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Feb 28, 2024

Man accused of killing newly adopted dog​

That a$$WHOLE need death penalty!!!!!

Pinellas County deputies say Domingo Rodriguez adopted a dog, Dexter, then killed the bulldog and left him at Fort De Soto Park.

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I feel bad for the kid, but stupid should be painful.

There goes another American company.
I was at the Pepper Palace in NOLA with my son, daughter and daughter's boyfriend. We took their Ghost Pepper challenge. After taking the challenge, the daughter's boyfriend was writhing in pain on the floor and we thought we were going to have to call an ambulance.

She got a new boyfriend after that.
I ate one of them damn things, going down wasn't so bad, I numbed it with chili.
coming out the next evening, I think I cracked the glass in the head when I screamed.

Do you want a funny hot pepper story? Sure you do!
A friend of mine gave me a sack of Habanero or Scottish Bonnet peppers, hard to tell them apart. anyway, I was at work slicing one up for a sandwich, and the shop-wise guy Mexican waddled up and wanted one. I warned him what it was and he said something like "Gringos are weaklings." So I gave him one. As luck would have it, it was a dud. and he started laughing at me "No hot, you a p***y" So I gave him another one, a pretty orange one! He started chewing and started to say something cute when tears shot out of his eyes and snot exploded out of his nose and he started screaming, he wiped the juice in his eyes and just made it worse and he started screaming. Well the boss runs over, he thought Gilberto had splashed acid in his face! I just held up a pepper. Bob just rolled his eyes and walked away laughing.

Another time I was at a different factory with a different bunch of border bunnies, I asked one for a shot of his Tapatio, and he said "It's too hot for white boys." I reached into my pocket, pulled out a ten spot, and dropped it into my hat. "Ten bucks says I can drink it!" So the whole table kicked in, I gnawed the plastic tip out and poured it into a coffee cup, downed it, held it out, and said, "Give me more, I'm thirsty!" The guy is like "Holy crap! Are you a white Mexican?" I laughed and said, "I'm a North Tennessee hillbilly kid, if you can drink moonshine, you can drink anything!"
I won 80$ for chugging something like a spicy bloody Mary mix LMAO!
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A friend of mine in college was from Vietnam and he was always complaining about how mild the peppers were here.

I gave him a bag of some of the bird's eye chili peppers that my mother grew...LOL That shut him up.

My wife ate spicy food when she was pregnant. Both kids were born with a high tolerance for capsaicin. My daughter doesn't have regular ketchup, she only has habanero ketchup.

Man accused of killing newly adopted dog​

What on earth!?! Why adopt a dog, just to kill it? Seems like he must have a mighty short fuse - how does someone like that not have any priors?

Shelters all across the county are so stressed from being over-filled. This shelter will probably get backlash for allowing this turd to adopt, but how could they possibly know?
This M!@@#R F@#$#R should be taken out and shot, decapitated, and put in a plastic bag, and tossed into the very same water!

He's a monster and should be removed from this world.

His depraved indifference to the poor dogs life is sickening.
Killing any living thing for no reason is pointless and deserves consequences. But a dog is not a person and punishment should fit the crime. Put him in jail for the weekend, make him pay a fine and put his picture on the front page of the newspaper. The Walt Disney BS where animals have the same thoughts and feelings as humans, and are thus on the same level as us, is best left to children's cartoons and not real life.
Certain whatever called *human* are nothing but *SUBHUMANS* and those
are on the streets and everywhere..
they are murderers-pedophiles-sadists-animal torturers

Yes, they deserve death penalty
It should be death period

That would be a good clean up in the society of freaks
We don’t have capital punishment in Alaska and I’m good with that.