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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Are you ready in the event someone attempts to invade your home? Do you or your family know what to do if you come home and find someone in your home. Watch this videos where former Navy SEAL Clint Emerson discusses the "4 D's" (Deter, Detect, Deny, Defend).

Post SHTF and/or WROL . . . they would have to get past the minefield, punjii sticks, and tripwires . . . and I would have the home court advantage if any survived (possible, but unlikely) to make it to my front (or, for that matter, rear) door.

In case anyone gets the wrong idea, please note that I was writing hypothetically about a situation where there is no law.
Post SHTF and/or WROL . . . they would have to get past the minefield, punjii sticks, and tripwires . . . and I would have the home court advantage if any survived (possible, but unlikely) to make it to my front (or, for that matter, rear) door.

In case anyone gets the wrong idea, please note that I was writing hypothetically about a situation where there is no law.
Love the punji stick idea!
Love the punji stick idea!
A very simple "poison" (and I'm using the word in an old-fashioned way) that can be used on the sharpened punjii sticks is a mixture of equal parts: animal blood (fresh), finely chopped-up raw shellfish, and fresh chicken (or pigeon) feces mixed together and applied generously on the sharpened ends of your punjii sticks. This punjii stick should last about 5 days (in tropical, humid conditions) before the mixture needs to be reapplied.*


*I accept no responsibility if someone gets hurt from doing this. Please note that I say such things about this stuff in context of a world without rule of law, and nothing else.
A very simple "poison" (and I'm using the word in an old-fashioned way) that can be used on the sharpened punjii sticks is a mixture of equal parts: animal blood (fresh), finely chopped-up raw shellfish, and fresh chicken (or pigeon) feces mixed together and applied generously on the sharpened ends of your punjii sticks. This punji stick should last about 5 days (in tropical, humid conditions) before the mixture needs to be reapplied.*


*I accept no responsibility if someone gets hurt from doing this. Please note that I say such things about this stuff in context of a world without rule of law, and nothing else.
Wow, that is a nasty "poison!"
During normal times, I will respect the law, no matter how stupid. When there comes a time without the rule of law, I plan to be the meanest SOB in the valley.
If designing and placing punji sticks, don't just sharpen the end. Cut the pointed end in the shape of a barb. This makes it even more harmful and painful to pull your foot / leg free. Bed chamber pots can be emptied into punji pit, to keep the infection potential high. Lots of nasty ways to defend your property AFTER WROL.
I don't think there would be much advantage to applying biological infectants to the punji sticks in a home defense situation. The effects won't be felt immediately and what you are after is immediate deterrence. Maybe something that intensifies pain, like capsaicin.
You're correct about the time (incubation period?) that it takes for this "poison" to debilitate a human being.

There is still benefit, as any soldier knows about punjii sticks in one form or another. Even in the 1100s, sharpened stakes were placed in front of a fast-moving unit of mounted infantry.

So, the deterrence value is there.

I can also make cyanide.

You can make potassium cyanide by heating certian ingredients in a hollowed-out car oil filter.

I've always thought that punjii sticks should be carved with a spiral groove from tip to base . . . almost making them look like a drill bit.

If this stick is treated with any kind of poison, this groove allows a greater surface area for the poison to stick to.
smear the end of the punji stick with manure, either animal or human, that will ensure the wound gets infected, I think that's what the Viet Cong did.
This reminds Me that My bamboo patch really did well last year . I expect it to double in size this spring when the little sorouts come up .
I’ve wanted to plant some but am hesitant. It’s beautiful, makes a great privacy barrier and can be used in all kinds of applications. The only drawback is it tends to take over you whole property.
I’ve wanted to plant some but am hesitant. It’s beautiful, makes a great privacy barrier and can be used in all kinds of applications. The only drawback is it tends to take over you whole property.
Iv heard that but Iv had this for several years and it hasn't taken over 10 yards . I have this where there is a drive way on one side and a creek on the other . Raising it in planters could be a option .
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smear the end of the punji stick with manure, either animal or human, that will ensure the wound gets infected, I think that's what the Viet Cong did.
A mixture of chicken, pig, and/or human feces mixed with an approximately equal amount of blood.

In fuedal Japan, the mixture is an equal amount of fresh chicken or pigeon feces, blood, and finely chopped-up raw shellfish. I assume that land snails and/or slugs could be chopped up and utilized in the same way.

This mixture was used on a kind of calthrop called a "tetsu-bishi". It was also painted on arrowheads, shaken ("throwing stars", although I detest the term), tanto knives, and so on.

Most of these weapons utilize a puncture-style blade. I can assume--given my medical training--that any deep puncture wound with this mixture will most likely bring about death in 3 to 5 days at the most unless a modern hospital with a full compliment of neurosurgeons and trauma specialists can be accessed very quickly right after the wound happens.

I would expect a combination of gas gangrene, necrosis, septicaemia, tetanus, wound botulism, and mental delerium to set in relatively quickly.