Meeting/Rally Points

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I was thinking of like minded people, such as ourselves, putting together a trip where everyone might like to get together and meet in person, kind of a Sturgis for Preppers if you will.
Love the vision... except we in this neck of the woods prefer Daytona Bike Week to the Sturgis Swap Meet :).

Location would be a bear... because the US is just so huge. I really love the idea and your vision to make this a "Must Attend" event... Hey, maybe have something spectacular like what I heard they do at Burning Man... at the end of the event they set fire to a HUGE wooden figure. I know... I'm just throwing ideas out there.

I'd love to attend something like this. I would really love to try different products the manufacturers produce (storage meals come to mind... I would hate to spend some major money and then hate their food), attend workshops and meet some of the people on the forum.

It's fun to let the mind run wild on things like this (I just hope afterward my mind comes back).
I am curious to your thoughts about meeting other preppers in a "camping" trip.

I am hopping something like this could grow into members forming communities should something happen and we have bug out from where ever we currently find ourselves.

Please share on here if you are interested, and where you think a good meeting/rally point would be.
What about some place on the Right coast? Around Atlanta (it was good enough for filming "The Walking Dead") is Stone Mountain. I am very partial to Florida (any where but the Miami/Dade County area).

I have to say though as I write ... the best area would be.... are you ready for it???? Texas. Think about it, it is in the middle of the US, they are very prepper friendly, preppers/survivalist would not be viewed as freaks like they might on the Left Coast, got to love the food (BBQ, TexMex, etc...), there is plenty of land, it would probably be little to no red tape for Weapon vendors.

I know this is your vision... I don't want to run away with this. So stop me if I go off in the wrong direction.
Bunjee jumping NOPE not me, parachuting I would be all game, If something goes wrong I want to have time to put my hands in my pockets and hope someone atleast gets a good pick of me trying to be a lawn dart.
Lol I almost pissed my self reading this.
Have we come up with anything for a meet and greet situation yet? I am located in Ohio and would be willing to travel a few states either way for something like this... I could go as far west as Kansas, as far south as Tennessee (maybe even texas since we have military friends there that we would like to visit with also so it'd be a double whammy) and as far east as the coast lol
Awesome idea....Im in i would b partial to meet here...but Texas or Atlanta would also b great meeting place....Stone Mountain is beautiful...
Love the vision... except we in this neck of the woods prefer Daytona Bike Week to the Sturgis Swap Meet :).

Location would be a bear... because the US is just so huge. I really love the idea and your vision to make this a "Must Attend" event... Hey, maybe have something spectacular like what I heard they do at Burning Man... at the end of the event they set fire to a HUGE wooden figure. I know... I'm just throwing ideas out there.

I'd love to attend something like this. I would really love to try different products the manufacturers produce (storage meals come to mind... I would hate to spend some major money and then hate their food), attend workshops and meet some of the people on the forum.

It's fun to let the mind run wild on things like this (I just hope afterward my mind comes back).
What about some place on the Right coast? Around Atlanta (it was good enough for filming "The Walking Dead") is Stone Mountain. I am very partial to Florida (any where but the Miami/Dade County area).

I have to say though as I write ... the best area would be.... are you ready for it???? Texas. Think about it, it is in the middle of the US, they are very prepper friendly, preppers/survivalist would not be viewed as freaks like they might on the Left Coast, got to love the food (BBQ, TexMex, etc...), there is plenty of land, it would probably be little to no red tape for Weapon vendors.

I know this is your vision... I don't want to run away with this. So stop me if I go off in the wrong direction.
Feel free to throw your ideas out there! I would love to some how get everyone together.
However, I'm not sure how many are financially able to make a trip of this size.
Awesome idea....Im in i would b partial to meet here...but Texas or Atlanta would also b great meeting place....Stone Mountain is beautiful...

I'm in Atlanta and I can see Stone Mountain from my house.
stone mountain IS a cool spot,,, or if your up in the mountains like me,, Tallulah Gorge State Park is nice, or chattanooga is a nice central location for Georgia, Tennessee, north Carolina, and south Carolina.
I love chatting with all of ya, but I dont think I would want to meet anyone, what the hell would we have to talk about, LOL
we share every feeling, emotion, goal, and disapointment on here.

Cut to a rough lookin redneck type guy with a missing front tooth getting out of a vehicle, (pan to) a nice front porch in a development, door opens, another person stepping out, "there here", Wife screaming in the background ("who cares shut the door") , they meet on the driveway, shaking hands, hello widgetbomb (made up to offend noone, going to be funny if someone reads then joins later with it, LMAO), whats up hades. (pause) um,..................................yeah...................How was your trip (widgetbomb says) Good, good. ( I respond). ................................................................(longer pause)
then I say............ nice grass, looks like ya just mowed it.... WTHeck there isnt anything to talk about. WE done left it all on DOOMSDAY PREPPERS FORUM, hold nothin back, only reason we need to get together is for somebody to get stabbed LMAO
Just my opinion, LOL
I love chatting with all of ya, but I dont think I would want to meet anyone, what the hell would we have to talk about, LOL
we share every feeling, emotion, goal, and disapointment on here.

Cut to a rough lookin redneck type guy with a missing front tooth getting out of a vehicle, (pan to) a nice front porch in a development, door opens, another person stepping out, "there here", Wife screaming in the background ("who cares shut the door") , they meet on the driveway, shaking hands, hello widgetbomb (made up to offend noone, going to be funny if someone reads then joins later with it, LMAO), whats up hades. (pause) um,..................................yeah...................How was your trip (widgetbomb says) Good, good. ( I respond). ................................................................(longer pause)
then I say............ nice grass, looks like ya just mowed it.... WTHeck there isnt anything to talk about. WE done left it all on DOOMSDAY PREPPERS FORUM, hold nothin back, only reason we need to get together is for somebody to get stabbed LMAO
Just my opinion, LOL
Yeah that is pretty damn accurate though the lawn part isn't me. Mostly because I don't give a flying rat's ass about the damn lawn! I would want a beer, a cigar and a place to rest my shootin' iron!
maybe all of us meet up at a shooting range,, nothing says "male bonding" like beer and firearms.

oh hell no, I dont drink anyways, but I wouldnt even want to be anywhere around a firing range and a beer at same time, that **** wouldnt even be funny to witness

but the verdict is in on you, You are a hillbilly, pretending to be a redneck, lol,
I love it.
i play the jugs and spoons, we were to poor for real equipment in southern WV.
favorite song gtunopataher by grandpa and uncle crooked face.
think ive heard that,, it's alot like "im my own grandpa" that the kids here love so much
I love chatting with all of ya, but I dont think I would want to meet anyone, what the hell would we have to talk about, LOL
we share every feeling, emotion, goal, and disapointment on here.

Cut to a rough lookin redneck type guy with a missing front tooth getting out of a vehicle, (pan to) a nice front porch in a development, door opens, another person stepping out, "there here", Wife screaming in the background ("who cares shut the door") , they meet on the driveway, shaking hands, hello widgetbomb (made up to offend noone, going to be funny if someone reads then joins later with it, LMAO), whats up hades. (pause) um,..................................yeah...................How was your trip (widgetbomb says) Good, good. ( I respond). ................................................................(longer pause)
then I say............ nice grass, looks like ya just mowed it.... WTHeck there isnt anything to talk about. WE done left it all on DOOMSDAY PREPPERS FORUM, hold nothin back, only reason we need to get together is for somebody to get stabbed LMAO
Just my opinion, LOL
We could play Lawn

In all seriousness, I would love to attend an event that I could talk to venders, get information, and meet like minded people. I guess one reason I would love to meet like minded people... I'm tired of running into people like .
If they show up (with cameras) ... I don't think I will (if this thing ever happens).

I think too often they make the preppers look like kooks (but then again ... maybe some of them are kooks).

Doomsday Preppers.jpg

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