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Dies Irae

Awesome Friend
Nov 29, 2019
Czech Republic
Situation in Greece got interesting hopefully the rest of Europe will follow their lead and beat the sh*t out of those parasites from desert.

>Refugees staging gas attack on children
>Greek coast guard pushing back boat
>Greeks on Lesbos are burning down a UNCHR Migrant reception centre
>Warning shots by our army at Greek-Turkish borders against invaders
>The representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees getting attacked by Greeks in Lesvos
>Greek patriots tell economic invaders to turn back
>Refugees destroyed church in Lesvos
>Greek army reinforcements headin to Evros
>Islamist illegal immigrants shouting Allahu Akbar wanting by force to invade Greece
>Algerian migrant NGO activist records a video while standing together with the thousands of migrants that are trying to storm the Greek border
>Anry rapefugees storming the greek border.
>Migrants burn tires and other things at the border in Evros
>Pomak minority in Greece assists Hellenic Armed Forces and Hellenic Police by delivering food and drinks to the frontline!
>hunters and fishermen helping police and army
>Dutch aid workers Lesbos 'attacked with metal bars
>video shows Turkish Police shooting something towards what it seems to be the Greek border
>Another NGO attacked in Lesvos and has to flee, they also anchored their boat away from the shores
>Migrants from various countries speak out while stuck in Greek-Turkish buffer zone
>Turkey is releasing criminals and sending them to the border
>Turks beating foreigners continues, probably as "incentive" to make them move to europe
The Colonists like Corona virus are unstoppable quite simply because the individual nations and the EU dont have the will to do what is neccessary, Make no bones about it it this is an invasion by guile of Islam into Europe. I am sooooooo pleased we escaped the EU before the invasion reached full full. To our European friends I say Salaam Alykum in your new language.
I don't get it. All of these countries, including our own, should line up machine guns at the border. Announce over loudspeakers that anyone attempting to invade our country will be shot dead & left to rot. Then do it a few times. You'd be amazed at how few others try the same. Each country has a right to defend their borders from invaders, whether military/medical/economic invaders. It may be unpopular at first, but after a while of people seeing how much this policy helps their nation (from disease control to reduced theft and rapes to reduced taxes), they'll realize it's a good thing. Heck, I can easily justify it by predicting that fewer illegals will get shot/killed than Americans will get murdered by those illegals. It's not a stretch.
do that and watch the lefties start hang wringing and moaning about human rights.
its not p.c. to start shooting immigrants even if they are illegals.
I still got a small hope that V4 will survive through the BS that EU is pulling off ...even Austria seems interested in joining in. Viktor Orban wants to invite Slovenia,Croatia and few more for the next meeting somewhere in spring.
Common Market >European Common Market> European Economic Community> European Community > EC > European Union> EU........ coming soon EUSSR.
do that and watch the lefties start hang wringing and moaning about human rights.
its not p.c. to start shooting immigrants even if they are illegals.

2 key words: Don't care. And let me expand that with 4 words: Could Not Care Less. But honestly, I think it would be an easy case to show many lives overall are SAVED by a hard lockdown of the border & killing a few / dozens / even hundreds of people trying to breach our borders. I'd rather lose these people breaking laws than lose citizens killed by those same people breaking our laws & coming here illegally.

I still got a small hope that V4 will survive through the BS that EU is pulling off ...even Austria seems interested in joining in. Viktor Orban wants to invite Slovenia,Croatia and few more for the next meeting somewhere in spring.

Haven't heard of "V4". Is that basically an alternative national association to compete with the EU? Great idea, if done right. But this makes me think it would be as if the unCivil War was won by the South, and we had 2 countries: the USA & the Confederate States. I wish the South had dropped slavery & just said the separation was due to a loss of State Rights, but that's in the past. With the USA or the EU, it would make for messy relationships.
2 key words: Don't care. And let me expand that with 4 words: Could Not Care Less. But honestly, I think it would be an easy case to show many lives overall are SAVED by a hard lockdown of the border & killing a few / dozens / even hundreds of people trying to breach our borders. I'd rather lose these people breaking laws than lose citizens killed by those same people breaking our laws & coming here illegally.
you might not care but normal rules still apply and its still murder and murder has consequences .
you might not care but normal rules still apply and its still murder and murder has consequences .

Hogwash. If I shoot somebody breaking into my house, that's not murder. In fact, if there are two guys and one survives (he won't!), but the second guy could be charged with murder, not me. This is no different.
over here, if the other guy is unarmed its called murder.
as far as the border is concerned that's up to the border force to police, not vigilantes.
over here, if the other guy is unarmed its called murder.
A little history behind what we call the "Castle Doctrine"
The legal concept of the inviolability of the home has been known in Western civilization since the age of the Roman Republic. In English common law the term is derived from the dictum that "an Englishman's home is his castle" (see Semayne's case). This concept was established as English law by the 17th century jurist Sir Edward Coke, in his The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628:
For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man's home is his safest refuge].
English common law came with colonists to the New World, where it has become known as the castle doctrine. The term has been used in England to imply a person's absolute right to exclude anyone from their home, although this has always had restrictions, such as bailiffs having increasing powers of entry since the late-20th century.
According to 18th-century Presbyterian minister and biblical commentator Matthew Henry, the prohibition of murder found in the Old Testament contains an exception for legitimate self-defense. A home defender who struck and killed a thief caught in the act of breaking in at night was not guilty of bloodshed.
Haven't heard of "V4". Is that basically an alternative national association to compete with the EU? Great idea, if done right. But this makes me think it would be as if the unCivil War was won by the South, and we had 2 countries: the USA & the Confederate States. I wish the South had dropped slavery & just said the separation was due to a loss of State Rights, but that's in the past. With the USA or the EU, it would make for messy relationships.

The Visegrad Group – V4 for short – is an alliance of four eastern and central European states: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They take their name from the Hungarian city of Visegrad, where kings once met for economic and political negotiations.

In 15. February 1991, Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia – as it still was then – joined forces to work together more closely and prepare their planned EU accession. Today, the V4 countries exchange information and develop priority programs in order better to cooperate in an increasing number of areas. An important basic principle is that, within the EU, the V4 carry more weight as an alliance than they would as individual countries. Each year a different member of the group takes over the V4 presidency.

The Visegrad Group's operations are based solely on the principle of periodical meetings of the member states' representatives on all levels (prime ministers, heads of states, ministers, experts, etc.). Official prime ministerial summits take place on an annual basis. Between these official summits—usually in June each year.
So far V4 is working as it should be ... all 4 stated are equal partners,better trades,improved work possibilities between us,defence agreement,etc...

Im glad that v4 was created and hope that it will survive the fall of EU ...
Thanks for the explanation. I also had not heard of the V4 before now. That partnership makes a lot of sense. Unlike the EU where it seems one or two big counties want to take over it all and make everyone bend to their will.
Thanks for the explanation. I also had not heard of the V4 before now. That partnership makes a lot of sense. Unlike the EU where it seems one or two big counties want to take over it all and make everyone bend to their will.

The EU wants to create a United states of Europe but without the Constitution, Amendments, Bills of Rights, Liberties etc, it will base its justice system on the Franco German Spanish Napoleonic system of " Guilt is assumed until you are proven Innocent" Unlike the anglo american system of Innocent until proven guilty. In parts of the EU like Greece you can be held without charge or trial for over a year.
A lot of history behind the V4 going back to the First Congress of Visegrád in 1335.

Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary teamed up to try to counter the hegemony of the Hapsburg Empire, and create new trade routes to bypass the international port of Vienna in order to have better access to European markets.

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