Hey there! im new to this but have wanted to do it for a long time.

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See, I don't know what the ''rules'' are here. Haha. I don't want to ask in too much depth about your ways and your methods. don't want to offend anyone. Haha very ageist there, I am a 23 year old woman, come on. Haha. at least I would have the element of surprise when I show an intruder my new cage fighting skills. New to that also...pathetic. Haha
Welcome Jen from South La. Don't worry about offending anyone else, just don't offend ME. I don't want to swim all the way over there to eat you'll. I don't know how much you know about CAJUNS, but we eat anything that doesn't eat us first. Just bullshitting with you. You are very welcome here with us. The first advice I want to give you is not to tell everyone you meet that you are prepping. Do it as much in secret as you can. The ones that you tell that are not doing anything to prep will be the first to come and try to get your food, water, first aid stuff, etc. Just drop some hints about what you think is coming and see their response. If you need to know anything, JUST ASK. If it is not covered in one of the post, someone here will get the answer for you. As a Cajun and living along the bayou, I've been a prepper all my life. Like many have said "we are all willing to help our family here". No one stays a stranger long here.
Jen, just watch out for Old-Anorak. She is my sister, but she can be meaner than Mom. Bill and Jim are my brothers but they are mean to me. Let me know if they get mean to you and I will tell Sis. She will put them on their knees(on rice).LMAO
G'day from Down Under - there's a few of us - HVP is right, Bill's ok when he's had his medication ;)
Hi Jen, welcome to the forum ,I too am from Scotland, like everyone who comes here I didn't know what I really wanted, but there are so many knowledgeable people in here who can answer any questions you may have , again welcome to the family cos that's what we are
Hi Jen, just signed up and it was nice to see I wasn' t the only person in the UK here. It's a different ballgame over here, compared to the US or Australia, with us having such a relative high population density. The thing that really struck me was how nice and normal everyone is. Preppers haven't necessarily enjoyed the most sympathetic reputation in the past and it was lovely to see how helpful and down to earth sensible people are. Hope for the best, plan for the worse, work towards the future.

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