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My analogy is if a kid pees in a pool, well it will diffuse out and is still ok to swim in. If 10 thousand kids piss in it it’s gonna stink. The atmosphere we breathe is a very thin layer that is close to the ground. Mankind has tens of thousands of smokestacks that are pumping out smoke and chemicals into it 24/7. We also have cars all over the planet, running 24/7. How can anyone think this isn’t going to affect us?

Not affect us? Where did I state that? I did say we can clean up our environment...which is what your analogy is about. But if you think we can stop global warming by cutting Co2, history has already proven you wrong. The planet had a
A LOT HIGHER CO2 prior to humans. Where did it come from? Why did it decrease? Do you know?
I find people that think with all the industry in the world, the burning and chopping down of the rain forest and 3oo years of industrial production who still think humans don't add to climate change very naïve.
nearly as bad as Sheeple and their downright crazy.
you haven't been here long, you'll find I grow on you after awhile!:p
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I find people that think with all the industry in the world, the burning and chopping down of the rain forest and 3oo years of industrial production who still think humans don't add to climate change very naïve.
nearly as bad as Sheeple and their downright crazy.
Did you not see where I posted we should stop cutting the trees? And clean up the environment? Not the CO2, which is necessary and very beneficial to higher food production.
Did you not see where I posted we should stop cutting the trees? And clean up the environment? Not the CO2, which is necessary and very beneficial to higher food production.
where did you get that from-the co2?
trees take in co2 and let out oxygen which we need to breathe.
we don't need higher food production we need less people. which will probably come with the corona virus as there is no cure at the moment.
There have been times when co2 was abundant, likely from super volcanic eruptions. There’s also fossil evidence that most life perished when this happened quickly, and taking millions of years to recover. There is scientific evidence that Venus is much hotter than it should be because the atmosphere is loaded with co2 and other greenhouse gasses. It’s common sense that when there are more of these types of gasses built up in the atmosphere they trap heat. I Won’t disagree that there are other processes that cause global temperatures to change. I do think that they naturally change slowly though, and we are accelerating that change this time. When things change over long periods of time plants and animals have time to adapt and survive. But when things change quickly most species perish. So it makes sense to me that given the likelihood of this being real, like most scientists on the planet feel, it’s probably wise to take some efforts to slow the buildup of these gasses. This is after all the only place we have to live. Even if people are smart enough to survive a catastrophic change our food supply won’t and that’s bad news for us as well.
where did you get that from-the co2?
trees take in co2 and let out oxygen which we need to breathe.
we don't need higher food production we need less people. which will probably come with the corona virus as there is no cure at the moment.

We seem to be miscommunicating. I said plants need co2. Of course we need high production of food! Unless you want millions starving to death. We need a natural slowdown in population. It would be beneficial to everyone.

It is too soon to know if the covid19 is going to be slowed or stopped by warm weather.
There have been times when co2 was abundant, likely from super volcanic eruptions. There’s also fossil evidence that most life perished when this happened quickly, and taking millions of years to recover. There is scientific evidence that Venus is much hotter than it should be because the atmosphere is loaded with co2 and other greenhouse gasses. It’s common sense that when there are more of these types of gasses built up in the atmosphere they trap heat. I Won’t disagree that there are other processes that cause global temperatures to change. I do think that they naturally change slowly though, and we are accelerating that change this time. When things change over long periods of time plants and animals have time to adapt and survive. But when things change quickly most species perish. So it makes sense to me that given the likelihood of this being real, like most scientists on the planet feel, it’s probably wise to take some efforts to slow the buildup of these gasses. This is after all the only place we have to live. Even if people are smart enough to survive a catastrophic change our food supply won’t and that’s bad news for us as well.

Yes, there is evidence that high levels of co2 allowed the animals to flourish and grow large. Humans are enjoying high food production because of the current level of co2. Do you garden? Have a greenhouse?

So you don’t think Venus being closer to the sun has an affect on the atmosphere there?

I think it’s wise to clean up the water, nuke sites, millions of ILLEGALS, and protect our forests and trees. Continuing to allow millions into our country every year will assure we will someday be as polluted and crowed as India!
Yes, there is evidence that high levels of co2 allowed the animals to flourish and grow large. Humans are enjoying high food production because of the current level of co2. Do you garden? Have a greenhouse?

So you don’t think Venus being closer to the sun has an affect on the atmosphere there?

I think it’s wise to clean up the water, nuke sites, millions of ILLEGALS, and protect our forests and trees. Continuing to allow millions into our country every year will assure we will someday be as polluted and crowed as India!
You’re right, Venus is closer to the sun. Yet it is a lot hotter than it should be due to the atmospheric gasses it has. Just by googling it you can see there’s lots of data on it from many different sources.
I can’t agree enough on the points about clean water, nuke waste, and immigration. I think air needs to be considered too. I don’t think a wall is a decent answer for immigration though. A card/ID system to be able to buy, sell, work, etc would end the issue quickly. Sure there will always be some underground trade, but it would discourage the vast majority from coming in illegally.
Glad I did not join in this thread today :)
The collapse of civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world.
by Sir David Attenborough speaking at the U.N.

Way to late :) we all died out in 2017.

So we have the galloping lefty Senator from New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who says we have TWELVE years to save the world from climate change. BUT.

Andrew Simms of the Guardian told us many years ago that we had only 100 months to avoid disaster,meaning that time ran out in 2016.

Al Gore told us that we had just ten years in July of 2008 to ensure the survival of the United States of America. So America has been screwed for a decade now.

Jim Hensen warned in 2009 that Obama only had four years to save Earth. Apparently Earth was lost in 2013.

Prince Charles told us in May 2008 that we had just eighteen months to stop climate change. That gave us until the end of 2009. Then Prince Charles by July 2009 said this had been extended to just 96 months to save the world, Time ran out in 2018. In July 2019 Charles once again said we have 18 months to save the world.

Lester Brown published in 2009 that we had only months, not years to save civilisation from climate change. Its been years.

Its all BS but a good way of hitting us with more taxes and keeping plenty of activists, ologists, academics and politicians in good jobs.

FYI They discusses Climate Change at Davos earlier this year, they did so by using 1500 private jets to get to and from the venue.

IF climate change was real the UK government would not be increasing the numbers of flights using Heathrow from 500,000 PA to 749,000PA plus another 30,000 extra using London City airport.
You’re right, Venus is closer to the sun. Yet it is a lot hotter than it should be due to the atmospheric gasses it has. Just by googling it you can see there’s lots of data on it from many different sources.
I can’t agree enough on the points about clean water, nuke waste, and immigration. I think air needs to be considered too. I don’t think a wall is a decent answer for immigration though. A card/ID system to be able to buy, sell, work, etc would end the issue quickly. Sure there will always be some underground trade, but it would discourage the vast majority from coming in illegally.

So glad we agree on the pollution issues! ; )

There is a tremendous difference in earth’s atmosphere from Venus. It is beyond debate that comparing an atmosphere that is 96.5% co2 to our planet made up of 0.03% co2 is ridiculous. The global warming fear mongers/tax pushers have brainwashed many. In addition to that, thinking that China, India and many others are going to reduce co2 is just plain silly. WE have lowered our pollutants more than any other country!

So glad we agree on the pollution issues! ; )

There is a tremendous difference in earth’s atmosphere from Venus. It is beyond debate that comparing an atmosphere that is 96.5% co2 to our planet made up of 0.03% co2 is ridiculous. The global warming fear mongers/tax pushers have brainwashed many. In addition to that, thinking that China, India and many others are going to reduce co2 is just plain silly. WE have lowered our pollutants more than any other country!
People are never going to agree on all issues but it dosent mean that there aren’t things they don’t have common ground on. I guess I look at the co2 as just another form of pollution, likely with other side effects too. I agree that even if the US stopped all emissions tomorrow and switched to non polluting energies, the rest of the world would not. I’m afraid I don’t have a very optimistic view of mankind’s ability to improve our big issues. Sad, as we have such potential to do unimaginable good things and make new discoveries. In the end I see us still as primitive and greedy animals fighting over the resources we have left.
So glad we agree on the pollution issues! ; )
No actually we don't. The divide is whether or not you believe that CO2 is a pollutant. If you do, then you can conflate it with all other types of pollution, and accuse anyone who doesn't believe it is a pollutant with WANTING pollution. They know that getting rid of CO2 is impossible, so as long as they have CO2 as a whipping boy, they will beat it unmercifully. This has been the left's playbook for decades. "Conservatives want dirty air, dirty water, etc. etc. etc." Take CO2 out of the equation and the US has made great strides in reducing pollution. But every time we do make progress on pollution they come up with some new type of "pollution" that is destroying the earth.

China on the other hand is a filthy hellhole of pollution, but they get a pass for some strange reason.
No actually we don't. The divide is whether or not you believe that CO2 is a pollutant. If you do, then you can conflate it with all other types of pollution, and accuse anyone who doesn't believe it is a pollutant with WANTING pollution. They know that getting rid of CO2 is impossible, so as long as they have CO2 as a whipping boy, they will beat it unmercifully. This has been the left's playbook for decades. "Conservatives want dirty air, dirty water, etc. etc. etc." Take CO2 out of the equation and the US has made great strides in reducing pollution. But every time we do make progress on pollution they come up with some new type of "pollution" that is destroying the earth.

China on the other hand is a filthy hellhole of pollution, but they get a pass for some strange reason.
And smoking wasn’t proven to cause cancer for decades. Of course co2 is a pollutant. It it wasn’t then why do you die if you leave your car running in a closed garage? Why when I drive towards any large city in America is there a cloud of haze over it. I don’t buy the argument that China and India are polluting so why should we stop. On the other side of this equation I don’t think we should start walking everywhere either, but do believe we should be upping our investment in research majorly towards cleaner fuels.
The climate discussion is like a circular firing squad. Everybody has a desire to pull the trigger but nobody is going to pull the trigger. The technology is not there to supply the needs of world economies. Until there is a viable solution, then it is just wind being blowing in our faces. The solutions are not there, so why debate the cause. Debate is just noise if there are no solutions.
I don't understand the smoking thing. In the 1950s and early 60's we called cigarettes "Cancer Sticks" and "Coffin Nails."

How is it that sixty years ago, ten year olds knew that cigarettes could kill you, but decades later nobody knew that? I don't get it.

BTW, what kills you most of the time is radioactive polonium 210 in the tobacco.
People are never going to agree on all issues but it dosent mean that there aren’t things they don’t have common ground on. I guess I look at the co2 as just another form of pollution, likely with other side effects too. I agree that even if the US stopped all emissions tomorrow and switched to non polluting energies, the rest of the world would not. I’m afraid I don’t have a very optimistic view of mankind’s ability to improve our big issues. Sad, as we have such potential to do unimaginable good things and make new discoveries. In the end I see us still as primitive and greedy animals fighting over the resources we have left.

You are so right Brent! People are never going to agree on everything. Most of the time it can be resolved with civil discussion if people try. Then there are issues like Second Amendment Rights that I won’t bend a centimeter on. LOL

Like you, I don’t believe humans to be capable of resolving the big issues. Greed is a huge issue. Don’t get ,e wrong, I have nothing against anyone having as much money as they earn! I’d be a hypocrite to say otherwise, being an earner in the 99% class for many years. We have always given back to the community and the poor. Lack of belief in a higher power than man is the cause in my humble opinion. As Christianity was removed from the schools, education has plummeted in our nation.

But back to the original discussion. Over population is to blame for many pollution issues, including water. Cali has huge problems because of the increased migration and illegals. Their water is awful and getting limited. Overpopulation is to blame for the waste and garbage that is going to overtake us. It’s even to blame for the disappearing green space. Yet Dems and bought off Republicans PUSH more population on us! It’s a winner for companies to grade more money.
No actually we don't. The divide is whether or not you believe that CO2 is a pollutant. If you do, then you can conflate it with all other types of pollution, and accuse anyone who doesn't believe it is a pollutant with WANTING pollution. They know that getting rid of CO2 is impossible, so as long as they have CO2 as a whipping boy, they will beat it unmercifully. This has been the left's playbook for decades. "Conservatives want dirty air, dirty water, etc. etc. etc." Take CO2 out of the equation and the US has made great strides in reducing pollution. But every time we do make progress on pollution they come up with some new type of "pollution" that is destroying the earth.

China on the other hand is a filthy hellhole of pollution, but they get a pass for some strange reason.

I just meant the agreement on water, nuke waste, and forests. Never would I agree that co2 is an “pollutant “!
I find people that think with all the industry in the world, the burning and chopping down of the rain forest and 3oo years of industrial production who still think humans don't add to climate change very naïve.
nearly as bad as Sheeple and their downright crazy.
you haven't been here long, you'll find I grow on you after awhile!:p

You’ve already grown on me sweetie.
Georgia, we have beaten this horse to death several times over already.

Bigpaul told you where he is coming from - he wants fewer people on the planet.

LOL! I should have guessed it. Wanting fewer people is fine. Coming up with how to get there is another. My personal answer is to close the border for 10 years and throw out ALL illegals. Everyone seems to forget we closed the borders before with a great outcome!
And smoking wasn’t proven to cause cancer for decades. Of course co2 is a pollutant. It it wasn’t then why do you die if you leave your car running in a closed garage? Why when I drive towards any large city in America is there a cloud of haze over it. I don’t buy the argument that China and India are polluting so why should we stop. On the other side of this equation I don’t think we should start walking everywhere either, but do believe we should be upping our investment in research majorly towards cleaner fuels.

The car exhaust that kills you is CO, not CO2. Poor education and pushing the global warming agenda as well as media lying is the cause of most people mixing this up. If you are stuck in a car not running with only people, you wouldn’t be poisoned to death.
Your right that carbon monoxide is the killer in suicides by car exhaust. My response was off the cuff and not really thought out. I still disagree about co2 not being a pollutant though. Anything in too high of concentration is not advisable. The old saying ‘too much of a good thing’ isn’t always good.
Your right that carbon monoxide is the killer in suicides by car exhaust. My response was off the cuff and not really thought out. I still disagree about co2 not being a pollutant though. Anything in too high of concentration is not advisable. The old saying ‘too much of a good thing’ isn’t always good.

Commercial greenhouse levels have been pushed co2 up to 1,000ppm for many, many years now. It is so beneficial to the plants. Non commercial greenhouses like mine automatically increase to a much higher level than outdoors. Take it from me, if it were unhealthy I would have had a reaction by now!
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No actually we don't. The divide is whether or not you believe that CO2 is a pollutant. If you do, then you can conflate it with all other types of pollution, and accuse anyone who doesn't believe it is a pollutant with WANTING pollution. They know that getting rid of CO2 is impossible, so as long as they have CO2 as a whipping boy, they will beat it unmercifully. This has been the left's playbook for decades. "Conservatives want dirty air, dirty water, etc. etc. etc." Take CO2 out of the equation and the US has made great strides in reducing pollution. But every time we do make progress on pollution they come up with some new type of "pollution" that is destroying the earth.

China on the other hand is a filthy hellhole of pollution, but they get a pass for some strange reason.

Thank you DrHenley. That it the real point that I keep bringing up. When the "powers that be" (ie: the idiots in Washington) come up and/or agree with new treaties, it is ALWAYS the US who is at fault and we have the PAY the rest of the world for their dirty activities. Seems not a single Liberal (ie: Democrat) ever gives the US credit for the strides they have made. They just want to apologize and give Taxpayer "hard earned" money to our enemies to make themselves look good. This is an issue but it has become an even BIGGER political issue than a climate issue. The more I hear the liberals wine and complain (lead by the dumbest person ever to get elected to congress) the more I hate this topic. IT HAD DEVELOPED INTO SUCH A POLITICAL ISSUE THAT THE REAL ISSUE HAS BEEN LOST FOREVER.

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