Has anyone noticed any odd animal behavior since the solar storm?

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The Shaman of suburbia.
HCL Supporter
Dec 13, 2017
Look behind you in that dark corner.
I have. NONE of the eleven raccoons I play with have shown up.
NONE of the Opossums, four of them.
That retarded armadillo came back.
Two feral cats who hate my guts on sight suddenly want in.
My buddy cats suddenly want near me ALL the time.
The neighbor's stupid yap yap is being quiet, the night critters are like they're holding their breath, something is about to happen, I noticed this when the last of the solar storm came through, Maybe Ma Wildcat is inbound for winter or some other apex predator is in the neighborhood. has anyone else noticed any odd behavior?
The neighbor's stupid yap yap is being quiet,

I have not noticed any odd animal behavior, but this did remind me of a good joke.

A guy puts an ad in the paper: Need to relocate a dog. Small, terrier, barks a lot. If you are interested call me and I will jump over my neighbors fence, and get it for you.
Our dog has been acting really strange, comes to me just before I go to bed, often sitting between my feet or wanting on my lap. Animals often act really strange just before earthquakes, lots of valcano throughout the world which means heightened earthquake activity as well.
I have. NONE of the eleven raccoons I play with have shown up.
NONE of the Opossums, four of them.
That retarded armadillo came back.
Two feral cats who hate my guts on sight suddenly want in.
My buddy cats suddenly want near me ALL the time.
The neighbor's stupid yap yap is being quiet, the night critters are like they're holding their breath, something is about to happen, I noticed this when the last of the solar storm came through, Maybe Ma Wildcat is inbound for winter or some other apex predator is in the neighborhood. has anyone else noticed any odd behavior?

It's probably just climate change. Or racism.
Both my raccoon tribe and the possums are back, whatever it was has moved on it would seem.
Roscoe's son has earned his name.
Rocket, as in guardians of the galaxy. He's an ornery-thieving bully, but he has his good side. Maude's daughter is officially "Sweetie" She will literally come up and pet my foot!
Now EVERYBODY wants in... all 11 coons, 4 possums, 1 mentally ill armadillo, and three feral cats that normally run like hell from me on sight, even a few mice!
Sweetie loves mice, all except the tail.
Now EVERYBODY wants in... all 11 coons, 4 possums, 1 mentally ill armadillo, and three feral cats that normally run like hell from me on sight, even a few mice!
Sweetie loves mice, all except the tail.
Could be storm patterns. Also, tonight is full moon so watch out. Critters might pull an all-nighter at their buddy Magus's place ;)
Want my recipe for squirrel stir fry?
By request:
Squirrel stir fry.
Parboil 4 good-sized squirrels in a mix of chopped onion, celery, and two carrots chopped into chunks.until the meat comes off the bone and let it cool. fish out all the bones and veggies.

Using the greasy part of the broth, make wild rice and let sit to absorb all the flavors.

Using 3 tablespoons of real butter and a splash of broth, stir fry the meat until it has frying marks and remove from the fry.

Using the grease, stir-fry broccoli, red onion, celery, baby corn, mushrooms and snap peas until wilted. mix with the meat and using the leftover broth, make a thin gravy, loaded with pepper!

Put the meat on the rice, the veggies on the meat the gravy over the veggies. serve with cat head biscuits.
Could be storm patterns. Also, tonight is full moon so watch out. Critters might pull an all-nighter at their buddy Magus's place ;)
I was going to share this part of it. A full moon has an affect on children and animals. Some days in the classroom we would say, "Is it a full moon?" and when we looked, it was! There are always more dog fights and skirmishes at dog parks on a full moon.
Want my recipe for squirrel stir fry?
I'll give it a shot.

Just shot one with an arrow fletched with the guts of his brother. Usually I throw em on the weber and have em as as side w/ whatever. I plan on doing some squirrel hunts on foggy days in January once deer season is over- so ill have a bunch more on hand then to try some new stuff.
Our dog has gotten a habit of wanting to have attention just as I'm ready to go to bed, when I check on the wood stove to make sure it's got enough wood for the night I sit in a chair and she wants to sit between my feet and when I get up and tell her to go to bed she refuses. If I get up to check on things I find her laying on the floor just outside the bedroom door, maybe she's sensing night creatures and is concerned about her safety.

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