anyone you love. I know the reputation they have and most of the time it is undeserved and in Chloe's case it is. I hope you'll give her a chance.
I just want my country to get back on track. Stop trying to be big brother to the rest of the world. I want them to help Americans get back on track so that they can enjoy the freedoms and liberties of the American life style.
I want our leaders to honor and follow our constitution. Is that so much?
The American public really has such a limited amount of power. They say "get out there and vote". But do you really get to choose the people you are voting for? Do you ever get to talk to any of your representives? They are too busy unless you belong to a huge organization which has clout.
My biggest desire is that some day John/Jane Public has the ability to vote on how our tax dollars are being spent. If we could vote online on all the spending bills our government spending would plummet! Our personal taxes would drop by at least 75% because we would stop waste, corruption and useless spending. But the politicians will never relinquish that power and give it back to the public. They control your money and they control you!
Mike, at present count there are: 5 American Pit Bull Terriers, 4 Miniature Dachshunds, 1 Boxer, 1 Puggle, 1 German Shepherd, 1 German Shepherd/Golden Retriever cross, and 1 APBT / Great Dane cross. So we have 14 dogs, I have no idea on cats, they come and go in the barn and outbuildings, a fair sized flock of chickens, ducks, geese, 2 pigs, 7 goats, 13 horses one of them will be shipped soon, a sun conure, a snake, a chinchilla, a cockatiel, and God only knows what else is lurking around here!

We also have plenty of acreage for everything. Our dogs are not allowed to run loose even though we are in the country, my hubs and I fenced off almost an acre for them to roam when they aren't out with us on other parts of the farm. Living out where we do, people tend to dump dogs and cats thinking that they'll fend for themselves, they seem to find their way to our house most of the time.
Thank you Mike. Yeah, there's a few. I have this thing about animals. I like them better than people most of the time and to be perfectly honest, it's better therapy for me to go out and pet and talk to something than it is for me to talk to a therapist. My doctor seems to think I have PTSD due to being attacked at work and wants me to 'talk' to someone about it. I do, I go out and talk to one of the horses, or to a goat during milking times, or the chickens, or whoever doesn't run from me, lol!
We've got a fair bit of land, a lot of it is wooded and not good for row crops, but that's okay with me. Oh there are places to fish within hobbling distance, in fact I did a little fishing this morning before I went to the doctor's. Didn't catch anything, but that's alright, I was just enjoying the morning with my dog.
If that's the therapy that works for you sis, animals are always good listeners, n they don't talk back. Why pay some quack lots of money, I hope your self therapy is helping. Hope you don't mind me calling you sis.
I don't mind in the least Mike. And I knew I was forgetting a critter! We've got rabbit hutches in our chicken runs! Okay, I think that covers it.

Having the animals kind of ties us down here most of the time, but to be honest, I really don't like going many places. The animals do work for me and I'll be honest, we do eat a fair few of them as well, this isn't a petting zoo. Everything is treated well, but everything has a purpose.