Greetings from Poland

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Watch CHINA its the new big boy on the block, its the new super power but its already screwing up, its pouring billions into africa and getting not much back in return, Just as the British Empire which once ruled over a quarter of the world poured its wealth into Africa only to se it vanish. Until we stop trying to sustain. 9 billion people with resources enough only enough of 4 billion then nothing will change. Massive change and unrest is coming to EVERY nation and its going to start in the same places everywhere THE CITIES. More and more people are moving into the cities, more and more resources are nneded but tghe resources are NEVER enough. Not enough jobs, not enough houses, not enough energy, not enough schools, not enough healthcare, not enough hope. Just ever more dependant hungry mouths. All we can do as individuals is to try and mitigate against the inevitabke collapse by prepping, becoming self sufficient and moving away from the cities.
Hey YB, can you get a picture of your sabre in here to show us? Or even a video of it and you in action? GP
How do you think Russia will react to NATO putting **** in Poland and Balticum, Russias frontdoor??
He will stop gas supplies to Europe and will starve his own population.
And of course he will express his indignation at the UN.
This is all that Russia can do today ...
He will stop gas supplies to Europe and will starve his own population.
And of course he will express his indignation at the UN.
This is all that Russia can do today ...

Hi A, and again, THAT is still too much. Any man who will fight his enemies might be called a soldier. ANY man who will destroy his own nation is a traitor!
Live free and fight well, GP
I don't think Putin turn off the pipe for Germans. Although I avoid gas heating instalation. Poland with Danmark and Norway (i think) is building Baltic Pipe at the moment to avoid problems with this fuel. We'll see. I'm not optimistic in this matter.
About sabre, at the moment I practice only with hmm battle cleaver? Need to check this word cause I'm not sure. It's pretty dull but for practise exercises works fine. Few years ago I sell my sabres and swords - life kicks my right in the nuts and money was more important. Some day I will return to the point where I end and rebuild collection.

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
About sabre, at the moment I practice only with hmm battle cleaver? Need to check this word cause I'm not sure.

Yes there is such a thing as a "battle cleaver" (also called a "tactical cleaver" or "tactical chopper") although the form is not very standardized. Here are a few examples. The first two are actually called "battle cleavers" while the third is called a "tactical chopper" even though it more resembles a cleaver than a chopper. ("choppers" are specialized blades for chopper competitions which resemble the first picture)


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No. Short "sword" behind belt. One-edged with... "hand protection" (long crossguard). Pole axe that's correct observation.

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Ain't been in too many knife fights, seen a few, never liked the outcome, don't wanna go up against a real profi without the right one. What I do know, tho, is that which DrHenley has shown us here, are good for putting on a show to scare the most people away, (That ain't a knife). BUT much too heavy for the normal wrist strength to wield in a very fast and deadly knife fight. For taking an arm off, OK. For whacking trees/limbs, OK. For very quickly switching directions, turning a downward stab into a sideward slash, NO way. Thin enough to pass between ribs and do what a fighting knife should, NO. For a neck thrust or a kidney puncture? The weight alone with a massive move and then missing, WILL put you in a weak and losing position... -GP
This is not a weapon to fight with someone with knife, with pro. This is also not weapon using wrist. You need to use whole arm and back muscles to make damage as it should be. But... If you practice enough and I'm thinking about joints, tendons and muscles you may use some sabre technique called "nyżek" In German this is called "holische polnische quart" and I don't know any English translations. Most of codex I have is not in English so... Nyżek its very quick movement sabre with your wrist. Imagine a clock with hands at noon - this is position of your weapon - and you must move it clockwise to eleven oclock and hits from below. Hard to seen and parry. It needs strong wrist and lots od exercises. And sharp weapon with point that can cut really nice. This may be ending strike when you cut artery.
And it not be efficent with heavy weapon like those cleavers. I've tested it with one hand sword and it is possible to make but harder and less efficient than such cut with sabre.

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
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Yes, it is not the ideal fighter, it can and will damage an opponent if it makes contact. You must have very strong wrists and enough stamina to last more than a few fast strokes. REMEMBER, if you are fighting with a knife, you have no more ammo, no gun, no hand grenades or anything better. THAT means, you are up against more than just one person. We are prepping for the worst here. Ask Anaconda if he would use a knife in the Ukraine if he still had a gun and ammo. These are work knives and only the last resort for a KNIFE fight, or against 1-2 attackers trying to rob your house and you had no gun. Live free, GP
Fighters, long enough to get deep. Thin enough to go between ribs. Light enough to move fast. With serrated teeth to do more damage coming back out. Good grips so you don't loose it. Sharp on both sides for slashing in both directions. Strong backbone to prevent breaking if you hit a bone stabbing. Pommel to strike with. A fingerguard is good for not slipping over the blade when your hand is bloody....GP
Knife as a weapon is last option for me. Was twice in situation where opponent has a knife. Once I decided to act. Block hand with knife and strike fist to chin from below. It was very risky but circumstances was favorable. Second time I chose to retreat. I'm hoping to never again be in such situation.
Always know when to keep your cards when playing Poker, always know when to go out and keep your money. When to fight and when to run are very valuable things to know. If you die for something like a beer or a football game, you are stupid anyway. Who will take care of your wife and family then when you are gone????
Glad you are still alive YerbaMate so we can talk and learn together, Gary
PS: the chin is not a choice in a fight...5 cm lower and close the windpipe, act like a terrorist and go for the soft targets...
Yes, I'm not recommending "to do it at home or at all" and yes, windpipe is better but in a split second thouht came "what if I hit to hard?" I take a risk and driven by other thought "if head bounce back enough, he may lose consciousness". Our law in self defense is very restricted and I was affraid to not became aggressor - that's really crazy huh? But it is true. If court of law have information that I was trained in white weapon training (swords and other) they will may not see victim in me. Well we have s...y law. Moste people with guns are affraid to use it against criminals. This is not US and nothing is simple in this matter.
And in the case I described was no time to run away. Guy was to close. From that moment I'm better observer passing people on the street.
YERBA. LEAVE NO FINGERPRINTS!!!!! No seriously, now that you mention it, I have the same problem in Germany. I am required by law and the courts decisions, to identify myself as ex-military and ex-anti-terror before a fight starts. Even if the guy is bigger and will probably kick my tail bad. If I get a lucky hit and hurt even a bigger person or several persons. I will be treated as the aggressor and not the victim. Only exception: I am protecting another person and not myself...**** happens...Gary
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AND NO DNA!!! ;) Yup, that is madness of judiciary. Here we have attempts to provide "domestic order violation" law when you can defend you and yours within own property but it's still not perfect and it's better to think twice what to do. Sad but true.
About identify yourself, if only witness is agressor how can you prove that you done this before fight? Madness.
No matter what, when, where, or why, if someone feels the need to get rid of some of his aggression, happens to be near me or is just stupid; I have a T-shirt from Texas. "I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6". We have trial by jury there. Dead men tell no lies. Also not in court. But, there are 12 jurors in a criminal trial, I would need six men to carry my coffin to the grave...In court I would have double the chances to get away. Only one person from 12 has to think I am innocent, all 6 have to know I am dead....I would take my chances in Germany also. Many more judges are sentencing many more criminals to life in prison, (25 years here, not like the rest of the world). Rather be in jail for a few years than dead for many years...Whatca think?? GP
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Agree, better to stay alive for family. The catch is when you go to prison, family have problems cause you not earn money and it's huge problem here - our low pay rates. I'll gave you an example: in this year friend of mine shoot someone with air gun in self defence. Maybe he can win the trial but adrenaline was working and he shot second time in the back of attacker which after first hit in chest start to run away. There was no serious damage, health and live of attacker is ok. But shooter is in the jail. And his wife has a problem.
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This is not a weapon to fight with someone with knife, with pro. This is also not weapon using wrist. You need to use whole arm and back muscles to make damage as it should be. But... If you practice enough and I'm thinking about joints, tendons and muscles you may use some sabre technique called "nyżek" In German this is called "holische polnische quart" and I don't know any English translations. Most of codex I have is not in English so... Nyżek its very quick movement sabre with your wrist. Imagine a clock with hands at noon - this is position of your weapon - and you must move it clockwise to eleven oclock and hits from below. Hard to seen and parry. It needs strong wrist and lots od exercises. And sharp weapon with point that can cut really nice. This may be ending strike when you cut artery.
And it not be efficent with heavy weapon like those cleavers. I've tested it with one hand sword and it is possible to make but harder and less efficient than such cut with sabre.
Medieval falchions had thin blades, and were lighter than machetes. They were made to be nimble, for rapid slashing cuts through heavy cloth.

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