Hand held weapons?

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Machete and a tomahawk are a must!! Any opinions on a good all around tomahawk that won't break the bank?
I have the Smith and Wesson tomahawk I like it, it's one solid piece of steel, no handle to brake
a good fighting tomahawk is a nice to have thing. Personally, I'd want a distance weapon, even if it doesn't shoot. My arm reach isn't that great and I want to avoid contact whenever possible. All the hand to hand skills I know can never counter luck.
My opinion I think the Monkey Fist make a
Monkey fist.jpg
great hand held weapon, they are used by are Military and Law Enforcement, I have made one for everyone in my family, also make them for my Survival Group for Christmas with a Survival Bracelet, Made with 550 Paracord, and a hard object 2oz ball bearing, rock, dice, whatever will work to put in the basket.

There are many websites that sell them, you can get them at the flea market, also you can look them up on youtube to make your own.
My opinion I think the Monkey Fist make aView attachment 1340 great hand held weapon, they are used by are Military and Law Enforcement, I have made one for everyone in my family, also make them for my Survival Group for Christmas with a Survival Bracelet, Made with 550 Paracord, and a hard object 2oz ball bearing, rock, dice, whatever will work to put in the basket.
There are many websites that sell them, you can get them at the flea market, also you can look them up on youtube to make your own.

I have never heard of the military using a monkey fist. I know law enforcement does not use them. One strike to the head and it could easily become a deadly force situation. The ACLU would have a field day if they did.... Don't promote false information.......
The Law Enforcement in my area uses them, also was told by friend of mine who was a Long Taber (Special Forses) also told when they went overseas they monkey fist also. so i'm not telling false information...

And in a SHTF event it don't matter if illegal or not, your going try to survive.
A nice length of rattan is good, I'd wrap it a few times in duct tape to keep it from splitting. Believe me, you can deliver a beating that won't be forgotten. You want the rattan to be about 1 and 1/2 inches across so you have a good solid grip on it, wrap your end in bicycle grip tape so it doesn't slip. Use it two-handed like you would a bastard sword and clean someone's clock.

Old_Anorak: Your right on the mark. After doing considerable research that was my choice. I use a cane, a rattan cane.
In the first picture are my three canes. The one to the left is a hardwood, the one in the center is a 1 1/2 inch Rattan, the the one on the end, my everyday cane is a Rattan 1 1/4 inch. They range in lenght anywhere from 33 inches (83.82 cm) to 36 inches (91.44 cm).
Personally I will take Rattan hands down. Hardwood dries out and when wrapped around a tree or a similar size person will snap; Rattan woun't.
Canes 001.JPG

In the second picture please note the crook (handle). The one on the left is 3 1/4 inches (8.25 cm), the one in the middle is 4 inches (10.46 cm) and the same for the one on the end (right). Reason for the wide crook is that will fit around someones neck or ankle, the 3 1/4 inch is a bit harder to do.
Canes 002.JPG

VERY IMPORTANT: Anytime you ALTER the INTENDED DESIGN of a CANE it is considered by LAW INFORCEMENT to be a LETHAL WEAPON ! THAT IS THE LAW !! Any you can get arrested.
But Rattan is my choice hands down, and as old_anorak has said "Believe me, you can deliver a beating that won't be forgotten".
I wonder how we know that. [Don't answer that]
The Law Enforcement in my area uses them, also was told by friend of mine who was a Long Taber (Special Forses) also told when they went overseas they monkey fist also. so i'm not telling false information...

And in a SHTF event it don't matter if illegal or not, your going try to survive.
Can you provide information to prove the use in the US by LE? I was at a gun show and a guy was selling monkey fists also saying LE and military special forces used them. The guy got his ass chewed by several soldiers for promoting that lie. LEOs go through a lot of training and recerifications for weapons they use. I cant find any training info. I even researched on the internet and could not find anything to support your claims. I said nothing if they are legal or not. They are nothing more than a cool factor toy. 18 inches of chain would make a better weapon in reality. I just call BS when I see it.
This forum said hand held weapons didn't say anything about illegal or Non, I just put my 2 cents in on the subject, I'm not trying start anything. I'm just here like everyone else trying get a idea for the future.
Old_Anorak: Your right on the mark. After doing considerable research that was my choice. I use a cane, a rattan cane.
In the first picture are my three canes. The one to the left is a hardwood, the one in the center is a 1 1/2 inch Rattan, the the one on the end, my everyday cane is a Rattan 1 1/4 inch. They range in lenght anywhere from 33 inches (83.82 cm) to 36 inches (91.44 cm).
Personally I will take Rattan hands down. Hardwood dries out and when wrapped around a tree or a similar size person will snap; Rattan woun't.
View attachment 1348

In the second picture please note the crook (handle). The one on the left is 3 1/4 inches (8.25 cm), the one in the middle is 4 inches (10.46 cm) and the same for the one on the end (right). Reason for the wide crook is that will fit around someones neck or ankle, the 3 1/4 inch is a bit harder to do.
View attachment 1349

VERY IMPORTANT: Anytime you ALTER the INTENDED DESIGN of a CANE it is considered by LAW INFORCEMENT to be a LETHAL WEAPON ! THAT IS THE LAW !! Any you can get arrested.
But Rattan is my choice hands down, and as old_anorak has said "Believe me, you can deliver a beating that won't be forgotten".
I wonder how we know that. [Don't answer that]

We used rattan weapons when training for live steel combat in the SCA, No one pulls punches and it was not uncommon to have to beat your armor back into shape with a hammer after a good practice session. One thing about rattan, if the ends aren't taped, after a while, the fibers will start to split, so you will be delivering a blow with many stinging narrow strips of rattan. Ah the smell of blood in the morning.
Don't forget, a 4 foot length of regular old garden hose will ruin someone's day. You can deliver a serious beating with it. Works something like a sjambok.
My opinion I think the Monkey Fist make aView attachment 1340 great hand held weapon, they are used by are Military and Law Enforcement, I have made one for everyone in my family, also make them for my Survival Group for Christmas with a Survival Bracelet, Made with 550 Paracord, and a hard object 2oz ball bearing, rock, dice, whatever will work to put in the basket.

There are many websites that sell them, you can get them at the flea market, also you can look them up on youtube to make your own.

I Posted this tread not to long ago and said are Military and LE used monkey fist.

The other night I called two of my friends one is (Special Forces) he said they made monkey fist on there downtime but never used them, then after that I called my other buddy who is a cop, he said they use them as key chains.

I wanted everyone to know i got my information wrong after doing more research and asking my two friends that are Military and LE questions about them using this.
I Posted this tread not to long ago and said are Military and LE used monkey fist.

The other night I called two of my friends one is (Special Forces) he said they made monkey fist on there downtime but never used them, then after that I called my other buddy who is a cop, he said they use them as key chains.

I wanted everyone to know i got my information wrong after doing more research and asking my two friends that are Military and LE questions about them using this.
I'm glad you cleared that up.
you'll be way ahead to just forget all the "monkey biz" (if you are physically able) and learn karate Quit wasting your time and money on concerts, ball games and the like. It's great exercise for both mind and body, and you can use it to help friends and family (training them ) and to make money (teaching). Big Bro can't take away your hand to hand skills, and if you get locked up for "hoarding" or whatever, you are likely to need those skills.
Don't forget, a 4 foot length of regular old garden hose will ruin someone's day. You can deliver a serious beating with it.

Big fan of improvised weapons. I once beat someone black and blue with a length of hose (and the attached metal end). Their own fault, they had a stick and threatened a family member, and I told them what would happen if they stepped in the yard. Broke their stick with the hose and then beat them back all the way off the yard....(back when I was a teen). Oddly enough, years later, we became friends. Turned out that event was some kind of a turning point for him or something. Didn't bother figuring out why, as by then, felt kind of bad about it (but he threatened me and mine, so....)
Interesting.... It looks like some folks aren't really reading the threads..... Or at least they're not intending to stay on topic.... I'm glad the majority here are on the same page.
I carry a fixed blade knife. My brother taught me how to fight like a man. I can run really fast. But nothing and I mean nothing beats a handgun in the hands of a well trained woman that is royally pissed off. I'd leave the sticks at home.
In some areas it's illegal to even own a bb gun, so this will be able to give people ideas on what they can use to defend themselves otherwise.
Roll of quarters (or equivalent size pipe or wire) in your fist. Packs a heck of a punch. Also a wire hanger bent up in your knuckels can act as a razor blade when hitting someone :)
I'd like to add in my 2 cents. Now I don't know if anyone hasd metioned it but my first option for self defence is talking the person down. If that doesn't work I also have my belt (use it like my rope training) or my nerve stick (really painful with little to no longer/short term damage (it hurts alot for 5 seconds) But given the choise on my number 1 hand weapon it would have to be my hanbo. I use it like a walking cane and I can perform more defences and tactical takedowns with it over the staff or tanbo. Remerber, you win 100% of fights you don't enter
I'd like to add in my 2 cents. Now I don't know if anyone hasd metioned it but my first option for self defence is talking the person down. If that doesn't work I also have my belt (use it like my rope training) or my nerve stick (really painful with little to no longer/short term damage (it hurts alot for 5 seconds) But given the choise on my number 1 hand weapon it would have to be my hanbo. I use it like a walking cane and I can perform more defences and tactical takedowns with it over the staff or tanbo. Remerber, you win 100% of fights you don't enter

You have a Kan background?
I train kobo jitsu which is a combination of sword, knife, tonfa, hanbo, tanbo, nerve stick, rope and trowing darts
Sorry I just don't hear about the hanbo much unless someone is from the Bujinkan. Is your form Okinawan?
Taishin ryu kobojitsu is the full name. I don't think it is Okinawan but closer to goshin styles do to the take downs we do

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