Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Jim Costa

Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 6, 2021
Milton, Fla
Jim's Rant For The Day. Julian, Is It So?

Connie had a great employee, Mary, who was her right hand.
Mary failed to show up for work for three days. Connie heard that she got married.
Upon coming into work Connie ran up to her and asked “Mary! Is it so?" all excited.
Mary said “Oh honey, it’s so so I can’t even touch it with a powder puff!”

Julian Assange, Is it So? If so we all need to move our TSHTF-Time Clock forward a lot.

See: BREAKING - Wikileaks just Dumped ALL of their Files online.

See Also: Article By Tyler Durden: Julian Assange Suffered A Stroke Due To US Extradition Battle, Fiancée Says
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Jim's Rant For The Day. They're Lining Up For The Rout Route!

First yesterday the democratic governor of Colorado did the math and realized there is no future after the Plandemic kills the economy, looking from a macro, state level view. Now more and more businesses are looking from a micro view and so too are seeing the numbers cannot keep them alive during the Covid hoax or after. Do I need to remind you that two weeks ago the last three auto makers in the US joined hands and told Biden to stick it and would no longer require mandates?

Folks, I'm seeing the beginnings of a rout!

Here's the latest. Amtrak Suspends Vaccine Mandate Days After Shutting Down Routes Over Staff Shortages, article by Tyler Durden.

I think they are no longer believing "If you really love your king you will throw yourself into the volcano."

P.S. Sorry for the repeat post, just trying to get it to the correct tread.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Rolling Over A Roly Poly Bug.
Roly Poly.jpeg

I have always imagined that if authorities find a lost small child that is too young to tell his age, they test the child. He is placed on the floor with a Roly Poly bug and a large turtle. If the Roly Poly is turned over the child is under 3. If the turtle is turned over to squirm,
the child is over 4.

So if the Military is going to step in to turn us back over from our upside down predicament, why are they taking so darned long without a hint that they are coming?

Could it be that the world sees us defenseless on our backs unable to right ourselves leaving us vulnerable to the bad guys?

Could it be the minute the military shows up with 80% of its force with long pry bars focused on leveraging us back into position we will be at our breaking point peak in being defenseless? Then what happens if half the citizens rebel because they want us to remain upside down? Now talk about being vulnerable . . .

So if the Military saw all this coming and playing out like the above, what would they do, just march straight into hell? Or would they keep jets flying an umbrella overhead for protection until the majority of the people are demanding we get uprighted and will immediately stand to assist the military in our defense instead of reacting to them as our foe?

The night before last I had a recycling dream of walking downstairs into a basement and seeing about a half dozen dead small mice in a square foot in a corner near a brick wall. One mouse was still wiggling. Looking down the room I saw many more mice dead and dying. I realized someone put poison down and it would require a snow shovel to scoop and dispose of them. I didn’t get any words with the dream. I just let the dream sit yesterday as I didn’t understand it, knowing the translation would come.

Last night I dreamed I was in my Mom’s large old house. In the dream it had expensive finished golden oak floors throughout. The large oriental rug protecting the front room floor had been rolled back and the floor was freshly paste waxed making it slippery. There was a dance party in the front room and the adults were partying like crazy. Then I saw the floor splitting apart about 1 to 2 inches wide from the shifting weight and running like an earthquake down the entire floor to the back of the house.

I was horrified! That entire expensive beautiful floor was destroyed. It was dangerous and people could fall in. It had to be recapped or ripped up everywhere. About the third time I saw the dream I realized a skill saw could rip up a one foot wide strip down it and new planks could be installed. Just a small section of the house floor need be varnished and finished. It wasn’t all destroyed, it was repairable!

I translate the dreams this way. There is a split in the floor of the House from too much partying; the floor of our house - Congress. We are all at risk of falling in so it must be repaired quickly and can be. The rats have been poisoned while they were partying and are now dying. The snow shovel hints at the winter time for the cleanup. Just my crystal visions.
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Jim's Rant For The Day. New Year's Eve Party.

In the CPA world, it’s called a New Year’s Eve Party when the business owner that is going out of business loots all the cash (embezzlement). Today that happened when China made their move on another Chinese real estate corporation they have taken over. By taken over I mean they have violated international law by preventing the insolvent companies they now are protecting from going into bankruptcy receivership in order to make payouts just to Chinese investors but no payments to non-Chinese investors. It appears China looted the cash. The world historically views this type of action as an act of war.

It appears this is what the Chinese Communist Party will do with all large Chinese corporations, screw the world and default on it.

Does anyone know how to holler in Chinese “Let the rape of the world begin!”

See: $313 Million Of Distressed Land Developer China Fortune's Cash Just Disappeared Into Thin Air.
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See Also: Turkey Halts All Stock Trading As Currency Disintegrates, Central Bank Powerless To Halt Collapse.
Article by Tyler Durden.

For what it's worth, our view is clear and what is happening is very much charted: it is our view that Erdogan is purposefully hoping to spark economic collapse and hyperinflation...
Is Erdogan trying to singlehandedly destroy the Turkish economy to deflect attention from the billions he has pillaged
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 16, 2021
... to deflect from the historic pillaging he and his cronies have done over the years. And the only way to do that is with a broad economic collapse that he can pin on "foreign intervention" and in the ensuing chaos, quietly sneak out of the country. A few coup or two should help."
Erdogan will no longer sneak out of the country, he has ruined it, and the citizens of this country will now pay for having elected him over and over again in the past years, they are also sheep who were carelessly deceived.
But do not underestimate Erdogan, this man is extremely dangerous and has the stuff and the will to start the 3rd World War.
The Turkey article only mentions Erdogan. It doesn't mention all countries under Central Banks, including the US.
What is happening in Turkey is replicating globally. Us little people aren't supposed to see it, but it's coming to a town near you.

In the US the economy collapsed in 08 - 09 and never came back up; it has been run under fraud ever since. They can only hoodwink the sheep by printing digital money out of thin air to make the stock market appear real and good, otherwise it all (the Ponzi scheme) collapses. The money printing is what causes the hyperinflation. Erdogan is now caught in that trap just as the US is. But polite folk don't talk about it here.

Mathematically It can only end in collapse as it always has in history. That is why I posted it on this thread. The elite are going down because of it. Watch Turkey for the manner and speed of their collapse because it will be the same as the one here. They all look alike.

P.S. I recall reading that Turkey is a big investor in Evergrande and friends.
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Jim's Rant For The Day. Fukt City, China.

"This might be another interesting step on the road to Fukt City for Evergrande. Although it seems that they seemingly have endless steps to take before an official-official default. I need someone smarter than me (which won’t be hard to find) to iron out the details of what this might mean.:

See: S&P just downgraded Evergrande to “Selective Default”… $13 BILLION of LAWSUITS & Sales fall $34 BILLION in Last 3 Months

It's already collapsed. The global collapse has already started.. It is and will spread. It will eventually spread to everything else it's tied to and will be tied to more in order to share the debt globally. It has to go through many 30 day buffers. It will eventually make its way to people retirement funds. It will be looted every step of the way, just like China did with paying Chinese debt holders only, no non China holders where paid.
The Turkey article only mentions Erdogan. It doesn't mention all countries under Central Banks, including the US.
What is happening in Turkey is replicating globally. Us little people aren't supposed to see it, but it's coming to a town near you.

In the US the economy collapsed in 08 - 09 and never came back up; it has been run under fraud ever since. They can only hoodwink the sheep by printing digital money out of thin air to make the stock market appear real and good, otherwise it all (the Ponzi scheme) collapses. The money printing is what causes the hyperinflation. Erdogan is now caught in that trap just as the US is. But polite folk don't talk about it here.

Mathematically It can only end in collapse as it always has in history. That is why I posted it on this thread. The elite are going down because of it. Watch Turkey for the manner and speed of their collapse because it will be the same as the one here. They all look alike.

P.S. I recall reading that Turkey is a big investor in Evergrande and friends.

Correct, now the looting is happening.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Cheap Chain Gang Movie.

In your minds eye picture this movie script I am beginning to write and see if I’ve got a good story to tell.

A Chain Gang of six men escaping prison around 1914 in the Southeast US in the heat of summer.
Their route is mostly uphill and they have no provisions. After running for several hours one collapses from heat stroke.
The gang devises a means to carry him. They proceed on.

Soon a second passes out from carrying the first to fall. The pattern becomes clear to the remaining healthy – they aren’t going to make it.
Drastic people do drastic things and so did they. They found a hatchet and cut the chained limbs off of the two unconscious ones.
They bandaged them the best they could and moved on.

Then they discovered that the more runners they lose the heavier the chains get. All of this was happening as they got more and more weaker. This is where I am stumped. I don’t know how the script ends. Any ideas?

Perhaps I can watch the Turkey collapse, then the derivatives crashing, then another country collapsing, then another . . .
Oh god, I'm too scared to open my eyes! Just tell me how it all ends . . . please.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Court TV is Showing Our Own Les Miserables In Play.

This morning I watched the MSN Media during breakfast to see what they are up to. They were covering the trial of the century. The defendant was Kim Potter, the cop that accidentally shot an alluding suspect instead of tasering him. She was crying in testimony explaining she didn’t mean to shot him and she was sorrow. It was powerful news footage.

I was reminded of one of my favorite novels, Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables (1862). Translated it means “The Miserable” and loosely translated, it means “The Victims”. I didn’t know of the loose translation until today. I intend to compare and contrast Kim Potter’s trial with Jean ValJean’s trial.

The Trials: To me, Potter’s trial is spotlighted as a major crime committed against all of humanity and the criminal must pay. We all know what she did. ValJean's crime was to steal a loaf of bread to feed his starving sister and her child. He was convicted to life in prison.

The Zeitgeist: In case you are not familiar with the word you are in the company of most of the world. It is a German word difficult to translate. It means the world around a person in a particular place and time in history. Imagine you are writing a novel, the zeitgeist would be to location, language, clothing styles, culture, local economy, etc.

Les Miserables has it’s zeitgeist around the French revolution (1792), caused partially by government corruption and a failing paper fiat currency in a collapsing economy. Actually I understand the charge on the Bastille began with mainly angry mothers with hungry kids.

Kim Potter is in today’s time, also surrounded by government corruption, a collapsing fiat paper currency and collapsing economy.

The Spotlight: Victor Hugo placed his spotlight on the bread trail and hid the corruption and collapse. All the reader could see in the book’s beginning was the Great Bread Heist.

So too with the MSN Media today. Not televised is the Ghislain Maxwell trial on how the elite uses child sex honey pots to control governments, the illegal Plandemic to further kill us and enslave the survivors and the intentional collapsing of the paper fiat currency.

Conclusion: Are they bragging by televising our own Les Miserables on TV as it plays out in real life?
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I have maintained a free news blog focusing on the global financial and governmental collapse and reset.
I generally post the daily news articles that apply for the working folks that have families and little time to research.
I show both sides of some issues so the reader can make up their own minds.
I have never advertised on, or made money from, the site. See: XXXXXX

Then there are times that I collapse some of the news into quick editorials with most of the wording removed so they are quick reads.
They go by the above name.

With your permission I will post some of the daily Rants here. Thanks for your patience.
The news has gotten so speeded up in coming out that I now find myself writing an average of four per day.
I enjoy visiting this site just to get away from my site. Thanks.

P.S. I have been a speed reader most of my adult life. One drawback to it is my mind doesn't see small words like "the", "there, "and" etc., even when I slow down and stare. Therefore I post after one edit and walk away for a time then return and try to search for the little words. It may take an hour or so to see and correct them. I write on the fly.

So bear with me when you first read a Rant. I can only type with two fingers and one is usually in my nose and I flunked Sophomore English (same reason I think).

P.S. 2: I have been asked why my writing style begins with off-the-wall subjects first.
It's an old programmers habit. When you begin a new program you must clear your mind completely of other programs so you don't get confused.
Then you must clear a space for your new program. You do this by Declaring what the new program needs to know first to run your program.
The crazy thoughts are to clear your mind and get you ready for what I am about to say. So no, I'm not schizophrenic.

Feel free to post your own thoughts here too.

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My sincere apology for over-posting on this site.

For anyone who wishes to follow my Rants they can freely be seen here ResetUs.us (several Rants per day now)

For what it's worth it is really heating up as we rush to the end of the month.
The Deep State is making great mistakes now from panic.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. The Rating Agencies Are Lying Again.

If you saw the movie The Big Short you will recall that as the Mortgage Backed Securities fell in value the three rating agencies failed to downgrade the bonds. They continued to classify them as AAA rated contributing to the fraud and eventually the collapse and bank bailout in 2008.

Well, they are at it again. They recently downgraded the Chinese corporation Evergrande to “Selective Default”. It’s a new classification never before used – a made up word. It appears they are trying to hide the legal truth that Evergrande has defaulted. Why? Because if they recognized it for what it really is, then large investors will have to report those investments on their books as worthless, exposing them to margin calls. If the rating agencies wait then the December 31th filing deadline might be skipped buying investors more time.

It’s still just all fraud as things collapse.

See: ALERT! Evergrande DEFAULT Key to Freeing Silver & Destroying Tether!! (Bix Weir)
25 Minute Video
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Thank God Christmas And Hallmark Movies Are Over.

In another week all those Hallmark Christmas love movies are over for the year. We have stripped down cable service because we got tired of the same ole bologna. So now we just have a small pile of the same ole BS. Life is simpler for us.

But with our service the only two movie stations we have are two Hallmark channels. So I saw Christmas in every color and every state, got to see them all. But you know me, always looking for patterns and anomalies. Well, I actually saw one in Hallmark this year. Recall that recently I wrote a Rant titled Cede & Co. And The Ever Rising Stock Market. The point of it was that everyone invested in the stock market, either directly or indirectly through a pension plan, is about to get screwed. They do not actually hold stock ownership of anything; they have been conned. It’s all a giant Ponzi scheme.

“So Jim, if that’s true, what the hell does that have to do with Hallmark love stories?“ you’re probably asking. Hallmark produces Christmas movies so you will watch them year after year – they are focused on the after-market. They probably have already sold those futures today.

Here’s the point. Four years ago all those beautiful girls were falling in love with Wall Street stock brokers. Two years ago they were falling in love with former Wall Street stockbrokers who cashed out and now lead simpler lives. This year all the Hallmark bachelors or bachelerettes are real estate developers. Did you notice the change?

To me Hallmark is protecting their future investment. They know people will soon despise those Wall Street stock brokers and Hallmark will not draw future royalties on their evil lovebirds.

They no longer will expose their 35 year old virgin single women to Cede & Company and their devil salesmen.
Even Hallmark knows there's no future in the stock market.
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I have a suggestion for your next Rant of the Day. Go visit that New Member
Introduction thread for The Unity/Nora Michel/Nora. That chick is totally wacked out of her skull. 🤪

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