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Awesome Friend
Mar 2, 2013
Twin Cities, Minnesota
Hi all! From the frozen tundra (MN). Currently buried in snow :-(

I got interested in prepping last summer when we had a HUGE storm come thru and knock out our power for 4-5 days...it was July 4th week/weekend and HOT/HUMID. Easy enough to survive when it is warm and you can go into town to buy food etc...but it was an eye opener. Being rural, when our power goes out so goes our water and toilet. I could cook over a grill but I didn't have access to WATER!!! Ugh. It got me thinking about our other season (winter) and how much more difficult it would be to be here in that cold weather. We have access to fuel to heat our house but I need to be able to eat and drink to effectively survive.

Hubby and I have a good garden here but in the past we've wasted what we didn't use immediately. So, with everything going on economically (and considering our little scare from last summer) we decided we needed to be better at preserving our harvest. Now we've started dehydrating and canning stuff.

My biggest challenge right now is learning to USE what I preserve. I'm good at cooking a meal of meat and veggies but I don't think I'm going to always have access to fresh/frozen meats and veggies.
Welcome to the forum. You will find a wealth of information here. You are right, you did have an eye-opening experience and you sound like you want to make the effort to be better prepared.
WOW! Welcome and thanks for sharing with us. I hope you can take a second to post up some details about that incident in our "Member experiences" thread. I like to see what people did right or wrong to help us all grow for future occurrences.

I hope you find some good info. I think you brought up a good idea for another new thread(If it's not already done)... RECIPES! Lots of us like to hunt, trap, fish, garden, can, etc... It's a great idea to know what to do with it once you have it. Of course eating anything even plain is better than going hungry, but it would be interesting. Instead of just "Surviving" we could be enjoying the situation and experimenting with the nomnoms that we all need and enjoy so much(I'm a foodie if you can't tell)..
Hi all! From the frozen tundra (MN). Currently buried in snow :-(

I got interested in prepping last summer when we had a HUGE storm come thru and knock out our power for 4-5 days...it was July 4th week/weekend and HOT/HUMID. Easy enough to survive when it is warm and you can go into town to buy food etc...but it was an eye opener. Being rural, when our power goes out so goes our water and toilet. I could cook over a grill but I didn't have access to WATER!!! Ugh. It got me thinking about our other season (winter) and how much more difficult it would be to be here in that cold weather. We have access to fuel to heat our house but I need to be able to eat and drink to effectively survive.

Hubby and I have a good garden here but in the past we've wasted what we didn't use immediately. So, with everything going on economically (and considering our little scare from last summer) we decided we needed to be better at preserving our harvest. Now we've started dehydrating and canning stuff.

My biggest challenge right now is learning to USE what I preserve. I'm good at cooking a meal of meat and veggies but I don't think I'm going to always have access to fresh/frozen meats and veggies.
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!

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