I got by with a little help from my friends!

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Nope. 5K is about right. but I'm not as proud as I used to be. I'm glad for anything anybody can give! I'm working up an idea to give back as I type.

Roscoe has discovered the refrigerator. it's the apocalypse.
I did not do anything except read the thread, I deserve a 5th of Larceny
Does that Gofundme still exist ? (i don't know how to do it) I know it helped my SIL when her husband tried to kill her .
Yes, and I know someone who used that recently. He died of cancer and had no insurance when he was sick. His wife has to pay income tax on it!!
Very tempting, but I'm a hermit by nature and I doubt Winnie would survive the trip, much less me, BUT I think your personal arsenal would be greatly improved from me being around. ;) I got more toys than I'll ever need or use at my age.

Okey-dokey, I still think you should liquidate some of those belongings and offset the tab during the crunch, but that's just my opinion. Moi, I like having certain things in my possession, but I never get too attached to material cr@p... my cats are far more important to me than any material item I own, and I would sell that item in a heartbeat if it meant keeping the cats. Why, some might ask? Because cats are good for the soul, lol... while a material item can always be replaced at a later date. Good luck with your recovery efforts, just remember that at least 60 persons DIED during that big storm, and their earthly troubles are now over, while you still have the chance to fight back and dig your way out of the hole... as many of us have done in the past. Life's a b!tch sometimes, but the alternative doesn't look so good either... 😒
Magus says "Thank you all for your help, I was able to slide through the month, my internet is saved. but somehow in all the flipping of switches, my netcard got burned up. It just wasn't my year!"
Yes, but how are people getting it to him?
Likely an "atmospheric river" behind the scenes. (sorry, that term is stuck in my head)
...I wasn't invited either, so don't feel bad.🤨
Ah, it is a special group of people who have been invited. Thanks for the information!
You are hear-by officially invited
I am standing here with an envelope that has your name on it the message inside the envelope says
You are invited
Pm me for any personal details you may have

Who you calling spessssschal ? Thems fightiimg words!!
Mess around and get sprayed with a weed eater. Lol. 😆
My DW, son and I went through the valley after we first moved to our property, dang near came to the point of having to drag our sorry tails back to Colorado. The thing that helped to pull our butts out of the fire was spending about $5,000 for an offshore freedom and finance conference down in Cancun in 2001, we came back home, paid all our bills off, cut up our credit cards. We built our home with extreme cold in mind, our plumbing is all in a center wall and any outside hose bibs are in heavily insulated cover boxes, in going through the winter of 1991 our spring lines froze, they are all underground now, we're grateful for those trials it gave us the wisdom to build things to keep them freeze free. I certainly feel for you and pray that things will get better and that people will step up and help you, we heard a while back that some of us may have to adopt a family do to bad things happening, we've kind of done that already, otherwise we could throw some money in to help out.
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Oh, I know... I'm just pullin' his chain, he's gonna need some humor to get through that mess. Was it the film 'RAISING ARIZONA' where Nicolas Cage went into the store to rob it (of disposable diapers, I think), and the clerk pulled out a big ol' .44 and started blastin' away? It has been so long I've forgotten... some hot gal I met on the beach in Coronado went to that movie with me, and we were both laughin' at the crazy antics in that movie. I remember the Doberman Pinscher lunging at the guy's face and hittin' the chain just short of annihilation, lol. That was a funny movie, I'll have to see if our local library has it on DVD. Looking back, it was the gal's choice to watch it, I asked her which film she wanted to see and she chose that one. Meh, no regrets, we had a good time... makes me wonder where she is today. 🤔

Viking, cutting up those credit cards was the best thing you (or anybody else) could possibly do... I'm like the Quakers when it comes to credit card agencies, I'm a "conscientious objector." I've never even had a credit card, and I don't want one either... some folks think you can't get by without one, but that's not necessarily true. A debit card allows you to do many of the same things, like getting a hotel room or renting a car or whatever. I don't mean one of those cheesy debit cards from Walmart, I mean a debit card from an institution... I have a USAA Visa debit card which serves me well, and I have no intention whatsoever of obtaining a credit card. I made it this far without one, and I have a home I own free & clear, as well as a car I own free & clear (though it IS a 20-year-old Camry, lol). 😒

Fortunately, I'm not one of those fools who judges other folks by the kind of vehicle they drive, and if someone wants to look down upon me for driving an older car, well, that's not the kind of person I really wanna know anyway, 10-4? I must admit, I do ping on "lifted disco trucks" now and then, but that's a separate issue, lol. Probably stems from being surrounded by rich kids and trust fund babies in Coronado... wankers who never had to work a day in their lives, pfffffft. I used to be down on 'em and give 'em grief over Daddy's checkbook, but now that I'm older, I realize that it was all a waste of time. What's the rich high school kid gonna do when his pop gives him an expensive car? "Take it back, Dad, I don't want it!" Yeah, like THAT's gonna happen, lol... especially in a rich burg like Coronado, an unrealistic slice of Americana. 🙄

Edit: I should add that credit card companies are ALWAYS sending offers to me in the mail, but I ain't buyin' into their credit card debt slavery BS. However, the snail mail spam & offers are great for lining my kitchen trash can, lol. :cool:
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You are hear-by officially invited
Pm me for any personal details you may have

Who you calling spessssschal ? Thems fightiimg words!!
Mess around and get sprayed with a weed eater. Lol. 😆
Now we are getting somewhere.:)
PM sent... and I bet I won't be the only one, (you know who you are😉), :thumbs:.

That's why I was being an 'instigator'😀.
You may be pleasantly surprised.
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Been on that thread several times. I have still never seen where or how to donate. What am I missing?
You are hear-by officially invited
I am standing here with an envelope that has your name on it the message inside the envelope says
You are invited
Pm me for any personal details you may have

Who you calling spessssschal ? Thems fightiimg words!!
Mess around and get sprayed with a weed eater. Lol. 😆
I will send my information to you, but you already have it, from something a while ago.
Been on that thread several times. I have still never seen where or how to donate. What am I missing?

I will send my information to you, but you already have it, from something a while ago.

I was just double checking, Their are a lot of WeedyGarden impersonators out running around
He got his phone back, and his internet excitement ruined his netcard, if he had one he'd be online