High Capacity Water Filter Recomendations

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Jan 15, 2016
Columbus, Ohio
I'm trying to find a good comprehensive water filter. I see lots of ads and articles on water filters but lately it seems that they focus more on their ability to filter out bacteria and viruses. This is great but I'm looking for a water filter that removes toxins, contaminants, and chemicals as well. I'm aware that many household filters offer a greater degree of filtering but I'm looking for something that doesn't need to be hooked up to the plumbing. As a prepper I don't want to assume that water from the tap will be an available option or that enough water pressure will exist.

Ideally, I'd like to find something I can use to filter the water from my 65 gallon rain barrel. As a next step (and feel free to add any feedback) I would like to run a water line from the rain barrel (using the raised up rain barrel for water pressure) into the house and then filter it through something that removes ALL contaminants. This way I won't have to go outside every time I need to get water.
I'm trying to find a good comprehensive water filter. I see lots of ads and articles on water filters but lately it seems that they focus more on their ability to filter out bacteria and viruses. This is great but I'm looking for a water filter that removes toxins, contaminants, and chemicals as well. I'm aware that many household filters offer a greater degree of filtering but I'm looking for something that doesn't need to be hooked up to the plumbing. As a prepper I don't want to assume that water from the tap will be an available option or that enough water pressure will exist.

Ideally, I'd like to find something I can use to filter the water from my 65 gallon rain barrel. As a next step (and feel free to add any feedback) I would like to run a water line from the rain barrel (using the raised up rain barrel for water pressure) into the house and then filter it through something that removes ALL contaminants. This way I won't have to go outside every time I need to get water.
Look into the gravity feed ceramic water filters. The filters can be scrubbed and reused for years. Berkey makes some, but there are probably cheaper versions. I think reverse osmosis is one of the best systems, but would take pressure. The berkey I have is a stainless pot that holds a gallon or so. It has three filters in the bottom that just use gravity. I like that it's simple. I don't want a lot of parts or anything that needs to be replaced often.
From what you describe as wanting, look into water distillation. This process removes ALL contaminants and leaves pure water. Basically it is a still. You boil the water to make steam, the steam travels down cooling tube and condenses into water. I also have a Berkey water filter in my stores, it will get rid of all the bad stuff I care about.

What I have for bad water. I don't believe stills will remove viruses? Also just like making shine, it gets purer with every go around, indicating that it's not anywhere near 99% on the first try, particulates still get by.
Here are some facts about distillation. Overall it's still the best filtration available, but as you said, isn't 100%, but is pretty close.https://www.naturalsolutions1.com/ecodist2.htm
The thing about all cartridge filters is as they get dirty, they become less effective. So yes, initially they are great, but over time will need maintenance to keep the water as clean.

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