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His idea of prepping was eating food that he doesn't like.

I think that was something I taught my children when they were 2.
I like high fat high carb food. I found that I could obtain a lot of it for free. Problem is that eating high fat high carb food leads to rapid weight gain. I hope you taught that to your children too.

The seriious point I was making was that preparing was not just about putting tinned food in a cupboard and pickling cabbages. It is also about psychological preparation. That is why I have experimented with eating food that was free, that I didn't choose, and wasn't the best for me. Because we must mentally prepare. And that was but one exercise in learning.

I can't force you to take that seriously. But don't try and undermine my serious attempts at preparation simply because I don't share your phobic views on transgenderism, of all things.
Nobody has to undermine your "Serious" attempts at preparation. You do that very nicely. Every time your vague posts are questioned, you reply with useless general excuses. Such as you don't count food and water in the weight count of you kit. Your post are dangerous to the less experienced preppers, that may not understand they are too general to be followed. You have no idea what my hiking experience is. Woke sheeple can always find excuses to hide behind. True prepper researches and plan and then actually take the proper action needed to help their survivability. Excuses are only good for the person making the excuses.
Nobody has to undermine your "Serious" attempts at preparation. You do that very nicely. Every time your vague posts are questioned, you reply with useless general excuses. Such as you don't count food and water in the weight count of you kit. Your post are dangerous to the less experienced preppers, that may not understand they are too general to be followed. You have no idea what my hiking experience is. Woke sheeple can always find excuses to hide behind. True prepper researches and plan and then actually take the proper action needed to help their survivability. Excuses are only good for the person making the excuses.
ok boss.
I have proven my points. It is time to quit feeding the troll or woke sheeple.
failure to plan is planning to fail.
You can't plan for the unknown. Correction, you can plan for the unknown and you will get almost everything wrong.

You can spend 20 years digging the most amazing and extensive cavern of survival rooms and fill them with tech and food and everything to keep you going for a decade or more. Then it happens and you work out that not only is this life-changing meteor headed for earth, you are situated in the bullseye. Oops. Great planning but I never saw that coming, Can I have my money back?

Better than planning is developing skills. Skills can apply to a multitude of situations, some you see coming, see you don't.

If you do plan then at the very least plan for that plan to completely fail, because in a time of chaos, it will.

And do a lot of work on yourself. Become acquainted with your strengths and weaknesses. And work on your ego. Your ego is the most dangerous part of you and the most likely to get you killed.

do not plan for this or that event, we have no control over any event.
I plan for what comes after, this will be Societal Collapse as the population panics.
I agree about the skills, we will all need skills but we will also need a small stock of tools and a stock of food to keep us going in the short term.
most preppers make their survival plans too complicated, keep it simple, keep it basic.
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we cannot tell anyone how to prepare, we can only advise, what that person does or does not do is up to them.
survival or not surviving is in their own hands and their's alone.
I find it amazing that somebody would come to a forum dedicated to planning ahead (Prepping) and then post that planning ahead was a waste. Perfect example of being a troll. SIASD!!!
I'm sorry you feel that way.

I am of the mindset that preparing your feelings is your number one priority.

To do that you must confront yourself. Confronting your own self is the most frightening challenge for most people.
we cannot tell anyone how to prepare, we can only advise, what that person does or does not do is up to them.
survival or not surviving is in their own hands and their's alone.
People make their own choices. Life is a casino.

Probably not. Enter the casino, walk by the casino. That is choice. Once inside, choice is no longer the main thing.

Walking by the casino, giving it a miss. That is choice.
People make their own choices. Life is a casino.

Probably not. Enter the casino, walk by the casino. That is choice. Once inside, choice is no longer the main thing.

Walking by the casino, giving it a miss. That is choice.
what a load of codswallop. another rubbish post.
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I find it amazing that somebody would come to a forum dedicated to planning ahead (Prepping) and then post that planning ahead was a waste. Perfect example of being a troll. SIASD!!!
Nowhere have I stated that planning ahead is a waste of time. Prepping or preparing is not entirely about planning ahead. It is also, or should be, about self-development. That way, your body and mind are just as or more ready than your pantries, your shelters, your bug out bags, and your ammunition stores.

Prepping is not just about finding the best LED torch for you, or learning how to eat nettles and dandelions on a daily basis without going out of your minds.

It's the bit about not going out of your mind that is the most important part of prepping. It goes without saying, if someone is already a little bit out of their minds, then an apocalyptic event probably won't help with that.

In terms of food prepping, I don't go in for much of that because the early days of the apocalypse will be ceaseless, unspeakable carnage.

If that ever settles down sufficiently I'll creep down from the hillside and make my way to a McDonalds, where no doubt the burgers will be as fresh and tasty as the day they were fried.
Welcome new pal. I hope you are doing okay and that Crimbo was what you wished for. All the best.
Thank you. All the best to you too.
Am I to assume that you are more into a survivalist (ready to leave and live no matter what) thinking, than a prepper (they tend to have sunk their retirement money into land and think the govt will allow them to keep it) even if they are outnumbered one way or the other?

If so, we can PM, mate. Knowledge weighs nothing and we carry as much as we can; everything else can be found - with knowhow.
Yup you live a drive away - but if it goes sideways it is always walking distance. Everything in the UK is walking, given the correct stimulus.
You mentioned Europe, how many times have you sailed across the Channel, in what boat, and in what conditions?
I've done it many times with my Furuno on as I'd hate to get in the way of the massive draw weights that are out there daily - they don't turn let alone stop, if you know what I am typing about here.
If the thing happens then no Gps ... the water may be clearer of the huge stuff, but navy may well be operational.
I've crossed it in heavy fog with both shipping lanes on full schedule. I could not see more than 8 metres of my bow. I may not have liked it, but I did it and I am still here. All on a tiny wind, powered sail boat - I have never used gps as I know how to navigate.

There are fewer people here than there, if you play the number games. Ifr you are what you seem maybe chat and potentially change strategy.

You still have my very best wishes no matter what.
Everything in the UK is walking, given the correct stimulus.
another fallacy.
sure its possible when all the normal services are functioning, but its another thing when nothing works and they have to survive by their own actions and the slightest mistake or accident could be their last.
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Knowledge weighs nothing and we carry as much as we can; everything else can be found
I like that observation. I'm not going to be drawn into revealing any personal information and I'm not motivated to meet up with anyone or have any expectation to link up with anyone should the dreaded shtf. I appreciate your politeness and lack of haughtiness, which costs nothing.

Best I repeat that whatever bright ideas you have about survival, 100s of 1000s if not millions are likely to have the same ideas too. The biggest fight you will have is with yourself. The ego is the biggest enemy. Many times you will have to choose counterintuitively. Very few are capable of this for extended periods. In fact most would be driven insane, rapidly, irreversibly. This is why going alone is the safest bet. At some later point it may be possible for people to buddy up and find comrades. I doubt it, but it may happen. Maybe 10 or 20 years into it all. Likely never.

I am neither a prepper nor a survivalist. This is because I cannot know my fate. I prepare by improving skills, by learning about myself, and by learning about the environment and human psychology.

What I do know is that hardly anyone that self-identifies as a prepper or a survivalist has the capacity to make it. However, many of them hold worthwhile knowledge and provoke worthwhile thoughts.
most people in this country would be unable to survive alone post SHTF, just look at the amount of mental health problems caused by the pandemic lockdowns and that was only for a few months, multiply that by many months or years and most people would go out of their minds. not many of todays population would be able to survive once all the public services have collapsed.
there are very few of us in a population of some nearly 68 million who can cope on their own, I am happiest when I am on my own but then I always was different!!!most people have this herding instinct, ingrained and programmed over many generations and are unable to think for themselves, which is what TPTB want, they want people to be rely on the govt for everything, they dont want anyone to be self reliant. common sense has become a rare animal, most people do what they are told to do and ONLY what they are told to do, (just look at them lining up for the clot shot) such individuals will not be able to survive alone and will not know what to do without instructions.
"buddying up" with strangers could be their first and final/fatal mistake, trust no one and watch your back.
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"buddying up" with strangers could be their first and final/fatal mistake, trust no one and watch your back.
I agree with your overall outlook. Humans are said to be social beings but some humans on the autistic spectrum aren't sociable, but retain social needs of some kind or other. The fact you have joined a forum to discuss mutual interests with others indicates that you have social needs and a need to fulfill them.

But I take your point. A lot of people start falling to pieces very rapidly if they are denied social feedback and social relations. That isn't a weakness, as such. It's a natural desire. And it's why solitary confinement is a proven punishment.

And it is why I recommend getting as far away from others as possible in the early stages. Mass panic, mass hysteria, mass psychosis will be off the scale. It's not a good idea to hang around for such a spectacle. No good thinking that shelves full of peas and potatoes will get you through it.

Run Forest run.
Nobody is social when the collapse comes, most will panic like they did when the lockdowns were announced.
I do not have social needs, (I could say the same about you as you are also on this forum) I prefer my own company but if my comments help anyone else then so be it. I dont particularly like other people I prefer animals to people, animals dont let us down like people do.
dont wait until something happens to get away from others, the time to get out is before anything happens before everyone else panics. I guess I was lucky, I left a city 25 years ago, moved to a medium sized town then moved after 10 years to a small rural town.
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