G'Day From A Newbie Prepper (australia)

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New Friend
Jun 8, 2013
Ballarat , Victoria , Australia
Hi All,

I'm a middle aged Australian Male who is wide awake to the upcoming NWO endgame that has been in plotted and planned by the global elite for the past few centuries. I have recently begun planning a Bug Out hideout deep in the great dividing ranges in Victoria / NSW. I'm currently joining a few forums to research more on the subject thanks all :)
Hi All,

I'm a middle aged Australian Male who is wide awake to the upcoming NWO endgame that has been in plotted and planned by the global elite for the past few centuries. I have recently begun planning a Bug Out hideout deep in the great dividing ranges in Victoria / NSW. I'm currently joining a few forums to research more on the subject thanks all :)
Welcome! Look around here in the forum...lots of good information with a bunch of great people...
Use a search engine and type in Doomsday Preppers - this will give you other links.
Also type in prepperwebsite - this could be in full www.prepperwebsite.com
Other searches you could use are Earthship, build a house for $5,000 or less; and DIY (whatever you want).
You can download some info (if they're pdf) or copy and paste into a word document for when the internet goes down.

I would suggest going through all the Threads here in this Forum and start categorizing the good bits.
Even in the intro's, you will find pieces of useful info.
Take note: we Aussie's use different acronyms and some of our slang will not be known.
I see your in Forestry. When I was in Warrnambool (Main HQ was in Ballarat) and a number of VIC farmers got into Blue Gum plantations. I'm not sure how that panned out and don't want to read any spin from the internet. Any insider info?
You know what's amazing? The type of person out there that thinks they would enjoy anarchy. They are usually little pipsqueeks spoiled by their mommas with no tactical or survival skills whatsoever and they seem to think people ate gonna run in fear from their little gangs and give them their stuff. They don't seem to have a clue how anarchy will always work out
The biggest dog is gonna eat. They will be shocked to find out what he eats
Ηλικία και την προδοσία της νεολαίας ρυθμό και την ικανότητα
"Alter und Tücke besiegen Jugend und Können" found this in German
"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill"
It's an ancient Greek saying about old soldiers verses new.
Thanks all:) especially Strop2 even though I've researched alot of these subjects already and to answer your question yes HQ is still ballarat at the glass house run by two Rangers due to downsize!! but the whole lot is now federal not state no more its run by DPI
You know what's amazing? The type of person out there that thinks they would enjoy anarchy. They are usually little pipsqueeks spoiled by their mommas with no tactical or survival skills whatsoever and they seem to think people ate gonna run in fear from their little gangs and give them their stuff. They don't seem to have a clue how anarchy will always work out
The biggest dog is gonna eat. They will be shocked to find out what he eats

Totally agree I have lived that Anarchy life where life is held with little regard and that was with constraints of Laws and Authorities to uphold. Lifes soon going to change!! and I for one will flourish once the constraints of this Rich get Richer Poor get Poorer society have faded into a distant memory. Bring back the dark ages ( My theory is they aren't as dark as history books have told us) back to hunter and gather ways sounds ideal to me :)
That is true, but it gives them something to look at while you get ready to rip their head off.;)
Hi All,

I'm a middle aged Australian Male who is wide awake to the upcoming NWO endgame that has been in plotted and planned by the global elite for the past few centuries. I have recently begun planning a Bug Out hideout deep in the great dividing ranges in Victoria / NSW. I'm currently joining a few forums to research more on the subject thanks all :)
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
G'day from regional SA - about 4 hrs from Ballarat. What about going to the Grampions instead??