Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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Two Soldiers Wounded In ATO Over Past 24 Hrs, – Lysenko
22.01 13:04
No Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the ATO area over the last 24 hours. One serviceman was wounded in a military clash near Marinka (Donetsk region); another one blew up on an explosive device in Syze village, Luhansk region.
This was reported today, January 22, by the Presidential Administration spokesman for the ATO, Colonel Andriy Lysenko.
“The situation in the east of Ukraine aggravated yesterday. The enemy became especially active in Donetsk and Mariupol sectors. Several cases of use of mortars and IFV were recorded. Most of the shellings were aimed, which is why Ukrainian soldiers were forced to open fire in response”, Lysenko reported.
No cases of ceasefire violation were recorded in Luhansk sector.
Terrorists violated the ceasefire along the whole length of the front line in Donetsk direction. They used IFV near Novhorodske, while the largest number of shellings was recorded near the Donetsk airport.
Militants continuously fired on ATO positions eastwards of Krasnohorivka and Marinka (Mariupol sector). They did not use heavy weapon, though several sniper shots were recorded.
Five mortar mines were launched near Starohnativka.
Besides, positions of Ukrainian Armed Forces near Talakivka were shelled with 82-mm mortars and anti-tank missile launcher.
According to the Intelligence, the situation in the ATO area remains tense: the intensity of attacks increased.


Militants 37 Times Opened Fire In ATO Over Past 24 Hrs, – ATO Staff

23.01 09:30
Yesterday, on January 22, militants 37 times opened fire on the positions of Ukrainian troops in the ATO area.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff on Facebook.
Terrorists fired on the positions of Ukrainian soldiers with grenade launchers and small arms near Marinka, Maiorsk and Zaitseve. A series of provocations was recorded near the Donetsk airport. Militants two times used IFV.
Besides, terrorists opened fire with grenade launchers and small arms on Ukrainian positions near Shyrokyne, Mariupol sector. Finally, positions of Ukrainian army near Starohnativka were shelled with SP artillery platform.

ATO Positions Shelled With Minsk-Forbidden SP Artillery Platforms, – ATO Staff
23.01 11:10
Militants again violate Minsk Agreements and use forbidden weapons.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
According to the ATO Staff, militants launched twenty-five 122-mm missiles to shell positions of Ukrainian forces yesterday. The shelling continued about half an hour.
“In such a way, militants improve the practical skills they have obtained and try to provoke our soldiers to open fire in response to discredit Ukraine of violating Minsk Agreements”, the ATO Staff concluded.

8,5 Thousand Russian Regular Soldiers Remain In Donbas, – SSU
23.01 11:29
About 8,5 thousand Russian regular soldiers currently remain in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas.
This was reported by the Head of the Antiterrorist Center at the Security Service of Ukraine Vitaliy Malikov.
According to him, it is impossible to specify the exact number of Russian soldiers as they “work on a rotating basis”.
“Russians form there paramilitary associations, similar to units of the Russian army. They have appointed curators at the already staffed units. Almost all the commanders are Russian”, said Malikov.
Also, Malikov once again emphasized that separate units of Russian Army are still present in Donbas.
Ukrainian Soldier Killed In Mine Blast, – Lysenko
23.01 12:45
Yesterday, one Ukrainian soldier was blown up by an explosive device.
This was reported today, January 23, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
“Yesterday, one Ukrainian soldier was blown up by an explosive device. Another soldier was wounded in military hostilities”, said Lysenko.
According to him, the intensity of military hostilities in the ATO area was low yesterday.
In particular, no cases of ceasefire violation were recorded in Luhansk direction. Still, a series of provocations was recorded near the Donetsk airport.
Besides, several provocations were noticed near Luhanske village. The enemy used small arms, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. Besides, terrorists 3 times used IFV.
In Mariupol sector, Ukrainian positions were attacked near Krasnohorivka, Marinka, Shyrokyne and Starohnativka.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 01.11
20.01.2016 - 15:15

Operational data from Information Resistance:
After last week’s escalation of the conflict in Donbas, Russian-terrorist forces have reduced their activity, while nonetheless continuing shellings and armed provocations against the ATO forces. Over the past 24 hours, local militants, Russian mercenaries and soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces mainly used small arms for these purposes (including heavy machine guns), as well as 82 mm mortars, and heavy grenade launchers (SPG-9 and AGS-17). The majority of the attacks were recorded in the area of Horlivka, as well as to the west and northwest of Donetsk (from Mar’inka to the northern outskirts of Avdiivka). In addition, militants continue conducting active reconnaissance of the Ukrainian troops’ combat formations; in a number of areas, sniper fire is carried out.

Militant infantry groups dressed in Ukrainian Armed Forces military uniforms were detected in the neutral zone in the vicinity of Horlivka. These groups are equipped with mortars and grenade launchers. Mortar fire in the direction of Horlivka was recorded at least twice.

During the last 24 hours, militants fired at the ATO forces’ advanced positions in the area of Zaitseve (fire was carried out from heavy machine guns and 82 mm mortars, and directed at the northern part of this settlement, which is occupied by Ukrainian military units). Militants fired at the ATO forces’ stronghold in the area of Mayorsk from the direction of the two valleys south of the Zhovanka river (a terrorist infantry group used two heavy machine guns and an AGS-17).

From the direction of the Donetsk airport, a militant sniper group entered the neutral zone and fired at the ATO forces’ units near Opytne, at their positions near the Donetsk Bypass. The sniper group received fire support from an 82-mm mortar operating from the direction of Spartak, and two machine guns (operating from the ruins in the private residence area of the settlement). Another sniper group [also] “operated” from the same area.

In the vicinity of Pisky, several militant SPG-9 details, operating under the cover of heavy machine guns, fired six shots at Ukrainian troop advanced positions from the direction of Zhobunky.

The ATO forces’ positions on the stretch between the Skeleva river and Rozsadky (in the vicinity of Luhanske) were shelled from small arms by terrorist infantry groups operating from the direction of Sanzharivka. Southeast of Troitske, militants shelled [the ATO forces] from sniper weapons and 82 mm mortars (fire came from the direction of Shyroka Balka).

In the vicinity of Mar’inka, militants shelled ATO forces’ positions from the direction of Trudivske [district of Donetsk] using heavy machine guns and SPG-9’s (5-6 rounds). By using this method, the terrorists attempted to provoke return fire and discover the ATO forces’ firing positions at the front line.

East of Novhorodske, the militants opened fire on the advanced ATO stronghold several times during the past 24 hours, using small arms and stand-mounted antipersonnel grenade launchers (AGS-17 or similar). Fire adjustment was carried out from the N5 Mine’s spoil bank. At the same time, a group of militants was seen moving through the neutral zone.

Active regrouping of the enemy forces and equipment at the front line is observed in several areas at once: in the vicinity of Horlivka, on the stretch between Horlivka and Donetsk, in the western and northwestern parts of Donetsk, and south of Donetsk. Militant personnel and equipment are being transferred to the vicinity of Pervomaiskand Hranitne, to the area of Luhansk, and in the coastal regions – between Sakhankaand Novoazovsk. Forces transferred to these areas are company-level units (usually 8-10 ACVs, and 5-6 vehicles with personnel). Forces and equipment are also being transferred towards Stakhanov and Pervomaisk, through Alvchevsk.

Due to the “crisis” in the area of Ozeryanivka (blocking of the “Troya” gang), six army trucks with militants and four BTR-80’s (with militants on board) have been transferred to the vicinity of Horlivka through Panteleimonivka.

A militant infantry group with armored equipment was also spotted near Horlivka, north of the Artemivsk motorway, beyond Terykonna station (in total, up to one company in strength, plus several ACVs, mainly MT-LB’s, 82 mm mortars, and one ZU-23-2). According to our preliminary data, this group arrived to reinforce the units that are periodically shelling Zhovanka and Zaitseve (a rotation of forces is also a possibility).

A “command and management meeting” took place in the “1st Army Corps of the DNR.” The “DNR” military command voiced an “imperative demand” to “improve the military discipline” and increase the combat ability of its subordinate units through competent and efficient use of the existing resources and material supplies. The meeting also addressed the issue of “unwarranted breakdowns of equipment and armaments” and reviewed the results of the equipment conversion for winter operation.

After being deployed northeast of Avdiivka, a militant armored group (4 tanks and four BMP-2’s, BTR-70’s, BTR-80’s) withdrew to the eastern region of operation. At this time, the militants are camouflaging this equipment at positions between Yasynuvata and Makiivka.

Militants continue to hold a reinforced battalion (BTG) at the ZaichenkoSakhankaline. A reserve terrorist unit is being concentrated near Bezymenne (six tanks, spread out and camouflaged in ravines and valleys northwest of Bezymenne; as well as 22-24 vehicles, and 10-12 various ACVs, from BRDM-2 to BMP-2 and MT-LB). “Grad” BM-21 MLRS units previously recorded west of Patriotychne have been transferred to the vicinity of Krasnoarmiiske.

The militant reinforced battalion (BTG) previously deployed in the area of Yenakijeve – Vuhlehirsk – Kamyshatka (as previously reported by the IR group) has begun moving in the direction of Horlivka. The artillery unit of this BTG is being deployed to the area south of Holmivskyi. Thus. militants are pulling up reinforcements to the ATO forces’ right flank at the Svitlodarsk bridgehead (as a reminder, the enemy forces between Pervomaisk and Sanzharivka were reinforced before the New Year).

A similar situation is observed south of Donetsk: militant combat lines between Olenivka and Styla have been compacted (including the enemy’s Dokuchajevsk “defense center”). In this area, the [enemy forces’ ] front line was additionally fortified with two reinforced motorized infantry companies, RTG (a total of 120-200 personnel with 15-16 ACVs), as well as six “Grad” BM-21 MLRS units, and at least six 122 mm “Gvozdika” 2S1 units concealed in the Andriivka – Laryne – Obilne triangle.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 01.12
20.01.2016 - 15:17

Operational data from Information Resistance:
We are recording an increase in the activity of Russian-terrorist troops and a resulting escalation of conflict in the ATO zone in Donbas. During the past 24 hours, militants have carried out shellings and provocations, using small arms, grenade launchers, ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft systems, 82 mm mortars, as well as tanks (in one instance), and 120 mm mortars (in another instance). During the past 24 hours, militants were particularly active west and northwest of Donetsk, in the vicinity of Horlivka, and in the area of the Svitlodarsk bridgehead. Russian-terrorist units were also increasingly active south of Donetsk and in the coastal regions.

In certain areas, the militants are rapidly increasing their reconnaissance and sabotage activities (mainly mine-laying), using DRGs. The level of professionalism of these DRGs is notably diverse – groups of Russian GRU Spetsnaz are operating professionally, while groups of local militants trained in their “training centers” demonstrate a very low level of competence (even as far as detonating their own mines and tripwires).

Operating with two groups of mobile fire from the direction of Zhobunky and the private residences estate south of the Chervonoarmiiske Highway, militants shelled two advanced ATO strongholds in the vicinity of Pisky. The militants used heavy machine guns (at least two BTR-80’s fired from the direction of the private estate); from the direction of Zhobunky, the militant infantry group operated from the neutral strip, using 82 mm mortars and AGS-17 for fire support in addition to small arms.

From the direction of the DAP and Spartak, militants deployed 82 mm mortars and an SPG-9 against ATO positions in the vicinity of Opytne and the former anti-aircraft defense unit (8 shots were fired). Additionally, militants used a ZU-23-2 to fire on Ukrainian troop positions south of Avdiivka, from the direction of a 272.2 m high ground (near the Yasynuvata junction).

Militants pulled up additional firepower – 82 mm and 120 mm mortar units – to the northern outskirts of Horlivka (Poselok 6-7 estate, and near the Haharina Mine). Terrorists opened mortar fire (82 mm) on Leninske (where no Ukrainian troops are positioned). Additionally, militants opened heavy fire (using 4-5 AGS-17’s, at least two SPG-9 details, heavy machine guns, and 120 mm mortars) from the direction of waste banks near Poselok 6-7, firing at the ATO stronghold between Shumy and Mayorske. Militants also actively shelled the area of Zaitseve – Zhovanka (small arms, 82 mortars, ZU-23-2).

Two militant groups shelled the ATO forces’ advanced positions west of Novhorodske, using small arms and grenade launchers from the direction of the Zalizna Balka river.

Militants also stepped up their activity in the Kominternove – Vodyane area. Namely, terrorists fired on Vodyane (where no Ukrainian troops are positioned) from the southern outskirts of Kominternove, using two “Vasilek” 2B9 automatic 82 mm mortars and AGS-17’s.

Militants fired on the ATO forces’ strongholds near Troitske from a tank (HE projectiles, up to 10 shots). Cover for the tank was provided by a BMP-2 (which did not open fire) and several AGS-17’s (which fired actively to prevent the ATO forces from deploying anti-tank weapons).

Militants organized supply lines for the reinforced battalion (BTG) which has been advancing in stages to the area east of Horlivka (see IR comment of 01.11.2016). Ammunition and equipment are being transferred to the deployment area of this BTG from the railway station in Debaltseve through Vuhlehirsk (six trucks of various types spotted during the past 24 hours).

In the Petrovskyi district of Donetsk, south of the horse riding club, a militant armored group has been spotted. The group includes three BMP-2’s, one BTR-80, two MT-LB’s, and up to one reinforced platoon of personnel (25-30 militants, including those on board armored vehicles). This armored group was proceeding south.

Militants have reactivated the reinforcement of their positions along the Zaichenko – Sakhanka line, as well as northwest of Telmanove. The right flank of the militants positioned near Zaichenko received four more armored vehicles (three BMP-2, one MT-LB) from the direction of the “reserve base” in Patriotychne. The artillery that previously operated east of Dzerzhynske (three units of BM-21 “Grad” MLRS, and at least five D-30A 122 mm howitzers) was moved north, to an area east of Kranoarmiiske (in the Shevchenko – Kozatske – Porokhnya triangle).

Militants are transferring reinforcements towards Krasnyi Oktyabr and Nova Mar’ivka. Up to one platoon of militants and ten pieces of equipment (including ACVs: several BTR-80’s) were transferred here from the direction of Telmanove. Ammunition is also being transferred to this area by motor transport.

The military leadership of the “LNR” continues reinforcing the tactical group deployed along the Kalynove – Veselohorivka – Sanzharivka line. Reinforcements are arriving through Bryanka, Almazna, and Virhulivka. Namely, four MT-LB’s, two Ural trucks (one shelter with a towed field kitchen), and two BRM-1K were spotted between Almazna and Hannivka. The convoy was proceeding in the direction of Veselohorivka, moving by dusk and observing concealment measures. The appearance of tanks near Kalynove (at least four spotted) and their use in the shelling of the advanced positions of Ukrainian troops indicates that the “LNR” forces in this direction of operation have been considerably reinforced. Combined with the “DNR’s” battalion tactical group (including artillery) emerging east of Horlivka, this gives rise to concerns about the enemy’s potential action in the area of the Svitlodarsk bridgehead and in the Artemivsk area of operation in general.

In the occupied territory, Russian military servicemen are conducting geodetic surveys in several sections along the demarcation line, to assess the degree of frost penetration into the ground possibly to estimate the possibility of using armored vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces and the “DNR” for an offensive against Ukrainian troops. Specifically, such ground surveys are being conducted south of Donetsk, in the strip reaching as far as Dokuchajevsk.

The “DNR” command states that the incidence rate of infectious diseases among militants has increased. The situation is critical with terrorist units operating in the vicinity of the DAP some 50% of those militants are undergoing treatment, and the Donetsk central infectious diseases hospital is filled to overcapacity. The medical stations for the “DNR” gangs are not stocked with antibiotics or fever-reducing drugs; their supply is expected shortly from Russia.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 01.13
20.01.2016 - 15:19

Operational data from Information Resistance:
In the context of the escalation of conflict in Donbas, Russian-terrorist troops have became more active, not only along the demarcation line in areas controlled by the “DNR,” but also in the Luhansk oblast.

During the past 24 hours, militants shelled the ATO forces’ positions in the vicinity of Pisky (using heavy machine guns and 82 mm mortars from the private residences sector south of the Volvo Center’s [23b Sofiiska Street] – Vtoraya Ploshchadka estate). [The ATO forces’] positions along the Donetsk Bypass, near Opytne, and south of Avdiivkawere shelled from grenade launchers and 82 mm mortars; the use of two ZU-23-2’s was also reported. Several militant firing groups were operating from the direction of the DAPand Spartak, and from the direction of the Yasynuvata junction. Mortars were used to provide cover for infantry groups moving through the neutral zone.

A militant group approached the area north of Krasnyi Partyzan from the direction of Panteleimonivka and shelled the ATO forces’ stronghold located southeast of Verkhnotoretske (two SPG-9 details were operating). In the vicinity of Mar’inka, two militant infantry groups advanced to the neutral zone and opened fire from RPGs.

North of Staromykhailivka, a militant armored group advanced (three BTR-80’s). In addition to that, terrorists shelled Krasnohorivka and the road north of the town twice over the past 24 hours, using heavy machine guns and AGS-17’s.

Militants fired on the ATO forces’ stronghold using an AGS-17 from the direction of the Zalizna Balka [river] and the waste banks of the Lenina Mine. The Ukrainian troops’ stronghold southwest of Mayorsk was also shelled from stand-mounted grenade launchers.

Attempts at a “creeping occupation” continue on the part of Russian-terrorist troops. Namely, a militant infantry group was discovered in the “gray zone” near the Dolomitneand Travneve (area of Novoluhanske), attempting to advance towards Semyhirya. The group was stopped by the ATO forces’ fire.

The militants are transferring armored combat vehicles and motor vehicles to the area of Alchevsk and Perevalsk (up to 10 motor vehicles, nine ACVs, mainly BMP-1 and MT-LB, as well as several BTR-70’s and BTR-80’s). The headcount is up to two companies – 150 personnel.

In the area of Dokuchajevsk, militants are regrouping their forces: we observed the movement of five armored vehicles (four MT-LB’s and one BMP-2), and a mortar detail on board of motor vehicles (four 2B9 “Vasilek” mortars).

The militants are transferring armored vehicles to the vicinity of Mospyne: 12 tanks and 8 ACVs (BMP-1, BMP-2, BTRs); several fuel trucks were also seen on the move.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 01.14
20.01.2016 - 15:20

Operational data from Information Resistance:
Russian-terrorist forces continue firing on Ukrainian troop positions and civilian targets, in the Ukraine-controlled as well as occupied territories. Terrorists have stepped up their activity on the stretch between Krymske and Trokhizbenka, where the reinforcement of their infantry units was noted earlier.

Shelling in all regions of the ATO is carried out using small arms, heavy machine guns (including the on-board guns of APCs), ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft cannons, grenade launchers of various types, and 82 mm mortars.

During the past 24 hours, terrorists opened fire on two ATO forces’ strongholds from the direction of the Donetsk airport (DAP) and Spartak, using AGS-17 automatic stand-mounted grenade launchers, SPG-9 recoilless guns, small arms, and heavy machine guns. Near Pisky, fire provocations were carried out by an infantry group armed with RPGs and small arms, as well as by a BTR-80. Militants near Opytne and Avdiivka fired on Ukrainian troop positions using a 2B9 “Vasilek” mortar.

East of Verkhnotoretsk, provocative fire by a terrorist infantry group was supported by a mortar unit armed with 82-mm mortars. Near Troitske, militants used AGS-17’s and underbarrel grenade launchers. After a few bursts of [ATO forces’] return fire, the terrorists were forced to retreat. Strongholds in the vicinity of Mayorsk continue coming under fire from small arms, heavy machine guns, SPG-9’s and 82 mm mortars.

In order to reconnoiter the combat lines and identify the firing positions of Ukrainian troops, terrorists crept up to the advanced ATO forces positions west of Zaitseve and initiated a firefight. Faced with strong retaliation, occupiers were forced to retreat to their starting lines, under cover fire from 82 mm mortars and ZU-23-2’s.

Unsighted terrorist fire was recorded in the vicinity of Mar’inka, Hranitne, Staromykhailivka, Krasnohorivka, and other areas.

The movements of Russian-terrorist troops:
• A rapid build-up of militant troops and resources has been observed near Holubivske, Donetskyi, and Zholobok. Under the guise of “battalion tactical exercises,” terrorists are reinforcing their so-called “Stakhanov” fighting group near Alchevsk and Perevalsk. Three tanks, six BMP-1’s, and two MT-LB’s have been transferred to the vicinity of Stakhanov. A battery of five 122 mm BM-21 “Grad” MLRS was transferred to the area east of the town of Kirovsk. A terrorist infantry unit of up to 140 personnel has been transferred to the same area from Alchevsk.

• Large amounts of of materials, supplies, fuel, lubricants, and ammunition are being delivered to Russian-terrorist troop units deployed near Dokuchajevsk and Olenivka.

• An artillery command post has been deployed in the area of Obilne and Pavlohradske; one KSM-1 command and staff vehicle and two R-419 shelter trucks (“Kung”) arrived here.

• Four BTR-80’s, two BMP-2’s, and six army trucks proceeded from the direction of Makiivka towards Yenakijeve–Vuhlehirsk.

• Six railway wagons and three platform cars carrying six tented ACV’s arrived at Krasnodon railway station. The station was cordoned off by the local city commandant.

• A terrorist group near Mospyne has been reinforced with four 2S1 122 mm “Gvozdika” self-propelled guns, a PPRU mobile reconnaissance and troop control unit (lengthened model), and a standard MT-LB.

• Ten ACV’s and an infantry platoon were redeployed from the area of Telmanovetowards Krasnyi Oktyabr and Nova Marivka.

The economic and social situation of the residents of the occupied territories is deteriorating. The collaborationist authorities are unable to pay miners their wages. Employees of Shakhtarskantratsyt State Enterprise are owed about 104 million rubles [US$ 1,361,800], employees of the Vuhlehirska Mine, 63 million rubles [US$ 824,930], and employees of the Zarya Mine (Snizhne), about 27 million rubles [US$ 353,540].

By demand of the leader of the “LNR” terrorist organization, Igor Plotnitsky, employees of educational establishments are required to submit resignation notes effective January 30th, 2015, and applications to be rehired starting January 6th, 2016. The occupying authorities explain this is by the need to reorganize the education system. These formalities will result in lack of [statutory] health improvement payments for teachers, and a break in the length of their teaching service [which will affect their social and retirement benefits].
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 01.18
20.01.2016 - 15:21

Operational data from Information Resistance:
Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas continue shelling Ukrainian troop positions and civilian objects, using small arms, handheld and mounted grenade launchers, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, and ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft systems. During the past 24 hours, militants also deployed armored combat vehicles (on-board weaponry of BMP-1, BMP-2, and BTR-80).

Specifically, on the stretch between Pisky and the southern outskirts of Avdiivka, terrorist shelled the ATO forces’ positions almost continuously during the past 24 hours. In the vicinity of Pisky, a militant infantry group (up to 20 personnel) advanced from the direction of the Vtoraya Ploshchadka estate towards the neutral zone, took position, and, after shelling from 82 mm mortars, opened small arms and RPG fire on the Ukrainian troops’ stronghold near the unfinished highway overpass. Militants also fired from the direction of Zhobunky and the Volvo Center Donetsk [23b Sofiiska Street], from the direction of the DAP and the destroyed radar station, and from the direction of the western and northern parts of Spartak (using heavy machine guns, SGP-9’s, and AGS-17’s).

From their positions near the Yasynuvata junction, militants fired rounds from three 2B9 “Vasilek” 82 mm mortars, in the direction of the Vynohradnyki cottage estate and Lenina Street (Avdiivka). The ATO forces’ positions in the vicinity of Krasnohorivka, Hranitne, Rozsadky, Mar’inka, and Troitske were shelled from small arms and stand-mounted grenade launchers. Four shots from a 120 mm mortar were also recorded near Krasnohorivka, coming from the direction of Staromykhailivka. In the vicinity of Hranitne, terrorists fired from [the on-board weapons of] two BTR-80’s, under cover of one AGS-17. From the direction of Mar’inka, militants used the on-board weaponry of a BMP-1 (approximately 10 shots), while a terrorist sniper group (3 snipers) operated from the same direction.

East of Novhorodske, militants fired from AGS-17’s and SPG-9’s, and used ZU-23-2 against the ATO forces’ two advanced strongholds (this was the terrorist tactical group previously recorded by the IR group near the Zalizna Balka). Militants fired on Ukrainian troop positions northeast of Novoselivka and southeast of Yurivka (east of the Verkhnotoretske – Dzerzhynsk motorway), using 82 mm and two BMP-2’s from positions west of the Horlivske reservoir (near Shyroka Balka).

In the vicinity of Zaitseve, Vodyane, and Talakivka, militants used small arms and AGS-17’s.

Near Donetsk, Russian-terrorist troops continue building up their forces and equipment on several sections of the front line, in the northwestern direction of operations. During the past 48 hours, in addition to the several armored groups already deployed in the Petrovskiy district of Donetsk, militants transferred to the same area six ACVs (mainly BMP-2) and a mortar battery (six 2B9 “Vasilek” 82 mm mortars); while new SPG-8 and ZU-23-2 details are observed at equipped positions in the Trudovski and Zhylmaidanchyk [Zhilploshchadka] districts.

Russian-terrorist troop command is transferring reinforcements to the Pervomaiske – Kalynove – Polove area. In this area, six tanks and 16 ACVs are spotted behind terrorists’ advanced positions (this equipment was transferred here without concealment, almost demonstratively).

During the past several days, militants between Lutuhyne and Bile [Beeleh] have been transferring small batches of armored equipment to the northern direction of operations: up to 20 ACVs (BMP-1, BMR-1K, MT-LB) were transferred here in the last 3 days, in stages, 2-3 units at a time.

Militant formations in the Yenakijeve direction of operations are receiving reinforcements. New positions are being equipped northwest of Panteleimonivka, near Stavky. Up to 10 ACVs, as well as several SPG-9 and AGS-17 details, had been transferred from the direction of Mykhailivka to reinforce the previously deployed unit.
No Casualties In ATO Area Over Last 24 Hours, – Lysenko
25.01 12:43

None of the Ukrainian servicemen was killed or injured as a result of combat actions in the ATO area over the past day.
The spokesman of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine for ATO issues Colonel Andrii Lysenko reported this during the briefing today.
According to Lysenko, the most volatile situation in Donetsk direction was on the outskirts of Donetsk airport, in particular, in Pisky and Opytne areas.
“The enemy does not use heavy weapons, attacking ATO forces with small arms and grenade launchers. Additionally, enemy shellings of our positions took place south of Luhanske and on the outskirts of Horlivka”, – said the Colonel.
In Mariupol direction, the militants violated the ceasefire only in Marinka. During the shelling, an anti-aircraft installation ZU-23-2 and grenade launchers were used.
According to the representative of the AP, the enemy snipers intensified significantly. Five episodes were recorded across the whole front line from Svitlodarsk to Marinka.
Reportedly, frontier guards recorded three drones near Mariupol, Sartana and over Azovske sea.
Two Ukrainian Soldiers Killed In ATO Zone Over Past 24 Hrs, – Motuzyanyk
31.01 13:00
As a result of military hostilities in the ATO area over the last 24 hours, one Ukrainian soldier was killed and three – wounded. One Ukrainian serviceman was killed and another one wounded as a result of trip wire blast.
This was reported today, January 31, by Col. Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, Presidential Administrationspokesperson on ATO related issues.
All the incidents occurred in Donetsk direction.
In Luhansk direction, positions of Ukrainian soldiers near Stanytsya Luhanska were shelled with 120-mm mortar. Besides, the enemy fired with automatic grenade launcher near Triohizbenka.
In Donetsk sector, the enemy fired with 82-mm and 120-mm mortars near Luhanske, Zaitseve and Maiorsk. A series of armed provocations was recorded near the Donetsk airport. Situation in northern outskirts of the occupied Horlivka was especially tense. Shellings in this area continued over 6 hours.
Several armed provocations were recorded in Mariupol direction, too. Two sniper shots were recorded in Krasnohorivka. Besides, Ukrainian positions were attacked near Marinka, Novotroitske and Shyrokyne. Ukrainian soldiers several times opened fire in response.

Outskirts Of Krasnohorivka And Zaitseve Shelled With 120-mm Mortars Banned By Minsk Agreements
01.02 09:00
Militants 53 times opened fire in the ATO area over the last 24 hours.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
“Pro-Russian illegal armed formations continue violating the ceasefire. Over the last 24 hours, they 53 times opened fire, several times with the use of heavy weapons banned by the Minsk Agreements”, the ATO Staff reported.
In particular, positions of Ukrainian army near Krasnohorivka and Zaitseve were shelled with 82-mm and 120-mm mortars and small arms. Near Maiorsk, the enemy opened fire with mortars and heavy machine guns.
Ukrainian positions in Novhorodske were shelled with IFV and grenade launchers of different systems.
“The situation remains tense in the outskirts of the temporarily occupied Donetsk. Militants opened fire with grenade launchers of different systems and small arms on ATO positions in Avdiivka, Pisky, Opytne, Marinka and Butivka mine”, the ATO Staff emphasized.
In Mariupol direction, positions of Ukrainian forces near Starohnativka were shelled with mortars as well.
03.02.16 09:38
Danger of open war with Russia more serious than last year, - Poroshenko
The danger of Russia's open war against Ukraine is more serious now than it was last year.
As reported by Censor.NET citing Liga, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said it in an interview with German's Bild.
The danger of open war with Russia is "m ore serious than last year," Poroshenko said, stressing that Russia has not implemented "a single point of the Minsk Agreement.
According to Poroshenko, about 8,000 Russian soldiers are deployed in Ukraine's territory under Kremlin's command, with new Russian military sites being set up along the Ukrainian border and training being constantly conducted.
"Russia is investing a lot in these war preparations. And we are not getting any explanations for this," Poroshenko stated.
To protect itself, Ukraine is ready to receive weapons from Germany, the president said, since it concerns European security. But a diplomatic solution must be of priority, the president stressed.
Militants Opened Fire 84 Times Over Past 24 Hrs, – ATO Staff
06.02 09:00
Members of illegal armed formations opened fire 84 times in the ATO zone over the past 24 hours.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
The last night situation was quite tense. Militants fired on the positions of Ukrainian troops near Kransnohorivka 14 times. But for small arms and grenade launchers, they used 82 mm mortars.
Grenade launchers of different systems were used to attack Ukrainian positions in Luhanske, Marinka, Pisky, Opytne, Novhorodske, Troitske and Shyrokyne. Besides, positions of the ATO forces were shelled with antiaircraft mount in Opytne, and with IFV – in Novhorodske.
Also, Ukrainian positions in Talakivka, Hnutove, Avdiivka, Zaitseve, Maiorsk and Butivka mine were shelled with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars.
Overall, 84 cases of ceasefire violation were recorded over the past 24 hours.

11 Ukrainian Soldiers Wounded In ATO Zone, – Lysenko
06.02 13:24

No Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the ATO zone over the past 24 hours, though 11 servicemen were wounded.
This was reported today, February 6, by the Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
The situation on the front line continues to aggravate. Another record number of cases of ceasefire violation was recorded – militants opened fire 84 times. Terrorists use heavy weapons every fourth time (82 mm and 120 mm mortars). The so-called ‘sniper war’ continues. Ukrainian soldiers at the key defence points actively fire in response.
The situation is calm only in Luhansk sector and relatively calm in Donetsk sector.
“Still, the situation in Zaitseve and Maiorsk remains very complicated. The enemy regularly uses heavy weapons. The attacks continue both at day and night time”, Lysenko reported.
In the evening terrorists opened fire on Ukrainian positions near the village of Novhorodske. The enemy once used IFV.
Militants continue actively using heavy weapons near the Donetsk airport. Several sniper shots were recorded in Pisky.
Mortar shelling was recorded near Krasnohorivka, Mariupol sector. Ukrainian positions in the villages of Hnutove and Talakivka were shelled as well.
For the first time over the recent period, militants opened fire in Shyrokyne. Sniper fire was recorded in Krasnohorivka, Marinka and Shyrokyne.
As the ATO Staff reported in the morning, members of illegal armed formations opened fire 84 times in the ATO zone over the past 24 hours.

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 02.02
03.02.2016 - 12:52

Operational data from Information Resistance:
After a period of accumulating forces and equipment in the “Horlivka Garrison” (as regularly reported by the IR group), Russian-terrorist forces stepped up their active efforts in the Horlivka – Artemivsk direction of operations. Namely, there has been a sharp increase in shellings of the ATO forces’ positions near Zaitseve and Mayorsk, including with the use of armaments that should remain withdrawn from the demarcation line according to the Minsk Agreements (tanks and 120 mm mortars).
In the vicinity of Zaitseve and the Zhovanka river, terrorists deployed the previously-spotted battery of four 82 mm mortars and two mortar units transferred here earlier (six 120 mm mortars). Terrorists opened fire from the area of Poselok 6-7 on the ATO forces’ south of Mayorsk, multiple times, using mortars and AGS-17’s. A terrorist tank unit (3 tanks) was spotted in the area of Holmivskyi.
The situation in and around Donetsk remains “traditionally” tense. During the past 24 hours, militants fired on the ATO forces’ positions north and south of Krasnohorivka, from the direction of Zhylmaidanchyk [Zhylploshchadka] and Staromykhailivka (in addition to small arms and grenade, 120 mm mortars were used). On the stretch from Pisky to Avdiivka (Opytne, Butovska [Mine], the “Zenith” [position], the outskirts of old Avdiivka), terrorists’ fire was practically continuous. Terrorists mainly used small arms and grenade launchers; SPG-9’s were deployed near Pisky.
In the vicinity of Mar’inka, militants are firing continuously from the so-called “Crocodile” position [a natural elevation], using grenade launchers and machine guns; several shots from SPG-9’s were also recorded. Near Starohnativka, a militant mortar unit (three 82 mm automatic grenade launchers) shelled the ATO forces’ advanced observation point and stronghold flank.
The enemy advanced a new unit into the gap between the DAP and Pisky, towards Vesele. The unit consists of 50-60 personnel with four BMP-1’s and BMP-2’s. A battery of 82 mm mortars has been withdrawn from the area of the DAP further into Donetsk(possibly, as part of forces rotation).
South of Luhanske and east of Troitske, terrorists are using small arms, and, in several instances, AGS-17’s. Detonations of 120 mm mortar projectiles were recorded near Stanytsia Luhanska (up to 10 projectiles, overshooting the target) and fired from across the Seversky Donets river.
In the coastal regions, militants deployed ZU-23-2’s from the direction of Sakhanka and its eastern outskirts. The use of 82 mm mortars was also recorded.
On the stretch from Novhorodske to Novoselivka, militant ZU-23-2’s operated from several firing points simultaneously; militants also used two BMP-2’s (30 mm automatic on-board guns). Fire was directed at several ATO strongholds and observation points at the same time. Heavy machine guns were also actively used.
Between Styla and Dokuchajevsk, the enemy is regrouping their forces. Specifically, artillery – four batteries of “Rapira” MT-12 anti-tank guns – were transferred towards Dokuchajevsk under cover of dark. Two MT-LB’s were also transferred. At the same time, a militant infantry unit (up to 50 personnel) was moved from the area of Dokuchajevsk in the direction of Styla.
One Ukrainian Soldier Wounded In ATO Zone Over Past 24 Hrs, – Motuzyanyk
07.02 13:04

No soldiers were killed in the ATO zone over the past 24 hours. One Ukrainian serviceman was wounded.
This was reported today, February 7, by Col. Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, Presidential Administration spokespers on on ATO issues.
According to him, one soldier was wounded during a sniper attack near Marinka.
The frequency of attacks over the past 24 hours decreased – militants opened fire 47 times. Still, the situation along the front line remains tense. The enemy occasionally uses mortars.
An armed provocation took place near Shyrokyne, Mariupol sector.
In Donetsk sector, the enemy continues firing with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. Military hostilities of low intensity continue near Horlivka. Overall, 14 mines with caliber of 82 mm were launched in the area.
Near Troitske and Novhorodske (westwards from the occupied Horlivka), members of illegal armed formations opened fire with grenade launchers, IFV and small arms. Two mines were launched near Troitske.
Enemy attacks continue near the Donetsk airport. No cases of use of heavy weapons were recorded.
The enemy was especially active near Krasnohorivka. After midnight, Ukrainian positions were shelled with 82 and 120 mm mortars. The shelling stopped only in the early morning. Overall, 75 missiles were launched.

Militants Deny ‘Too Critical’ Journalists Access To Occupied Donbas, – Bociurkiw
07.02 11:45
Russia-backed terrorists check social network profiles of journalists who want to arrive to the occupied territories. Too critical journalists are denied access.
This was stated by the former spokesperson for the OSCE to Ukraine Mr. Michael Bociurkiw, ‘Ukrinform‘ reportes.
“We received information that the so-called ‘DPR’ has its specialists checking Facebook and Twitter profiles of foreign journalists who want to get to Donetsk. If their posts are estimated as too critical, the journalists are denied access”, Mr. Bociurkiw explained.
He added the terrorists started to pay much more attention to the actions of foreign journalists staying in the occupied territories. “Over the past few weeks, I have received quite a lot of complaints from the foreign journalists – it became much harder to receive an access to the occupied territories. Even if they manage to do this, the access is rather limited. Besides, terrorists don’t leave them without supervision”, the former spokesperson for the OSCE explained.
Militants Used 120-mm Mortars To Attack Ukrainian Positions Near Marinka
08.02 09:00
Over the past day, militants opened fire against the strongpoints of the ATO forces 61 times.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this in the morning.
“Pro-Russian militants do not stop shelling positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ATO. Over the past day, they opened fire on Ukrainian strongpoints 61 times”, – said the statement.
Reportedly, the Donetsk suburbs and some districts of temporarily occupied Horlivka are the main hot spots. The grenades and small arms were used to attack ATO fortifications in Pisky and Opytne. The terrorists opened fire 16 times against the Ukrainian positions in Marinka using small arms and 82-mm and 120-mm mortars.
Troitske, Maiorsk and Krasnohorivka also became the places of mortar shelling.
“Ukrainian bases in the areas of Zaitseve, Novhorodske, Myronivske and Starohnativka were shelled with heavy machine guns and small arms. In some cases, our soldiers had to open fire in response”, – added the Staff.

Three Ukrainian Servicemen Suffered Injuries Due To Undermining Of Anti-tank Mine
08.02 10:11
During the delivery of food to the positions of the 16th separate infantry battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ural car hit an anti-tank mine that militants had set up before.
This was reported by the representatives of 16th separate motorized infantry battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine through the Facebook.
The driver managed to eject two servicemen from the burning truck. All three were evacuated and taken to a military hospital. There is no threat to their lives now.
“During the delivering of food to the positions of battalion, Ural car hit an antii-tank mime that had been set up by the militants of illegal armed formations before. The driver of the vehicle being in a state of shock rescued two servicemen from the burning truck. Thanks to the professional actions of doctors, all the soldiers were quickly evacuated and taken to a military hospital”, – said the statement.
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More Than 50 Russian Soldiers Died During Seasonal Influenza Aggravation in Donbas
08.02 11:49
Command of the Russian occupation troops are not able to provide the necessary medical care of their own military, which leads to increased mortality of Russian citizens who participate in hostilities in Donbas.
This was reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.
Reportedly, the command of Russian occupation forces and “leaders” of militants are not able to provide necessary medical care even for their own troops, which leads to the complication of sanitary-epidemiological situation and increase of mortality.
“Deaths of more than 50 members of the RF Armed Forces in the temporarily occupied territories during the seasonal exacerbation of diseases are confirmed”, – Intelligence reported.
It also became known that due to the involvement of former convicts to the armed forces’ “first and second army corps”, crime situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions continues to deteriorate.
As the Intelligence previously reported, 300 people died of influenza and SARS in “DPR”.

One Serviceman Wounded In Marinka Yesterday, – Lysenko
08.02 12:37

None of the Ukrainian serviceman was killed as a result of combat actions in ATO area over the past day, however one soldier suffered injuries in Marinka.
Spokesman of the Presidential Administration for ATO issues Colonel Andrii Lysenko reported this today in Kyiv.
According to him, in Luhansk direction, the situation was completely calm yesterday, in Donetsk direction, the combat actions of law intensity continue in Svitlodarsk arc, in the suburbs of Horlivka and close to Donetsk Airport.
“Several times the enemy applied heavy weapons – mortars and armored vehicles. In addition, “sniper war” continues at several front areas”, – said Lysenko.
Reportedly, in Mariupol direction, militants focused their activity near Krasnohorivka and Marinka. Active attacks on these lines of defense began yesterday morning and continued until the late evening. The ATO forces were shelled with mortars five times. In addition, the snipers of illegal armed formations opened fire against the Ukrainian military repeatedly.
“Several provocations of the enemy took place near Starohnativka and Hranitne”, – Lysenko said.
According to the AP spokesman, in Mariupol direction, the activity of enemy’s drones intensified sharply yesterday – eleven flights were registered yesterday. Another UAV was discovered in Luhansk region nearby Shchastia.
No Casualties In ATO Zone Over Past 24 Hrs, – Lysenko
10.02 13:00

No Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded as a result of military hostilities in the ATO zone over the last 24 hours.
This was reported today, February 10, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
“According to Luhansk Regional Military and Civil Administration, Ukrainian positions near Stanytsya Luhanska were shelled with mortars”, Lysenko reported.
Military hostilities of low intensity continue in Donetsk and Mariupol sectors. The enemy occasionally uses heavy weapons, in particular – 82-mm mortars and IFV.
Terrorists opened fire with 82-mm mortars near Zaitseve and Maiorsk (Donetsk sector).
Shellings near the Donetsk airport continue. The situation was especially tense in Marinka, where snipers opened fire at least four times.
Also, the spokesperson confirmed the fact of attack of Marinka checkpoint.
Military hostilities near Talakivka and Shyrokyne (Mariupol sector) continue as well. Militants opened fire in the evening and continued firing for five hours. Ukrainian positions were shelled with 82-mm mortars four times.

ATO Spokesperson: Russian Propaganda May Take Advantage Of Landmine Explosion Near Marinka
10.02 13:15
Russian propaganda may take advantage of the explosion of a civil car which drove over a landmine near Marinka checkpoint.
This was reported today, February 10, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
“At 7.56 a.m. on February 10, 2016, the civilian car Volkswagen Transporter drove over a landmine laying at a distance of 600 meters from the terrorist controlled checkpoint in Marinka”, Lysenko reported.
According to him, the car was moving from the so-called ‘DPR’. As the car was waiting in a queue, the driver ignored signs warning of landmines, drove off down the road and ran over the landmine.
At the moment, military engineers, representative of the Donetsk regional prosecutor’s office and OSCE monitors are present at the scene of the tragedy.
“We call on the media to stay alert as Russian propaganda will not hesitate to take advantage of this incident. According to Ukrainian MFA, Russia spends about $2 billion for informational provocations”, Lysenko added.
Lysenko reminded that the city of Kramatorsk (Donetsk region) was shelled with Smerch systems on February 10, 2015. 17 people died during the enemy attack.

By Constant Shelling Militants Provoke Humanitarian Disaster In Donetsk Region, – JCCC
10.02 15:50
The events of the past two days clearly indicate the militants’ intent to provoke a humanitarian disaster in the territory of Donbas, uncontrolled by the Ukrainian government, and to accuse Ukrainian side of this.
This was stated by the head of the Ukrainian side of JCCC Lieutenant-General Andrii Taran, the press center of the Ukrainian side reported.
According to him, after the last week’s closure of Zaitseve checkpoint due to constant militants’ attacks, the checkpoint near Marinka remained only one in Donetsk region, which allows civilians, despite the long lines, to cross the delimitation line.
By their devious actions militants seek to force the Ukrainian side to close this checkpoint.
“The tragic events in Marinka, which occurred this morning and killed people, was preceded by another provocation last night. At about 17:00 of February 9, this checkpoint was shelled by militants who used grenade launcher”, – he said.
“Such actions of militants can not be interpreted otherwise than as a provocation to close the single checkpoint currently existing in Donetsk region, and then, with inherent cynicism, accuse Ukrainian authorities of the humanitarian catastrophe”, – the head of the Ukrainian side of JCCC stated.
The information on all of the facts was communicated to the representatives of the OSCE SMM.
It should be recalled that on Wednesday in Marinka, near the Ukrainian checkpoint, mini van hit a land mine. The explosion killed three people, one man died later from injuries.

Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 02.09
10.02.2016 - 11:42

Operational data from Information Resistance:

During the past 24 hours, Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas were the most active in the areas of Donetsk and Horlivka, in a number of locations between these two cities, as well as south of Donetsk and on the Svitlodarsk bridgehead.
In the vicinity of Pisky and Opytne, militants actively shelled the ATO forces’ positions from heavy machine guns and grenade launchers (AGS-17, SPG-9). Near Mar’inka, terrorists deployed mortars of the two main calibers (82 mm and 120 mm) and heavy machine guns; sniper fire was also recorded.
Further north, militants fired on the southern and northern outskirts of Krasnohorivkafrom the direction of Staromykhailivka (private residence areas), using 120 mm and 82 mm mortars.
East of Troitske, the ATO forces’ positions were shelled from 82 mm “Vasilek” 2B9 mortars; the detonation of approximately ten 120 mm projectiles was also recorded. In the same area, militants opened fire from the neutral zone, using small arms and RPG’s.
In the vicinity of Zaitseve, the enemy deployed machine guns from the direction of Holmivskyi, and from positions southeast of Novhorodske. In the latter case, a terrorist infantry group attempted to approach Ukrainian troop positions and was stopped by the ATO forces’ fire. The group’s retreat was covered by fire from a BTR-80’s on-board guns.
Militants Launched About 40 Mines In Pervomaiske and Zaitseve, – Staff
25.02 09:00
Yesterday, February 24, the militants carried out 56 attacks on Ukrainian positions, of which 35 took place in Donetsk direction and 21 - in Mariupol direction.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this in the morning.
“Russian mercenaries continued to ignore Minsk agreements and open mortar fire. 20 mines were launched against our strongpoints in Pervomaiske and the same number of mines against our positions nearby Zaitseve”, – said the statement.
Ukrainian fortification in the area of Nevelske came under the point-blank militants’ mortar fire. In Mariupol direction, mortar attack hit strongpoints of ATO forces near Marinka, Hnutove and Chermalyk.
Reportedly, in the areas of Marinka, Zaitseve, Maiorska, Novoselivka, Avdiivka, Opytne, Pisky, Novhorodske, militants attacked Ukrainian military positions using grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms. Anti-aircraft installation was used nearby Krasnohorivka.
Sniper attack was carried out in the areas of Marinka, Opytne and Butivka mine.
“In some cases, our servicemen opened fire in response with grenade launchers and small arms”, - added the Staff.
It should be recalled that Intelligence reported the arrival of Russian special agents to Donetsk to eliminate the leaders of the illegal armed formations.

Militants Left Shyrokyne, – Press Officer Of M Sector
25.02 09:25
Recently, militants left the village of Shyrokyne (Donetsk region) completely, Ukrainian units gained the control over it.
The press officer of the M sector Oleksandr Kindsfater reported this to Ukrainska Pravda.
“Now there are measures on demining the territory and elimination of explosive devices. Militants mined almost every house, installed a lot of stretchings and booby traps. This fact is significant indicator that the terrorists were planning a major terrorist attack”, – he said.
Kindsfater also said that the Ukrainian units are now equipping firing positions in Shyrokyne.
26.02.16 09:49
Russian troops intensely prepared for offensive in Donbas, - ATO spokesman
The number of Russian career servicemen, including regular detachments of internal troops of the Russian Interior Ministry, is increasing in the territory of the Donbas controlled by the pro-Russian militants.
Presidential Administration spokesman on the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) matters Andrii Lysenko said on air of 112 Ukraine TV channel, Censor.NET reports.
Lysenko reported on the increase in the number of the Russian regular troops in the Donbas, including regular detachments of the internal troops of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation. The arrival of three company task groups was recorded in the ATO area.
"Firstly, there is work to ensure medical support, i.e., all hospitals and certain medical centers in the cities located in close proximity to the line of contact and in advanced rear are being vacated. They are completely getting rid of all those, who have been treated there, while the so-called "doctors" are recruited so that they will be able to deliver medical care," he said.
Lysenko is convinced that this evidences the preparation for delivering medical care to the Russian servicemen, since the mercenaries are "not taken much care of".
"This intense preparation, especially in medical terms, suggests that it is the Russian troops that are being prepared for advance," he said.

Ukrainian Positions Near Maiorsk Shelled With 120-mm Mortar, – Staff
26.02 09:00
Yesterday, on February 25, members of illegal armed formations opened fire with 120-mm mortar at Ukrainian positions near Maiorsk.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
Overall, militants carried out 10 attacks since 6 p.m. yesterday.
As it was reported, mortar shellings continue. In particular, positions of Ukrainian troops were shelled with 120-mm mortar near Maiorsk and with 82-mm mortar – near Zaitseve.
Non-aimed attacks were recorded near Krasnohorivka and Shyrokyne. Besides, the enemy shelled Ukrainian positions with IFV near Krasnohorivka.
Also, terrorists opened fire with small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers at Ukrainian positions near Marinka, Opytne, Maiorsk and Zaitseve.
Finally, militants opened non-aimed fire with small arms and automatic grenade launchers near Avdiivka, Pisky, Novhorodske and Luhanske. After midnight, the frequency of enemy attacks decreased.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 02.15
22.02.2016 - 14:52

Operational data from Information Resistance:
During the weekend (13-14.02.2016), Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas fired at the ATO forces’ positions and civilian targets, making active use of small arms and grenade launchers (including stand-mounted AGS-17’s, AGS-21’s, and SPG-9M’s), 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft cannons, “Fagot” and “Kornet” anti-tank missile complexes, and the on-board weaponry of BTR-70, BTR-80, and BMP-2 armored vehicles.
Militants were the most active around Donetsk. The ATO forces’ positions south of old Avdiivka were subjected to small arms fire (including heavy machine guns) from the direction of the Yasynuvata junction and the 272 m high ground. Using AGS-17’s and machine guns from the direction of Donetsk–Pivnichnyi station and from the western and northern outskirts of Spartak, militants fired on [the ATO forces’] positions at the Butovka Mine and “Zenith” [position]. A BTR-80 opened fire north of the settlement, while terrorists were also seen using an SPG-9 in the same area. Ukrainian troop positions near Opytne came under small arms and SPG-9 fire from the direction of the destroyed radar station [in the DAP] and from the settlement of Veselyi. Close to the waste mounds west of Spartak (Khutor pond), a militant group fired at the flanks of the ATO forces’ positions using machine guns.
Near Pisky, militants repeatedly opened fire from small arms and grenade launchers (SPG-9 and AGS-17), targeting the ATO forces’ positions and strongholds on the eastern outskirts of Pisky and northeast of the settlement. Fire came from the direction of Zhobunky, Vtoraya Ploshchadka and Veselyi. A terrorist BTR-70 was spotted in the private residences sector of Vtoraya Ploshchadka, firing from its on-board machine guns. Southwest of Staromykhailivka and north of Zhylploschadka, a militant armored group (two BMP-2’s and two BTR-80’s) fired on the ATO forces’ advanced observation posts and strongholds located east of Krasnohorivka. One BMP-2 was firing, while the other BMP-2 and both BTR’s were maneuvering. At the same time, on the eastern outskirts of Krasnohorivka a militant infantry group tried firing at Ukrainian troop positions from close range. In the course of the resulting clashes, the enemy made active use of 82 mm and 120 mm mortars.
Further south, near Mar’inka, militants repeatedly opened fire with AGS-17’s and heavy machine guns, firing from the area north of the Konnyi Club [Horse Riding Club] and the “Crocodile” waste mound, towards [the ATO forces’] positions close to the children’s foster home, the hospital, and the mine ventilation shaft (northwest of this position). Further south, in the south-western outskirts of Oleksandrivka, militants fired small arms at the ATO forces’ checkpoint at the crossroads.
South of the Horlivske Reservoir and east of Novoselivka, a skirmish occurred between the ATO forces’ units and a militant infantry group that attempted to approach the Ukrainian troop observation post from the western edge of Ozeryanivka and fire on it from close range. The enemy group was spotted in time and, following a short skirmish, returned to its starting point.
Terrorist activity was also noted in the coastal region. Two ATO forces’ strongholds east of Talakivka came under fire from the direction of Kominternove. The northern of these two strongholds was also attacked by a militant group from the neutral zone (after a heavy exchange of fire, the enemy was driven back to their starting point). During this skirmish, militants used 82 mm and 120 mm mortars heavily, from positions north of Kominternove and from the ravine northwest of Zaichenko (where an enemy mortar battery position was identified). Militants also fired from small arms near Shyrokyne.
Terrorists opened heavy fire at the ATO forces’ strongholds north of Novotroitske and on its southeastern outskirts, using small arms, heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers. The fire came from the southern and western outskirts of Dokuchajevsk(Tsentralnyy Karyer [Central Quarry]). Militants used similar weapons when firing at the northern part of Zaitseve and the Zhovanka river (from the waste mound north of the “Terykonna” station and the Holmivskyi district of Horlivka). Terrorists fired on Ukrainian troop positions in the area of Rozsadky and Skeleve, from the direction of Nyzhnje Lozove and Sanzharivka, using heavy machine guns and 82 mm 2B9 “Vasilek” automatic mortars. Terrorists also launched two anti-tank missiles at strongholds northeast of Rozsadky.
Near Oktyabr (the coastal region), militants are redeploying manpower and equipment along the front line. Several armored vehicles (four BMP-2’s and two tanks) have been moved northwards. A terrorist tank platoon (three tanks) has been spotted in camouflaged positions in a ravine south of Kominternove.
North of Yasynuvata (near Kruta Balka and the 247.2 m high ground), four armored vehicles (three BMP-2’s and one MT-LB) were transferred towards the waste mounds north of Kruta Balka.
A terrorist mortar troop unit – four truck loads of personnel and ammunition, with 120 mm mortars on trailers – was seen moving on Bakhmutka motorway towards Zholobok.
Militants have transferred several SAU 2S3 “Akatsiya” systems through Shakhtarsk to the Snizhne area. The armaments were carried by tank transporters and covered with tarpaulin.

ACV – armored combat vehicle
AGS-17 – automatic grenade launcher
ATO – Anti-Terrorist Operation
BMP – infantry fighting vehicle
BTG – battalion tactical group
BTR, APC – armored personnel carrier
BRDM – armored reconnaissance and surveillance vehicle
BRM – armored reconnaissance vehicle
DAP – Donetsk International Airport
DNR – “Donetsk People’s Republic”
DRG – sabotage and reconnaissance group
KSM – command and staff vehicle
LNR – “Luhansk People’s Republic”
MT-LB – light multipurpose tracked vehicle
MLRS – multiple-launch rocket systems
SPG-9 – stand-mounted grenade launcher
ZU-23-2 – anti-aircraft artillery system
Militants Opened Fire With Grenade Launchers Near Novotroitske
03.03 09:00
Yesterday, on March 2, Ukrainian positions near Novotroitske were attacked with grenade launchers and small arms.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
“At 9 p.m. yesterday, an enemy sabotage-reconnaissance group opened fire with small arms and grenade launchers on Ukrainian positions near Novotroitske. Ukrainian soldiers opened fire in response with the use of BMP-1 (Infantry Fire Vehicle), AGS-17 grenade launcher and small arms. Terrorists were forced to retreat toward Dokuchaievsk”, the press center reports.
Overall, terrorists carried out 34 attacks in Donetsk sector. They were firing with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns on Ukrainian positions near Troitske, Krasnohorivka, Opytne, Pisky, Zaitseve and Luhanske.
In Mariupol sector, positions of ATO forces near Hnutove and Talakivka were shelled with 82-mm and 120-mm mortars. Besides, terrorists were firing with grenade launcher and heavy machine guns on the positions of Ukrainian troops near Marinka.

ATO Positions In Nevelske Shelled With ‘Grads’ From Occupied Donetsk, – Staff
03.03 11:38
Today, on March 3, members of illegal armed formations opened fire with BM-21 ‘Grad’ rocket launcher military systems.
Terrorists were conducting the attack from their positions in occupied Donetsk. Besides, from their positions in Staromykhailivka, terrorists opened fire on Krasnohorivka.
In the course of the two attacks, militants have launched at least 20 missiles. The shellings occurred at 5.15 a.m.
Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.02 #FreeSavchenko
03.03.2016 - 11:59

Operational data from Information Resistance:
Increased activity by Russian-terrorist troops is noted across the broad strip from Mar’inka to the Svitlodarsk bridgehead (Luhanske–Skeleve–Rozsadky). Militants’ shelling is also observed in the coastal regions: Hnutove–Talakivka–Vodyane–Lebedynske.
Militants continue accumulating armored vehicles and artillery in the Petrovskiy district of Donetsk. Six 122 mm “Gvozdika” 2S1 self-propelled guns, two BTR-80’s, and three MT-LB’s were spotted north of Petrovskoho Street. Terrorist tanks (up to one company in strength) were seen west of Kobzarya Avenue. Four Ural trucks with personnel (two towing ZU-23-2’s on trailers), two BTR-80’s, and one BMP-2 arrived by the Yasynuvatske Shosse [Motorway] bound for Spartak to provide reinforcements (or for troop rotation).
Militant armored vehicles (several MT-LB’s and three BMP-2’s) from their tactical group deployed near Kruta Balka were transferred to reinforce militant forces in the vicinity of Yasynuvata junction and the 251.2 m high ground.
In the coastal regions, militants are strengthening two of their tactical groups. One is deployed along the Olenivka–Dokuchajevsk–Styla line; the other, in the vicinity of Telmanove. Over the past 24 hours, these groups received a total of five BMP-2’s, six BTR-70’s or BTR-80’s, two MT-LB’s, and 10-11 trucks. Most of the resources are being transferred from the direction of Starobesheve. In view of this, the recent demonstrative increase in terrorist activity in the Sakhanka–Kominternove–Zaichenko area could be an attempt to divert attention from the reinforcement of these groups.
Ten tanker trucks arrived in Luhansk from the direction of Krasnodon. The same convoy included two “Akatsiya” SAU 2S3 self-propelled artillery guns, tarpaulined and carried on board of tank transporters.
At the end of February, the 9th regiment of the “1st DNR Army Corps” (temporarily deployed in the Novoazovskyi district) was inspected by “ministerial commissions.” These were headed by the commander of the “1st DNR AC,” Major-General of the Russian Armed Forces Valeriy Asapov, and a representative of the “DNR central military prosecutor’s office,” Magir Akhmetov. The commissions conducted inspections of advanced militant positions in the Shyrokyne–Kominternove area. During the inspection, the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the 9th regiment (call sign “Shaman”) was recalled from “leave” to give explanations about the cases of “looting and moral depravity among the personnel” in said battalion.
After the commissions’ visit, militants stepped up their activity in equipping their advanced combat positions. In Sakhanka and Kominternove, militants set up reinforced command and observation posts. To this end, engineering works went on for two days straight, even during night-time, making use of building materials obtained by dismantling private homes in the area. Presently, supplies and materials for all construction, repair, and engineering work on militant positions in the Novoazovskyi district come from the looting and dismantling of agricultural facilities and various other buildings. The school in Kominternove has been completely ransacked.
Russia is taking steps to draw the “L/DNR” into “political confrontation” with Turkey. By orders of the Russian “supervisors,” the “DNR People’s Council” has drawn up a draft law: “On parliamentary hearings for the “DNR” to recognize the genocide of the Armenian people by the Ottoman Empire in 1915.” The consideration on the draft law is scheduled for March 4 [2016].
Intelligence Reports On Losses Terrorists Have Suffered Near Avdiivka
07.03 15:23
On March 5-6, 2016, four pro-Russian terrorists were killed and six wounded as a result of military hostilities near Avdiivka.
This was reported by Main directorate of intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
“On March 5-6, 2016, four servicemen of the sabotage-reconnaissance group of the 11th separate motorized rifle regiment (Makiivka) of the 1st AC were killed, acted on the direction of Avdiivka, and six servicemen were wounded”, the report states.
Besides, on March 6, 2016, in the consequence of unverified terrain mining, as a result of blowing up on own mine field, three terrorists suffered wounds.
As the ATO press center reported in the morning, militants carried out seven aimed mortar shellings on March 6. Overall, 80 mortar mines have been launched.

No Casualties In ATO Zone Over Past 24 Hours, – Lysenko
07.03 12:46
Yesterday, on March 6, no Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded as a result of military hostilities in the ATO zone.
This was reported today, on March 7, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
According to him, the situation in Luhansk sector was calm. In Donetsk sector, militants have been especially active near the Donetsk airport, in particular – near Avdiivka. Over the last 24 hours, terrorists have launched over 200 mortar mines caliber 82-mm and 120-mm.
During the attacks, two inhabited houses have been damaged. Mortar shellings were recorded near Pisky, Opytne and Luhanske. But for mortars, the enemy was firing with small arms, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. Besides, an enemy sniper was firing near Opytne.
In Mariupol sector, terrorists were firing only with small arms. Five provocations were recorded near Marinka, one near Shyrokyne, and one near Vodyane.
As previously reported, terrorists opened fire at residential areas in Avdiivka, Donetsk region. During the attack, mines hit two houses with civilians inside.
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Dmitry Tymchuk: Military update 03.03
07.03.2016 - 13:38

Operational data from Information Resistance:
In addition to the active shelling, Russian-terrorist troops in Donbas continue scouting out the ATO forces’ combat lines in their tactical and operational-tactical rear. To this end, in addition to other means of reconnaissance, militants are increasingly often sending civilians across the demarcation line, interrogating them after their return to the occupied territory. Interrogations are particularly large-scale among the residents of Horlivka, Yasynuvata, and the Petrovskiy district of Donetsk – de facto, the personnel and equipment composition of Ukrainian troops and their defense systems have been revealed [to the enemy] through local residents.

During the past 24 hours, the most intense terrorist shellings and armed clashes were observed near the Yasynuvata junction. Militants transferred reinforcements to this area from the southern direction of operations and from the direction of Kruta Balka (up to one motorized rifle company and one tank platoon). Following this reinforcement, militants persist in their attempts to push Ukrainian troops further east, towards Avdiivka, by carrying out heavy fire raids (82 mm and 120 mm mortars) and operating with small infantry groups supported by fire from armored vehicles. Namely, enemy infantry groups operated from the direction of the Yasunuvata junction, the 251.2 m high ground, and the terrorist stronghold north of that high ground. As a result of a violent clash, the ATO forces held their ground.

Another clash was recorded in the vicinity of Pisky and the DAP-Spartak area. In both cases, militants actively deployed 120 mm mortars and operated in small infantry groups. In the Petrovskyi district of Donetsk, several residential blocks were cut off from power due to terrorists’ armed provocations.

Terrorists deployed artillery in the area of Zaitseve, firing 122 mm guns at the ATO forces’ positions west and northwest of the town. Militant artillery positions were located near the Mayorskiy automobile market.

In the Donetsk area (near the Donetsk Bypass north of the Kalmius station), according to our preliminary data, BM-21 “Grad” MLRS ammunition detonated while being transported aboard vehicles. Militant personnel deaths are reported.


De-mining Shyrokyne, Feb. 27, 2016. Photo: screenshot from HromadskeTV Zaporizhia video
Militant advanced units in the vicinity of Yasynuvata are receiving reinforcements: during the past 48 hours, several small infantry groups with armored vehicles were transferred here. In total, up to 20 various ACVs and at least 7 tanks are concentrated in this area. A militant artillery unit with six 2S1 “Gvozdika” 122 mm self-propelled guns was again identified beyond Panteleimonivka.

In Horlivka, militants are rotating the units in their “garrison” – several terrorist groups arrived here, up to a battalion in total strength. The bulk of these reinforcements arrived from the southern direction of operations, mainly aboard motor vehicles. Some of the personnel is arriving from the direction of Donetsk.

In Donetsk, the “DNR” military command held a meeting to sum up the results of the inspection carried out by the “commission of the DNR MoD” in the 9th separate motorized infantry regiment of the “1st DNR Army Corps,” stationed in the coastal regions, near Novoazovsk (see IR group’s yesterday comment). The state of equipment of the regiment’s advanced position was declared “unsatisfactory;” the state of militant defense lines in the vicinity of Sakhanka received particularly harsh criticism. The “commission” also noted a “very low discipline level among the personnel” in the units.

In Makiivka and the Kyivskyi district of Donetsk, incidence rates are high for “criminal acts” against “military servicemen of the DNR army.” These are mainly cases of robbery and assault, and the victims are militants with income levels considered high by local standards. The “DNR law enforcement officials” note that such crimes against militants involve the use of force and are often “excessively violent.”


De-mining Shyrokyne, Feb. 27, 2016. Photo: screenshot from HromadskeTV Zaporizhia video
The “DNR Ministry of Internal Affairs” is conducting large-scale searches in the units of the “Vostok” armed gang (controlled by Alexander Khodakovsky), looking for “illegal” weapons, vehicles, hostages, and any assets noted as missing. Representatives of the “DNR MIA” have been instructed that if “Vostok” militants are detained for various offences, they are to be actively involved in “correctional labor” on the territory of the destroyed Donetsk airport (clearing out rubble, etc.)

“LNR” militants are actively reequipping the artillery brigade of the “LNR 2nd Army Corps” and strengthening motorized rifle infantry brigades from the same unit. The artillery brigade is holding “specialist exercises” (including for artillery spotters and forward observers) and actively training in the use of new weapons and equipment received from Russia, including artillery reconnaissance equipment.
03.07.2016 Mr.
District locality Avdeevka. Adjusted loss podrzdeleny 305th ARBR (* artillery Gumbinenskaya Red Banner Brigade, Ussuriisk) "200" - 6 "300" - 17 TMN - 1. Destroyed mobile storage of ammunition.

District locality Donetsk on your request. Place joint dislocation 45th Guards. oisbr (* Guards separate engineering-sapper brigade, Moscow reg.) and 470 of the MCC (* methodical and Dog Training Center of the Armed Forces) attacked by unidentified DRG numbering 8-12 persons. Captured guardroom, nursery and staff room. According to preliminary data, this situation was the result of failure l \ with the 45th Guards. oisbr from clashes with unidentified DRG. Adjusted loss "200" - 9 "300" - 1 TMN - 2. Destroyed 9 sniffer dogs and special communication equipment.

Mariupol direction the Division 311th DOS (* detachment of special purpose Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) clash with special forces APU "200" - 11 "300" - 14 TMN - 1. Full dokalad command sent.

District locality Location Donetsk joint dislocation 45th Guards. oisbr (* Guards separate engineering-sapper brigade, Moscow reg.) and 470 of the MCC (* methodical and Dog Training Center of the Armed Forces) attacked by unidentified DRG.Svyaz with the division lost. The circumstances of the incident are being specified.

District locality Avdeevka. Location dislocation units 305th ARBR (* artillery Gumbinenskaya Red Banner Brigade, Ussuriisk) covered with a volley of rocket artillery APU. Losses l \ c and refined technique. Please be advised that the team has not participated in previous strike APU shelling of its positions.

03.06.2016 Mr.
Nothing to report

03.05.2016 Mr.
District locality Makiyivka. When carrying out unauthorized dismantling of metal structures shaft produced l \ with 7015 units th BHiRVT (* Nizhny Novgorod region.), "200" as a result of the collapse of the construction - 1 "300" - 1 (1 hard) TMN - 4. The circumstances of the incident specified. On-site work SHBG (* Mountain Rescue search party).
District locality Novoazovsk Place the base deployment units 311th DOS (* detachment of special purpose anti-submarine sabotage forces and means, g. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) under fire from small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. "200" - 1 "300" - 4 (1 heavy)
Militants Prepare Provocations In Donbas, – Staff
09.03 11:02
Over the period from 9 to 10 March, members of illegal armed formations have been preparing provocations in the ATO zone.
This was reported by the press center of ATO Staff.
“Right after intensive shellings with the use of weapons banned by Minsk Agreements near Pisky, Opytne, Krasnohorivka, Maiorsk, Luhanske and Zaitseve, militants are preparing to send several sabotage and reconnaissance groups”, the press center reported.
Among the members of the group there are career servicemen of Russian army. The groups open fire not only against Ukrainian soldiers, but also at temporarily occupied territories. Their aim is to accuse Ukrainian soldiers of violating Minsk Agreements.
Yesterday, on March 8, positions of Ukrainian forces were attacked by a sabotage-reconnaissance groupmoving from the direction of Yasynuvata, Donetsk region. The attack has been repelled.

Staff: Militants Wearing Ukrainian Uniform Noticed Near Avdiivka
09.03 11:50
Yesterday, on March 8, infantry groups of militants wearing uniform of Ukrainian Armed Forces were noticed near Avdiivka.
This was reported by the press center of the ATO Staff.
“Yesterday, on March 8, militants tried to carry out a provocation in Avdiivka. This was a scene for media, aimed at discrediting Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the press center reported.
In particular, several infantry groups of militants wearing uniform of Ukrainian Armed Forces were noticed near Avdiivka. But for small arms, they were armed with mortars and grenade launchers. According to the press center, they were wearing a “white” strip on their legs, which served as an identification mark. From their positions northwards and southwards from Avdiivka, they opened intensive fire at traffic interchange near Yasynuvata.
According to the Staff, the only aim of the provocation was to give Russian media grounds for accusing Ukrainian Armed Forces of violation of Minsk Agreements.
There are approximately 100 members of illegal armed formations near Avdiivka. Therefore, similar provocations may occur in future.

Eight Ukrainian Soldiers Suffered Injuries In ATO Zone, – Lysenko
09.03 12:44
Yesterday, on March 8, no Ukrainian soldiers were killed, though eight servicemen suffered injuries as a result of military hostilities in the ATO zone.
This was reported today, on March 9, by Col. Andriy Lysenko, Presidential Administration spokesperson on ATO related issues.
Ukrainian soldiers have been wounded as a result of enemy attacks in Luhanske, Novhorodske, Avdiivka and Marinka.
An armed clash between Ukrainian soldiers and militants occurred between Triohizbenka and Krasny Lyman, Luhansk sector. “The enemy was trying to capture our observation point. After half-an-hour fight, militants were forced to retreat”, Lysenko reports.
The situation in Donetsk sector was especially tense near Svitlodarsk, in outskirts of Horlivka, and on Avdiivka-Opytne-Pisky front line. In particular, 10 mortar attacks were recorded in the area. The intensity of attacks increased in the evening.
In Mariupol sector, terrorists opened fire in Marinka, Starohnativka and Shyrokyne. Two mortar attacks were recorded. Besides, Ukrainian positions in the area came under sniper fire.

Russia’s FSB Recruits Mercenaries For Participation In Hostilities In Donbas, – Intelligence
09.03 13:43
The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) actively recruits mercenaries for participation in military hostilities in Donbas.
This was reported by the Main directorate of intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
According to the report, one of the coordinators of Russia’s FSB in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas is Russian citizen Kostyantyn Hordienko.
Yesterday, after an unsuccessful attempt to establish con.
03.09.2016 Mr.
District locality Avdeevka. Location dislocation units 305th ARBR (* artillery Gumbinenskaya Red Banner Brigade, Ussuriisk) re-covered with artillery blow APU. Communication with the unit is lost. The circumstances of the incident are being specified.

District locality Lugansk In carrying out combat missions units 25 of opsn (* separate regiment of special purpose, Stavropol) "200" - 3 "300" -8 TMN - 1

District locality Avdeevka urgently. At your request. Force units consolidated batalyona 37th Hombre (* Buryatia) stopped an attempt APU units to take full control For transport interchange near the aforementioned settlement Adjusted loss subdivisions 37th Hombre "200" -6 "300" - 21 .Situatsiya remains extremely tense. Artillery APU produces regular one-time fire strikes a high power density and the depth of his defense, followed by the change of the dislocation. Divisions of the first echelon (* militias) has left its position that will allow the Division APU sharply reduce the distance and take the traffic circle under the direct control of the fire. Please transfer at the site of additional forces and funds replenished with ammunition.

District locality Granite in combat missions, 108 units of gdshp (* Mining Airborne Assault Regiment, Novorossiysk) APU "200" -1 "to 300" - 6.

District locality Gnutova When performing combat missions units 200th ARBR (* Artillery Brigade, Chita region) back APU fire "200" -1 "to 300" - 3
Militants Shelled ATO Forces’ Positions Near Avdiivka
10.03 09:00
Yesterday, March 9, militants opened fire 49 times against the strongpoints of ATO forces.
The press center of the ATO Staff reported this in the morning.
Reportedly, the most tense situation took place in the area of Avdiivka where militants fired Ukrainian positions using different types of weapons, and at about 9 pm launched 10 shells from 122-mm self-propelled artillery system. Then they also used mortar of 120-mm caliber”, – the Staff added.
In total, over the last day, Ukrainian strongpoints in Donetsk direction were attacked by terrorists times.
Staff also reported that gunmen fired Ukrainian Armed Forces bases near Novhorodske and Luhanske using IFV. Volatile situation was in the suburbs of Donetsk, where grenade launchers and heavy machine guns were used for attacks on Ukrainian positions in Pisky and Opytne.
In Mariupol direction, militants intensified near Marinka, Hnutove and Hranitne, where they used grenade launchers, machine guns and small arms. Shelling stopped after midnight.
It should be recalled that on March 8, infantry group of militants dressed in military uniform of Ukrainian army were registered near Avdiivka.

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