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Oh Lord, that's terrible Old_anorak... mine are brought on by stress, nothing like what you went through. I do feel your pain. When mine hit, I lose my vision, nausia, can't stand light, noise, get very sick very quick. If I get the migraine meds in me in a small window, I can avoid most of the ugly stuff. Have you tried a chiropractor? I'm not a fan of having my neck jerked around, but it did help when I went. I don't go anymore. I just can't stay still when someone's wringing my neck....
I don't know that it would help. My neck was/is fine, called it closed brain injury and another doctor called it traumatic brain injury. Meh, I don't know. All I know is that another low life scum sucker is living life on the tax payer's dime and he'll never have to answer for what he did to me.
I'm a firm believer of the good Lord's Charma..... no bad deed shall go unpunished.... he will get his... back to you: I'd try chiropractor; couldn't hurt. Have you tried anti-inflamatory remedies. Herbal remedies to try are: BlackPepper, Basil,Cardamom,Cayenne,Chamomile,Chives,Cilantro,Cinnamon,Cloves,Garlic,Ginger,Parsley,Nutmeg,Rosemary,Turmeric
I'm a firm believer of the good Lord's Charma..... no bad deed shall go unpunished.... he will get his... back to you: I'd try chiropractor; couldn't hurt. Have you tried anti-inflamatory remedies. Herbal remedies to try are: BlackPepper, Basil,Cardamom,Cayenne,Chamomile,Chives,Cilantro,Cinnamon,Cloves,Garlic,Ginger,Parsley,Nutmeg,Rosemary,Turmeric
Lissy, I knew Cayenne was good in a gumbo but I didn't know it was good for a headache.
Thank you Lissy. I use some of those on an almost daily basis now. I can't abide the taste of nutmeg however and can tolerate cinnamon in small doses only. I like pepper. Love kimchi. Eat it daily for my stomach.
Sorry Anorak, that sucks, and I feel you with the headaches. I was in a Helicopter Accident in Iraq in 2009 and have had terrible headaches ever since. I also messed up my Cervical Spine as well so the multiple surgeries on that with more to come this year haven't helped either. I just have to lay on the couch with a nice warm towel on my forehead over my eyes and ride them out. You probably do have traumatic brain injury if he did that to you, it would definitely cause it. There isn't much you can do about the headaches but go with it or try some of the new meds they have for that specific type of injury. They have learned a lot since the wars started about brain injuries and have some new treatments out there for it if you want to go that way. I find that the wam cloth and a dark quiet room is great. I just drift of and try to almost meditate if I can. Feel better
Cayenne is definitely good in gumbo :) Old_anorak: I know you and I have migraines for different reasons, but I truly am able to alleviate some of the pressure by not only eating lots of spicy foods, but taking them in pill form. Cinnamon comes in pill form. I can't explain why it works, only that when my veins in my brain constrict, the pain is unbearable. Spice expands them back out again. This helps me, but I'll research more for you and Army. See what's out there to alleviate your type of injury related migraines. I know the key is to open up your blood vessels. I have a rare kind of migraine. It's at the base of my skull and if not nipped in the bud immediately, can cause a stroke. I was driving when one hit me. I was fine one minute, blind the next doing 45 miles an hour in lunch time traffic. Anyhow.... let me see what I can dig up.
Yeah- I'm not sure about the pool shock. Doesn't seem to be safe to drink. Thanks Army; let me know what you find. I'll do the same and post what I find. I've got a list to get for this year. A good filtration system is one of them.

Pool Shock is just a concentrated form of chlorine. It basically separates the combined chlorine( that is attached to bacteria) in the water in order to sanitize. It's not any worse for you than "regular" chlorine. I don't recommend drinking it out of the bag though lol you can also buy non-chlorine shock, but I don't trust that stuff!
Lissy, I do eat quite a bit of spice and it does help, I also drink a fair bit of caffeine as well to help with it. I finally broke down a little while ago and gave myself a shot.

Colt, that actually does help some and is something I do plan to keep on hand when I can't get my meds.
I've done some research and it just says the same thing we all know; avoid your triggers and trigger foods, eat spices, keep your meds on you, go to a quiet dark room when one hits..... blah blah blah.... I read one article that said to avoid caffeine and chocolate... Ummmm.... how about NO! Caffeine actually helps mine and giving up chocolate? NEVER gunna happen... I AM a woman ya know!!!!!!

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