Forum looks different

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I'm working on some things being fine tuned and there is now a thread started about the new software and some differences you will see from vBulletin to XenForo2.

And thanks for the welcome.
Are you switching to VBulletin?
Why delete the shout box as it was popular?
Why did you do away with the trophy points?
Personally I think once someone is a member advertisements should not be shown. Especially when they have nothing to do with the genre/niche of the site.

One last question...
Where is the picture I had in my signature?
Are you switching to VBulletin?
Why delete the shout box as it was popular?
Why did you do away with the trophy points?
Personally I think once someone is a member advertisements should not be shown. Especially when they have nothing to do with the genre/niche of the site.

One last question...
Where is the picture I had in my signature?

1. No, this is on XenForo 2, it's a bit different than on XF1.
2. The developer is looking into that.
3. I don't usually have them on a forum, but am looking to add them back since they mean something for this group.
4. Apparently you have not read how to disable the ads. You just go to preferences and then down about 1/3 of page and opt out. Remember to save.

5. I don't know where it went, I'll look at the settings to see if it is an issue there, or if you just need to add it back. To the best of my knowledge no one has touched your signature.
1. No, this is on XenForo 2, it's a bit different than on XF1.
2. The developer is looking into that.
3. I don't usually have them on a forum, but am looking to add them back since they mean something for this group.
4. Apparently you have not read how to disable the ads. You just go to preferences and then down about 1/3 of page and opt out. Remember to save.

5. I don't know where it went, I'll look at the settings to see if it is an issue there, or if you just need to add it back. To the best of my knowledge no one has touched your signature.

are private messages and conversations still private or does management read everything now
1. No, this is on XenForo 2, it's a bit different than on XF1.
2. The developer is looking into that.
3. I don't usually have them on a forum, but am looking to add them back since they mean something for this group.
4. Apparently you have not read how to disable the ads. You just go to preferences and then down about 1/3 of page and opt out. Remember to save.

5. I don't know where it went, I'll look at the settings to see if it is an issue there, or if you just need to add it back. To the best of my knowledge no one has touched your signature.
I know this is XF2
I know how this stuff works. Remember I made this forum, which it looks like your company is trying to destroy.
Yes, I did read about disabling ads. Thanks for assuming. I don't think "Members" should be bothered with it.
I am sure I will be banned for speaking up.
By the way just to let you and your handlers know this is a forum that embraces the US Constitution especially the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment.... Hell ALL of the Amendments.
At least my NRA emblem is back... Thank you for that
Clyde did you CHOOSE to sell up or was the forum taken from you, I dont quite get the hostility to angie if you sold DPF ?? or is there something I'm missing which would be normal for me.?
Interesting choice of words. Not read is NOT the same as cannot be read!!! Can the Admin or mods read the private conversations?
This set up looks a lot like the Prepared Society forum. I can't remember if you were involved in that one, but I know you help over at HCL. I know that Admin and maybe even monitors were able to read PMs there and even deleted a bunch of the ones that pertained to members wanting to establish a new forum because of all the new "policing" that was happening. Please understand this is not an attach on you, but for long term members here, this is our "home" and our "family" since a majority have been around for so long. We love it here and don't want our home "destoryed" or "stirred up" so to say. Just don't want to see what happened to that other forum happen here. HCL seems to be running ok so I have hopes for here.
A long time ago I was at Prepared for a little bit. I could not read PM's and no staff could. No staff can read them here. There has been a program that will tell if a link is in a pm, but I've only heard of it used by some other forum groups, the information around that was not readable even then. From what I've heard.

So, if some developer for that company that has PS, can do that then that's something I have never seen working here with Group Builder. And I help on many forums, and I cannot read a PM on any of them and I have the highest admin settings. I imagine if I could read or wanted to read a PM, I'd get an eye full about these first days. o_O
Personal Conversations (PCs)
Please note that while personal conversations are not visible publically or to other members of the forum (except to those people in the conversation) it is possible for forum and/or server administrators to access conversations which they would only do under exceptional circumstances (see below).
For this reason we do not actually call them “Private” – although they are just as private as on any other forum software or social network.
Please note that this isn’t just us, the ability for admin to view personal messages is common to any similar forum software. Our policy is not to read personal conversations or allow any third party access unless exceptional circumstances require it, however you are advised to be aware that nothing you say in personal conversations on this, or other forums, is truly private. If you want to discuss completely private matters with other members, then you are advised to do so via email, telephone or other forms of communication.

Exceptional Circumstances
Include but are not limited to:
  • Requests from law enforcement agencies with the appropriate warrants.
  • Any action needed to be taken by admin to ensure the legality and security of the forum, for example if there are good grounds to suspect fraudulent or illegal activity.
These comments from the xenforo community seem to say that an Admin does have the ability to monitor "Personal Conversations". Which was my question. There is a big difference from can and cannot monitor? Your reply that "NO" they cannot seems contradict the xenforo community forum.
Well, since you know better. From what I've experienced for several years then I'll let you define it. I have told you what I've seen. I imagine anyone can see anything you put on the internet if they want to enough. So, yes, Someone some where on the internet can see what you are doing via your phone, and tablet and laptop. Someone somewhere can hack a site or a server and get your bank information somewhere can change your social security information. You want to make me a bad guy and worry about pm's here. I've told you, you want to prove me wrong so good for you!
Nothing you send over the Internet is truly private. Every stop along the way it goes through a server on the backbone of the Internet. It might be encrypted and it might be on a VPN, and it might be difficult to crack. But it's there, and the NSA can crack it because they won't allow encryption they can't crack.

Back in the 90's, when public key encryption was still too weak, I had to come up with a way to transmit Credit Card numbers and other sensitive information like Social Security numbers over the Internet that could not be cracked. I came up with my own encryption scheme that was about as bulletproof as encryption can get, because it wasn't public key encryption, and used a variable length key and an unpublished (as in secret) algorithm. I'd get in deep doo doo with the NSA today doing that, LOL.
Well, since you know better. From what I've experienced for several years then I'll let you define it. I have told you what I've seen. I imagine anyone can see anything you put on the internet if they want to enough. So, yes, Someone some where on the internet can see what you are doing via your phone, and tablet and laptop. Someone somewhere can hack a site or a server and get your bank information somewhere can change your social security information. You want to make me a bad guy and worry about pm's here. I've told you, you want to prove me wrong so good for you!

What I proved was your "NO" was mistaken. Nothing more, nothing less. Is not done, is not the same as can't be done. My only agenda is to help ensure this forum is controlled by the long standing members, not you or some new mods of your choosing.
Please unknot your undies. You are attempting to make a mountain out of a visit by someone from another site and extrapolating it to all sorts of worries for this site. That fellow is nothing more than a new member. You do get them from time to time. And I've already answered your worries about mods and admins from this site, so this is the LAST time I'm honoring your harassing me about this. You've had the answer at least 3 times and it's not changed. So, back off and let this forum be this forum without YOU trying to bring trouble from some issue you had else where to this good site.
Are you switching to VBulletin?
Why delete the shout box as it was popular?
Why did you do away with the trophy points?
Personally I think once someone is a member advertisements should not be shown. Especially when they have nothing to do with the genre/niche of the site.

One last question...
Where is the picture I had in my signature?
Hey Clyde! The trophy points are one of the things I miss the most about this new set-up, as well as the "notable members" page where it told who had the most points, messages, likes, etc. I may be a bit too competitive but I worked hard to get on there 😂😂

This set up looks a lot like the Prepared Society forum. I can't remember if you were involved in that one, but I know you help over at HCL. I know that Admin and maybe even monitors were able to read PMs there and even deleted a bunch of the ones that pertained to members wanting to establish a new forum because of all the new "policing" that was happening. Please understand this is not an attach on you, but for long term members here, this is our "home" and our "family" since a majority have been around for so long. We love it here and don't want our home "destoryed" or "stirred up" so to say. Just don't want to see what happened to that other forum happen here. HCL seems to be running ok so I have hopes for here.
This forum is like friends and family; I have never participated in any other forum like I do in this one or learned so much and shared so much. I love the regular people I interact with here. . . It won't let me @ people any more because I was going to mention my favorite people by name. Why can't I @ people???
Click on Members from the top bar and you'll see the most ....

And I turned trophies back on, let me see if I can get them under your avatar as that sounds as if where you are use to seeing them.

Let me check the @KateMTx Did you put the @ in front of their name?

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