General Strike

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OUR current government NOW is a sponge and leech, ALL they want now is what they can get out of hard working patriots and steal to line their own bank accounts.

It's about time we all got ourselves a piece of the action.
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I can tell that you have everything and everyone figured out. They all owe you.

I think you have me confused with someone else.

Thomas Paine, the great American revolutionary who helped inspire the Patriots to declare independence in 1776, believed the earth is the common property of the whole human race and everyone is owed a share of it.

Since landowners don't produce the land's natural resources, but just take it for themselves, Paine believed landowners owe everyone rent.

His book, "Agrarian Justice" was the first American proposal for a universal basic income to ensure everyone has sufficient income to live freely and decently.
You missed the meaning of the word land owner. If the land was purchased fairly, what did they buy. Did you buy a car so I could drive it to work. Sorry, probably should have used a different example, did you purchase it so someone else can go to hang out on the street corner.
Not all landowners purchase the land they own. All the land owned in this country was originally taken from native tribes by fraud and genocide. Originally, no land was owned. Then someone came along and said, "that's mine" and if he was strong enough to keep it, he owned it. In the end, only might makes right.
Not all landowners purchase the land they own. All the land owned in this country was originally taken from native tribes by fraud and genocide. Originally, no land was owned. Then someone came along and said, "that's mine" and if he was strong enough to keep it, he owned it. In the end, only might makes right.

Are you prepping for a rail strike? Do you prep for anything?
Are you prepping for a rail strike? Do you prep for anything?

Or, are you just here for political reasons to promote the Socialists Rifle Association?

The group describes itself as "working class, progressive, anarchist, socialist, communist, eco-warrior, animal liberator, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, PoC, LGBTQ-plus
Not me, I'm prepping to defend the whole capitalist system from those who attack it.

The capitalist system is on life support. It’s only being kept alive by bailouts and injections of taxpayer money. It's time to put it out of its misery. It’s the humane thing to do.
The capitalist system is on life support. It’s only being kept alive by bailouts and injections of taxpayer money. It's time to put it out of its misery. It’s the humane thing to do.

It's corruption and woke leftist that's the cause of our collapse, not capitalism.
Once they're under government control, companies will no longer be able to manipulate the market, control supply and drive up prices. Instead of going to the billionaires, the profits could be used to help out the folks who are struggling on fixed incomes.

Do you really feel that the state would change anything? NO it will not.
The state will simply install more politicians in the board of directors within the industry that it then owns and slap on additional taxes so that it earns more.
If you have the feeling that Grandpa Joe or European politicians would have the goal that the goods are cheaper, then you have made the bill with the wrong people.
The state has NO interest in lower prices, if the prices are lower, the state earns less on the VAT.

In Europe, some states are currently supporting companies or have bought a majority in the companies, the only thing that has happened is that prices have doubled to quadrupled.
What you see and experience at the moment in terms of high prices has only one goal, to squeeze the population and destroy the middle class, and politicians are currently watching willingly and do nothing against it.

You want to know what's behind it, read the book by Klaus Schwab the great reset, abe rich would not spend a cent for the book and support the criminal even more.
Do you really feel that the state would change anything? NO it will not.

Sounds like "the state" is gonna do whatever it wants regardless of who wins elections. You might as well not bother voting and go do something fun instead. I'd appreciate that.
What "free healthcare and basic income" are you referring to @Rhian L'Arson? I haven't seen any of it, but then I'm not one to seek out for it either. Most here tend to take care of themselves and not rely on handouts, especially from the Government. Folk here tend to be hard working that want to prepare for our own future and IF we can do it on our own, even better. Yet we do prepare for what we can not do ourselves. You go ahead and stand in line for your handouts. . . I've seen those Government handout lines where people "drive thru" with their cars. Miles upon miles. . . what a waste of gas, especially when during hurricane season is very precious.
What "free healthcare and basic income" are you referring to @Rhian L'Arson? I haven't seen any of it, but then I'm not one to seek out for it

The free universal healthcare nearly every developed nation except for the U.S. provides.

The basic income republican President Richard Nixon proposed paying out to families with working parents in 1969.
Social security was passed, yet I really think if we were able to hold onto our money and NOT have to give it to the government, we would be better off in the long run. Right now our government is so corrupt and they are handing out every dollar that they get from us tax payers and all the dollars they just continue to print out. I don't even think the ink gets dried.

Are you really in support of a "basic income"? You really want to rely on the government to take care of you and all of your loved ones needs? Sorry, but after this plandemic, I just can not trust anyone from government. In my book the majority all lie. There are literally just a minority, as in a few handfuls in Congress that you can actually trust.
"free universal healthcare nearly every developed nation" has really not been working out well in other parts of the world. I have cousins that live in Canada, so I have heard of some of their stories.

Free healthcare works pretty good for people who can't afford healthcare that's not free.
I really think if we were able to hold onto our money and NOT have to give it to the government, we would be better off in the long run.

If you think you'd be better off in the long run if you didn't have to give your money to the government, wouldn't you be even better off if the government gave you money?

Don't be such a snowflake. Take the money. It's free. Who doesn't want free money?
If you think you'd be better off in the long run if you didn't have to give your money to the government, wouldn't you be even better off if the government gave you money?

Don't be such a snowflake. Take the money. It's free. Who doesn't want free money?
You want to call me a SNOWFLAKE!??? You obviously DO NOT KNOW ME AT ALL!! Yep YOU just OFFENDED my ass!! I take NO HAND OUTS!! NOTHING in LIFE is FREE. SOMEBODY has to PAY for it and it is the TAXPAYERS!! The HARD WORKING Americans where I am at.
Everyone living in the state of Alaska gets free money. It doesn't come from the taxpayers, it comes from the suuuuuper rich oil companies. Alaskans are cool with taking the money. Why aren't you?

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