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Aug 10, 2019
San Francisco, CA
Hey people,

I'm 28, soon to be moving to the east coast to start a nursing degree. Eventually I'd like to get further into the medical field and increase depth of knowledge. I think the greatest threats to our security and sovereignty as individuals is global warming and extremist groups, but anything could happen. Truth be told, I think we'll be fine for at least another 20-30 years, but again, I don't know for sure. Anyway, I have a small bug out bag consisting of crank radio, collapsable shovel, vaccuum packed seeds for forest farming, duffell bag full of medical supplies, and a few other essentials. Any thoughts you'd like to share to get the ball rolling? I think putting our minds together towards mutually assured survival is a great thing we can all benefit from.
I don't by into the global warming theory much myself but am on the same page about extremist groups. It is scared times that we live in now when you can't even go shopping at Wal-Mart or walk down the street without worrying some crazy is going to kill you because he had a chip on his shoulder.
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic
Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. :USA:
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. I definitely think that opinions on the validity of global warming vary with the source of your info, but whether it's man made or not I feel like climate change or just extreme climate in general is a good thing to prepare for. I plan to travel and like to camp, so it applies in my case. Water filtration could be huge...getting clean, fresh water in particular. I can see migration from the more arid areas to temperate areas and the ensuing population load being a factor on local govt ability to provide necessities in case of disaster.
I also listed climate change as a threat I'm concerned with because I studied environmental science in college. Basically, the consensus among my professors was that we are in for a rude awakening as a species. I've seen the chemical reactions between ozone and other gases that compose our atmosphere and the results of mixing those things with car exhaust. I'd like to think there's hope or that the media is just massively overplaying it to funnel money into whatever agenda they have or to stymy corporate greed or whatever, but I mean it is getting hotter (and colder) in some places. So, this is my focus. I hope I'm wrong. I'm prepping for the stove to be turned up a few degrees and for whatever kind of mayhem that may bring.