Help a newbie pick a bug out bag

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one thing i've learned about if you keep a small piece of jerky in between you cheek and'll not only keep plenty of saliva in your mouth..but it might also cut down on hunger at same time..which is good if your in a situation where you gotta wait on eating..
What lead you to find that out Jim????I have a vision of a starving you at a bad BBQ....just sucking on Poor Jim.
If it rains a lot, you might consider getting one of those small cheap ponchos. Staying warm and dry is important, especially for children. If you can spare the room, I'd get a more durable poncho. If space is tight, you can get the really cheap thin one's.
I got a few ponchos in my kits, My best buy was a 3 pack I got in the 50p box at my local charity shop, I also got new boots for my kid for £1.50.
I also heard one prepper suggest putting a bottle of multi-vitamins in your bag. I thought that was a pretty good idea.
I got 60 multi vit tabs in my bag, could only get use by 2017 tho. I hate all the short dates on products.
from what i hear.makeing it can cost just as much as buying it.if not more if a person don't plan it right.but yet.making your own is a great idea.this way you can go with meat(s) and spices that you prefer.
I'm just gona buy some Jim, I've no got the time to make my own and as an ex veggie prob not a good idea.
What lead you to find that out Jim????I have a vision of a starving you at a bad BBQ....just sucking on Poor Jim.

i heard that if you keep a small stone in between the cheek and gum,it'll create more i tryed it with a peice of jerky.and it worked
I have a couple of cheap $1 ponchos in the pack, but really, my main one is a quality poncho, on account it can rain pretty bad here, and of course, knowing my luck, on a SHTF day, it will be rather not be wet.
I have a couple of cheap $1 ponchos in the pack, but really, my main one is a quality poncho, on account it can rain pretty bad here, and of course, knowing my luck, on a SHTF day, it will be rather not be wet.

No joke Gaz: the wife and I honeymooned in Florida (Disneyworld is the shizz) and it would suddenly pour on us! It was raining in full sunshine. Luckily we had rain gear, the lines were nonexistent as everyone else was being wimpy about the weather.
No joke Gaz: the wife and I honeymooned in Florida (Disneyworld is the shizz) and it would suddenly pour on us! It was raining in full sunshine. Luckily we had rain gear, the lines were nonexistent as everyone else was being wimpy about the weather.

Yep, that's FL....raining while the sun is shining. I bet they make a killing selling those $1 ponchos for $10 because they have Mickey on them too.... We always keep a poncho each in our theme park bag. Should be another thread...Theme Park Bag!

F U N Bag (For Unforeseen Needs) - I'm typically the "pack mule" schlepping the backpack when we go. For this one though, it has an extendable handle so I can pull it behind me, vs. having it on my back. :)

Rain Ponchos
Towel (for rides that get you wet)
Small First Aid Kit (with OTC meds)
Prescription Meds
Spare contact lenses/glasses
Lanyards (for ID and passes, etc., around neck)
Change of socks (after wet rides)
Mini Umbrellas
Artificial Sweeteners/Drink Flavor/Salt/Pepper
Personal Electric Fan (hangs around neck, blows air up)
Stun Gun (designed to look like cell phone...never had a security check yet catch it)
ASP Baton (in a long cargo pocket, as long as no metal detector)
Multi-Tool (as long as no metal detector)
Metal bottles of water (ice really, frozen solid when we leave, melts through the day).
Spare Camera Batteries
Spare Memory Cards (for camera)
Ziploc Bags (for keeping things dry on water rides, like wallets, etc.)

At least that's the normal stuff off the top of my head.
Have you tried the stungun, multitool, or baton at Disney? Apparently they are very strict on weapons. I'd like to take in a multitool or small knife though, I just don't like not having anything.

And yes, the Disney ponchos were I think $12, $8 for a children's size. I personally really hate ponchos because I tend to sweat in them and get just as wet as if I didn't have any rain gear, only it's not cool clean rainwater... Umbrellas and rain jackets did the trick quite nicely and didn't have to be shed before every ride. I do have a poncho in my BoB but it's more for shelter/rain catch purposes.
No joke Gaz: the wife and I honeymooned in Florida (Disneyworld is the shizz) and it would suddenly pour on us! It was raining in full sunshine. Luckily we had rain gear, the lines were nonexistent as everyone else was being wimpy about the weather.

My 2 sisters saved for years to take the kids to Disney, It rained and rained and then rained some more.
Have you tried the stungun, multitool, or baton at Disney?

Yep, the stun gun looks just like a cell phone, so that's always missed, I just keep it in the backpack anyhow. I've even accidentally had it on planes before (just forgot it was in the rolling carry-on bag). The multitool just goes in the backpack, wrapped up in a washcloth, until I get in the park. The baton slides into the backpack along with my wife's collapsible cane, so just looks like part of it.

Only problem I had was one time at Busch Gardens, after the Boston Bombing. Those security guys were really strict, so strict in fact, that they tried to violate medical privacy laws, questioning my wife's prescription meds, until I reminded them that violations of said laws could result in some stiff fines for them, their security company, and the park, so probably best to just drop it.

When they have a metal detector, just hide it in the bag that they only give a cursory look through anyhow. Mostly, as long as you aren't carrying a firearm or an obvious knife or weapon, you'll be fine.
Good to know. I'll feel a lot better at Disneyland next month with my itty-bitty Gerber folder on me.
Try the new Gunslinger II made by Eberlestock. I have one and is the best investment I have made. These are the Special operations favorite pack!
Keep in mind, your bag is likely to change over time. You'll realize things you don't really need, try to make it lighter, etc. So don't feel chained to your original concept.
Try the new Gunslinger II made by Eberlestock. I have one and is the best investment I have made. These are the Special operations favorite pack!

Call me old fashion, but it depends on the ops...and if I have to put my pack on to do some serious walking...then I guess the S$%_ will hit the fan because it means I have to dismount. You don't want me to dismount because at my age, I have little time for playing nice. As they say Bob doesn't play well with others when he's pissed. You younger guys like to play in the I like my easy chair and will wait for the prey to come within my kill zone.

If I have to pack my Gunslinger up with all my crap, I'm going to make Gazrock and the other's job of finding my ?%^ pretty easy...all they have to do is follow the litter right up to me. Hence why Gazrok advice is so sound. Also hate to say this, but my jump days are over, my spine on an MRI looks like for my one day jump out of a C-47 at Fredrick, Oklahoma...saving that one fellers for the big bucket list! @#$ hanging out of an 0ld T-10, like my dad use to jump with and he use to do it below the ceiling level of 500 feet. Airborne "All The Way". I think the packs I have tucked away all have their intended uses. Mind you, if you don't mind chunking down $250-270 per pack for a Gunslinger, unless you know someone...which is where I got my two. However, I've got a load of MARPAT packs and ACU packs tucked away in a bin. They will surely fill the gap if needed.

Thanks for the comment AGP...:)
I like the Gunslinger because is the perfect size; not too big or small, plus I can easily carry and conceal an M4 or underfolder AK. Im like you, I rather let them come to me before anything else. But my Gunslinger is ready to go if needed.
and what you have is what you have,you just make the best of it :)
I would love to have the Finnish version of the ak,but I'll have to make do with what I have now
Have you tried the stungun, multitool, or baton at Disney? Apparently they are very strict on weapons. I'd like to take in a multitool or small knife though, I just don't like not having anything.

And yes, the Disney ponchos were I think $12, $8 for a children's size. I personally really hate ponchos because I tend to sweat in them and get just as wet as if I didn't have any rain gear, only it's not cool clean rainwater... Umbrellas and rain jackets did the trick quite nicely and didn't have to be shed before every ride. I do have a poncho in my BoB but it's more for shelter/rain catch purposes.

Shadow, same goes for Universal in Florida...daughter had a can of MACE for the what if..Daddy's girl and I like her prepared. Well she forgot to take it off the key chain, placed it in her bag and the security folks at the gate, claimed it, and she wasn't allowed to get it back. I spoke to my friend who works at the World and he said they have a zero tolerance toward any weapons. So not sure if you got through at Disneyland with your multitool. When I head their in a few days, I will leave it all either in the rental house or in the Yukon.

Yeah, I'm not much into poncho's either at the parks...but then when your talking rain to a guy who has drought in his yard, I am going to enjoy it.

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