How prepared are you?

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There are always weak points, if there are few it is negligible, every scenario is different, you will never be 100% prepared for any scenario and there are always unknown situations.

Basically, you can say that if you are not part of the new "non-survivable Generation" you will have a chance.
In short, if you can do without your cell phone, FB and the like for 24 hours or longer, you have a very good chance of survival.

I feel sorry for all those who can't, these People will despair in the first 24 hours, go psychologically crazy and be dead after 3 days at the latest if they don't manage to withdraw from FB and cell Phones in that time.
I don't know what it's like in the USA, but here it's bad how the young Generation lives, they only live virtually, if you pull the plug, they'll all be dead within a short time.

What is missing in the linked survey: "Do you live near a large military base" depending on the scenario this could also be a big security risk as well as if you live near a large police base, if the Cop Boss is corrupt and has nothing left he will send his Men to requisition Inventories civilian population, this is exactly what your own Army will do.
Interesting survey. There are questions that need more options and further questions in my opinion. No mention of backup location/s if your current one ends up raided. No mention of Red or Blue States or county. No mention of water rights or available hunting abundance. Ditto on the fishing. No questions about type of weapons, thermal scopes/goggles or IR scopes/goggles. My security score was the lowest, even though we have more than normal security as well as a team of neighbors. I checked family for that question because we will have around 20…but we have more than that in our “team”.

I do believe it is a helpful survey to make one consider all their skills, groups, location and preps.

Oh, my score was a 77. I think my age hurt me and the face I do not have any martial arts training.
It turned me off with the first question. It’s called data mining.

I look at what I know I can face here. How to be better than the last time my pants were caught down. Experience

My experience and what I may face is different than PP, GP, or Ban.
My experience here will probably not prepare me for when I move 400 miles north.
And then there are those things that none of us know about. What if the next pandemic isn’t a plandemic?

We all do the best we can, but we are not all going to be perfect.
Interesting survey. There are questions that need more options and further questions in my opinion. No mention of backup location/s if your current one ends up raided. No mention of Red or Blue States or county. No mention of water rights or available hunting abundance. Ditto on the fishing. No questions about type of weapons, thermal scopes/goggles or IR scopes/goggles. My security score was the lowest, even though we have more than normal security as well as a team of neighbors. I checked family for that question because we will have around 20…but we have more than that in our “team”.

I do believe it is a helpful survey to make one consider all their skills, groups, location and preps.

Oh, my score was a 77. I think my age hurt me and the face I do not have any martial arts training.

They say it's still being worked on, will add more questions and make it more complete.

I scored an 81.7
...I feel sorry for all those who can't, these People will despair in the first 24 hours, go psychologically crazy and be dead after 3 days at the latest if they don't manage to withdraw from FB and cell Phones in that time.
I know a few of these people and have had conversations with them. Every minute or so their phones go *daBing* and they look over at it. You know they are thinking more about the like or tweet that has just come through than the conversation they are having with you. I find it repulsive myself, almost like when you're having a conversation in public with someone and their spouse interjects from time to time with rubbish.

Not only are they highly distracted these people, they also have Zero life skills. They can't even start a lawnmower some of them. To be crass, they are the true consumers, the useless eaters in society. So what are they going to do when their phones are disconnected anyway?

cell tower clowns PUERTU RIKO (1).jpg

Here they are the day after Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Puerto Rico. Like can you say Brainless! If the tower doesn't work at 2 miles it aint gonna work at 200m. When I saw this pic I just shook my head. They looked like supplicants approaching some mythic Idol in the hope it would grant their prayers.

Oh I was young once too, but at eighteen I could change the brake pads on a car, drive a forklift and bobcat, and do all manner of carpentry and concreting work. Many of the current generation have no desire for any of this unless it's their day job and many don't want these type of day jobs. It's why it's so hard to get a good plumber or mechanic now, all the young ones want to do is glue plastic pipes together or change spark plug and oil. Ask a young plumber to do copper work with brazing and they look at you like you've lost your mind. They hate digging too, that's a job for the guy with the machine.
As for the survey, I scored 67/100. I think it's heavily weighted on what you could call wilderness survival skills, fishing shooting, grubbing in the dirt to grow your own food. While these skills would hold you in good stead in many situations the life expectancy of wealthy people, since the dawn of time, has always been greater. When I redid the test, lowered my net worth and IQ but said I had military experience and was expert at all manner of food procurement, had a strong connected family, I scored 86. I wonder if a certain combination renders 100?

Survivalism, modern survivalism, is based on a mishmash of military field doctrine, religious opinion, camping and fishing experience, Little House on the Prairie episodes, 4x4 club practices and any other 'manly' pursuit you can toss in. It generally assumes an unquestionable total breakdown of society leaving nothing but ruins and bands of roaming zombie hoards. A highly unlikely scenario but one typified in countless Hollywood movies. I don't base my future on Hollywood movies though but on practical knowledge of world history and the skills and provisions I have developed for that.

I find it fascinating that Kurt Saxon, the father of modern survivalism lived in an ordinary house on a tiny block in a small town. He never actually practiced what he preached, and made a living from selling books and guns at gun shows. I don't want to say that he was a fraud, personally I think he was a great character and passed on a wealth of knowledge, I like to think that my living arrangements are not unlike his were before his stroke and subsequent transfer to a nursing home. But he had no "extended family" or group to fall back on, no acres of food, probably no well or chickens or any of the stuff regarded as essential in the eyes of modern survivalist/preppers. A classic case of do as I say not do as I do.

R.I.P old mate.

Explosives found in Kurt's house
The address

405 W Hill St,
Alpena, AR 72611

kurt saxons home-2-.jpg
As for the survey, I scored 67/100.

When I redid the test, lowered my net worth and IQ but said I had military experience and was expert at all manner of food procurement, had a strong connected family, I scored 86. I wonder if a certain combination renders 100?
Were the questions the same for both net worths?

I could put my current. But It wouldn’t take my experience from 15-20 yrs ago when my worth was 10% of it.

It wouldn’t take into consideration my high income spouse’s new found passion for canning and gardening.
I don’t see where it can give an accurate result, except to put you on another watch list.
Data mining.
I listened to it or (had it playing in background) early this morning. Most of time (not all), I am doing other things if I pop open a CP video. Honestly didn't take the survey. All I can say is I'm not ready, and likely will not be (by my own assessment). I do what I can, think i'm more prepared than average bear, but still lacking quite a bit.
Were the questions the same for both net worths?

I could put my current. But It wouldn’t take my experience from 15-20 yrs ago when my worth was 10% of it.

It wouldn’t take into consideration my high income spouse’s new found passion for canning and gardening.
I don’t see where it can give an accurate result, except to put you on another watch list.
Data mining.

Watch list? No more than your posts on here. You don't use a VPN? No personal Dara is given. It's anonymous data mining.
Watch list? No more than your posts on here. You don't use a VPN? No personal Dara is given. It's anonymous data mining.
Former Cisco CCNA. I don’t even trust VPNs.
Starlink does seen to confuse many sites.
But I do reset my IP daily.
Oh well, even tho we cannot legally get guns here, yet, I could join a hunting or shooting club and work my way into to a license...I do consider my preps (on my finances) as being accordingly much better than 95% of the rest of the world, I have a garden and my own water. I have a stable, newly renovated house, I have a health level (and her) where we need no daily meds, I have survival and fighting knowledge comparable to the best in the world, reserves of tools, food, hunting, fishing and gardening items and the capability to use them, enough fuel for cooking and heating for 2 years and access to other food sources nearby and the big cities are 100 km/60 miles away, NO IMMIGRANTS ANYWHERE NEARBY, all christian or just atheist citizens in a christian country with a president who can speak 3 languages and communicate to the homos, pedos, illegals, druggies and such, where they will land and what will happen to them when they screw up, NO PRONOUNS allowed except sir and maam, cops who don't shoot you just for having a broken brake light....
I could go on but I think you all get the free, #Gary
It wouldn’t take into consideration my high income spouse’s new found passion for canning and gardening.
I don’t see where it can give an accurate result, except to put you on another watch list.
Data mining.

Yes no doubt. Like PP said, with no VPN it's a giveaway but even browser cookies track across sites don't they. Sometimes I watch the redirects at the bottom of the page as it loads, so many of them, google always in there. What site doesn't allow google onboard. It's a brave new world we live in

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