Korea? Anyone concerned?

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I believe the time to worry about North Korea is long passed. We can not at this point effectively stop an ICBM without a pre-emptive strike, and even then we can't be sure of success without using nukes ourselves. That thought in itself is more horrendous than allowing ourselves to sustain one nuclear attack.

Once we use one nuclear weapon, the gates of hell will open up and the world will be doomed. I a more concerned with Pakistan and India getting into fisticuffs one day and launching nukes at each other setting a new precedent for nuclear weapons war. That will give the green light for China to shoot and Russia, and Israel, etc.

We threw Poland under the bus with Russia. I have to remind Americans, which falls on deaf ears, very precious true friends stood with this country after Sept. 11th. Poland was on such country who sent ground troops. Their special operations GROM was on the ground the same time our Spec Ops were in the first days of the Operation Iraqi Freedom storming oil rigs and securing Basrah. Our President Obama decided that appeasement was more important than cultivating true lasting friendships and scrapped the missile shield that was set to be built on Polish soil.

This missile shield had the affect of a first layer of defense against rogue ICBMs from Iran, and second to reinforce our commitment to a friend telling them that we stand by them. In the end we decided that appeasing thugs was more important than friendship. Many nations took a risk and stood by America after 9/11, and it saddens me that it was a risk not worth taking since we turned out back on so many. Georgia got steam rolled by Russia. They wished to be a prosperous freedom loving country and part of NATO but Russia started a conventional war to show them the error of their ways and their folly. We had to do emergency flights to fly Georgian infantry back from Iraq to their home country. Not many nations committed combat troops to Iraq, tiny Georgia was one country. God I love them dudes, friendly guys.

Any tech that I know of to stop and ICBM is theoretical with so so success rates, I'm sure some air force guy can tell you better so, there is nothing we can do in terms of North Korean except wait now. If it was up to me I would have let them starve decades ago with no food aide, or oil and let them become civilized. Let China play big brother and supply them if they wish to keep that buffer state, but the rest of the world should no have propped up a dictator state that puts their people in the gulag system not for one generation, but multi-generational sentences.

That is view of North Korea, the time to worry is long past, it is like worrying about a comet strike, there isn't anything we can do but hope it doesn't hit where you live and truck on.
I,ll be your Huckleberry.........no worry with N. Korea , they are small potatoes.....the worry comes from the other side of the world , and thats for sure, dude !
The current effective range of a North Korean nuke attack is the western edge of Alaska. Not currently a threat to us yet. I still think they need to be dealt with.
I believe their lastest missile test made the continental United States a viable target, however the hard part is miniaturizing the warhead to duct tape, glue, staple onto of the missile.
The current effective range of a North Korean nuke attack is the western edge of Alaska. Not currently a threat to us yet. I still think they need to be dealt with.
And just how do you think we should deal with them......... economic sanctions or maybe a firm warning from our commander-in-chief
We should write him a letter telling him how angry we are with him, and put more sanctions. Also make fun of his ugly ass hair cut and dumpy body. Also we will threaten to deport Dennis Rodman to his country if he keeps this up.
Realistic: I know, I know!!!!!!!! Obama can go over there, say pretty please and then bow. I seen that work on the Nickelodeon channel. ...And you know that EVERYTHING said on TV is the absolute truth, so help you God. Oh no, wait, my apologies, you can't reference God in anything anymore in this country. I might offend....
Right now N Korea has no plans for expansion. They do not have ICBM capability....yet. The newest sanctions are a waste of time. What I don't like is the new agreement with Ahmadinejad of Iran on technical data. All this comes when South Korea is in a kiss and make up attitude with the North.
I think we need to pressure China to finally take action. Maybe through sanctioning them until they get N. Korea under control. They've been enabling them for years its time they take responsibility. But unfortunately We can't attack because China won't allow that either. Rock(Hard{US}place)Rock
China needs North Korea as a buffer state/zone between them and us. We have troops in S. Korea and they see us as a threat. Honestly any ground war with China is a losing proposition. They are just paranoid. We can't sanction China without starting a new cold war.

If anything China is on a power trip. Check out the Spratley Islands, insane what China is trying to pull off.
Whoo boy, what a topic!

Mostly because my belief has morphed somewhat over these past several years. I am a proud American, and having a Marine for a father, I have great love and admiration for our American fighting forces.

...but I am coming to believe that sometimes governments send young men off to war to rid themselves of a warrior class who might pose them a political threat...that class threatens their accruing of power - so they create mini-wars, perpetually, to siphon off the warriors. They over-commit them, then underpay them, and if they come home from these wars, they are either broken mentally or physically - and pose little threat. If any of this class returns without outward scars, they are often targeted as potential troublemakers and their service to our country works against them. The climate in the country is NOT supportive of their causes (most don't even know why our troops are committed... anywhere).

I have begun to see that our country is following a path that says they do not deserve our children/would-be warriors. I think it is time to limit our governments ability to diffuse political unrest, by sending the best and the brightest off to fight wars - specially designed to make them wars of attrition...

We have allies, we have STRONG allies, and then we have people we pay off to keep their countries from becoming powder kegs.

If the government wants our sons and daughters to fight for them, it seems their is a sacred commitment that has been lost - they should fight to win wars, not make our enemies happy we're shooting them.

While I'm not longer of the opinion that we should deploy our forces to remove someone else's bully...I recognize that not everything can be fixed overnight...therefore, If they ARE committed they should have a tight commission and then BROUGHT HOME as soon as the BULLY/strongman is either decapitated, or incapacitated.

No more 10 years of creeping death, misguided heroism committed to a plan with no achievable objective. This is just an organized depletion of our population. Our minders aren't happy that those of us that no longer agree with them - keep having children, and then that we have become proficient at making SOME of them capable of critical thought!

You ask me what I think about N Korea? I say pull the 80,000 boys out and let S Korea slug it out with them. Let their Gungam style layabouts defend their own countries ideals - and if those ideals aren't ingrained in the soft offspring...let them learn how to goose step.

Our men have been the only line of defense for GENERATIONS. The US forces, while numerous, would be mere cannon fodder for any real war in N Korea. We also lack the resolve to let them fight a real war...so just let North and South go at it. In the end your country has to know what it is committed to, than about how much money it can make laying around criticizing others who do all your heavy lifting.

Seems to me we should be asked nicely to be the armed forces of a country, at numbers we determine, free of any input from the country who is abrogating their responsibility. We should be seen as deliverers and guarantors of peace - not as objects of ridicule - whether thats in North Korea, Northern Chad, or Northern "Kazakysthan" (as our newly minted comrade at the State Department is fond of reciting).

Just my two cents...and I'm beginning to wonder why the guy who campaigned for deadlines for withdrawal, and bringing troops home (not to mention closing GTMO)...isn't being held more accountable for leaving them in place, and even INCREASING their number (don't give me the "we're out of Iraq" speech - if you don't think the Private Army currently prosecuting the war there - answers to the Secretary of State/POTUS - because I'll simply say that you're as blind as a bat, and prob'ly happily so)?
I think when the last Korean who remembers us from the Korean war is laid buried and dead, we should start a pull out so they can rest in peace. I hear the old generation are very respectful of us there, and call us American Angels. The new generation are all hot heads who don't know a damn thing and hate our guts. Fine with me, soon as we can we pull out. They can tangle with the North Koreans and see what tune they sing then. They don't know what it was like going through the Korean war.

The only problem is the global stream of commerce that will be totally screwed up if that happens. Think about the Japanese tsunami and how that affected us in terms of electronics.
I think when the last Korean who remembers us from the Korean war is laid buried and dead, we should start a pull out so they can rest in peace. I hear the old generation are very respectful of us there, and call us American Angels. The new generation are all hot heads who don't know a damn thing and hate our guts. Fine with me, soon as we can we pull out. They can tangle with the North Koreans and see what tune they sing then. They don't know what it was like going through the Korean war.

The only problem is the global stream of commerce that will be totally screwed up if that happens. Think about the Japanese tsunami and how that affected us in terms of electronics.
What we fought to stop, will end-up playing out...we just bought ourselves 60 (or so) years.

China is already making noise to bully Japan into submission, and the Japanese will, because they too know that America is war weary and no longer has the will to fight for our own interests...let alone theirs.

When China finally controls the Asian sphere of influence (as Japan was trying to do in 1941) we will see your fears play out - they will have yet another lever by which to control the US without firing a shot (although, I think they're itching to use all the new toys Walmart, Target, K-Mart, and the like, helped them accumulate).

It literally feels like the noose is tightening and for the first time, our enemies have exactly who they need in American leadership positions - we will bark, but we will NOT bite/act. It's time to pull the troops home and begin to heal and rest...because war or something worse is coming.
I am a Chinese, but I am a big fan of the Japanese spirit. Many of my Chinese friends would be appalled to hear this but Japan is a sleeping tiger in terms of military. They have been humbled after the second world war, and were shocked to see how their bushido culture was turned against them and polluted. For an entire two generations, they abhor war, but the warrior blood is still deep inside their DNA. Their anime (cartoons if you will) always downplay needless blood shed, their scientist and engineers go out of the way to not make new weapons of war for fear of militarization. However their technology is top notch. They could easily develop what is in their mind, they just choose not to.

Our F-22 stealth fighter, looks and works almost like the Alpha Fighter, a Japanese fighter plane that transforms into a giant robot and fights in the Robotech cartoons in the 80's. I know for a fact that a bunch of geeks like me grew up in the 80's thinking to themselves, when I grow up I am going to design the Alpha Fighter. Similarities between the Alpha fighter and F-22, vector thrusting, and internal weapons bays.

The Ghost in the Shell anime made a decade ago forsaw future warfare with domestic terrorism, drones, cyber attacks, optic camouflage, and cyber-netic implants. Our cybernetic implants grow in leaps and bounds each year. Blind people can see now, last week someone just had a cybernetic arm that could touch and feel, a man bound in a wheel chair can walk in an exo-frame. The US army is trying to develop optic camouflage. The Japanese engineers are so far in advance in optic camouflage, but what is holding them back? I saw the documentary where the scientist fear their innovations being weaponized so decline to advance the research.

Imagine if they had that fire back again, and could build an army? Imagine the drone army they could amass. Unlike us, they can be xenophobic but are unapologetic about it. They are truly scary if they divert their energy back towards warfare. Just look how dedicated they are in the corporate world, like mini-samurai. Their chefs are amazing too. Their interns flood the world, learning a cuisine, mastering to a fine art. When I went to culinary school I asked about my prospects of getting a international internship and my school shook it's head citing the Japanese interns. Remember the Fukishima diaster? The engineers and fire fighters volunteered to enter the nuclear core knowing it was a suicide mission. The kamakazi spirit is still there, the difference this time is that they will have the best technology.
Amazing that the science fiction of our youth ,has its way of becoming reality . Remember Soylent Green ? If not , rent the movie .
NK doesn't have the current tech to deliver a nuke to the US. But, they aren't that far from it, according to most intelligence analysts. And, since they've successfully put a satellite in orbit (it was dead, but still did obtain the correct orbit)...it means that ICBM capability is there as well. Where they lack currently is in miniaturizing a nuclear warhead that can fit in a missile and still pack a punch in the mt range. To be honest, I'd be more worried about NK doing this for an EMP effect rather than a fallout one. (also it would take only one or a few weapons, vs. the huge salvo needed to hit land targets).

Still, I'd have to think we'd knock it out of the sky (even if a pilot had to fly into it to do so).

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