ITS OVER (winter that is)

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Finder of lost things AND The Boss
HCL Supporter
Apr 19, 2021
North central Texas
I ended up being off today because of a water line break in the neighborhood where I was going to work today, have to work Saturday instead!☹️ Anyhow, I'm outside doing all kinds of projects around the yard, it's beautiful outside!! FOUR flocks of geese have come over in the last 30min!! The bluebirds and roadrunners are hard at work making nests! EARLY SPRING!!
I ended up being off today because of a water line break in the neighborhood where I was going to work today, have to work Saturday instead!☹ Anyhow, I'm outside doing all kinds of projects around the yard, it's beautiful outside!! FOUR flocks of geese have come over in the last 30min!! The bluebirds and roadrunners are hard at work making nests! EARLY SPRING!!
Spring??? What's that? Mother nature dumped over a foot of new snow in the last few hours and it's not letting up.

I can't wait to see the first few buds and green of spring. I always find it such a beautiful and positive time.
Snow is still between belly button/armpit deep here. I'm not complaining as I love it. But when spring makes its way up to Alaska in May, I will be ready for it!
I ended up being off today because of a water line break in the neighborhood where I was going to work today, have to work Saturday instead!☹ Anyhow, I'm outside doing all kinds of projects around the yard, it's beautiful outside!! FOUR flocks of geese have come over in the last 30min!! The bluebirds and roadrunners are hard at work making nests! EARLY SPRING!!

I soooo hope you are right. I said earlier I think we have seen the worst of it. We are in the 50's and sunny right now. The weekend is supposed to be in the 70's.

Spring??? What's that? Mother nature dumped over a foot of new snow in the last few hours and it's not letting up.

Rebecca: I don't know if you get a vote. Where you are Summer is two weeks of bad skiing. (just teasing)
I can't wait to see the first few buds and green of spring. I always find it such a beautiful and positive time.

Me too, I went out yesterday hunting for little signs of spring in the forests and small plants. Bummer, it's not quite here yet.

I look for "yellow jasmine" to start blooming as the first real indicator. It fills the woods with splashes of yellow. (Its a small vine)
I look for "yellow jasmine" to start blooming as the first real indicator. It fills the woods with splashes of yellow. (Its a small vine)
I always know we are getting into spring when the coltsfoot little yellow flowers show on the road side. I find them the most vibrant signal better weather is coming
I saw the first sign of spring here:)...
With forecast highs solid 80's for the next week, Super finally took off his long-john bottoms today. :thumbs:
I will be sporting them for at least a month. Frost will be around until 18-Apr.

I did spot a robin in the garden today.

Sunny today, with a light breeze. I saw a few flocks of Canada geese heading north(ish) during my morning walk with the dog.

Pity it was 25F with a couple feet of snow. It'll warm up soon enough. But March is hell-month for us. We never know what's gonna hit. :) It will be close to 70 Sunday, but there could be an ice storm two days later.
I was definately under the flock freeway today!! Non stop flocks of geese all day!! 🕷Couldn't find a goose emoji, I did see a lot of spiders today too!
Everything is bigger in Texas:

not here, but folk lore says the beginning of June will be wet, been really foggy here for the last 3 days, of course the days we are hauling barley to the seed cleaning plant, folk lore says 90 days from fog to rain, and it has been pretty accurate when I bother to write it down.
And we just got a snow/hail storm lol
winter hail , sleet , is an interesting phenomenon. My part of the world is a story book winter wonderland today, "Whore" frost on the trees and medium snow flakes wafting from the sky.
hoarfrost :)
Never heard the term. I had to look it up. If you do look it up the way it's spelled above make sure you have safe search set to strict. o_O
I love how the thought police like to change things to fit their PC system, my spelling is the traditional meaning, The trees are all prettied up like a Whore,

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