Illegal invasion of the US

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So Mexico said the caravan was making molotov cocktails to throw at their Police and reported that shots were fired from the caravan at Them too . I haven't seen any proof so its Mexico's word .
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Its became a trend over the past couple decades for several groups and many individuals to travel down and patrol the border . Many know the land owners and Border patrol Officers. I can't find that kind of time . There's alot of public land involved too .
Now I am not a legal eagle, so I have a question. Can a person perform a Citizens Arrest on an Illegal Alien they see cross the border? If yes, can force be used it the person resists arrest?
Now I am not a legal eagle, so I have a question. Can a person perform a Citizens Arrest on an Illegal Alien they see cross the border? If yes, can force be used it the person resists arrest?

You can't detain them if they are only passing through (no damage no violence) You can call the cops for trespass, but if you detain them you may find yourself on the other end of the law 'Illegal detention' or worse 'kidnapping'. Citizen Arrest is touchy and don't wan't to be caught in the gray area.
Now I am not a legal eagle, so I have a question. Can a person perform a Citizens Arrest on an Illegal Alien they see cross the border? If yes, can force be used it the person resists arrest?

Clips Iv seen of this the observer relays information and records the actions of the ones being observed . If threatened as always The observer could defend themselves .
Its a sad situation. Criminals have more rights than none criminals in todays US government. A illegal non citizen is much more likely to not be arrested for committing a crime than a legal citizen. A law abiding citizen can be persuaded to pay fines and restitution for motor vehicle and civil violations. A illegal has nothing to lose and is immune to such violations. Even some felony charges and there just deported.
You can get in front of them and look menacing though. But brandishing a firearm in front of a trespasser is really touchy, legally. Keep it holstered or slung over your shoulder. Don't even think about firing a warning my cousin found out. The judge told him to drop the trespassing charge or he would be facing an "assault with a deadly weapon" charge.
Now I am not a legal eagle, so I have a question. Can a person perform a Citizens Arrest on an Illegal Alien they see cross the border? If yes, can force be used it the person resists arrest?
I believe (note that I said "believe", not "know") that a citizen's arrest can only be done to prevent a violent felony.

Stealing an ATM is a felony, but it isn't violent.

A citizen can, however, do a citizen's arrest if someone is throwing a molotov cocktail, or kidnapping a person...for example.

You just better be right, because you can be charged with assault and/or kidnapping...and sued...if you're wrong about your local laws.
Iv detained alot of people for simple theft over the years as part of my job . But when you get into someone's citizenship status there may be legalities. I guess you could detain and call law enforcement for trespassing if it was your land or you had permission from the land Owner.
I believe (note that I said "believe", not "know") that a citizen's arrest can only be done to prevent a violent felony.

Stealing an ATM is a felony, but it isn't violent.

A citizen can, however, do a citizen's arrest if someone is throwing a molotov cocktail, or kidnapping a person...for example.

You just better be right, because you can be charged with assault and/or kidnapping...and sued...if you're wrong about your local laws.

Or breach of peace not just a felony fyi, but generally states sets the tone for citizens arrest and there are certain requirements that need to be met again the states sets the tone. The person making the citizens arrest better be right because they ain't afforded the same protection as a LEO, also in many states if you witness the felony and made the citizen arrest and that person was found not guilty by jury or charges dropped for whatever reason, that person can and most likely will ruin your life, even if you can prove he did those thing problem is he was found not guilty wrong or right you are fxxked!
Or breach of peace not just a felony fyi, but generally states sets the tone for citizens arrest and there are certain requirements that need to be met again the states sets the tone. The person making the citizens arrest better be right because they ain't afforded the same protection as a LEO, also in many states if you witness the felony and made the citizen arrest and that person was found not guilty by jury or charges dropped for whatever reason, that person can and most likely will ruin your life, even if you can prove he did those thing problem is he was found not guilty wrong or right you are fxxked!
I agree. F----ked with a pinecone.
I believe (note that I said "believe", not "know") that a citizen's arrest can only be done to prevent a violent felony.
That probably varies with jurisdiction.

Mississippi Code § 97-3-15. Homicide; justifiable homicide; use of defensive force; duty to retreat.

(1) The killing of a human being by the act, procurement or omission of another shall be justifiable in the following cases:
(e) When committed by any person in resisting any attempt unlawfully to kill such person or to commit any felony upon him, or upon or in any dwelling, in any occupied vehicle, in any place of business, in any place of employment or in the immediate premises thereof in which such person shall be;

(f) When committed in the lawful defense of one's own person or any other human being, where there shall be reasonable ground to apprehend a design to commit a felony or to do some great personal injury, and there shall be imminent danger of such design being accomplished;

(g) When necessarily committed in attempting by lawful ways and means to apprehend any person for any felony committed;
You can't detain them if they are only passing through (no damage no violence) You can call the cops for trespass, but if you detain them you may find yourself on the other end of the law 'Illegal detention' or worse 'kidnapping'. Citizen Arrest is touchy and don't wan't to be caught in the gray area.
I wonder how many serial killers and rapists, etc., see this as a grand opportunity.
Don't they have a stand your ground law down there somewhere? If you had 20 illegals coming at you are you required to just let them do what ever the hell they want? I hope Trump can get this under control. I have not heard from any normal citizen that say all these illegal crossings are ok with them.
The only Americans that want them here are the President Trump haters . They do not care how negative of a impact it has on other Americans They just want to obstruct Trump .

I do like what Trump just said to the Border Patrol and Law Enforcement , Ifthey throw a rock like they did to the Mexican Police and Military consider that rock a rifle .
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A rock can be a weapon right? I am all for sealing off the border except at entry points that we assign. Make entering the country illegally a felony punishable by jail then deportation or if the convict chooses deportation alone, then if found in country illegally again, a severe beating then deportation. I mean we have got to punish people! No asylum for illegals only those who present at entry points. In addition there should be a daily limit. You have to run a country like a business you can't give everything away.
"invasion of the US"? err...aren't they all still in Mexico though?

Err , Where do they say they are going ? Footage shows them attacking Mexican police and military , tearing down barricades . A few Women and Children put in the front with thousands of Men bebind them pushing them into Mexican forces to use as propaganda. When yhe Women and Children are not moving foward fast enough the Men start pushing them foward . This whole mess has been put together by liberal Socialist groups .
My only issue with Trump's statement about a rock being a rifle is that it can be interpreted as him short-circuting the chain of command, and no military can function without a properly defined chain of command.

The military generals and people working in the Department of Defense all publically took issue with Trump's statement and denounced it.

Theoretically, a small kid could throw a rock, a soldier wastes him with his M-4, and could get off in military court on a technicality because Trump is the Commander in Chief, and this hypothetical soldier could claim that (s)he was following orders.

The reason why this situation is bad is because soldiers must have rules of engagement, and everyone has to be on the same sheet of music.

Trump interfered with this process, and it pissed off the military.

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