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Jan 9, 2023
Hey all! I've been browsing the forum for a few days and decided to finally join.
I'm 22 yrs, I've been a prepper on and off throughout life, remember first finding out about it when I was a kid, probably 8-10 yes old, it was on doomsday preppers (I know, im cringing too.) But was quickly discouraged because my mom thought it was all bs (she still thinks it is). Till I'm able to get a stable income I've been staying with my dad who reintroduced me back into the prepping life, and well, now I'm here.
My main goals right now are
  1. Stocking up on food and water, we have most of the other necessities. Any advice on storing water would be cool, we don't have a lot of space for huge barrels.
  2. My friend is buying me a suturing kit I think for my birthday. I'm very interested in having medical skills if SHTF.
  3. Figuring out better heating/cooling alternatives, we get bad storms where I live, especially this year. Our summers are getting scorching too.
Anyways, thanks for reading! Can't wait to meet like minded people.
P.S sorry for the weird huge introduction I'm kinda new to forums...
Hey all! I've been browsing the forum for a few days and decided to finally join.
I'm 22 yrs, I've been a prepper on and off throughout life, remember first finding out about it when I was a kid, probably 8-10 yes old, it was on doomsday preppers (I know, im cringing too.) But was quickly discouraged because my mom thought it was all bs (she still thinks it is). Till I'm able to get a stable income I've been staying with my dad who reintroduced me back into the prepping life, and well, now I'm here.
My main goals right now are
  1. Stocking up on food and water, we have most of the other necessities. Any advice on storing water would be cool, we don't have a lot of space for huge barrels.
  2. My friend is buying me a suturing kit I think for my birthday. I'm very interested in having medical skills if SHTF.
  3. Figuring out better heating/cooling alternatives, we get bad storms where I live, especially this year. Our summers are getting scorching too.
Anyways, thanks for reading! Can't wait to meet like minded people.
P.S sorry for the weird huge introduction I'm kinda new to forums...
Welcome to the chat! Look forward to hearing from you. :)
Hey all! I've been browsing the forum for a few days and decided to finally join.
I'm 22 yrs, I've been a prepper on and off throughout life, remember first finding out about it when I was a kid, probably 8-10 yes old, it was on doomsday preppers (I know, im cringing too.) But was quickly discouraged because my mom thought it was all bs (she still thinks it is). Till I'm able to get a stable income I've been staying with my dad who reintroduced me back into the prepping life, and well, now I'm here.
My main goals right now are
  1. Stocking up on food and water, we have most of the other necessities. Any advice on storing water would be cool, we don't have a lot of space for huge barrels.
  2. My friend is buying me a suturing kit I think for my birthday. I'm very interested in having medical skills if SHTF.
  3. Figuring out better heating/cooling alternatives, we get bad storms where I live, especially this year. Our summers are getting scorching too.
Anyways, thanks for reading! Can't wait to meet like minded people.
P.S sorry for the weird huge introduction I'm kinda new to forums...

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