Lake Mead Plunges To Record Low Amid Drought-pocalypse

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"Mega-drought" takes dramatic toll on Colorado River system that provides water to 40 million people - CBS News

"Since 2000, Lake Mead has dropped 130 feet, about the height of a 13-story building. Islands in the lake that used to be completely submerged are now visible.

Back in 2014 Tracy had visited the dam, and asked Mulroy about water levels at Lake Mead, which she described as being at "a pretty critical point."

Today, Tracy asked, "If you look at 30 feet lower now, what point are we at?"

"We're at a tipping point," said Mulroy. "It's an existential issue for Arizona, for California, for Nevada. It is just that simple."

For the first time ever, the federal government is expected to declare a water shortage on the lower Colorado River later this summer. That will force automatic cuts to the water supply for Nevada and Arizona starting in 2022. Homeowners have higher priority and, at first, won't feel the pain as badly as farmers."

This summer should completely deplete Mead and Hoover. Prepare for radical cost increases in food that comes from California. Get as much of that CA rice as possible. Wailing and gnashing of teeth to come; and of course lawsuits, as these states try to get water from the PNW. We should have to turn off the tap to Mexico too (they never pay for it), but we won't because that would be racist.
At this point all we can do in the Southwest is hope for a big monsoon year.

Be careful of what you wish for.
The state of Louisiana was in drought conditions, the governor said to pray for rain.
Like, two weeks later, they got record flooding.

Unfortunately with the wildfires, a lot of foliage lost, rains could and have lead to mud slides.
all the rivers and streams around here are low, its just normal for this time of year.
The West is the driest it's been in 1,200 years — raising questions about a livable future

The West is the driest it's been in 1,200 years — raising questions about a livable future (

So much water wasted by the radical democrats. 40 million people need to relocate and will lose everything in the process. Excellent farmland ruined for centuries probably.
How in the hell do you figure this is the democrats fault? I kind of feel your answer in life is to blame others for everything and constantly need an enemy.
I do feel that my previous comments on the South West are spot on right now. SELL your property now while real estate is at an all time high and move to someplace that’s more sustainable. I’ve read about the dust bowl and seen pictures of it. You don’t want to be in that kind of situation.
I do feel that my previous comments on the South West are spot on right now. SELL your property now while real estate is at an all time high and move to someplace that’s more sustainable. I’ve read about the dust bowl and seen pictures of it. You don’t want to be in that kind of situation.
If a person sells their property in the SW that means that there's someone to buy. It really doesn't do anything to solve the problem. Maybe a better approach, for starters, would be to deport every illegal alien out of the country. Theres millions of illegals in the SW. That would be a good start. For your FYI, the SW is already a dust bowl. They get little if any precipitation. Generally irrigation comes out of wells, so they're draining the aquafers too in an effort to farm an area that was never meant to support anything more than a very small population.
How in the hell do you figure this is the democrats fault? I kind of feel your answer in life is to blame others for everything and constantly need an enemy.

That’s rich, coming from a guy who supports identity politics, blaming everyone else, and silencing the opposition, while labeling them white supremacists and domestic terrorists.

Because of the people you support, I cannot voice my opinion on Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, or many other social media platforms your party either runs, or has taken offline. Facebook is asking people to turn in anyone they consider “fringe”, who is anyone not supporting the left’s madness. Sounds just like Nazi Germany, but the left calls the right nazis.

Because of the people you support, I cannot drive through the city without worrying if I am going to be attacked by a bunch of people in black, and if I defend myself, go to prison and lose everything.

Because of the people you support, if I need the police, the response time is measured in hours, and if I have to defend myself…

Because of the people you support, I may lose my guns, will pay more in taxes, will have to see the city I loved overrun with homeless and their trash, and crime.

Because of the people you support, homicide in my city is up 800%.

Because of people like you, kids are being taught that all white people are born racist, history is being re-written, and schools and employers are teaching Critical Race Theory.

Because of the people you support, America is being overrun by illegals that I will have to pay more in taxes to support, forever.

Because of the people you support, girls are losing scholarships and records to boys who claim to be girls with zero proof other than the way the “feel”.

Because of people like you, men are going into girl’s bathrooms and exposing themselves, legally.

Because of people like you, there are at least 32 genders, and I could lose my job if I don’t call someone by their desired pronoun.

The people you support are burning the American flag, while chanting death to America.

The people you support have been pushing BLM for the last year and a half, and defunding the police in major DEMOCRAT cities across America; and are now blaming republicans for defunding the police. Straight gaslighting.

Because of people like you, jails and prisons are being emptied, with few cops, and the DAs refuse to prosecute the violent people on the left, while fully going after anyone on the right.

The people you support want to pack the Supreme Court because they are not in control.

The people you support changed election laws and stole the 2020 election, and refuse to allow anyone to do an audit. Even worse, calling them conspiracy theorists, and worse. Your people said elections are the safest and most reliable they have ever been, and now, in the wake of the NYC mayoral race election fiasco, are calling for an audit. Your people are hypocrites, but it's so hard to see when you control the narrative.

Yes, I am your enemy, but YOU made me your enemy. The time to pick sides happened long ago, when the people you support started dividing us up any way they could.
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How in the hell do you figure this is the democrats fault? I kind of feel your answer in life is to blame others for everything and constantly need an enemy.

Here, I took a couple of minutes to look up some info for you to help you understand. It's ok, I have become used to having to do the work of democrats who are too lazy to do it themselves, instead relying on getting their info from their propaganda programming. CA's water conservation policies (democrat policies) have been a well known problem for a long time.

Just the Facts About California’s New Household Water Rationing Law

Just the Facts About California's New Household Water Rationing Law - California Globe

"California voters have approved more than $30 Billion in Water Bonds which has provided no new water storage, and water rationing on the horizon."

California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions

The state has wasted enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year
By Katy Grimes, April 7, 2021 4:13 pm

California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions - California Globe

What they don’t say is that the state has been letting water out of reservoirs across California for months now. And it’s not going to farmers, growers, ranchers or urban use. Environmental policy says the water “flows” from reservoirs are necessary to produce a rebound of endangered Delta smelt and Chinook salmon. However, these policies are a failure as neither species have been collected in all of the latest trawling surveys, where they spend several days a month searching in more than 200 spots. This practice of releasing water and hoping fish improve, has been unsuccessful for nearly 30 years, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and third-generation Central Valley farmer. Both species are close to extinction.

Meanwhile, as the reservoir water flows are not saving fish at all, the State of California has known we are heading into a multi year drought. But northern reservoir managers have continued to release water through the Delta, and into the Pacific Ocean anyway.

Diener explains what is really going on in her “California Water for Food and People Movement:”

“Less than two years ago, every reservoir in the state was brimming with water, and held a supply to last a minimum of five dry years without another drop of rain. Shasta and Oroville by themselves held enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year. With 25 million receiving water from these sources, those two reservoirs alone could deliver water for more than three years. But the majority of that stored water has been released to the ocean for ongoing environmental causes that have not benefitted a single endangered fish."

“There is no accountability whatsoever to show positive results for the water continuously taken from the human supply. The governor appointed peeps in the CDFW spend hundreds of millions of our dollars on everything from studies and monitoring, to decades of supposed habitat restoration. They have failed the fishing industry big time, in addition to drying up the water supply for farmers and families.”
Here, I took a couple of minutes to look up some info for you to help you understand. It's ok, I have become used to having to do the work of democrats who are too lazy to do it themselves, instead relying on getting their info from their propaganda programming. CA's water conservation policies (democrat policies) have been a well known problem for a long time.

Just the Facts About California’s New Household Water Rationing Law

Just the Facts About California's New Household Water Rationing Law - California Globe

"California voters have approved more than $30 Billion in Water Bonds which has provided no new water storage, and water rationing on the horizon."

California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions

The state has wasted enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year
By Katy Grimes, April 7, 2021 4:13 pm

California Releasing Water from Reservoirs, Claiming Drought Conditions - California Globe

What they don’t say is that the state has been letting water out of reservoirs across California for months now. And it’s not going to farmers, growers, ranchers or urban use. Environmental policy says the water “flows” from reservoirs are necessary to produce a rebound of endangered Delta smelt and Chinook salmon. However, these policies are a failure as neither species have been collected in all of the latest trawling surveys, where they spend several days a month searching in more than 200 spots. This practice of releasing water and hoping fish improve, has been unsuccessful for nearly 30 years, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and third-generation Central Valley farmer. Both species are close to extinction.

Meanwhile, as the reservoir water flows are not saving fish at all, the State of California has known we are heading into a multi year drought. But northern reservoir managers have continued to release water through the Delta, and into the Pacific Ocean anyway.

Diener explains what is really going on in her “California Water for Food and People Movement:”

“Less than two years ago, every reservoir in the state was brimming with water, and held a supply to last a minimum of five dry years without another drop of rain. Shasta and Oroville by themselves held enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year. With 25 million receiving water from these sources, those two reservoirs alone could deliver water for more than three years. But the majority of that stored water has been released to the ocean for ongoing environmental causes that have not benefitted a single endangered fish."

“There is no accountability whatsoever to show positive results for the water continuously taken from the human supply. The governor appointed peeps in the CDFW spend hundreds of millions of our dollars on everything from studies and monitoring, to decades of supposed habitat restoration. They have failed the fishing industry big time, in addition to drying up the water supply for farmers and families.”
The biggest threats to our fishing industry are the foreign trawlers operating off our coasts, mostly Jap or Chinese. These ships never go to Port. They stay out fishing for years at a time. They can or freeze and package the catch on board and tenders pick up the catch to eventually be sold to stores like Walmart. Yep, most of OUR frozen fish was caught in OUR waters and sold back to us by the Chinese. Look at the labels next time you go shopping.
Another big threat to our salmon fishing is that indians are allowed to put out nets in rivers catching the salmon as they're heading up river to spawn. Its amazing that there's any fish left. And many salmon species in the lower 48 are already extinct. There's a lake in Idaho called Red Fish lake. It was named from the number of sockeye salmon that at one time was so thick it looked red. I'm not sure if any make it up there anymore. To be fair the dams along the Columbia and Snake rivers have cut the numbers dramatically, but the over fishing by foreign countrys and the indian nets have reduced the numbers of some salmon species to almost zero.
There's just too GD many people fighting for extremely limited resources.
California waterways polluted with alarming levels of dangerous fecal bacteria due to homelessness
January 12, 2020 | Samantha Chang

California waterways polluted with alarming levels of dangerous fecal bacteria due to homelessness (

"California’s beaches, rivers, and streams have become contaminated with alarming levels of dangerous fecal bacteria thanks to the liberal state’s escalating homelessness crisis.

President Trump recently spotlighted the terrifying epidemic on Twitter, when he wrote: “We should all work together to clean up these hazardous waste and homeless sites before the whole city rots away. Very bad and dangerous conditions, also severely impacting the Pacific Ocean and water supply. Pelosi must work on this mess and turn her district around!

Predictably, the Left mocked Trump, saying he was wrong. A San Francisco official even disputed his allegations.

However, experts say Trump is correct: California’s waterways are becoming increasingly polluted with disease-promoting bacteria because homeless people defecate and bathe in public rivers and streams.

This is dangerous not only for them, but for the public at large because the bacteria can cause an infectious disease epidemic. California Healthline reported:"

Trump OKs more California water for Valley farmers. Gavin Newsom files a lawsuit

Trump plan sends more California water to Valley farmers | The Sacramento Bee (

The left hates Trump so much, they will kill themselves before admitting he is right. Who would continue to follow leadership like that?
That’s rich, coming from a guy who supports identity politics, blaming everyone else, and silencing the opposition, while labeling them white supremacists and domestic terrorists.

Because of the people you support, I cannot voice my opinion on Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, or many other social media platforms your party either runs, or has taken offline. Facebook is asking people to turn in anyone they consider “fringe”, who is anyone not supporting the left’s madness. Sounds just like Nazi Germany, but the left calls the right nazis.

Because of the people you support, I cannot drive through the city without worrying if I am going to be attacked by a bunch of people in black, and if I defend myself, go to prison and lose everything.

Because of the people you support, if I need the police, the response time is measured in hours, and if I have to defend myself…

Because of the people you support, I may lose my guns, will pay more in taxes, will have to see the city I loved overrun with homeless and their trash, and crime.

Because of the people you support, homicide in my city is up 800%.

Because of people like you, kids are being taught that all white people are born racist, history is being re-written, and schools and employers are teaching Critical Race Theory.

Because of the people you support, America is being overrun by illegals that I will have to pay more in taxes to support, forever.

Because of the people you support, girls are losing scholarships and records to boys who claim to be girls with zero proof other than the way the “feel”.

Because of people like you, men are going into girl’s bathrooms and exposing themselves, legally.

Because of people like you, there are at least 32 genders, and I could lose my job if I don’t call someone by their desired pronoun.

The people you support are burning the American flag, while chanting death to America.

The people you support have been pushing BLM for the last year and a half, and defunding the police in major DEMOCRAT cities across America; and are now blaming republicans for defunding the police. Straight gaslighting.

Because of people like you, jails and prisons are being emptied, with few cops, and the DAs refuse to prosecute the violent people on the left, while fully going after anyone on the right.

The people you support want to pack the Supreme Court because they are not in control.

The people you support changed election laws and stole the 2020 election, and refuse to allow anyone to do an audit. Even worse, calling them conspiracy theorists, and worse. Your people said elections are the safest and most reliable they have ever been, and now, in the wake of the NYC mayoral race election fiasco, are calling for an audit. Your people are hypocrites, but it's so hard to see when you control the narrative.

Yes, I am your enemy, but YOU made me your enemy. The time to pick sides happened long ago, when the people you support started dividing us up any way they could.

This is the best post I have read in a long time. I have nothing to add, just wanted to replicate it again.
From what I read, the rainfall and river levels that inspired them to build the dam were anomalous. The more normal climate is what they have there now. This wouldn't be the first time a civilization built massive infrastructure only to abandon it when the local climate changed. Particularly water infrastructure.

Other sources suggest the future for the dam isn't so bad. Climatic Fluctuations, Drought, and Flow of the Colorado River A good read this.

Tip of the iceberg though when you think about the hundreds of thousands of bridges and million of miles or concrete and blacktop, good luck replacing all that on an oil-free renewable economy. Big changes ahead.
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From what I read, the rainfall and river levels that inspired them to build the dam were anomalous. The more normal climate is what they have there now. This wouldn't be the first time a civilization built massive infrastructure only to abandon it when the local climate changed. Particularly water infrastructure.

Other sources suggest the future for the dam isn't so bad. Climatic Fluctuations, Drought, and Flow of the Colorado River A good read this.

Tip of the iceberg though when you think about the hundreds of thousands of bridges and million of miles or concrete and blacktop, good luck replacing all that on an oil-free renewable economy. Big changes ahead.
The ancients managed without oil, and many of their roads, bridges and aqueducts are still in use today. But in modern times we can't seem to build anything that lasts more than 20 years.
many of the bridges near me are old pack horse bridges built over a century ago, they arent the problem the problem is the size of the trucks these days, they keep bashing bits off the bridges and they keep having to be repaired.
If a person sells their property in the SW that means that there's someone to buy. It really doesn't do anything to solve the problem. Maybe a better approach, for starters, would be to deport every illegal alien out of the country. Theres millions of illegals in the SW. That would be a good start. For your FYI, the SW is already a dust bowl. They get little if any precipitation. Generally irrigation comes out of wells, so they're draining the aquafers too in an effort to farm an area that was never meant to support anything more than a very small population.
Oh, I didn’t think it would alleviate the water crisis for the area. I was just thinking it would alleviate the problem for the ones smart enough to move now. the only way to really fix the problem would be to get a bunch of desalination plants built quickly.
That’s rich, coming from a guy who supports identity politics, blaming everyone else, and silencing the opposition, while labeling them white supremacists and domestic terrorists.

Because of the people you support, I cannot voice my opinion on Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, or many other social media platforms your party either runs, or has taken offline. Facebook is asking people to turn in anyone they consider “fringe”, who is anyone not supporting the left’s madness. Sounds just like Nazi Germany, but the left calls the right nazis.

Because of the people you support, I cannot drive through the city without worrying if I am going to be attacked by a bunch of people in black, and if I defend myself, go to prison and lose everything.

Because of the people you support, if I need the police, the response time is measured in hours, and if I have to defend myself…

Because of the people you support, I may lose my guns, will pay more in taxes, will have to see the city I loved overrun with homeless and their trash, and crime.

Because of the people you support, homicide in my city is up 800%.

Because of people like you, kids are being taught that all white people are born racist, history is being re-written, and schools and employers are teaching Critical Race Theory.

Because of the people you support, America is being overrun by illegals that I will have to pay more in taxes to support, forever.

Because of the people you support, girls are losing scholarships and records to boys who claim to be girls with zero proof other than the way the “feel”.

Because of people like you, men are going into girl’s bathrooms and exposing themselves, legally.

Because of people like you, there are at least 32 genders, and I could lose my job if I don’t call someone by their desired pronoun.

The people you support are burning the American flag, while chanting death to America.

The people you support have been pushing BLM for the last year and a half, and defunding the police in major DEMOCRAT cities across America; and are now blaming republicans for defunding the police. Straight gaslighting.

Because of people like you, jails and prisons are being emptied, with few cops, and the DAs refuse to prosecute the violent people on the left, while fully going after anyone on the right.

The people you support want to pack the Supreme Court because they are not in control.

The people you support changed election laws and stole the 2020 election, and refuse to allow anyone to do an audit. Even worse, calling them conspiracy theorists, and worse. Your people said elections are the safest and most reliable they have ever been, and now, in the wake of the NYC mayoral race election fiasco, are calling for an audit. Your people are hypocrites, but it's so hard to see when you control the narrative.

Yes, I am your enemy, but YOU made me your enemy. The time to pick sides happened long ago, when the people you support started dividing us up any way they could.
No, I am not your enemy. You decided to hate half of your own country. I agree with almost everything you said above as being terrible, stupid and ridiculous. Do you really think that because I think Biden is a better human being than trump that I think everything he does is good? I agree that most of his policies are ****. One point you brought up though isn’t real. The part about the election fraud. There were plenty if audits that showed it was accurate. How many recounts can be done before you would believe it. That answer is none unless they change the numbers to your liking. Trump was caught on tape saying to cheat on the counts to at least two states. Get over the election fraud because it didn’t happen. Now if you want to talk about how to fix some of the valid points you mentioned above then I’m all in for trying to come up with ways to fix them. But your blind anger and wanting to blame half of the country you supposedly love is not worth anything.

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