Making the best of the insanity (sarcasm only)

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This thread is for ideas that take a sarcastic twist to make the best of insane public policy.

Add your own as you see them coming.

Michigan AG wants a drag queen in every school.

Meanwhile funding for school protection officers in schools.


Arm the school drag queens!

A win-win situation.

We need some sarcasm. Let's see...

I think at (most) ... every other school teacher should be armed ( with flowers and feathers)and ALL gun free zones need to be ... (universal) They are nothing but. ( the best way) an invitation to ... to ( attract ) certain types of people.

How abou that?

Think the game of Jeopardy but instead of question sacasm.


This thread is for ideas that take a sarcastic twist to make the best of insane public policy.

Add your own as you see them coming.

Wind turbines will save us all!!!:ghostly:
Joe told me so!:huggs:
...Well, except for when they don't generate power. :confused:
Don't get me wrong, they are totally awesome near an ocean shoreline.:thumbs:
But they will not generate with just the hot air from politicians.

Making the best of it: Get into the recycling/scrap business and you will make a fortune!😍
The "Green New Steal" will line your pockets!
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You asked for sarcasm, I got plenty! :thumbs:
They told me I needed to transition to an electric vehicle to save the planet from certain death from climate change.
I listened. :)
My car, after I removed the engine that ran on evil 'fossil fuels' :D...

Well, so it doesn't go very far, big deal. :rolleyes:
Making the best of insanity: open a business selling batteries before they discover why a Tesla sells for $50K.
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Government intelligence is like jumbo shrimp it doesn't even make sense.
I have to disagree.
Jumbo shrimp are 'real'. 4 of 'em will fill you up!
Been there, ate that. :thumbs: Full!

The govments promises be more like eating a Benignet.....99% hot air.:confused:

Inside tip: they are covered with powdered sugar and filled with hot air, sound familiar?
When you bite into one, if you don't hold your breath, it shoots powdered sugar into your nose making you cough uncontrollably (kinda like when JB says 'this is the best economy we have ever had!' :thumbs:). :mad:
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I feel so safe with Biden in office I could just roam around the loop after midnight with a MAGA hat on and NOTHING else! With him in office we won't have to worry about the Apocalypse, his government sanctioned version will be so much better! I'm so giddy I think I'll put on my leather fat cat outfit and go trolling for tranny grannies.

On a frozen day in hell!
I love the way women scream and spray me with mace when I ask the time of day or assume I'm homeless because my nose isn't buried in a cell phone or snigger when I wear my cowboy hat in public,
(Should that be snegro? trying for PC here!) then turn ten shades of white when they see I'm wearing my 44 magnum and a 14" Bowie knife as well, what else do you wear to an NRA Trump fundraiser? Maybe they think I'm like the guys who go to the rifle range in full BDU and talk about the good old days in Vietnam when they're only thirty years old? I've been on a total of ONE horse in my life, should I tell people about getting drunk with Wyatt Earp a couple of days before the OK corall and slipping Doc those extra slugs for his shotgun?
I feel so cared for when the government tries to decide what I can eat and how much of it and weather or not I can salt it, what kind of car to drive, where I can camp, I'm just giddy for the day when they send someone to change my diapers and wipe my butt for me!

Stay tuned kids, Unkle Tom is no where near done being smartastic up in here!
I think the media can read minds as well as control the weak ones!
ever notice, just as you sit down to dinner somebody calls to poll you? how do they know?
I think they do it for a "pissed off reaction" I think the stores do it too! lately
every time I go after something I want, its not there, so I make do with stuff I
might need, but don't want. Government comes under both files, neither need
nor want. they should promote smoking and legalize some drugs, I mean, if you
drop dead at fifty, they saved all that health care and social security, its a win win!
You got to live a good, fun life and they saved money. so gimmie my supersized #6
WITH the extra cheese and all the salt I want, yeah burger boy, I want my 32 oz cup
only half full of ice too, I'm not buying water here! and make sure my Phillie burger
is just loaded in grease! Don't drain those onions and peppers either, I don't want the taste
of paper towel messing up my dining experience, yeah kid, blast those fries with salt!
make it snow baby! good job, you get a 2$ tip! Getting old blows, let me live wide open
until my motor blows its mill and chuck me in a box, who wants to spend the last years
of life eating baby food, being pawed by strangers and alone? screw that! life isn't living
if you can't live! And what's this speed limit crap? we need two extra lanes with no speed
limits, the understanding being, if you die in one, your car insurance is void! back to
saving on Social Security.... And WHY regulate my guns when a 16 year old crack dealer
can visit another crack dealer and buy a fully automatic Chinese AK that never went through customs
or was registered ANYWHERE? Maybe we should all deal crack? Brandon could drop a
good word for us.
BC recently legalized personal use hard drugs followed by
Health Canada now wanting health warnings on hamburger.

Ontario just opened up the world's biggest cricket factory capable of producing 9000 metric tons a year with advanced orders for two years worth of production.

Ain't life grand. Let's all have a big party and be happy.
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Ontario just opened up the world's biggest cricket factory capable of producing 9000 metric tons a year with advanced orders for two years worth of production.

Ain't life grand. Let's all have a big party and be happy.
You guys are so far ahead of us!
Yep, it's real.
Just when I thought mealworms would be the new 'soylent green' :rolleyes:....
The Natural
Nutrition of

Cricket powder delivers essential nutrients for optimal growth, development and daily performance. Cricket powder is a natural nutrition powerhouse.
  • Contains all nine essential amino acids
  • Has twice as much protein as beef
  • Is a rich source of iron and calcium
  • Offers more than 4x the amount of B12 than beef
  • Delivers a highly desirable 3:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids (beef offers a 20:1 ratio)
  • A source of beneficial dietary fibre in the form of chitin and prebiotic oligosaccharides
  • Always non-GMO, gluten- and dairy-free, as well as keto and paleo-friendly
Chow down y'all!:woo hoo:
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Oh, wow, yum Supervisor. You can go first.
Sorry, I'm not worthy
I'm not Canadian :confused:.
The problem is, when it becomes a 'normal ingredient' in foods, they won't be able to avoid it.:confused:
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My chickens won't eat live grasshoppers so I doubt they will eat crickets. They will eat meal worms.

I'm hoping they will like to eat my share of the powdered cricket burgers. I could live with that.

I do believe that bug powder will eventually replace soy protein in everything. That will be the most likely transitional step to replacing meat.

Just think,

Thickened cricket juice... chocolate milk
De shelled meal worm juice...white milk (better than floor sealer)
Cricketios cereal
Meal worm crispy squares
Flaked and formed cricket nuggets
Struggling to find insanity without veering into politics. Tough!
Obviously if we had a good supply of crickets, they wouldn't have to shrink the box of Cocoa-Puffs that we all love. :mad:

Just one handful of crickets woulda fixed that!:D
Well the french already eat snails, so they're a step ahead. I guess.

Full disclosure. I am not French but I have eaten snails and bugs before. I ate snails in Houston TX. as a dinner guest. It's like eating wet sand served on a toe nail.

I have swallowed flies when my mouth was open when it should have been closed.

I ate live ants out of a tree nest in Venezuela near Angel Falls so the guide would let us on to the falls.

I swallowed (not chewed) a deep fried maggot in China to be polite, at a peasants house off the beaten track.

None of those experiences have been enough to convince me to serve them up for dinner while not under duress.
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What a pain it is when we struggle to embrace our own insanity for a bit of relief that the psychosis of reality drags us back for just one more slap in the face.

Myself, I'm going to raise free range groundhogs and nutria, maybe regular rats too.
then pray to my gods for the day I get to shove a live one or three down the throats
of the ones responsible for this f*ing mess! I would go all Hannibal Lechter and start
munching free range liberal joggers but I'm afraid they'd all render down to rancid lard
when you cooked them. I have a recipe for dog AND rat from China. She looked at me so funny
when I said we ate squirrels but not rats. I had to explain squirrels are vegetarians only and
are tenderer...*sigh THEN I had to go shoot her some! "Tree rat." she said.
Isn't it great listening to what little money we have left shrivel by the day and KNOW
they're doing it on purpose? Burying loved ones from taking a vaccine supposed to save us,
getting sick because they dumped mercury somewhere thirty years ago and didn't tell anyone?
What if we all bought mobile homes, maxed out our credit cards and just left it to them? go back
to the woods and caves and started over? when the reset started and they are helpless our descendants could swarm out of the parks and woods and destroy them all! an idiot without his cell phone is
little better than a zombie. it used to be human, but not anymore!