If the internet was down during a disaster

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Awesome Friend
Feb 22, 2018
How would you be affected by not having the internet during some kind of extended crisis? Would this be a struggle, or have you lived for long periods of time without it? Might be important to take a few days away from it every once in a while to acclimate just in case.
How would you be affected by not having the internet during some kind of extended crisis? Would this be a struggle, or have you lived for long periods of time without it? Might be important to take a few days away from it every once in a while to acclimate just in case.

I take a few days off any time I go camping, which is about once a month, sometimes twice.

I would miss having the info and easy comms with friends and family, for sure. In an extended crisis, I would be headed in their direction anyway, so hopefully a face to face would soon follow.

The internet as we know it today didn't exist for most of my life.
While at hunting camp, about all I need from it is the weather forecast. Connectivity is spotty, so just getting the weather takes several minutes sometimes.

I download Netflix movies on the tablet before I go, but never really seem to have time to watch them.

I keep trying to get my daughter interested in Ham radio (she's an electrical engineer) so we could communicate by shortwave when I'm out in the boonies.
I grew up without it, so it’d suck, but we would live. We have tons of books, prepping included.

I’m interested in ham radio as well Doc. I really need to get off my butt and get into it. Since work is 25 miles from home and more like 40from the BOL, I’d like to be able to speak with my wife if I needed to. And, I’ll like to listen as well...
The Internet does go down --- our Comcast goes off whenever the sky is overcast, I think: satellite issues. Hacking attacks slow it way down and big news events stop it cold. Big usage is basically the same as a denial of service attack, so whenever there is high demand I would expect the Internet to go down. I don't think our services of this sort are at all robust. TV, electricity, phones -- good while we've got 'em.
I didn't even know the internet existed until about 9 years ago, I have lived most of my life without it, its not something i'd worry about.
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Hell, I don't have internet now, and very limited cell service. When I need internet I take my laptop to the library in town 20 miles away. I couldn't care less if the internet went away tomorrow.
I still think computers are just a passing fad..
there have been a lot of times recently where i'd wished i'd never even seen a computer much less learned how to use one.