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Aug 12, 2023
Southern Missouri
It is nice to have found this site and I look forward to great discussions and learning. Me: retired from the military, fully disabled courtesy of a flu shot received in 2017 (mandatory for military service, though I never had the flu even before ever receiving any of the shots). Former successful amateur competitive runner, supremely fit and healthy back then. Could do anything. Now learning to walk again and hopefully run again. Married, growing family. Have been at this homesteading thing since 2020, but not really engaged with it due to a variety of factors that have been distracting <a fulltime job, haha>. I hope to start a raised bed garden...hopefully in 2024. Learning to do everything from scratch is time consuming and there is a lot of failure involved...which is why I'm here.

Aside from that, we have sheep and chickens. Hoping to get a dairy cow/calf pair next year. Would like to improve my sheep breeding operation and sell vegetables, chicken eggs and meat, and sheep meat directly to friends/family. That's the long-term hope, as I have my hands full with work, family, and church stuff nowadays. Southern Missouri.

Glad to be here and look forward to meeting folks.
Welcome to the site. You can read and try to learn as much as you can regarding gardening, especially focus on your area, but the best way is to practise yourself. Soils are different in each plot even in the same area. Thank you for your military serve for our country. I didn't realize that the military gave mandatory orders for the Flu vaccine, but with what we have been witnessing, I shouldn't be surprised at all. I am so sorry that you got effected by the Flu vaxx. Hoping it got reported to VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). So many don't.
Welcome from Alaska!
Welcome from under the bridge, and thank you for your service.

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