Hello, another from DDP!

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LOL.. yeah, it was not good. Even Brian May calls that time "Um.. interesting, to say the least." I like Queen, and I like Paul Rodgers.. just not together!

You too!
Yeah, I remember watching Queen with Rodgers doing a concert and Brian May looks over at Rodgers with an expression of, "what did we do, what were we thinking!" I Love Queen, Freddie Mercury was one of a kind! Doubt there will ever be another like him and Brian May, playing guitar with a english coin, building his own guitars, amazing band!
Doing good. I've been a member here since their start a few years ago when they did their "?", relocation??. My main is the one getting shut down, which is still breaking my heart. Freddie can never be replaced.
Yep, gonna miss the old site. In with the new and out with the old, so they say. Seems good here tho! Wish I had known about this before, but oh well. And yes, to me Freddie was another Elvis in his own way. I'm glad I got to see them a couple times.
Simpleman is the name and I am what the name states! Just a simpleman trying to make it thru live and not stepping on any toes or hurting anyone on the way! I don't post a lot at times but I am reading the boards often.
Not sure if my avatar is going to follow me or not, some like it and some don't, as for me, I don't care because I know what it really means. Time will tell!
So, Hello All!
Welcome from Wisconsin and have a blessed day!
Simpleman is the name and I am what the name states! Just a simpleman trying to make it thru live and not stepping on any toes or hurting anyone on the way! I don't post a lot at times but I am reading the boards often.
Not sure if my avatar is going to follow me or not, some like it and some don't, as for me, I don't care because I know what it really means. Time will tell!
So, Hello All!
Howdy simple! I'm another Ga resident, somewhere around Dalton-ish. where are you from?
Thanks, used it 20 something years ago and then just forgot about until I saw a documentary on them and said, "oh yeah, I got that avatar!"
My one on DDP forum may, or may not, offend someone here so no sense in taking a chance.
P.S. digging your hat to!
Oh crap, my avatar followed me over! Lol, sorry, did not notice that until just noe!
I am not a racist, contrary to what, or how, people feel about the flag but I can, and will, change it back to my bush baby if y'all want me to!
Welcome to a good home.

Sent from the place where the Tennessee river turns to north toward Illinois.

I love the flag, the weak kneed political trash that have desecrated and lied about it are the ones that offend me.

I think some folk need to stop rewriting history.

I always wondered why the same thing does not apply to Hawaii's flag since it is a symbol of King Georges oppression of ALL of the people of the Americas.
Welcome to a good home.

Sent from the place where the Tennessee river turns to north toward Illinois.

I love the flag, the weak kneed political trash that have desecrated and lied about it are the ones that offend me.

I think some folk need to stop rewriting history.

I always wondered why the same thing does not apply to Hawaii's flag since it is a symbol of King Georges oppression of ALL of the people of the Americas.
Glad to meet more people that feel the same and know the Real history! It is sad how they rewrite history and the sheeple believe it. I was actually suspended from school in 9th grade for a report I did about the South and the flag. They tried to tell me I was wrong, until I showed them where I got all my info, and my mom going up there telling them a thing or to! I was reinstated and got an A for my report. Sad to see public schools were lying even back in the 70's!

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